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Heroes Community > Age of Heroes Coliseum > Thread: ICTC 8 - Oblivion
Thread: ICTC 8 - Oblivion

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted December 23, 2014 12:30 AM
Edited by Gnomes2169 at 01:48, 04 Apr 2015.

ICTC 8 - Oblivion

A lot of work in progress...

Creature lineup:
-Oblivion mage
--Upgrade; Reaver
-Black hound
--Upgrade; Black alpha
-Creeping darkness
--Upgrade; Devil shade
-Terror born
--Upgrade; Terror glutton
-Sanguine knight
--Upgrade; Blood lord
-Spined beast
--Upgrade; Spined artillery
-Lord of Pain
--Upgrade; Duke of Pain
-Ender dragon
--Upgrade; Oblivion dragon

Town screen

Faction background

In the beginning there was Void. Endless, drifting, perfect nothingness that held no sound, no sight and no thought. So is it any wonder that it became lonely? After contemplating exactly what loneliness was and how to fix it, Void reached into the infinite possibilities contained within itself and brought forth the living concept of creation. And almost in the same instant, creation died.

Shocked at this occurrence, Void tried again and once more the infinite vastness swallowed creation, eradicating her before she could even recognize that she existed. This time Void realized that she could not be without there being something to balance out reality, as it was balanced now. In a last bid of desperation, fearing that its mind and semblance of consciousness would shatter if it failed once more, Void brought forth Creation a third and final time. But this time a new being joined her, the opposite of creation and the balance to keep her alive. Oblivion. The embodiment of creation's end, and a return to the nothingness.

And it finally worked. Where Creation made something Oblivion wrote its end, balancing every act and keeping things under control. Maybe not at peace, but neither creation nor oblivion collapsed into nothingness, and everything was... working. Creation's children began to populate the first worlds within the void, contained on the plane by Oblivion's tight regime and filling the hole of loneliness that had plagued Void since its awakening. And then something happened that was not planned. Oblivion and Creation began to be influenced by the gods and mortals that had recently been born, taking on names (Nulles and Gaia respectively), becoming more emotional and attached to one another, and eventually falling in love. And if not for one thing, this deviation would have been perfectly fine. But Nulles began to wonder exactly what creating something would feel like.

And that spelled the end of the first age.

Nulles, in his curiosity and naivety, began to experiment with thoughts on how he could even create something. Being the aspect of Oblivion there was very little that he could do to actually bring something into being, and for quite some time the puzzle stumped the great being. First he tried to just modify small parts of creation, experimenting with some worlds that Gaia granted him in an attempt to grasp at how they existed. All that happened was the collapse and ruination of anything he touched. Then he tried to just find some well of creation hidden within his divinity, but found nothing but the strands of fate, all feeding into him and all coming to an end. Discouraged, he almost abandoned the thought. Obviously, Void had not meant for him to be a creator, and he was oblivion anyway, the end of all things, it would not be fair or right for him to create. After all, how could he objectively decide when his own creations were supposed to crumble and become nothing? And how would reality even be able to handle him rebelling like that against his inner nature? No, it was not meant to be...

But the thought remained, and, plucking once more at the strings of fate idly, Nulles had an idea. The aspect of oblivion tapped into the immeasurable powers he held and changed fate, collapsing all possibilities in a space so that only one remained, one in which a goddess occupied, a force of peace and, in a fitting display of his new-found independence, absolute freedom. The whole of reality shuddered... and then his vision was born. He named her Ro, shaping her name to those of the care takers Gaia had created to watch over Void (named Ao, Io and To) and, like all other things that had been created, Nulles wrote her end, both to prove that he could and that creation could handle it.

However within Nulles himself something felt wrong, and it ate away at the aspect. He had rebelled against his nature, and had done so in such a bold faced manner that it had almost endangered the whole of creation. While no being could punish him for this crime, the guilt still ate away at him and caused him to second guess himself constantly. Eventually this drove him to extreme measures, for Nulles did not wish to feel like this for the rest of eternity, and he ripped out this guilt, this sense of wrongness and rightness, and cast it from his body. This emotion mixed with the ether and energies of the divine throughout the void, coalescing into yet another deity. This one was Eo, Lord of Justice... and what history would reveal to be the mad hand of doom.

Oblivion and the Void

Before Ashan and any other reality was even possible, Nulles kept a tight reign on the borders of reality. Under his rule there was but a single plane, called the void, and on this plane dwelt every mortal, deity and world. For a long, long time, this is how it stayed, with mortals fighting among themselves for the favor of their deities, and the various gods having "friendly" competitions with one another to see who could control what, and Ao, Io and To were teh caretakers of Void, keeping the old being company while Gaia and Nulles kept creation in order. The birth of Ro, and especially of Eo, changed all of this.

Eo and Ro constantly bickered, one struggling for freedom and the other trying to keep his sister contained. Eo felt that Ro should not even exist, and that her presence within the world unbalanced it and invited ruin, while Ro just wanted to be left alone to travel, explore and live how she chose. This arguing began to have its effects on reality, and the mortals and lesser gods (those whom Gaia's firstborn had created) began to become more hostile in their dealings. Tensions began to bubble up, and eventually all of the mortal realm and much of the divine was at total war with one another. The caretakers and Nulles' children recoiled at this, and Eo, hearing the screams of souls who died in the terrible, world-scarring wars below cry out for justice, came to Nulles, begging the aspect of Oblivion to bring an end to the senseless bloodshed.

After being petitioned for almost a year, Nulles finally agreed and enacted the Purge. With no other recourse, and peace so far gone that Ro had turned her back on reality, he stretched out his hand and unleashed the true extents of his power for just a moment, ending all mortal life. The gods stopped their fighting, and all looked to Nulles in shock and outrage. Even Eo had not expected him to go so far. And Nulles would have gone farther as well, beginning to turn his wrathful gaze upon the lesser gods, if it had not been for Gaia's timely intervention. She managed to keep him from extending his rampage to the divine, and sent Nulles back into his passive, unbiased watchful state once more.

Eo, lord of justice, did not let it go at that. His father had done something unspeakably horrible, and while it had been the most effective and fastest way to fix the worlds, it had been ill done and unjust. Slowly Eo began to formulate a plan to bring down Nulles, creating the first demons (giving himself the title of "Father of Fiends") and meeting with the other gods in secret to discuss rebellion. Slowly, building up their mortal and divine forces, the rebels began to formulate their revenge.

And when they felt ready, they struck.

Nulles had been unprepared for the assault, but despite that the initial attacks seemed to have no effect. While the divine rebels were powerful (and their mortals numerous), Nulles was still the primal aspect of oblivion, forged by Void itself. He was beyond such a simple defeat and basically ignored the rebels, having promised Gaia that he would never again wield the power of oblivion against her children or their creations. Instead, he began to spawn horrors to respond to the assault of the gods and men, fighting on the mortal plane in that way while the gods continued to do nothing to him. It wasn't until Eo, Ro, Asmodeus (the first Devil) and Apsu ( the first Demon) all revealed their continued loyalty to Nulles to be false that the aspect of oblivion took the rebellion seriously, and it was then that Oblivion realized that Eo and Ro could actually harm him.

What happened next was an event that shattered the void, scarring it for the rest of eternity. Total war broke out between Nulless and all of creation. The aspect of oblivion answered every mortal army with one ripped from the wells of possibility, things of horror and death that had no right seeing the light of day, and the gods personally took the field against these monsters, some dying in the proccess. This war led to the caretakers Ao, Io and To turning on Void, shattering the first consciousness and preventing it from interfering. It drove Gaia into an almost dormant state of despair, and Nulles... Nulles was cast down by Eo and Apsu in a final, world-rending battle, ironically the great and powerful consciousness was cast into the nothingness from which it had been spawned, and this left the position and power open for a new aspect to lay claim...

Eo, however, was struck down by Apsu before he could stake his claim to anything but the barest scraps of oblivion's legacy. Left mortally wounded within the crater that marked Nulles's grave, Eo slowly began to go mad, hearing the voices crying out constantly. The pain of his almost-death and the voices that exist only within his head are what drove Eo completely insane, and he began his quest to silence their source. The voices crying out for justice filled his ears as he claimed the throne of oblivion, and with a broken laugh and snarl the horrors of the war had their new king.

Taking up oblivion's throne and all creatures that were loyal to it, Eo began to wage war within the Void. His goal to conqueror all beings that lived within, unifying the infinite plane to make the next step, that of eradicating his divine brothers and sisters, easier. While his reign over the void is still contested by Gaia and what remains of the once-great being Void, Eo's power is by far the dominant one and this has allowed him to spread his influence to new realities and new planes to continue the plans for his vengeance.

Oblivion and Ashan

With the death of Nulles the barriers of the void came crashing down, and the possibility of new realities suddenly opened up. The surviving gods abandoned the void en-mass, scattering to make their own worlds and realities without the interference and constant rivalry with their siblings. While still connected to one another by the void, the gods have a longstanding agreement to not interfere with the happenings of realities other than their own, which means that Eo has basically free reign on hunting these gods as he chooses. After all, why would they save a universe that they know nothing about?

Ashan is one of the more unique of these universes. Born from the universal egg, it held the fragments of two deities slain in Nulles's wrath, one a child of Gaia and the other one of the first demon lords. Both of their true names have been long lost to history, and along with them much of their power, but together they were still enough to create a new world and reality. While small, it was still able to bring forth remarkable mortal lives, chief among them Sandro and then later on the Dark Messiah.

Eo did not take notice of the universe at first, he was too distracted with hunting down Ao, Io and To to deliver justice upon them for failing to protect Void that he didn't have time for such trivialities. However, after Sandro first began to experiment with the void the universe came to his attention. Here was a mortal who thought to become a god... and while he most certainly would fail, that kind of ambition was noteworthy. When Sandro died, Eo kept a close eye on Ashan, curious to see what other potential the universe could hold.

When the Dark Messiah revealed himself and sent ripples of his god-like power throughout Ashan, Eo became certain that this universe could more than work for his designs. If such mortals could rise, then there was power there. Fledgling, squandered on petty squables by the shattered fragments of lesser beings and left mostly untapped, but power none the less. Power that he could harness and shape. Power that he could conqueror, and in the process, he could finish of one of his children, who had betrayed him at his moment of triumph and left him to die. Perhaps this fragment of his sister, "Asha" would even be willing to ally herself with him after being given enough... motivation. Yes, this was a distraction that he could spare a small part of his legions for. Eo began to muster up a force he deemed necessary to the task, putting them under the command of Abdel, a new and unproven general, and thus began preparations for the slaughter and conquest of Ashan.

But he was not the only one to take notice of this particular universe.

Long persecuted and driven into hiding, the remaining mortal worshipers of Nulles had noticed the signs as well. However, where Eo noticed the potential of power, this small cult of oblivion noticed something far, far more potent; The universal egg itself. The thing which had contained and cradled Asha and Urgash, nurturing them, repairing them and bringing them back to life. Despite having been shed by the demon and deity, the fragments still existed, scattered all throughout Ashan and Heresh, waiting to be collected and used once more. Unknown to Eo, these cultists had long ago begun to make secret overtures to Abdel to try and sway the general away from the usurper, and at this sudden opportunity to recover an artifact that could revive the true lord of oblivion their overtures increased tenfold, to the point where they even infiltrated and joined in with the general's council of advisers. Now working beside Abdel in secret, they hope to get him to abandon this plan for conquest and to instead hunt down the artifact for them, so that Nulles might one day rise from it and cast Eo from oblivion's throne.

And so with the question of loyalty to his god and the restoration of a primal power weighing on him, Abdel mobilized his forces for war...



Oblivion Mage
"A denizen of the void that fell to the temptation of Oblivion's power, the oblivion mage is the lowest of the low. Spiteful, jealous, cruel and merciless, they flock to the banner of oblivion for the sake of power. The pledges they make to the Enders grant them magical power that can cut swaths through the armies of their enemies, breaking through formations and lines with little difficulty."
-Living: This creature can be healed and resurrected, and is subject to morale.
-Pledged to power: As long as there is a stack of allied elite or champion creatures on the battlefield, the oblivion mage is immune to mind control and similar effects.
-Magic barrage: The oblivion mage deals damage to creatures in a line. Each time a creature stack is struck, the damage dealt to the next stack is reduced by 25%.
-HP: 21
-Damage: 1-3 physical (melee)/ 2-7 magic (dark, range)
-Physical defense: 3%/7%
-Magic defense: 4%/9%
-Initiative: 35
-Speed: 5
-Morale: 8
-Luck: 6
-Growth: 6

Upgrade; Reaver
"The cult of the Reaver is reserved for those oblivion mages who have proven their worth and sealed themselves to their masters with the final rights and rituals of office. Given some small authority over the forces of oblivion, the reavers have also learned dark magic that they can infect their foes with, wreathing them in a crackling, consuming cloud of energy that feeds off of agony."
New abilities:
-Pain cloud (1 charge): Instead of attacking, the reaver may place a curse on any target stack on the battlefield, dealing (2*# of reavers) dark damage to the stack. For the next round, each time the stack is damaged it will be dealt an additional (1*# of reavers) dark damage, and will damage all adjacent creatures for the same amount. Creatures immune to magic are immune to this damage, and pain cloud may be dispelled.
-HP: 25
-Damage: 1-4 physical (melee)/ 4-8 magic (dark, ranged)
-Physical defense: 3%/7%
-Magic defense: 5%/11%
-Initiative: 40
-Speed: 5
-Morale: 9
-Luck: 7
-Growth: 9

Black hound
"Alien, monstrous creatures spawned from Eo's loathing, black hounds are dispatched to hunt and consume those who would channel the power of Oblivion without permission. Their alien appearance reflects the mind held within, freakish and unpredictable. Their packs feast on the corpses of the fallen, leaving behind nothing more than a crimson stain."
-Living: This creature can be healed and resurrected, and is subject to morale.
-Large: This creature takes up a 2x2 space on the battlefield.
-Freakish mind: The black hound is immune to effects that would lower its morale, and reduces the duration of mind-effecting spells or abilities by 10-50%.
-Consume corpse (2 turn cooldown): The black hound moves to a space adjacent to a destroyed stack within half of its movement space, where it immediately consumes it. The black hound regains hit points up to 30% of the destroyed stack's maximum hit points. Consumed stacks may not be resurrected.
-HP: 26
-Damage: 6-7 physical
-Physical Defense: 5%/11%
-Magic defense: 7%/15%
-Initiative: 30
-Speed: 6
-Morale: 5
-Luck: 8
-Growth: 6

Upgrade; Black Alpha
"The biggest, meanest and most dominant of all the hounds, the black alpha are deployed into the thickest of battles. Their experience and lineage has lead to an innate ability to channel magic, and when they consume the bodies of the fallen they may use this magic to call lesser hounds to their banner."
New abilities:
-Consumptive calling: After using its consume corpse ability, the black alpha lets out a death scream, summoning allies. A stack of black hounds is summoned into the nearest open space that can hold them. The stack's size is 1/20th the size of the Black Alpha's. If the black alpha uses this ability while a stack of black hounds is currently on the battlefield, new hounds will be added to the existing stack.
-HP: 28
-Damage: 6-8 physical
-Physical defense: 6%/13%
-Magic defense: 8%/17%
-Initiative: 35
-Speed: 6
-Morale: 5
-Luck: 8
-Growth: 10

Creeping darkness
"In the shadows they lurk, the blackest night, those that crawl from the holes in reality. Monsters that have only one mind, one purpose... and it is not to be trifled with. This living darkness given flesh is built for one purpose, to ravage the enemies of Oblivion; To haunt their nightmares, to lurk within every shadow, and to destroy them utterly. This is the creeping darkness... and it is aware."
-Living: This creature can be healed and resurrected, and is subject to morale.
-Legion of eyes: The creeping darkness cannot be flanked or backstabbed, and imposes a -6 penalty to the moral of creatures adjacent to it.
-Teleporting: This creature moves by teleporting, ignoring obstacles and creatures in its path.
-HP: 23
-Damage: 3-6 magic (dark)
-Physical defense: 4%/9%
-Magic defense: 3%/7%
-Initiative: 50
-Speed: 7 teleport
-Morale: 4
-Luck: 6
-Growth: 13

Upgrade; Devil shade
"Dreadful and unpredictable, mobile and lethal, the devil shade is an evolved form of the living night. Stepping through darkness to strike at any foe they desire, a devil shade is most commonly deployed to hunt and consume high-priority targets, killing officers and vulnerable back-line targets such as archers or healers."
New abilities:
-Shadow step (2 round cooldown): The devil shade moves to any open space adjacent to an enemy creature, attacking them upon arrival. This attack deals 25% increased damage, and their target does not retaliate against it.
-HP: 26
-Damage: 4-7 magic (dark)
-Physical defense: 5%/11%
-Magic defense: 3%/7%
-Initiative: 55
-Speed: 8 teleport
-Morale: 6
-Luck: 7
-Growth: 15


Terror born
"Nightmare given form and flesh, the terror born are the perfect weapons for assassination and assaulting fortified positions. Their gruesome visage inspires a supernatural horror in the blood of their targets, driving them before the armies of oblivion and destroying their ability to fight back."
-Living: This creature can be healed and resurrected, and is subject to morale.
-Terror sew: Living creatures damaged by the terror born have their moral reduced by 5 for as long as the terror born is alive. This penalty stacks with each attack, and can make a creature's moral negative (to a minimum of -25)
-Horrifying mind: Magic that targets minds costs double the mana to target the terror born.
-No enemy retaliation: Creatures attacked by the terror born in melee are unable to retaliate.
-HP: 70
-Damage: 14-19 magic (dark)
-Physical defense: 15%/31%
-Magic defense: 19%/37%
-Initiative: 30
-Speed: 6
-Morale: 12
-Luck: 5
-Growth: 4

Upgrade; Terror glutton
"Every being born of energy must either evolve and find a source of nourishment, or fizzle out and perish. Fortunately for the terror born, they are able to make their own food. By binding themselves fully to Eo and his End Bringers, the terror born evolves into a creature that consumes the nightmares and terror of others."
New abilities:
-Terror feast (replaces Terror sew): Living creatures dealt damage by a stack of terror gluttons have their moral lowered by 5 until the end of the battle (to a minimum of -35). Additionally, dealing damage to a creature will increase the terror glutton's moral by 5 (to a maximum of 35 bonus). Both effects of this ability will stack.
-HP: 75
-Damage: 15-20 magic (dark)
-Physical defense: 17%/33%
-Magic defense: 20%/38%
-Initiative: 35
-Speed: 7
-Morale: 12
-Luck: 8
-Growth: 5

Sanguine knight
"Also called the immortal knights, the sanguine knight corp is one of the most trained and powerful military specialist forces in the worlds. Void walkers who have gained the favor of their dark masters, the sanguine knights are trained in blade and the paths of blood, bonding with their allies to share their pain and healing as blood is spilled."
-Living: This creature can be healed and resurrected, and is subject to morale.
-Absolute loyalty: The sanguine knight may never be mind controlled.
-Blood Bond: A sanguine knight may bond with another living creature stack, diverting half of the damage dealt to that stack to themselves and transferring all healing equally between them.
-Crimson revelry: At the beginning of each turn the Sanguine Knight and any creature it has bonded are healed of 35+(1/2 of sanguine knights in the stack) damage. Additionally, they are healed by 15% of the damage dealt by the sanguine knight by an attack or retaliation. Healing from this ability can resurrect fallen creatures.
-HP: 95
-Damage: 11-13 physical
-Physical defense: 18%/36%
-Magic defense: 16%/33%
-Initiative: 20
-Speed: 5
-Morale: 10
-Luck: 8
-Growth: 3

Upgrade; Blood lord
"Masters of the sanguine arts, blood lords are spreaders of plague and terror. While still skilled knights and swordsmen in their own right, their most powerful abilities are connected to their technique that allows them to dominate a creature's blood, crippling their target horribly."
New abilities:
-Crippling blows: Creatures damaged by the blood lord are afflicted with the "crippled" status, lowering their initiative by 10 and their maximum and minimum damage by 1 for 2 rounds.
-HP: 105
-Damage: 12-14 physical
-Physical defense: 19%/37%
-Magic defense: 17%/35%
-Initiative: 25
-Speed: 5
-Morale: 11
-Luck: 8
-Growth: 4

Spined beast
"Creatures born of the tortured earth, spined beasts are aberrations with a highly modified skeletal-muscular system. Able to fire acid-filled spikes from specialized sacks in their throat, spines beasts are more like armor-plated instruments of siege equipment than they are monsters, impaling and melting enemies from afar and ramming their spiked flanks into them if a foe closes into melee."
-Living: This creature can be healed and resurrected, and is subject to morale.
-Large: This creature takes up a 2x2 space on the battlefield.
-No ranged penalty: The spined beast does not deal reduced damage if targeting a creature beyond close range.
-Carapace of thorns: Creatures that damage the spined beast in melee have 20% of the damage they deal reflected to them.
-Melting bolts: Creatures damaged by a ranged attack from a spined beast are dealt an equal amount of earth damage and have their physical defense lowered by 8% for 3 rounds. Further attacks reapply this defense debuff.
-HP: 80
-Damage: 2-4 physical (melee)/ 5-8 physical (ranged)
-Physical defense: 14%/29%
-Magic defense: 13%/27%
-Initiative: 25
-Speed: 4
-Moral: 7
-Luck: 5
-Growth: 3

Spined artillery
"Modified even more for siege capabilities, the spined artillery brings ruin to even the unliving objects of a battlefield. The acids secreted by their bodies can melt through solid stone, reducing even the greatest of walls to rubble if they get in the way of the artillery and their targets."
New abilities:
-Sweeping shot: The spined artillery deals damage to objects in its path, dealing damage to walls as if the walls had been attacked in melee (with the same 50 damage cap). If an object without hit points in the shot's path is encountered and reduced the damage of the spined artillery's attack, a section of it large enough for a small creature to move through will be created. Despite destroying obstacles, any shot that damages or destroys a wall/ obstacle is still reduced as appropriate by cover provided by the obstacle. This line damage has no effect on creatures.
-HP: 85
-Damage: 3-4 physical (melee)/ 6-9 physical (ranged)
-Physical defense: 15%/31%
-Magic defense: 15%/31%
-Initiative: 30
-Speed: 4
-Moral: 7
-Luck: 6
-Growth: 4


Lord of Pain
"There are some monsters formed by pain, and there are some who inflict it. A lord of pain, however, is agony incarnate. Starting as little more than seething balls of hatred trapped within the shredded soul of a powerful being, only those that are lucky or carefully nurtured survive to maturity, and of those only a scarce few of these fearsome creatures pledge themselves to oblivion's banner. Agony calls to them, feeding and nurturing them with every cut of their flesh, every one of their broken bones and every lightning bolt that ravages their forms. The closer they are to death, the more powerful they become."
-Living: This creature can be healed and resurrected, and is subject to morale.
-Pain feast: The lord of pain increases in power and durability as it takes damage. For every 20 damage it is dealt this creature will increase its maximum health by +3 and its minimum and maximum damage by +1. These bonuses cap at +120 and +20 respectively, and last until the end of the battle. After reaching the damage cap, the creature's speed increases by +2.
-Tormented mind: The creature is immune to confusion, blindness, mind control and other mind effects.  
-Teleport: This creature teleports to open spaces instead of walking, bypassing all obstacles and hazards without penalty.
-Reactive growth: After being damaged the first time in a battle, the lord of pain will become a large creature. If it does not have room to do so, then the lord of pain will move to the closest space that can hold it.
-Unstoppable Hatred: The creature is immune to any effect that would lower its speed or initiative.
-HP: 190
-Damage: 39-47 physical
-Physical defense: 29%/47%
-Magic defense: 28%/46%
-Initiative: 45
-Speed: 7
-Morale: 9
-Luck: 13
-Growth: 1

Duke of Pain
"Lords of pain who reach an apotheosis and become virtually immortal choose to label themselves Dukes. Where the lords of pain are unstable enough to still be destroyed by the damage inflicted to their freakish bodies, a duke of pain is merely made dormant, temporarily comatose and just awaiting some small spark of carnage to give them a glorious rebirth. Unlike most creatures of oblivion, the Dukes of Pain only fight for the faction because Eo's war ensures that they will continue to grow and massacre more and more of the mortal realm..."
New abilities:
-Agonizing rebirth: If at the end of a battle there was more than one casualty in a stack of the dukes of pain all but one will be resurrected. If only one was destroyed, then that one will be resurrected. This ability only procs if the allied hero wins.
-Slaughterer's mirth: The duke of pain's initiative and physical defense increases by 1 every time it damages a stack. This initiative boost caps out at +10, and the defense boost caps out at +10%.
-HP: 205
-Damage: 40-49 physical
-Physical defense: 30%/48%
-Magic defense: 29%/47%
-Initiative: 50
-Speed: 7
-Moral: 13
-Luck: 12
-Growth: 2

Ender dragon
"The end. It is a chilling reality that comes for all stories, and every character within it. While the author of reality's ending is currently slain, his children still manage to slip through the cracks in reality and write what they can for him. In no way allied with Eo, or the majority of oblivions' armies for that matter, ender dragons work tirelessly to restore the life and rule of the original lord of oblivion. As such, the only way for a general of oblivion to recruit an ender dragon to their banner is to become a traitor or to have never joined Eo's cause in the first place. While potentially lethal for the general, the reward is an ally who's power is born of reality's end itself. Ender dragons live up to their name, blessing the weapons of their allies with incredibly destructive power and eradicating all who stand before them with their agonizing breath."
-Living: This creature can be healed and resurrected, and is subject to morale.
-Large: This creature takes up a 2x2 space on the battlefield.
-Flying: The creature flies over obstacles and creature stacks when it moves without penalty.
-Eradicating breath: The ender dragon deals 50% damage to the stack immediately behind any stack they target (if any is present).
-The End: Creatures slain by the ender dragon may not be healed or resurrected through any means. Additionally, the ender dragon is immune to all prime magic, and dark magic is only half as effective.
-Weapons of the Endbringer: Allied creatures increase their minimum and maximum damage by .5 per dragon in the stack (maximum 2).
-HP: 265
-Damage: 40-51 magic (prime)
-Physical defense: 26%/44%
-Magic defense: 30%/48%
-Initiative: 40
-Speed: 7
-Morale: 9
-Luck: 9
-Growth: 1

Oblivion dragon
"Those dragons crafted by Nulles himself are known as his chosen, his greatest generals, the children of oblivion. Beings who were technically eradicated with their creator, oblivion dragons have the inexplicable ability to show up randomly throughout the multiverse. Though technically related to their lesser kin the ender dragons, and hold many similar abilities, they are more closely connected to the end of all things, and even their scream contains the horrifying power to weaken the life force of lesser mortals."
New abilities
-Reality breach: The mere existence of the oblivion dragon is a break in the natural order, and where they appear is malleable. If a ranged creature attacks the oblivion dragon while the dragon is within 6 spaces, the dragon will teleport to a space adjacent to the attacker and make a retaliation as if it had been attacked in melee. This ability only procs if the oblivion dragon has not retaliated this round.
-Oblivion howl (cooldown 5 turns): Letting out a soul-shattering scream, the oblivion dragon temporarily damages the life force of its enemies. Until the end of the round, enemy creatures will have their maximum HP reduced by 4.
-HP: 280
-Damage: 42-52 magic (prime)
-Physical defense: 30%/46%
-Magic defense: 32%/50%
-Initiative: 45
-Speed: 8
-Moral: 9
-Luck: 9
-Growth: 2



Endwalker: Bloody warlords given favor directly from Eo himself, the Endwalker is a powerful and deadly leader of men. Marking targets for their foes, these beings function as natural leaders of Oblivion's armies.

-Heroic strike ability: Marked for death.
Creature stacks damaged by the endwalker's attack will suffer 10% (+1%/ 4 points of physical attack) additional damage from all sources until the beginning of the next round.

-Level 1 attributes:
--Attack: 3
--Defense: 2
--Magic attack: 1
--Magic defense: 1
--Mana: 0
--Morale: 2
--Luck: 0

-Level 30 attributes:
--Physical attack: 20
--Physical defense: 18
--Magic attack: 6
--Magic defense: 9
--Mana: 6
--Morale: 4
--Luck: 1

Blood: Butcher Dispatched to deal with bothersome armies, butcher is a title given to chosen endwalkers to symbolize their rather unique and frankly downright bloody fighting style. Running into the heart of their enemy, the butcher blurs and makes the battlefield run red with such ferocity that the creatures under their control cannot help but run beside them.

-Tier 1 blood ability: Blitzkrieg
When the butcher damages a creature stack with their heroic strike, they may choose one ally stack. This stack may immediately move up to half of its movement score in any direction they desire, and if they have expended their retaliation for this round then it is refreshed.

-Tier 2 blood ability: Hailstorm of blades (1 charge)
The butcher makes a heroic strike against all enemy stacks, damaging and marking them as normal. Blitzkrieg is only activated once by the use of this ability.

Tears: Reaper Those who take on the guise of a grim knight and syphon the souls of their foes are granted the title of reaper. Reapers are protected by those that they cull, and can grant some of this strength to their minions. The more favored of their number are able to truly infuse this power within allied creatures, healing and temporarily empowering them.

-Tier 1 tears ability: Syphon
Each time the reaper kills at least one creature with their heroic strike, the reaper gains a stack of souls. The reaper increases their magical defense and luck scores by 1 per stack they possess (to a maximum of 10).

-Tier 2 tears ability: Infuse (3 turn cooldown)
The reaper sacrifices a stack of souls and grants it to a target ally stack, granting that stack the unlimited retaliation ability, increasing both of their defense scores by 10% and healing them for 100+(their physical defense score*1/2 their level). At the start of the next round the unlimited retaliation and defense buff disappear.


Prophet Prophets are channelers of oblivion's great and terrible magics, bringing ruin and death to the enemies of Eo and cursing their foes with powerful condemnations and horrible darkness. Others speak of the return of Nulles, and work to convert or destroy those who would stand in their way.

-Heroic strike: Prophetic condemnation
Creatures damaged by the prophet's heroic strike are inflicted with a curse, causing them to deal 15% (+1%/ 5 points of magic attack) less damage on their attacks for the next two rounds.

-Attributes at level 1:
--Physical attack: 1
--Physical defense: 1
--Magic attack: 3 (dark)
--Magic defense: 2
--Mana: 2
--Morale: 0
--Luck: 1

-Attributes at level 30:
--Physical attack: 4
--Physical defense: 3
--Magic attack: 20
--Magic defense: 16
--Mana: 17
--Morale: 1
--Luck: 3

Blood: Tyrant Mage-kings of oblivion, who's vast influence and power allows them to condemn and destroy those who stand against them. Their command over magic and darkness can be used to cast foes into a living nightmare, and the greatest of their number can unleash a blinding burst of shadow to ravage their enemies.

-Tier 1 blood ability: Nightmare (1 charge, 20 mana)
The tyrant casts a stack into a painful, horrifying nightmare. While afflicted by this ability, the stack is dealt 10+(1/2 magic attack*1/2 level) dark damage at the beginning of their turn, and they are unable to move, attack or use abilities and automatically use the defend action. Creatures in the nightmare may not be attacked or damaged while the ability lasts. Nightmare lasts for 3 rounds.

-Tier 2 blood ability: Howl (1 charge, 40 mana)
The tyrant lets out a scream of darkness and horror, ravaging their foe's life force. All enemy stacks are dealt 60+(magic attack*level) dark damage and lower their initiative and morale by 15 each for 1 round.

Tears: Shepherd Shepherds are the silver-tongued cult leaders of oblivion, calling seductively to their foes to turn them against one another, sewing discord and mistrust within the enemy's ranks.

-Tier 1 tears ability: Mislead (15 mana, 3 round cooldown)
One target enemy stack attacks itself, dealing 50% (+1% per magic attack) damage and negating its retaliation for 2 rounds. Stacks targeted by this ability have their morale lowered by 5 until the end of the battle.

-Tier 2 ability: Convert (40 mana, 1 charge)
The shepherd targets one stack, causing it to act however the shepherd desires on their next turn and consuming the stack's normal turn. Additionally, if the shepherd damages and marks a creature with their heroic strike the turn after convert ends, then the converted stack will attack the marked stack on their next turn if able.

Faction ability: Oblivion's spire
The spire is an in-combat ability that is charged by slaying enemies of oblivion. Their ability pool is charged by damaging and especially destroying enemy creatures, and to a lesser extent by the losses that are dealt to the armies of oblivion. Once enough damage is dealt, a spire that attacks enemies and that is treated as an obstacle may be created by the hero in any open space on the battlefield. The more charged the pool is determines how powerful the spire will be on its creation.

Level 1 (25% full): The spire is created in 1 space, and lasts for 3 turns, making a single ranged attack against a random enemy stack at the start of the turn. Each attack deals 40+2*The number of weeks that have passed prime magic damage. The spire has 100 HP (each attack against it only deals 50 damage to it, maximum)
Level 2 (50% full): The spire is created in 1 space, and lasts for 4 turns, making a single ranged attack against a random enemy stack at the start of the turn. Each attack deals 45+3*The number of weeks that have passed prime magic damage. The spire has 150 HP (each attack against it only deals 50 damage to it, maximum)
Level 3 (75% full): The spire is created in 1 space, and lasts for 4 turns, making two ranged attacks against a random enemy stacks at the start of the turn. Each attack deals 50+4*The number of weeks that have passed prime magic damage. The spire has 200 HP (each attack against it only deals 50 damage to it, maximum)
Level 4 (100% full): The spire is created in a 4x4 space, and lasts for 5 turns, making two ranged attacks against two random enemy stacks at the start of the turn. Each attack deals 55+5*The number of weeks that have passed prime magic damage. The spire has 250 HP (each attack against it only deals 50 damage to it, maximum)
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted January 06, 2015 01:50 AM

I am looking forward to the background you'll give here.
So far, the lineup looks interesting to me. Seems rather on the destructive&cursing side so far.

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted January 17, 2015 11:31 PM
Edited by Gnomes2169 at 08:37, 03 Apr 2015.

Faction buildings

Creature generators

-Cult chapel (produces oblivion mages)
--Hall of ascension (upgrade, produces Reavers)
-Beast kennel (produces black hounds)
--Howling pen (upgrade, produces black alphas)
-Shifting shadows (produces creeping darkness)
--Twisted shadows (upgrade, produces devil shades)

-Haunted house (produces terror born)
--Screaming halls (upgrade, produces terror gluttons)
-Red hold (produces sanguine knights)
--Red keep (upgrade, produced blood lords)
-Acidic pits (produces spine beasts)
--Caustic cliffs (upgrade, produces spined artillery)

-Suffering shrine (produces lords of pain)
--Agony's manor (upgrade, produces dukes of pain)
-Reality rift (produces ender dragons)
--Universal breach (upgrade, produces oblivion dragons)

Faction unique buildings

Tier 1
-Call stone: During a siege, the defending army will gain a reinforcing stack of temporary oblivion mages until the end of the battle.
-Academy of Destruction: Permanently increases the physical and magic attack of a visiting hero by 1. Only 2 academies of destruction may be owned by a player at any time.

Tier 2
-Spire battery: The faction ability charges 10% faster, and oblivion spires deal 5% more damage per spire battery under a player's control.
-Draining icon: Enemy heroes in the city's area of control must spend 50% more mana on their spells in battles against oblivion troops and neutral creatures.

((Maybe. Might never come out, or might only come out after the end of the contest. Not sure.))
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted February 02, 2015 06:17 PM

Just realized I hadn't commented on the lineup yet...

It still looks interesting and destructive to me, with quite a bit of turnly damage.

A question: is the growth daily or weekly?

On the Pain cloud ability: I guess it uses the number of reavers casting it, not the one alive when the effect triggers?!

The Alphas' ability sounds really powerfull - but also really cool

Does the terrifying mind ability also apply to friendly spells?

The sanguine knight looks really powerful. Especially in this faction since it adds a healer into the else really more destructive/cursing faction.

On Pain feastoes, after reaching the cap, the speed increaseby +2 once,or forevery 20 dmg?
Itake it that the agonizing rebirth only works when winning,eh?

Does the oblivion howl only work for living creatures?

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted February 05, 2015 11:27 PM
Edited by Gnomes2169 at 23:28, 05 Feb 2015.

Jiriki9 said:
Just realized I hadn't commented on the lineup yet...

It still looks interesting and destructive to me, with quite a bit of turnly damage.

A question: is the growth daily or weekly?

On the Pain cloud ability: I guess it uses the number of reavers casting it, not the one alive when the effect triggers?!

The Alphas' ability sounds really powerfull - but also really cool

Does the terrifying mind ability also apply to friendly spells?

The sanguine knight looks really powerful. Especially in this faction since it adds a healer into the else really more destructive/cursing faction.

On Pain feastoes, after reaching the cap, the speed increaseby +2 once,or forevery 20 dmg?
Itake it that the agonizing rebirth only works when winning,eh?

Does the oblivion howl only work for living creatures?

Growth is weekly, much like heroes 6, 5, 3, 2 and 1.

It scales off of how many are currently alive, actually. A little balancing act, if the player can keep the reavers alive, then they can milk that damage for quite a lot of pain over-all. Otherwise, they probably would have been better off just attacking with them instead.

I have the alphas at a low growth comparatively to the other core creatures of this faction and the H6 factions because of the ability to summon allies by consuming corpses. But note, while useful, the Alpha's ability is niche in use outside of a siege, since dead stacks are somewhat rare in neutral creep battles.

Terrifying mind would apply to all spells that match the descriptor, yes. Just like all types of magic resistance, it's technically a double-edged sword... but more positive than negative in this case, I suppose.

The sanguine knight also deals the least damage of all elite units in the game (yes, even the ones given in H6 with the vampire lords) and still has the lowest growth&speed of elites in the game. To counter that, they are tanky as heck, heal, and can support-tank an ally stack... which will only benefit from their regeneration at the end of round 2 in combat. They are pretty much the only straight-up tanks in the faction, with everything else being more of an ability-based destructive striker with glaring weaknesses in other regards. The way I see it, the rest of the faction can handle the fighting. The Sanguine Knight will sit back and keep them alive.

Pain feast only gives the speed bonus once, yes. >.> I'll fix that wording...

Yeah, you have to win to be reborn.

Oblivion howl works on all creatures, living or dead, since all creatures have some kind of animating force. Undead and constructs don't get a free get by like they do with literally everything else.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 06, 2015 03:24 AM

oblivion howl sounds good for countering a gremlin rush

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted February 06, 2015 11:09 AM

Fauch said:
oblivion howl sounds good for countering a gremlin rush

Oh no, you discovered my secret loathing of gremlins! I mean, in H6 the -4 HP wouldn't out-right kill all of the stacks... but we can totally port it 1 for 1 to Heroes 3, right? Right? Anti-pixie ability as well if we do that!
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted March 06, 2015 12:44 AM

Alright, time to get started on those heroes... Also, the Razor things were just entirely too out of theme for the faction, so they have been replaced.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted March 22, 2015 09:30 AM
Edited by Gnomes2169 at 08:38, 03 Apr 2015.

finally got the heroes done, and added in the faction ability as well. Feedback?

Edit: Lore added. Unique buildings should join them in the second post soon, along with (maybe) a quick campaign outline.

Edit 2: Buildings in. Yaaay.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Famous Hero
posted April 03, 2015 02:00 PM

1 more day and it is all over.
Either,awsome job

But the Ender Dragon is too much Minecraft-inspired XD
Sure,i only meant the image,not the unit,because the idea is awsome.
Good Job

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted April 04, 2015 01:40 AM

Oh, the faction is definitely done... however, the campaign is going to be a pipe dream I think. As for the ender dragon... I never even thought of that. Shows what I know about Minecraft. XD

Thanks for the compliment!
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 04, 2015 01:57 AM

I know about the ender dragon because it was made in lego lol.
though lego minecraft looks fugly.

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Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted April 16, 2015 11:08 AM

Sadly, the town information cannot be taken in because the rules were clarified that all information should be contained in one post.

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted April 17, 2015 07:04 PM

The only reason that I split it into multiple posts was that I had hit the character limit.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted April 17, 2015 07:35 PM

Yeah, well, the one-post limit was exactly about that, or so I understood it.

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Famous Hero
posted April 17, 2015 07:55 PM

Well, I understand, but maybe the character limit was from the photos, DEFINETLY not from what you wrote, because is a short text.
But, if you had this, that 'posts' would better not be typed, and you'd better split the photos and the text in 2 topics. I did it, so
Anyways, further I can't help.

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