Hired Hero
posted April 29, 2020 11:18 AM |
Emerald tower
Hi everyone,
I'm totally new here in playing around with the map editor.
Could you help me as to where is the Emerald Tower in the WOG 3.58 / ERA ? I can't seem to find it anywhere in the Tools-> Objects -> ... menu entries.
Or is it only available when we add ERM script only ?
Legendary Hero
posted April 29, 2020 11:38 AM |
Have you looked in the towns page? All ERM objects were placed there.
Hired Hero
posted April 29, 2020 03:40 PM |
Ah yes, thanks for your help.
It's indeed inside the Towns menu.
But its properties seems to be of nothing interesting, and when the hero visits it (inside the game), there is nothing happen.
(I create a WOG map from the h3wmaped.exe file)
So I'll have to grab the ERM script for it somewhere ?
Legendary Hero
posted April 29, 2020 03:52 PM |
No, you just need to activate the option in the Wog Options pages, from then on everything must be fine.
Notice the Emerald Tower will not reset every week like it was supposed to, in Era each Emerald Tower will work only once.
Hired Hero
posted April 29, 2020 04:06 PM |
Thanks a ton, I'll try that!
Btw, is the process of creating ERA maps different than WOG maps ?
I know from browsing some random threads that ERA works mostly on "mods" folders; however, we'll still have to create the .h3m file first right ?
So we could start with using the h3wmped.exe file to create .h3m file, put it in the Mods/<Mod_name>/Maps folder, then other files (scripts, images in respective location) ?
Supreme Hero
posted April 29, 2020 05:32 PM |
Edited by avatar at 17:33, 29 Apr 2020.
1. If you enable mods in mod manager - h3wmaped.exe will loat additional graphics from enabled mods too. So, wog map editor is your base tool for making maps.
2. Game searches maps in main Maps folder and also in Maps folder in enabled mods, so it doesn't really matter where you put the map. Just put in Maps dirrectory.
3. Download some mods and browse their files architecture - it's most efficient way.