Thread: Builder/Warrior/Explorer | |

Adventuring Hero
posted November 07, 2018 05:12 PM |
Edited by Djangoo at 17:21, 07 Nov 2018.
Poll Question: Builder/Warrior/Explorer (Heroes 3 AI)
At least some people play vs AI or do include AI in their PVP matches, so I wondered if you noticed any difference in their AI behaviour? Any AI more agressive than others? Is there an AI which is less prone to split armies?
Which one is the best?
Personally I did not notice any major difference, to be honest. Builder seem to rush capitol always.

Supreme Hero
posted November 07, 2018 08:49 PM |
I already read something about it, let me search for it, it had useful information about AI behaviour.
Nothing of value disappears from this world, it will reappear in some shape or form ^^ - Elvin

Adventuring Hero
posted November 07, 2018 10:18 PM |

That'd be great,I have never read anything about it.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted October 05, 2022 11:21 PM |
So is Warrior generally thought of as the strongest AI?
I have a weird thing happen in my map:
I have 3 players located in the bottom of the map, one to the southwest, one to the south and one to the southeast. For some reason the one to the south always behaves EXTREMELY defensively and almost does'nt dare to leave it's starting town.
I wonder if it's because it's placed between the two other towns? (still pretty far apart though, as it's an XL map and the other two towns are in the corners.)
Maybe setting the southern AI to Warrior, would make it a bit less defensive? Maybe setting all AI to Warrior would actually be a good idea for a more challenging game?

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 06, 2022 10:15 AM |
Warrior? I played in the WoG/ERA.. Warrior can't build a town often, because economy is different in the WoG/ERA?? But Builders build a town well.. Problem! When my Elite said already what's the benefit.. But 7lvl creatures can be upgrade 8lvl.. Warriors are using strong and special troops.. I make a new map is Cult (WoG/ERA).. I've excitement what happens to Warriors.. When AI resource bonuses.. Remember dwellings too.. If not build.. So more AI resource bonus or Warriors are sucking.. Explorer is also good, when AI "collects" neutral troops.. Depends on Diplomacy.. But I've seen their troops H4 hasn't those classes.. Only in mapeditor can give normal, high and vital class.. Normal 3DO maps are normal class.. Because it demands edit in mapeditor..
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