Thread: [VCMI] Andruid's Bonus Icons | |

Famous Hero
(Andruids for short)
posted February 25, 2018 12:56 AM |
bonus applied by Maurice on 12 Apr 2018. |
[VCMI] Andruid's Bonus Icons
Hello. After several days of working on my small graphic mod for VCMI, I can finally share it with you. It introduces new icons for creature abilities in VCMI. It would be dishonest to attribute all of the work to myself - I merely borrowed graphic works of brilliant artists such as Brian Kemper and others of Might and Magic fame (you might recognize a few familiar images here and there) and trimmed them to fit Heroes 3 aesthetic. The effects vary, but overall I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out.
You can download it here: Andruids_Bonus_icons.rar (updated version)
(if you have already downloaded icons from the VCMI website, you must disable them in the launcher for my mod to work)
In addition, the mod contains spell immunity icons for original spells from Heroes 3. If you made a custom spell, you can easily make a similar icon using a template .psd file I attached.
Some screenshots:

Have fun and tell me what you think! Peace!

Famous Hero
posted February 25, 2018 01:02 AM |
Testing now. Great work Andruids

Known Hero
posted March 03, 2018 11:02 AM |
That looks very nice ! I agree with Fiorin.
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 03, 2018 01:26 PM |
very nice, indeed.

Known Hero
posted March 05, 2018 10:28 AM |

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted March 05, 2018 11:51 AM |

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted April 12, 2018 06:59 PM |
They're really nice looking indeed, nice work Andruids. 
I recommend a shiny.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 12, 2018 07:04 PM |
Edited by fred79 at 19:06, 12 Apr 2018.
Warmonger said:
Liso1 said:
can they be created/ported for ERA?
And just where do you put them in ERA?
under your heroes folder in "Mods/WoG/Data/zvs/Lib1.res", is my guess.
stupid post feature removed the forward slashes.

Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted April 12, 2018 07:42 PM |
Very good looking examples,thank you for sharing!
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

Famous Hero
(Andruids for short)
posted April 12, 2018 07:44 PM |
Sorry for the delay. Some days ago I updated the mod and added some icons to depict brand new VCMI features (e.g. large Dragon Breath, pre-emptive counterattack, lycanthropy and summoning guardians)
Link to the full mod pack: Andruids Bonus icons07.rar
Link to updated 'bonus icons' folder: Bonus Icons07.rar
@Liso1 All the graphics are bitmaps. I don't have any problems in using the icons elsewhere if someone would like and be able to adapt them.

Known Hero
posted April 13, 2018 08:58 AM |
Edited by Liso1 at 10:25, 13 Apr 2018.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 13, 2018 02:40 PM |