Thread: [H3] HotA - Template editor, Underground issue | |
Tavern Dweller
posted June 07, 2020 03:52 PM |
[H3] HotA - Template editor, Underground issue
Hey everyone!
I'm trying to make a new template using template editor (H3, HotA), however I keep having issues with UNDERGROUND.
I wanna have a mirror for 4 players.
1/ 2 players (opponents) on ground.
2/ 2 players (opponents) in underground.
3/ both ground and UG should have contested treasure zone in the middle with underground entrance to each others treasure zone.
But I keep having problems with underground only being generated with subterranean, not with terrain matching the town.
Anyone knows how to avoid it?
Thanks a lot!!!
Legendary Hero
posted June 07, 2020 04:22 PM |
Yup. You must use the Zone Settings -> Advanced Options -> Placement to say where zones will be created.
Then connect the treasure zones between themselves and edit the connection, Connection Settings -> Placement Hint -> Underground Portal.
Finally, in the underground zones Zone Settings -> Terrain - deselect all options but "Match to Town".
I've tried the first two options but not the last one, yet I believe it should work.
Note: pay attention to the order of zone ids and make sure you select the type of connections you want and select the Portal Repulsion option, to avoid having them placed close to towns (sometimes the guards even block your way out of the starting town).
Tavern Dweller
posted June 07, 2020 04:47 PM |
Edited by sumpator at 16:56, 07 Jun 2020.
bloodsucker said:
I've tried the first two options but not the last one, yet I believe it should work.
Thats the issue. It doesnt work :/ It just keeps creating the typical underground paths... Even if I set it directly to, lets say Grass, it does not create a grass terrain :/
EDIT: I've also tried to set a rule where the terrain will be copied from a different zone (on ground), but no success.
But I don't want to believe it's not possible to do it...
Legendary Hero
posted June 07, 2020 04:58 PM |
Then I'm sorry but I have no idea how to solve it. It may even be Impossible.
Can you create lava? If you have 8XM8 Huge template, try to open it and check. I know that one can create lava.
Ops, these ones don't fix the zone location to the underground so the rule is just as I indicated previously.
I couldn't find it but I think there is an option to create mirror templates, maybe that works.
I said it might be impossible, cause when you select the positioning as underground you may have automatically selected the terrain. This may be a graphic tool but still writes to the old rmg.txt and it doesn't delete what was created previously.
P.S try to ask this in the Horn of the Abyss - Announcements, Questions, Features thread, it's the one Gruk indicates.
Tavern Dweller
posted June 07, 2020 05:34 PM |
bloodsucker said:
I couldn't find it but I think there is an option to create mirror templates, maybe that works.
That would help tremendously! Mirror is actually what I want to do Ground = Underground.
Well I have contacted HotA on FB already, will see if they give me a solution. Once I know more, I will post it here to make sure anyone can find it in the future
Supreme Hero
posted June 07, 2020 08:27 PM |
Mirror templates can't created in template editor.
Tavern Dweller
posted June 08, 2020 12:40 PM |
avatar said: Mirror templates can't created in template editor.
I know, but I would like to know how to create mirror images. You can create the map and everything in template editor, but you have to make the mirror connections in notepad (or another text editor).
I would like to know how to make it in notepad.
Anyone here knows how to do mirrors?
Supreme Hero
posted June 08, 2020 05:33 PM |
Open non-mirror and mirror templates in MS Excel and compare the diffirences.