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Heroes Community > Newcomers Inn > Thread: How can I be a better poster
Thread: How can I be a better poster This thread is 3 pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT»

Famous Hero
100% Devil
posted September 09, 2015 10:15 AM
Edited by Herry at 12:46, 12 Sep 2015.

How can I be a better poster

So... I've been wrecking havoc in the forums for quite a while now... And I think it's about time I changed. I'm currently looking for tips on becoming a better poster. I thought it would be better if I posted this thread in the Newcomers Inn since it's both a newcomer subject and it would be help new members in the future... So is anyone willing to help little Herry?

Edit: In case anyone new came here, this may help you:
I said:
Thanks, to everyone who gave me a tip.^^

This thread is probably going to be of use to newcomers, so I will collect it down in one post:

(Disclaimer: I did not come up with this advice myself, it comes from all(almost all) the people who posted in this thread)

1. Learn from the mistakes of other people(by Fred79). However, this depends on how much forums you take a look at, because it is likely that you will miss some critical and teaching mistakes. This is more likely in groups, for example, a group of people predicting how much nuts there are in a can are likely to be wrong, however, with each person being wrong, it corrects the others. It is fascinating to think of how almost the whole group could be wrong and one person gets it right.

2. Calm down and think before posting(by gnomes2169). "Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you regret the worst(or something along those lines)" - Ambrose... err.. Why do I keep forgetting their names Anyways, I also did a little experiment, and I found out that what you want to say when you are angry is different from when you are calm.

3. Study what you want to be (by Fred79). The easiest way is to find a role-model. After you locate your role-model, look at his posts, and then compare his recent posts to his first posts. Take note of the differences, you will need them, because recent posts are usually better than first ones, and so far I haven't seen an exception for this. The reason is, as you post more and more(and read and study actually), the more you learn. By taking note of the differences, you will be able to examine them and know what and how he learned. If you become a better poster, odds are, you are helping other people, because it's possible that you will be a role model for others.

4. You are never alone (something I noticed by myself). In anything, there is a bright side and a dark side, good and bad, negative and positive. You can be what you want, but it's not that simple, because you will have to make effort(credit goes to Fred79 for clarifying the effort part). Whichever side you are, bear in mind, you are not alone.

5. Take everything with a grain of salt(or something along those lines, again ), because you never know if something someone said is right or wrong until you've tested it (by OhforfSake). Not only that, take provocations with a grain of salt. When someone provoking them, you think of various ways to deal with it, but it's best to ignore them. Not only does it keep peace in a thread, it also makes the provoker know that they are not successful in making you angry. Finally, if you do it for all of the provocations, you will get 2 positive results:

- The provocations will become gradually less and less until they stop completely.

- You will have trained on dealing with provocations.

6. Take some time to relax (by me). After being very thoughtful, you should take a break and show your true side, but don't do it for too long. The problem is that people are mis-led by the term too long. You have to do this in the VW strictly, do it very subtly and take care not to cause any problems.

7. If something goes without saying, let it. This is also a proverb but I'm not going to bother, because I either got some of it wrong, forgot who said it or both. For example, here I was going to say: "Respect the code of conduct (by Corribus) bla bla", but after repeating it in my brain for sometime, I realized that it goes without saying, and I had to keep silent about it, because it wouldn't do me any good to brag about it. Here's the problematic thing, you will most likely know that something goes without saying, but you will want to brag about it nontheless, which may sometimes make people think you are treating them like idiots. I told you what I was going to say for the sake of example and lesson, and no more.

8. Don't read the lines themselves, read what is in between. An important part of successful communication is knowning what's being meant/unsaid, not what's being said. You are likely to comprehend what people say, so put more effort into understanding what they are trying to get across. This is one of the keys into actually understanding people with a similar way of thinking.

(if I miss anything, it's going to be edited).

Also, this thread isn't just for me personally, if anyone new and has a question about the rules of being a better poster, you can ask here, others will help you, and a lot more people will learn.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 09, 2015 10:18 AM

inb4 vw'd.

herry, you already made this thread, remember? this counts as spam.

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Famous Hero
100% Devil
posted September 09, 2015 10:33 AM

Hmm... I don't remember. And the search results don't agree with you. Can you just help me, man?

fred79 said:
i tried helping you, herry. we all did. and you deliberately ignored us. i think you're too young to be helped. with a little age and a little maturity, you could develop into a grade-A spammer. until then...

just keep your head down.

Can we just forget about the past? I'm trying to turn a new page, and look at you, you won't let me. Also, I could develop into a grade-A spammer, but I don't want to, and I won't. So can you please, for the last time, try helping me?

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 09, 2015 10:40 AM

it's all there in other threads. reread the advice; i'm not going to bother typing what's already been typed for you. your first step to changing, is making the effort to actually try.

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Famous Hero
100% Devil
posted September 09, 2015 10:45 AM

Thanks for the tip

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted September 09, 2015 11:30 AM

First rule of becoming better. Don't be a jerk.

First rule of not being a jerk: Don't be a jerk.

No. Not even then.

Self-explanatory, no?

To be more exact about it, you really just need to calm down and think things through before posting. It seems like the majority of your problems come in when you are over-excited and post without really reading over what you've written. Having gotten into many a OSM argument with better debaters than I, it really does go a long way if you weed out any unintended slights or insults (and the intentional ones too), and makes you come out a lot less condescending or stand-offish. If someone is having a conversation with you, they like to feel like they're being understood in a non-patronizing way, and they don't want to be insulted or ignored.

Then again, I haven't been around all too much so I might be completely off here. This is just what I've noticed over all.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Famous Hero
100% Devil
posted September 09, 2015 11:39 AM

Thank you all

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Known Hero
Smasher of pasties
posted September 09, 2015 11:44 AM

You already know how to be a better poster but you choose not to be.

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted September 09, 2015 11:52 AM

add the word "lol" to the end of every paragraph of every post you make, people will definitely start taking you seriously then lol

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 09, 2015 11:57 AM
Edited by fred79 at 12:01, 09 Sep 2015.

i'm going to go out on a limb here with you, and continue, herry:

fred79 said:
your first step to changing, is making the effort to actually try.

and your second, and most important step, is to continue making the effort. don't give up, even if you want to.

just like /b/, where they tell the new***s to "lurk moar"; other forums are the same. you have to do a lot of lurking and learning, before you can feel what to post. try to learn from the most entertaining and/or knowledgable, would be my advice.

but studying the behavior of what you want to become, is tantamount to becoming just that. you'll pick things up subliminally(or not so subliminally) after a while(lurking/studying), that'll work itself into your subconscious. before you know it, you'll be mirroring the behavior you want to emulate.

so if you seek to be a better poster, then locate the best posts(usually made by the best posters), and study, study, study.

of course, you don't have to be anyone but yourself. but you should always be growing, as a person. in which direction you care to grow, is up to you. there are old people who are still immature, and they aren't even good at it. it takes time, patience, and perserverance to acquire a personality worth paying attention to(for most people, anyway). merely being an attention ***** is only going to get one negative attention. and negative attention only fosters more negative personality characteristics within yourself, which you don't want.

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Famous Hero
100% Devil
posted September 09, 2015 12:45 PM

I listened to all of you, and I have to say, Fred is the most informative... Doomhammer and verriker are kinda spamming... Gnomes' tip also does help a lot.


I'd rather research in a more "variable" method than study a signle person. From what I understand, people have good things and bad things, so I will have to research the good things, see how it is possible to get them and... Practice... You gave me a good idea actually... I'm going to make drafts of most of my posts from now on, and study the differences between them, the posts I actually make and the posts I want to make... Thanks fred, you're a life post saver

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 09, 2015 12:53 PM

i didn't mean just one poster. i didn't mean just one post, either. the most interesting/entertaining/knowledgeable people are usually a mix of all the most interesting/entertaining/knowledgeable people they've learned from.

btw, don't judge people trying to help you. it makes you look like an ass. and you're welcome. just put what people tell you in good faith to good use.

remember: the dumbass doesn't learn from their mistakes. the smart individual does. the smartest individual learns from other's mistakes as well as their own. so pay attention, and keep at it. if people see you slipping, they'll let you know. but you already know that.

lastly, nobody likes a comedian that doesn't make them laugh, herry. you have to understand people to make them laugh. which is why you need to study them.

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Known Hero
Smasher of pasties
posted September 09, 2015 12:58 PM

I'm not spamming Herry, you have had lots of decent advise since you have been here and you mostly choose to ignore it.

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Famous Hero
100% Devil
posted September 09, 2015 01:20 PM


You might want to keep in mind that you don't know whether I chose to or not. Actually that wasn't the problem, and if you read my replies to those you may or may not see that I mostly didn't understand what they were saying... Yes, I'm that stupid.


Okay, to be honest I thought you just meant individual posters... I'm trying my best to put what you're saying to good use. btw I wasn't trying to make you laugh... I was just trying to soften up the atmosphere... But now that I think about it, that wasn't necessary...

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 09, 2015 01:25 PM

i know you wasn't trying to make me laugh in this thread. but you seem to be attempting so with most of your posting behavior. which is why i gave you the tip.

lol, when i think you can handle it, i'll give you the rest...

see what i did there? i made a horrendously off-color joke merely to amuse myself and anyone else who has a dirty mind. it wasn't meant to be taken seriously, because i like playing the clown. i like to think i've gotten good at it, since i started out in the same boat as you, over 2 decades ago. which is why i'm helping you. you're a younger version of me, just like dd is. although, dd is an older version of a younger me.

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Known Hero
Smasher of pasties
posted September 09, 2015 01:27 PM

Herry you are not stupid, I actually think that you post some good stuff. I apologise if I have judged you unfairly.
Maybe you just need to read what others have posted and think a bit more carefully before replying. I am still learning as well.

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Famous Hero
100% Devil
posted September 09, 2015 01:33 PM

It's okay bro, it happens to the best of us...

*offers you a handshake and a hug*


Yeah, I can see that, I'll do my best to best fit you expectations... (That sounded a bit wrong did it? )

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Known Hero
Smasher of pasties
posted September 09, 2015 01:49 PM

Thanks bro

*carries out an elaborate bro handshake with Herry*

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Famous Hero
100% Devil
posted September 09, 2015 01:55 PM

Maybe we might do the ultimate handshake later.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 09, 2015 02:00 PM

Herry said:
Yeah, I can see that, I'll do my best to best fit you expectations... (That sounded a bit wrong did it? )

this mirrors that hcm you sent me a while ago, where i was giving you advice. don't make me regret trying to help you, herry. you can take whatever advice you think will suit you; just keep in mind, that i've been you. if i had someone like me to teach me at your age, i'd have listened. i'm not trying to make a clone here; merely attempting to help you develop faster.

...as dirty as that sounds.

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