Thread: new gargoyle models | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Adventuring Hero
posted May 03, 2014 11:04 PM |
new gargoyle models
well the whole point is kinda in the title, recently I've made new gargoyle models to replace ugly original ones, let the screenshots tell the rest


Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted May 03, 2014 11:31 PM |
They look much better than the original ones

Adventuring Hero
posted May 04, 2014 12:08 AM |
thanks, I did my best) have fun anyway

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted May 04, 2014 10:22 AM |
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
posted May 04, 2014 11:39 AM |
Great work! These are way better than original gargoyles.

Known Hero
posted May 04, 2014 02:13 PM |
Those images are like 50 mb each, my internet connecting is not fast enough to load them. save as jpeg or even png but NEVER BMP!
My Heroes5 Dump /// My Heroes5 Patcher

Undefeatable Hero
posted May 04, 2014 03:10 PM |
it's great how you kept the original idea, but made it way cooler.
only the black mouths look a lil bit weird

Supreme Hero
posted May 06, 2014 12:52 PM |
This just went from one of the worst models to one of the best, at least for me. Really well done!
Give a man a mask, and he'll
become his true self.

Adventuring Hero
posted May 08, 2014 04:06 AM |
Is the link/website not working? When I go to that webpage it shows 4 places of "download here" and all of them only want to download "download.exe" which my computer says is a virus.
Is there another link/website to download this?

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted May 08, 2014 01:18 PM |
PyroStock said: Is the link/website not working? When I go to that webpage it shows 4 places of "download here" and all of them only want to download "download.exe" which my computer says is a virus.
Is there another link/website to download this?
It seems to work.
Make sure to click on the download button and not on the crapload of ads around it. The link should look like this:

Adventuring Hero
posted May 08, 2014 11:17 PM |
Thanks guys, I'm glad you like them
here is another download link if you don't trust sendspase

Adventuring Hero
posted February 15, 2019 01:52 AM |
zahar said: Thanks guys, I'm glad you like them
here is another download link if you don't trust sendspase
Could someone please upload this for the newest 5.5 mod? Or explain to me how I can convert by myself? I dont play Academy purely for the ugly looking Gargoyles...

Famous Hero
posted February 15, 2019 09:07 AM |
Edited by thGryphn at 07:37, 16 Feb 2019.

Adventuring Hero
posted February 15, 2019 03:55 PM |
thGryphn said: There you go, updated for MMH5.5: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zdo7d8igijq27kp/new_gargoyle.rar/file
Thank you so much for this. I wish you the best day!

Adventuring Hero
posted February 15, 2019 06:01 PM |
thGryphn said: There you go, updated for MMH5.5: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zdo7d8igijq27kp/new_gargoyle.rar/file
I spoke to far in advance. It appears, your upload does not work with 5.5. Perhaps you uploaded the wrong file (old one)?
Or at least I see no difference.
I have no clue how this gargoyle mod is supposed to look to be honest, but any improvement on the original design is an improvement.
I am using "Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 (RC10 Beta 4)".
PS: Heroes 7 Gargoyle by far has the best gargoyle in all heroes series

Famous Hero
posted February 15, 2019 11:46 PM |
Edited by thGryphn at 23:47, 15 Feb 2019.
I kept the upload as original with the readme so the credit goes to where it's due. You're not supposed to use the .rar file as it is.
You're supposed to extract the .pak file and put that in your Data folder or UserMods folder. Or else, you can rename the .pak file to .h5m and put it in the Maps folder inside the active profile folder.

Adventuring Hero
posted February 16, 2019 02:27 AM |
thGryphn said: I kept the upload as original with the readme so the credit goes to where it's due. You're not supposed to use the .rar file as it is.
You're supposed to extract the .pak file and put that in your Data folder or UserMods folder. Or else, you can rename the .pak file to .h5m and put it in the Maps folder inside the active profile folder.
I am very gratefull for your help, however none of those solutions work for my game. Does the mod work on your end?

Famous Hero
posted February 16, 2019 07:35 AM |
Edited by thGryphn at 07:36, 16 Feb 2019.
Greenpakto said:
thGryphn said: I kept the upload as original with the readme so the credit goes to where it's due. You're not supposed to use the .rar file as it is.
You're supposed to extract the .pak file and put that in your Data folder or UserMods folder. Or else, you can rename the .pak file to .h5m and put it in the Maps folder inside the active profile folder.
I am very gratefull for your help, however none of those solutions work for my game. Does the mod work on your end?
Oops, sorry. It looks like I uploaded the wrong file. Use this: http://www.mediafire.com/file/wmgltwg8gf4144b/new_gargoyle.zip/file

Adventuring Hero
posted February 17, 2019 01:33 AM |
thGryphn said:
Greenpakto said:
thGryphn said: I kept the upload as original with the readme so the credit goes to where it's due. You're not supposed to use the .rar file as it is.
You're supposed to extract the .pak file and put that in your Data folder or UserMods folder. Or else, you can rename the .pak file to .h5m and put it in the Maps folder inside the active profile folder.
I am very gratefull for your help, however none of those solutions work for my game. Does the mod work on your end?
Oops, sorry. It looks like I uploaded the wrong file. Use this: http://www.mediafire.com/file/wmgltwg8gf4144b/new_gargoyle.zip/file
The new buildings that were suppose to be added arent there (town screen and adventure map). But the gargoyle finally works! Thank you so much "thGryphn". The gargoyle is way better now (Icon doesnt fit the games art though).

Famous Hero
posted February 17, 2019 01:19 PM |
Edited by thGryphn at 13:34, 17 Feb 2019.
I looked through the files and everything should work as it was designed. I'm not sure about the design itself though. There are multiple textures in the mod, whereas only a single in the original. I really don't know how it was intended to work by the modder. Do you have any image of how the Stone Parapet is intended to look like?
I have a feeling that the game is unable to process the multiple textures inserted by the modder. I'm not sure if it ever worked.
I take it all back. It works. Just start a new map 
Last Edit: To clarify, there is no changes made by the mod to the townscreen. Only the adventure map Stone Parapet and Gargoyle Stonevault (which is now called the Demon Cage in MMH5.5).