Thread: Titans or Dragon-Golems? | |

Adventuring Hero
posted August 24, 2019 03:36 PM |
Poll Question: Titans or Dragon-Golems?
TITANs quite well with precision and put backwards before heroes not to take damage from enemy ranged attacks
but they're easily cursed and destroyed(hypnose+sacrifice) or turned against u(just hypno) or else
DRAGON-GOLEMs good to have magic resistance )) and first strike+neglect first strike - u can beat an opponent whole stack with no retaliation if u got a lot golems))

Supreme Hero
posted August 24, 2019 07:58 PM |
I have voted Dragon Golems, for several reasons, some of which I know and some of which I don't know.
For one, seeing how the Titan looks in H4 when compared to the one in H3 disappointed me, even though he's a pretty good creature. But, H3 has raised the standard so high that H4's Titan just doesn't make it for me anymore. Which means that, most of the time, I choose DGs, especially since to get Titans you need Castle I think... or Citadel. One of them anyway, which is pretty hard to get on the highest difficulty.
Secondly, Titan / DG is probably the best example of how alternative creatures should be implemented. You can either choose a living archer, or a mechanical walker. That's as alternative as it can get in my opinion. Based on this aspect, as well, I prefer DGs most of the timee.
Thirdly, I absolutely LOVE DGs abilities (first strike, and negate first strike, I mean). Shooting enemies down from the bushes is pretty lame, but winning melee battles is a bit more interesting, but since I'm usually not a good HoMM player and I have a hard time winning melee fights even against the AI sometimes the DG's abilities help me tremendously, which is another reason for which I prefer this creature.
Fourthly, being a high level, mechanical creature has its advantages against strong spellcasters / game breaking spells.
And last but not least, the DG is a fast creature. One of Order's fastest creatures actually, both on the map and on the battlefield, which is nice for such a slow faction like Order.


Hired Hero
posted September 03, 2019 01:19 PM |
If I go against Death or Might, I go for Dragon Golems.
Otherwise I go for the Titans instead.

Supreme Hero
posted September 03, 2019 04:42 PM |
Laati_Maticus said: If I go against Death or Might, I go for Dragon Golems.
Otherwise I go for the Titans instead.
I think Titans are better against Might, though, because of the slow Might's creatures. By the time they reach Order's arny they are akready decimated... IF you have Titans, that is


Hired Hero
posted September 03, 2019 05:23 PM |
monere said:
Laati_Maticus said: If I go against Death or Might, I go for Dragon Golems.
Otherwise I go for the Titans instead.
I think Titans are better against Might, though, because of the slow Might's creatures. By the time they reach Order's arny they are akready decimated... IF you have Titans, that is
Might can indirectly take out some of the Titans with Cyclops (without a retaliation), meanwhile they can hide behind an ally stack.
The Dragon Golems are fast, thus they can reach the enemy back line quite quickly.
Also in some maps, the lack of morale can allow you to mix two alignments.

Supreme Hero
posted September 03, 2019 07:37 PM |
order has many spells to disable the cyclops, and if you play your cards right the cyclops wont get the chance to hit once against 2 mage heroes


Hired Hero
posted September 03, 2019 07:55 PM |
Yes, Order has many spells.
But without the Speed advantage of the Golems, the Thunderbirds will ensure you only have one turn to cast.

Supreme Hero
posted September 04, 2019 12:11 AM |
1 turn is enough to disable the cyclops, which is the nastiest creature from Might. Besides, I think (just a hunch, cause I have no proof to back this up) that most players will go for behemoths because... reasons. Because they seem stronger 
Anyway, with 2, sometimes even 3 mage heroes on your side (whenever I play H4 I have 3 heroes under the same roof) it's impossible not to disable the cyclops, considering you have the speed and spell advantage.
Dragon Golems are my go-to Order creature, so I definitely like them more than Titans. But in all honesty, the Titan is the better creature against Might.
Anyway, it's not that important which creature you prefer. I just wanted to share my opinion, and if you agree with it or not doesn't matter. Peace

Known Hero
posted September 08, 2019 03:44 PM |
Dragon Golems by a small margin
Both are great, many times the movement and price are the main factors I pick Dragon Golems as both of the level 4 order units are very equal in battle.
I love Dragon Golems against Death, Life and Order factions, but I focus on Titans against Nature, Chaos and Might.
Vs Death: Dragon Golems because they are immune to most of their creature abilities, not to mention the nasty spells. Plus if the enemy has Bone Dragons, the Titans are virtually useless.
Vs Chaos: Titans because of the chaos ward, Dragon Golems are an easy target for chaos damage spells due to the low hp and are not the best unit to fight Efrets.
Vs Nature: Genies are a more important choice here, but between Titans and Dragon Golems I would pick Titans mostly for the ward ability. I may go Dragon Golems if I know my enemy has Phoenixes and not much focus on chaos magic.
Vs Life: Dragon Golems because they can fight Angels and Champions better than Titans can.
Vs Order: Dragon Golems because Titans are easier to manipulate with order magic.
Vs Might: Titans because they can fight Thunderbirds and Behemoths better than Dragon Golems can. Dragon Golemns aren't much better than Titans to avoid the Cyclops, the way to disable Cyclops is to cast spells, not to sacrifice creatures right away.

Supreme Hero
posted September 08, 2019 06:18 PM |
TheUnknown said: Vs Might: Titans because they can fight Thunderbirds and Behemoths better than Dragon Golems can. Dragon Golemns aren't much better than Titans to avoid the Cyclops, the way to disable Cyclops is to cast spells, not to sacrifice creatures right away.
this! Fully agree with this!