
Shaper of Lore
MMHO Community Manager, Blue Byte
posted March 04, 2015 12:52 PM |
Edited by BB_Eraya at 12:53, 04 Mar 2015.
MMHO: The Champion of Ashan Tournament

Dear Heroes,
Are you brave enough? Strong enough? Have you got the necessary experience to become the first Champion of Ashan? Yes?
Now you can prove it in the Champion of Ashan Tournament and win a Playstation 4!
The Champion of Ashan Tournament is a PvP based tournament in which everyone can participate. The preliminaries will be fought in each environment individually at which end the top 10 of the main league from each server are nominated for the finals. During the preliminaries you have to fight ranked PvP duels to earn the necessary points to get to the main league and to the top of the main league. But thats not all, you can also sign up for a wildcard lottery from which, randomly, 2 additional players will be nominated for the finals.
1. A PlayStation4 + Gold Medal + Special Dye + Title + 50.000 HS
2. Silver Medal + 100 Amazon Gift card + Special Dye + Title + 20.000 HS
3. Bronze Medal + 100 Amazon Gift card + Special Dye + Title + 15.000 HS
4. 50 Amazon Gift card + Title + 15.000 HS
5 16. 25 Amazon Gift card + Title + 8.000 HS
17 32. Title + 5.000 HS
The Wildcards
As some players might not have the chance to get to the top in the main league we offer a Wildcard Lottery. Each player, who has unlocked PvP already, can sign up [URL=""]HERE[/URL] for a wildcard. Among all entries we will randomly select 2 participants for the finals. Furthermore, 8 additional players will be selected among all entries to stand in for a player who drops out before the first round of the finals has started.
Season 1: 2.3.15 9.3.15
Season 2: 9.3.15 16.3.15
Season 3: 16.3.15 23.3.15
Season 4: 23.3.15 30.3.15
Season 5: 30.3.15 6.4.15
Season 6: 6.4.15 13.4.15
Entry period for the Wildcard lottery: 2.3.2015 12.4.2015 23:59 CEST
Announcement of the Wildcard winners: 14.04.2015
Hero-copy-day: 16.04.2015
Finals Round 1: 20.4.2015 + 21.4.2015 17:00 CEST 20:00 CEST
Finals Round 2: 22.04.2015 17:00 CEST 20:00 CEST
Finals Round 3: 23.04.2015 17:00 CEST 20:00 CEST
Semifinals: 24.04.2015 17:00 CEST 20:00 CEST
Fight for 3rd place: 25.04.2015 17:00 CEST 20:00 CEST
Finals: 26.04.2015 17:00 CEST 20:00 CEST
Extra Goals
Even if you are new to Might & Magic Heroes Online or dont have the time to participate in the finals, you can still unlock rewards in the Champion of Ashan Tournament by fighting ranked PvP battles. We will count all ranked PvP battles which were fought during the 6 seasons of each account and book one of the following rewards individually for each player:
5-50 ranked PvP battles
- 10 shards for the Forgotten Sites
51 100 ranked PvP battles
- All of the above
- 1 Lesser Mana Potion
101 200 ranked PvP battles
- All of the above
- 1 Scroll Bundle - Scrolls of Warlords Command
201 300 ranked PvP battles
- All of the above
- 1 Scroll Bundle - Scrolls of Regeneration
301 450 ranked PvP battles
- All of the above
- 1 Day Auto Battle License
451 600 ranked PvP battles
- All of the above
- 1 Pile of Crystals
601 800 ranked PvP battles
- All of the above
- Premium Refinement
801 1000 ranked PvP battles
- All of the above
- 7 Day Combo Shard
1001 1500 ranked PvP battles
- All of the above
- Battle power set
1501 and more ranked PvP battles
- All of the above
- Golden Kappa
[*]All players who can fight ranked PvP battles can participate in this event
[*]The preliminaries will last 6 seasons (02.03.2015 13.04.2015)
[*]The finals will take place on our Staging Server
[*]Only the top 10 of the main league at the end of a specific season will participate in this event
[*]The Hero which is shown in the ranking will be copied
[*]A player can only participate with one hero in the finals. If he/she has more than one Hero in the top 10 of the main league, only the best placed hero will participate in the finals
[*]The heroes will be copied to the staging server on a specific day. While the whole inventory is copied, Hero Seals are not copied
[*]After the finals, the Hero from the staging server WILL NOT be merged back to the origin live server
[*]Participants agree that their ingame name and environment they are playing on are named in our communications on our social media platforms, website and other news channels
[*]Ubisoft employees, partners and family members are not allowed to participate in this event
[*]We reserve the right to end the event earlier if an issue occurs with the event, the execution of the event or the game version
[*]We also reserve the right to change the rules of the event without a warning, if the execution of the event is somehow in danger
[*]The Rules of Conduct apply also on all communication during the event. Players who break the rules of conduct and are banned from the game are also banned from the finals
[*]Any recourse to courts of law is excluded
[*]It is not possible to buy Hero Seals for the account on the Staging Server, where the finals take place.
[*]The accounts on staging will have 0 Hero Seals
[*]The login credentials of the accounts on staging will be provided by the MMHO Team to the participants of the finals
[*]Each battle in the finals must be fought in a specific time frame given by the MMHO Team
[*]The time frame will be 3h long (17:00 CEST 20:00 CEST)
[*]The first battle must start within the first 30 minutes of the time frame
[*]If one of the players does not show up in the first 30 minutes, he/she will lose the match
[*]If one player logs out before the 3 battles were fought and doesnt come back in time, he/she will lose the match
[*]If both players dont show-up, both will lose. The fixture wont be rescheduled
[*]Only if an issue on the MMHO side prevented them from logging in, the match will be rescheduled.
[*]Each fixture of the finals consists of 3 battles. The player who has won 2 out of 3 battles is the winner
[*]The battles in the finals are fought as a friendly duel
[*]Participants of the finals need to coordinate the battle arrangement with their opponent on their own.
[*]Only battles fought against the opponent during the giving time frame are accepted for the tournament
[*]The exact dates of the battles are set and communicated by the MMHO Team. The date cant be shifted
[*]Disconnects are only accepted as a reason for a replay of the fixture, if the claimed disconnect was caused by a game issue and is written in the server logs
[*]Might & Magic Heroes Online cannot be held responsible for issues which are out of our reference
[*]The outcome of the matches will be checked by the community management team on the day after the match
[*]Claims of cheating must be sent on the day of the battle to an email address. Only if the report is handed in on the same day, it can be taken into account. The time our server has received the mail is the main factor, not the time it was sent
[*]If a directly qualified person drops out of the tournament for any reason, before the first round has started, he/she will be replaced by another wildcard winner.
In addition:
We will create a replay out of the final match and upload it on our social media and news channels like Facebook, YouTube and the MMHO Website. Furthermore, we would like to have a short interview (text based, no video) with the Champion of Ashan. The interview or parts of it may be used for Marketing or PR purposes.
To participate in the finals, you have to accept the rules above. It is not possible to partially agree to them. Not observing the rules may result in a disqualification from the event.
Refine your artefacts and sharpen your weapons. We are looking for the Champion of Ashan fight your way to the top and may your name go down in the history of Might & Magic Heroes Online!
Best regards and good luck
Your 'Might & Magic Heroes Online' team