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Heroes Community > Newcomers Inn > Thread: Plot of Heroes of Might and Magic
Thread: Plot of Heroes of Might and Magic

Tavern Dweller
posted January 06, 2020 04:41 PM

Plot of Heroes of Might and Magic

Good afternoon,
I new on this forum and in HOMM franchise as well. I would like to know where should a newcomer like me start with these games. I like the concept and if anyone of you veterans could help me get in the lore of these games, or precisely where to start. Can I understand the story without playing RPG Might and Magic games or can I start with Heroes 1 and still understand every single one of the references made in the game. Any info will be helpful and thanks in advance.

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted January 06, 2020 04:56 PM

Early M&M games are not connected to the HoMM 1-4 universe, so you can play them if you will.
Other than that there must be some timelines somewhere on the internet.  If I were you, I'd go with HoMM games first and then play M&M.
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Legendary Hero
posted January 06, 2020 05:43 PM

You can start what you want. You dont need to know storyline because 99% players know nohing about it. This the power of MM! Brilliant gameplay.
Yes in Heroes best way is play from 1 to 4. At the end Kings Bounty by NWC.
In MM is another MM8 is easiest.
876-- is best option for newbie. But 678 is more sensible becouse timeline is correctly in this case.
Next 345
And 1i2 you may be not able play. Are very archaic.
MMIX at the end. This ga!me is very poor and unfinished.
After that you have a lot of mods!
Best games ever! Its great adventure. Good decision! Congratulations.

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted January 06, 2020 11:29 PM

NoobX said:
Early M&M games are not connected to the HoMM 1-4 universe, so you can play them if you will.
Other than that there must be some timelines somewhere on the internet.  If I were you, I'd go with HoMM games first and then play M&M.

actually to be fair they are actually connected ackshually check yo fax lol, just a different set of worlds in same universe (I mean a UNIVERSE is a fairly big place dontchaknow) cheers lol

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 07, 2020 06:00 PM

So if I understood correctly, I can start from Heroes 1 without touching MM and not miss out on any major elements of the story. Do the Heroes games reference other worlds in the universe but from MM games?1

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted January 07, 2020 07:34 PM

there is a common universe, background lore, tropes and endless easter eggs but not really a massive overarching story across all games which particularly goes anywhere, in terms of actual plot a lot of the games are friendly self-contained stories and do not demand a deep knowledge lol

if you want to go through the story arcs of the MM games you can play through MM1-5 or MM6-8 (or both if you have time on the hands as there are some overlap) lol

for Heroes realistically you can read the Heroes 1 manual for the "plot" of Heroes 1 (like some early 90s games they put the story in the manual instead of in the actual game) then dive through Heroes 2 for the follow-up,
from there MM6-8, Heroes 3, plus Heroes Chronicles all take place in the same common world, so you can play through these and enjoy some fun crossover and context, albeit like I said many are accessible or self-contained
then you must go to Heroes 4 to get some open-ended closure on everything, MM9 you can practically skip and just watch a single YouTube video of one minor quest as that is the only meaningful link it has to the rest of the story, everything else in it waste of time lol

also if you want to understand MM7 in particular you should play (or Youtube) the earlier MM games cheers lol

P.S. if you want someone to actually explain or summarise parts of the story or such then just throw a message, job in telecommunications can get very boring cheers lol

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Supreme Hero
Nihil sub sole novum
posted January 07, 2020 09:47 PM

Oh Great Lorekeeper, you forgot to tell him of the awesome tale of Asshan and the four Erwins of the U'bi Soft. Surely, his experience is fated to be incomplete without playing the last three (5?) games!

(Starting with M&M 1 to 3 may prove to be a bad idea as they've not aged perfectly and are quite likely to put you off the franchise. Well, unless you are one who likes Wizardry, Bard's tale and such. In that case, go ahead. But be warned. M&M 1 is easily the scariest of the bunch.)

The Count

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 08, 2020 09:58 AM

All right, I think I'll start the franchise with Heroes games, but I'm still going back and forth in my mind whether I should start from the very beginning (I actually tried MM1, but couldn't progress in the game since it wouldn't read my input, but I am still willing to give it a shot). I'm a person who likes to experience a game world in the smallest detail.
Thanks to all of you and if somebody still wishes to give their view on the matter, feel free to write here, I'll be checking this topic daily. Cheers!

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Legendary Hero
posted January 08, 2020 11:24 AM
Edited by OhforfSake at 11:26, 08 Jan 2020.

I don't know nearly as much as Verriker, so please correct me if this is incorrect.

In Might and Magic VII there are more than one ending, one path was supposed to lead to the original intended events of Armageddon's Blade, the other was the first ending I reached and something I felt was fantastic, but sadly this path was never further explored, AFAIK.

I have had the idea that perhaps one could allow this other ending of Might and Magic VII to be a pathway that leads to the earlier M&M games when these changes the party, explained by the world now being expanded upon tremendously. But I have no experience with these older games, and I am not certain this approach will make sense.

Otherwise I think the correct way is something along the lines of:

Setting up the story: HoMM 1 and Might and Magic I to III

I don't think it matters if you play HoMM 1 first or Might and Magic I, then  II and then III first. Though I have never played these early M&M games, so I might be mistaken.

The good stuff (couldn't think of a better name): HoMM 2 (I am unfamiliar if the expansion adds any lore) [Btw. notice there are more than one path, but only one is followed up upon] -> HoMM III SOD (second expansion of the third game) -> Might and Magic VI -> HoMM III RoE -> Might and Magic VII [Again more than one path to go, I have made my suggestion for the alternative path down below] -> HoMM III Armageddon's Blade -> Might and Magic VIII and Heroes Chronicles (I am not certain if the order matters) -> HoMM IV

My idea is then that by choosing the other ending of Might and Magic VII one could perhaps then go Might and Magic VII -> Might and Magic IV -> Might and Magic V?

Btw. I didn't know King's Bounty was connected with HoMM. Also I am not certain exactly how the conflux story of HoMM 3 Armageddon's Blade and Might and Magic VIII fits together. It is a long time ago I have played these games, and I had to read up on it again to make this post, so I hope someone else can confirm or correct it before you conclude upon it yourself.

Edit: Also I want to include that if you skip Might and Magic I - III, then the shock reveal of Might and Magic VII might be more awesome, though on the other hand the only reason I felt like this might also have been because back when I was younger and completed the game I perhaps didn't understand much, and therefore it came so sudden?
Living time backwards

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Legendary Hero
posted January 08, 2020 09:31 PM

Not sure who in his right mind would play the first two Might and Magic games nowadays, with their ancient interface and controls - that would be a masterclass exercise in self-discipline. M&M III-V aren't a huge step forward but they are at least on the other side of the tolerance border.

That said, M&M I-V are pretty much self-contained story-wise, although not disconnected from the rest (especially from M&M VII). From Heroes perspective, the most important games from grasping the lore are HoMM II-IV and M&M VI-VIII (never played IX, nor I'm intending to, so if there are any grand revelations there someone else should share about that). True, foundations are laid at the first 5 M&M games but you can still get the picture quite well without playing them.

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted January 08, 2020 10:29 PM

lol I guess I scribbled a bit hasty so to be perfectly clear, please do not actually sit down and play the ancient RPG games unless you are insanely bored or plain insane for those are artificially long games of an older era, it is your own mileage to vary but when I say play those it would be more like play the walkthrough video and fast forward out the plot cheers lol

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Legendary Hero
posted January 08, 2020 11:08 PM
Edited by Baronus at 23:12, 08 Jan 2020.


Yes MM I and II are very ancient. In fact are noplayable nowadays. Grinding grinding grinding.
Hard to find reason play full these games present time! I dont be able finished them.
Beginnig from 3 if you want right timeline order is good option to. MM3 is very playable. First game you can play nowadays.
First brilliant gameplay has KB by NWC.
You can try MMI-II to snes. Its best early edition of MMI-II. But if you wouldnt fell immersion dont torture yourself :0)))
Japan snes MMII was translated last time!
Its best edition I think...

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Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted January 09, 2020 03:49 PM

Plot? What plot?

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 09, 2020 04:36 PM

Yeah, I figured the first games are like that. (But honestly, I got hyped for them for a second lol) I will probably start, as I said, from HoMM1 and go through the wikis of the previous games. I just can't wait to finish with the last week on faculty so I can have more time for this.

What are your thoughts on the spinoff games and are they worth a try, specifficaly King's bounty?

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