Thread: Why i cannot find moonweeks? | |

Famous Hero
posted August 19, 2017 11:47 PM |
Why i cannot find moonweeks?
I want to remove, erase, delete week of plague and disease but i cannot find how to do. Is there anybody knows how to remove?

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted August 20, 2017 09:47 PM |

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted August 20, 2017 10:23 PM |

Famous Hero
posted August 21, 2017 03:22 PM |
dredknight said: A vague memory tells me that they were hardcoded and Quantomas wanted to do something to fix with the Astrologer but there is nothing certain I can provide.
magnomagus said: no they are not hardcoded,somewhere in gamemechanics, they are disabled in h55
Uhm wait. Aren't they based on maps? Because i think they can configure somewhere at the map because if we decided to play different maps, we can see new weeks.
Thanks i find it. One of my friends was told me "you cannot change it at somewhere, they are based on the maps" he lied to me
Thank you so much