
Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted June 20, 2018 12:30 PM |
Edited by Galaad at 12:46, 20 Jun 2018.
1.10 Feedback
Please use this topic to feedback 1.10.
What I like
- Additional layer per creature size in the inventory was more than welcomed.
- Ditto for being able to summon multiple idols at once (these ticket idols grow damn fast).
- Inversion of dungeon bonuses make sense, color boost has always been stronger than Boss immunity.
What I have mixed feelings about
- Reduced specials activation in dungeons, with this on top of losing the color boost we are now basically forced to run 5 active dungeons and we better have enough maxed out enchanted 4d creatures to survive.
- New Battle Tower rewards. More essences but way less diamonds, not sure how I feel about this. I understand the game may have been giving too much diamonds for free but unsure about the way they go about it. I valued the diamonds better than the epic essences, but maybe that is because I'm in late game. Speaking of early game, I find it a bit cruel to invert 49 and 51 rewards, 51 can take a while to beat.


Hired Hero
posted June 20, 2018 03:25 PM |
I agree with all of your likes and would add that I like the fact they are still making updates...not sure how much longer I think that will be the case.
I dislike that epic weeks for dungeon still have a terrible reward structure and it almost feels like it got worse. Basically no point of trying at all if you aren't going for top 10. 1% gives essentially the same rewards as 25%.
I dislike that they didn't update the creature rewards in the dungeon challenges...I feel like most people no longer need those creatures at all.
I dislike that it seems like it will still always be attack/defense bonuses and the same color combos. I would like to see a week with black/blue bonuses....or red/green....or white/green, etc...

Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted June 20, 2018 04:00 PM |
Somewhat concur.
- Cutting away all those diamonds (although you get now 40% more from those video ADs) feels counterproductive if you are not on the beginning of the game, specially now that you have so many spend-you-diamonds options here and there; which also makes sense in a bad vibe that they simply want you not gaining all those diamonds, but buying them.
- The change of dungeon bonus is something I approve, even if I cannot sustain 3 strong dungeons at the same time yet.
- Agree with Sandro: dungeon rewards, as I said already, feel poor and the cycling creatures feel really too repetitive.
- Multi-idol-summoning was something that really saves us time. As a plus, they COULD simply add an option to skip completely most of the animations. Since I installed it, the game is getting ever longer to load screens and battles.
And I was and am still sort of expecting some stuff.
- Also, I was expecting a 2-week cycle of those Kingdom Battles, and then we would get new bosses coming visiting us. And they are not refreshing either.
- Expected even these farming Quests on Expert tab, at the max difficulty only, to make it not that easy to farm, and perhaps consider 2 Epics creatures or even a 1-time guaranteed Legendary creature, in a similar fashion of these summoning events when releasing new Legendary creatures.
- Expecting multi-tasks spread amongst Quests to unlock a secret Quest here and there or to get that key to unlock something special somewhere ... for example, beating a Quest on Emperor level on normal tab gives you a key to open a special treasure chest on another Expert Quest. This simple or more complex ideas.
- Expecting siege machines to add a layer of protection on the fully-fledged dungeons, something like even Heroes games: damages all invaders based on their max HP at the starting of the battle; heals all defenders once every two or three rounds; boosts defense for all defenders against a certain color; etc.
- The Single Player Campaign. =P
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted June 20, 2018 06:30 PM |
Sandro316 said: I would like to see a week with black/blue bonuses....or red/green....or white/green, etc...
Yes I also thought of this, would be nice. I'd be very curious to see how a dark/red week would go.
The stats could also use more variety, instead of always the same atk/def. I've always wanted to taste a pwr/lck buffs week.

Famous Hero
The Whisperer
posted June 20, 2018 09:16 PM |
As I am more "advanced player" (212 lvl) I am fine with removing diamonds and adding essences to BT. But should I be low level I would just cry I remember every single diamond matters a lot for me back in my newbie days.
What I do not approve is the 49/51 prize swap. Not for me but for all those who cannot beat 51st floor yet.
New filters are cool! Thanks.
Multi summon is even cooler 300+ ticket idols to summon 
As I am able to fill only ONE dungeon to be competetive I am doomed now in golden tier... so back to silver I guess.
World of Heroes (Czech fansite)
The Shadows Over Ashan (H7 community DLC)

Hero of Order
posted June 22, 2018 10:49 AM |
I think it makes sense to have the GE as a level 51 reward rather than 49. Before kingdom, when level 51 was the hardest part of the game, I could understand having the GE at a lower level. But now that you eventually can do it with a small team, I think it's only fair.
I have mixed feelings about removing diamonds from tower. On the one hand, the reward does not fit the effort, but on the other hand more diamonds are always welcome. How much was the net loss, around 300 diamonds?
Most of the changes were ok, but nothing major. Nymph bug is fixed. Diamonds for kingdom structures can help new players catch up faster, the low level structures are cheap. The biggest change was probably reworked dungeon bonuses. Not sure how that will play out yet.
Things that I would like to see:
- Fixed combo dot sets for different teams for gold (so you can have the same creature with different combo sets in two different teams without having to swap each time).
- More to do in kingdom. The weekend fight was a nice addition, but kingdom has a lot more potential. When it was announced we were promised added strucures and guild raids etc. At least they could add a heroes type marketplace so we can trade materials and resources.
- More box space, I'm full already...
- Turn on/off using specials in autocombat
- Possibility to play quests offline.
And there are some smaller bugs that could be fixed. For instance refreshing dungeon attack list sometimes reverts back if you review a dungeon and go back without attacking. There are more connection issues than there used to be, most often when attacking a dungeon or finishing a fight. Sometimes the game just exits without any warning.

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted June 23, 2018 01:21 AM |
Edited by Galaad at 01:29, 23 Jun 2018.
lordgraa said: As I am able to fill only ONE dungeon to be competetive I am doomed now in golden tier... so back to silver I guess.
Sorry when I said 'to survive' I meant in high ranks.
Gold is very tough competitively until you hit shrines 25 (castle 27). Castle 25 can be enough if you have meta creatures and full totems/silver enchants, good old 1 turn mana funnel strategy. IMO anyone below that is fine in Silver. Then problem with getting demoted is you lose two weeks of good rewards, although 50%+ is not awful either.
On topic I'll take the opportunity since Tower rewards were modified, to militate in favor of the old Tower again. One nymph a week is not giving life to it, daily bonuses were. Also the repetition of needing to do it every week is bad on the long run and I recall it was the reason Gummy stopped playing. There should be another way to give these rewards with more entertainment, akin to questing.