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Heroes Community > Summoners Academy > Thread: Terminological Index (Under construction)
Thread: Terminological Index (Under construction)

Supreme Hero
posted September 15, 2017 02:56 PM bonus applied by Galaad on 16 Oct 2017.
Edited by AlHazin at 10:48, 20 Oct 2017.

Terminological Index (Under construction)

As you begin in the game you might come upon some of the game's features that are strangely named and for a certain amount of time hard to guess, it was the case for many players I see and even for me.

We'll be treating here words that you might find in creatures' descriptions, loading tips and the like.

Most of these features can be classified in two categories:


A buff is a bonus cast on your or enemy creatures. It can increase its stats, protects them against debuffs, restore their HP.

There are what I refer to as classical buffs, those which simply increase creatures' stats by a certain percentage: attack, defense, power and luck buffs.

Once cast, buffs last as long as the current turn does, they can be removed though by creatures of the opposing team that have a Dispel ability (see below).


A debuff acts like the reverse of a buff, it's a malus applied to creatures causing them to lose HP, decrease their stats and so on.

Like for buffs, there are classical debuffs that simply decrease enemies' stats.

Debuffs last a certain amount of turns depending on the casting creatures' specials. They will never last indefinitely. They can be removed though be cleansing the affected creatures (see below).

You also have special buffs and debuffs which can really turn the odds of a battle in your favour or defavour.

The buffs:


The most popular of all buffs for a lot of players. Mend is cast by certain healers units. Once cast, it affects all allied creatures, allowing each one to restore a fixed amount of HP each time they act -be it with their base attack or their special. The amount of HP restored is determined by the casting creature's special and its stats. Once cast, mend can only be removed by an enemy dispeller, otherwise it will last for as long as the round duration. The amount of HP restored is the same for every creature.

-Protection against debuffs:

Cast by some creatures among which the famous Draconic, this buff as its name implies gives a to all allied creatures a certain percentage of resistance to debuffs that enemy creatures will try to cast upon them.

It is a good idea to ally this buff with a luck buff. A Draconic and an Elephant can grant you to resist lethal enemy stuns or silences, as well as DoT debuffs (DoT = Damage over Time) being burn and poison. Luck (as a stat, enhanced by luck buffs) plays a great role in resisting debuffs, and thus acts a lot like the protection against debuffs. I don't know what differenciates the two, but it would be good if someone could check that out.

I personally noticed that Protection a. D. acts often better than luck in resisting. I once defeated a Phoenix with a Draconic Templar and a dying Elephant and Valkyrie, because the Phoenix couldn't lend his special not even once on any of the three. It eventually killed the two, but my Draconic finished the Phoenix alone. Crazy.

The debuffs:


Cast solely by red creatures, it's a damage debuff that causes its victim to lose a certain amount of HP each time it acts, that what we call DoT standing for Damage over Time. Again the amount of HP lost depend on the casting creature's stats and special.

With the new update, and colour counters becoming more important, blue creatures tend to resist almost every time burns cast on them.

Note: the Mothman casts poison despite being a red creature. Cerberus and Archdemon on a side, and the Angel on the other debuff by burning despite being respectively dark and white creatures.


Poison acts just like burn, cast by a wide range of creatures. It causes an HP loss at each turn.


Fatigue is a deadly debuff. It causes its victim, when healed, to be healed way less than it should. To put it simply, if under normal conditions a creature when healed -depending on the healing creature's stats and special- gets X HP restored, when hit by fatigue it will (depending on the fatigue amount) get a lower amount HP. When a fully awoken Megalodon debuffs a creature for 60% of fatigue, that means that when healed for a normal amount of 1000 HP, its victim will only have 400 HP restored (not sure about that one though).


The most famous and popular of all debuffs, as its name implies it stuns a creature, rendering it incapable of acting for two turns. Practically speaking, stun prevents you from using your creature's base attack, and its special. Moreover, its combo dots are frozen and can't benefit to your other creatures. Cherry on the cake, the enemy creature's counter will decrease as if your stunned creature had acted (if under the enemy unit there's a little 6, and you act with your four creatures, the little 6 will go down to 2 and then to 1 directly before you use any of your creatures again.

Avoid being stunned at all cost.


The one we noobs take our time to understand. Reducing a creature to silence means that this creature won't be able to use its special despite the fact that it has enough mana for the special to trigger under normal circumstances. It will still be able to use its basic attack though.

You can be silenced 1 turn (Owl, Sand devil) or 2 turns (Treant).

Note: the little + you see in the lower corner of the two last pictures is because the creature is already hit by a fatigue debuff.



These are neither buffs nor debuffs, rather creatures' features and abilities:

-AoE damage:

Stands for Area of Effect damage, which means a creature will be able to hit multiple enemies, and sometimes all, dealing damage to a foe and its adjacent fellows, a row, multiple random enemies or all enemies present.

Area of Effect applies as well to healing, where instead of healing only one ally, the healing unit will heal multiple ones (and resurrect... etc).


As stated above it stands for Damage over Time, it refers to Burning and Poisoning debuffs. The most deadly one of those is without any doubt the legendary Phoenix's burn.


Some creatures dealing a DoT damage (you know what DoT means now? ) have the ability to detonate that damage. Rather than inflicting 400 points of damage each turn for three turns, if the creature detonates its damage it can do all the damage it would have done in three rounds at once, in this case 1200 damage, which has increased chances to kill this creature and prevents it from getting cleansed. Detonation is always better than DoT.


Is the glorious ability of some creatures to remove one or more debuffs applied on allied creatures including themselves. Other than waiting for a debuff to stop acting after a certain number of turns, cleansing will remove it at once. Classical debuffs, DoT, and fatigue can only be removed by cleansing their victims, or having them die then resurrected but this second option is quite delicate.

Cleanse removes every kind of debuffs, including stun and silence, and fatigue.

Note: If a creature hit by fatigue is healed by a cleanser like the Siren for example, it will first heal, and then cleanse it, which means that you will need to cast the Siren's special twice in order to get an effective healing. But if the fatigued creature is healed by the Druidess, it will heal at a normal rate because the Druidess first cleanses and then heals. Conclusion: it depends on the creature's special, read its description to know the order in which the abilities are applied.


Is the ability of a creature to restore allies' HP. The creatures have to be alive thus having at least 1 HP left.

Note: Cleansing and healing are two different things. You might often find both in a same creature's special like the famous Siren, but a healer is not necessarily a cleanser, or will usually develop cleansing abilities through awakenings. Mend doens't cleanse as well, and doesn't cancel DoT debuffs, although it fight by doing the reverse of what they do to a creature. Resurrectors never cleanse in my experience, but resurrecting a fallen creature has it ressurected totally cleansed.


Dispel doens't act like applying a debuff to the enemy, but simply removing enemy buffs to even things out. Most dispeller remove only one enemy buff at a time (Valkyrie) or have some chances to do so (Dwarf Warrior) while some others remove all enemy buffs at once (Draconic) who are the handiest.


In the combat screen, you might see numbers popping out everywhere, those are damage taken by enemy creatures as well as your own.

The size of the numbers indicates the power of the attack, tiny numbers mean minimal damage has been applied where big ones mean maximal damage has been caused. Red/orange numbers mean damage caused by burns, purple ones by poison, green ones indicate an amount of HP healed. Yellow ones mean that the damage resulted in a critical hit causing double damage.

Blue balls bouncing are mana. Each ball contains 10 mana points.

Don't hesitate to ask about any term you might come upon and that would need some clarifications.
Nothing of value disappears from this world, it will reappear in some shape or form ^^ - Elvin

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 16, 2017 11:14 PM
Edited by Galaad at 23:17, 16 Oct 2017.


Mend is immune to cleanse.

Not really sure what you mean by this? Mend can be removed by creatures removing buffs.

Burn: Cast solely by red creatures,

Not 100% sure but I think Cerberus's DoT is burning... That would be the exception though, pretty much a trademark to red creatures in general yep.

Stun: rendering it incapable of acting for a certain number of turns.

Creature can at least act once before getting stunned again, perma stunlock is now a nightmare from the past.

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Supreme Hero
posted October 16, 2017 11:48 PM

Oh that’s it I totally forgot Dispel, I wanted to say that although cleanse removes debuffs it doesn’t remove any buff meaning in that case that once mend is cast it will last for the round, unless of course it is dispelled. Will add that.
Nothing of value disappears from this world, it will reappear in some shape or form ^^ - Elvin

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Hired Hero
posted October 17, 2017 01:24 PM

Archdemon also have burn, just as a fyi

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Hero of Order
posted October 17, 2017 03:19 PM
Edited by Brukernavn at 00:09, 08 Nov 2017.

Nice overview! Really good with figures, since people might have different translations of the game. Mend and fatigue took me a long time to figure out.

Another thing that could be added to the list is the potentially powerful Detonate.

One thing to note about combined heal and cleansers is that the order is important. As noted the Siren will heal first and then cleanse, meaning fatigue will reduce the heal potency for Siren unless it is cleansed in a separate action. But the Druid Kirin on the other hand cleanses first and then heals, so it can heal with full potency even if a creature has fatigue. That means that creatures who cleanse before heal are much more powerful when facing enemies that cast fatigue.

I've also noticed that damage debuffs like poison and burn are the last to take effect. That is why a cleanser can cleanse itself from a phoeninx burn without being killed. It also means that if you only have one enemy creature left and you finish it off by a creature that has a DoT, the wave will end before the debuff damages your creature.

And a last thing to note: buffs and debuffs do not stack. For buffs the most powerful buff will be applied. So if one creature casts 30% PWR buff and then another casts a 50% PWR buff, the active PWR buff will be 50%. The same goes for debuffs (I think). The exceptions are DoTs and stun/silence. When a creature is stunned it becomes immune to stun until it has acted. So if you stun a creature for 1 turn and attack with a creature that stuns for 4 turns, the creature attacked will always resist new stuns until it has acted. In other words, the first stun will always be applied even if you attempt to stun with a longer duration before the creature has acted. The same goes for silence.

Burn and poison function in a similar way. As far as I know if you apply poison on a target it will resist any other poison until it is removed or runs out. Therefore a weak poison over a long time is much weaker than a strong poison over a short time, even if the total potential damage is the same. Both because you prevent new poison to be applied for the entire duration, and because you give more time to cleanse or end the wave before causing all potential damage. Therefore you should be careful with combining creatures with weak poison over long time with other poison creatures, because if the weak poison is applied first it will act as an immunity for the stronger poison. Unless any of them have Detonate ability that is. The same goes for burn (I think). However you can apply both burn and poison at the same time.
Edit: You can actually override a weak burn with a stronger.

Edit: I find the way multipliers work with buffs/debuffs confusing. This is how I understand it, but do correct me if I'm wrong. For burn, poison, stun and silence multipliers have to impact. For mend it works just as with an attack. For classic buffs you add the multiplier to the buff value. For instance with a 30% DEF buff cast with 8X multiplier the actual buff will be 38% (same with protection). I have no idea if it works the same with debuffs, might test sometime.

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Adventuring Hero
aka Titanu88
posted October 18, 2017 09:59 AM

@Brukernavn it would be really interesting to test the debuff stacking. I also thinked about it, but didnt had time to test it.
For example if you have a vodoo doll and a statue, vodoo apply all his debuffs first, which are weaker then the statues debuffs.

What will happen when the statue also debuffs, it will overwrite the vodoo's debuffs or not?

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Supreme Hero
posted October 18, 2017 10:36 AM

Yep that’s something we’d like to know actually if the debuffs stack and I felt they do but without any testing it’s hard to tell. It would be probable as usually creatures debuff no more tgan 30/35 % of something, and legends who debuff more will be faced alone, and since there are creatures that buff for 60 % of a stat, it would be logical to have those little amounts of debuffs stacking to reach the buff rates.

Does any of you have a good definition of Detonation?
Nothing of value disappears from this world, it will reappear in some shape or form ^^ - Elvin

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Hero of Order
posted October 18, 2017 08:39 PM

The ingame loading tip says this:

Why wait? Detonate!
A Creature that has a poison or burn can have that effect detonated, which removes the effect but does all the damage it would have done over time all at once! Ouch!

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Hero of Order
posted October 30, 2017 04:10 PM

Brukernavn said:

One thing to note about combined heal and cleansers is that the order is important. As noted the Siren will heal first and then cleanse, meaning fatigue will reduce the heal potency for Siren unless it is cleansed in a separate action. But the Druid on the other hand cleanses first and then heals, so she will heal with full potency even if a creature has fatigue (unless the creature has more debuffs than the Druid can cleanse, and fatigue is not actually removed). That means that creatures who cleanse before heal are much more powerful when facing enemies that cast fatigue.

I have to correct myself on this. It does seem like the Druid heal is effected by fatigue, even if it is the only debuff on a target. I thought I had tested otherwise, and the description indicates otherwise, but it does not seem to be the case. That leaves only the Kirin from what I know that cleanses before healing. I don't have the Kirin, so I would appreciate if someone could confirm that.

From June balance changes:
Kirin – Adding random Cleanses to occur before the heals, providing a strong utility to this strong healer.

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