Tavern Dweller
posted April 16, 2015 05:54 PM |
Edited by nhs12008 at 00:36, 17 Apr 2015.
Script question
Hi there, I'm trying to solve a problem to make my combat script.
I tried to make script for casting spell at start of combat,
but first I need to know My Hero's in-combat name to use function.
The problem is when I used func @print() in game, it doesn't work properly.
Here are what I tried :
@print(GetAttackerHero()) : nil
@print(GetUnits(0, 0)) : attacker-hero
It only displays Heroes to attacker-hero.
but it doesn't work too - it says ' "CREATURE_SPRITE" doesn't exist. '
Are there other ways to make the script or I missed somthing?
Thanks in advance !
EDIT : I also tried @print(unitNames()), It said :
attacker-hero , attacker-2-CREATURE_SPRITE, etc.
Hero's name was not displayed, and creature's name doesn't work with above functions, too.
Is there anyone who has or had the same problem with me?
Famous Hero
posted April 16, 2015 06:54 PM |
Try to use the id number:
Spriteid = 44, blade juggler = 45
Btw: for scripting and other minor questions use the question topic
Tavern Dweller
posted April 16, 2015 07:46 PM |
lotihoti said: Try to use the id number:
Spriteid = 44, blade juggler = 45
Btw: for scripting and other minor questions use the question topic
Thanks for the reply, but id number doesn't work too.
Yeah, I missed it, Sorry
And for the your previous answer, Sure, I enabled cosole and I did attack.
Famous Hero
posted April 17, 2015 08:07 AM |
So let me repeat it:
You start a combat using
After that you call your script (does it run? Does it get the call?).
Then you try
Print(GetAttackerHero()) and you get nil.
I cant test it right now - will do it after work (12hours to go xD )
Tavern Dweller
posted April 17, 2015 02:42 PM |
Edited by nhs12008 at 14:55, 17 Apr 2015.
lotihoti said: So let me repeat it:
You start a combat using
After that you call your script (does it run? Does it get the call?).
Then you try
Print(GetAttackerHero()) and you get nil.
I cant test it right now - will do it after work (12hours to go xD )
I started game and selected Haven, Irina and attacked Imps in front of Sawmill.
My script run, but says no hero name every time.
But I tried other's combat script worked properly in his game.
Here is what i tried.
I changed the unit name to 11, and it worked !
but I want to know why my combat script doesn't work...
Another question :
Is it possible to use same trigger with the different function? for instance,
Using both Trigger(NEW_DAY_TRIGGER, "addCreatures1");
and Trigger(NEW_DAY_TRIGGER, "addCreatures2"); .
In my games, the latter trigger worked only P:
Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted April 17, 2015 02:55 PM |
nhs12008 said: Using both Trigger(NEW_DAY_TRIGGER, "addCreatures1");
and Trigger(NEW_DAY_TRIGGER, "addCreatures2"); .
In my games, the latter trigger worked only P:
Since I don't see you are calling for "two different days" to add both creatures I would investigate giving both creatures in the same line. Seems to me, the last line is just over-riding the first?; sort of like the game does with updated files.
Tavern Dweller
posted April 17, 2015 03:01 PM |
Edited by nhs12008 at 15:15, 17 Apr 2015.
markkur said:
nhs12008 said: Using both Trigger(NEW_DAY_TRIGGER, "addCreatures1");
and Trigger(NEW_DAY_TRIGGER, "addCreatures2"); .
In my games, the latter trigger worked only P:
Since I don't see you are calling for "two different days" to add both creatures I would investigate giving both creatures in the same line. Seems to me, the last line is just over-riding the first?; sort of like the game does with updated files.
Here's what i tried actually.
function addspells1()
Mast = GetHeroSkillMastery("Faiz", 10);
if Mast == 2 then
TeachHeroSpell("Faiz", 15-random(5));
Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", nil);
function addspells2()
Mast = GetHeroSkillMastery("Faiz", 10);
if Mast == 3 then
TeachHeroSpell("Faiz", 21-random(5));
Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", nil);
Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", "addspells1");
Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", "addspells2");
Yup, I thought the same. maybe it was just override.
Are There no other ways to run both trigger? P:
Supreme Hero
posted April 17, 2015 03:42 PM |
Quote: Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", "addspells1");
Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", "addspells2");
This just overrides your first callback function, so everytime Faiz levels up, ony addspells2 will be called.
Try combining your two callback functions in one:
function addspells()
Mast = GetHeroSkillMastery("Faiz", 10);
if Mast == 2 then
TeachHeroSpell("Faiz", 15-random(5));
Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", nil);
elseif Mast == 3 then
TeachHeroSpell("Faiz", 21-random(5));
Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", nil);
and then just add callback with:
Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", "addspells");
As for this
I'm not sure that I understood your problem correctly, but instead of "CREATURE_SPRITE" string, you must use 'stack name' in combat. The only way you can get those names (as far as I know) is by using this functions: unitNames() and GetUnits(side, type). You can find their descriptions here(there are plenty of functions here that are useful, but were not documented by NIVAL).
Tavern Dweller
posted April 17, 2015 04:10 PM |
Edited by nhs12008 at 16:15, 17 Apr 2015.
frostymuaddib said:
As for this
I'm not sure that I understood your problem correctly, but instead of "CREATURE_SPRITE" string, you must use 'stack name' in combat. The only way you can get those names (as far as I know) is by using this functions: unitNames() and GetUnits(side, type). You can find their descriptions [url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=23668&PID=1185685#focus]here[/url](there are plenty of functions here that are useful, but were not documented by NIVAL).
Thanks ! when I inserted its 'stack name' exactly, it worked !!
And what I wanna make was that
When he gets advanced and expert Dark Magic, give him a random dark spell, not once, but twice.
Making script so he will get a spell only once, so I decide to make the script as this
function addspells1()
Mast = GetHeroSkillMastery("Faiz", 10);
if Mast == 3 then
TeachHeroSpell("Faiz", 21-random(10));
TeachHeroSpell("Faiz", 21-random(10));
Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", nil);
Trigger(HERO_ADD_SKILL_TRIGGER, "Faiz", "addspells1");
Which will give him spells once but two
Supreme Hero
posted April 17, 2015 05:26 PM |
Ah, ok
Just keep in mind that there can be only one callback function per specific trigger
Tavern Dweller
posted January 21, 2024 12:22 PM |
Week of Dragon
Hi, I'm Panicwarlord and I need your help for Heroes of Might and Magic 5, I wanted to ask how to have the "week of dragon" as a week which doubles the growth of shadow dragons and black dragons with the ID script, I have to call the game console and then how do I do it? please help me what is the code of this cheat, an answer and thanks!