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Heroes Community > Heroes 4 - Lands of Axeoth > Thread: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth
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Famous Hero
posted December 02, 2021 07:27 AM bonus applied by Galaad on 26 Dec 2021.
Edited by iliveinabox05 at 07:19, 16 Jun 2024.

Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth project.

This project has been around for a little while, but activity dropped off considerably for a little while until recently.

What is the Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth project? Originally it started out as a project to port the Lost Tales of Axeoth to H4 where they belong, but has expanded considerably recently. Here is a list of what is being worked on:

Porting Unity to H4
Porting Every Dog Has His Day to H4
True follow on expansions to the original H4 campaigns
Heroes IV Chronicles
Translating H4 campaigns and maps to English

There has been quite a bit of progress on the Unity campaign. The first two maps are finished as far as landscaping and writing, with the writing completed for the third map as well. With our new member ByteBandit, the landscaping of the remaining islands is in good hands.

Every Dog Has His Day, has, well, been completed. See this announcement here for details on that, as well as a general update for this project. There are still some things we would like to do for this campaign, which you can see in the screenshots in the above news item, so it isn’t being released quite yet.

Heroes IV Chronicles is well underway, with porting of Warlords of the Wasteland to H4 being completed. This campaign is ready to be tested by others (see the end of this post for the link). Feel free to post any feedback here or via pm.

This particular task is being helped along by the Advanced Options Map Editor, which is getting a new feature for converting H3 maps to H4.

There will be a WoW compatible version of each campaign that can be placed in the maps folder, but we also want to include a modded version using some of the H3 assets, as well as making these campaigns playable from the campaign selection screen.

As things become available I will update this post with links to them below.

If anyone would like to be a part of this project in whatever capacity they prefer, please send me a pm or just let me know here. We can always use testers and map makers

Products -
H4 Object Package by Karmakeld: Object Package

Lost Tales of Axeoth:
Every Dog Has His Day

Heroes IV Chronicles:
Warlords of the Wasteland
Conquest of the Underworld
Masters of the Elements
The World Tree
The Fiery Moon
Revolt of the Beastmasters
Clash of the Dragons
The Sword of Frost

Heroes IV Restoration of Erathia:
Long Live the Queen
Dungeons and Devils
Spoils of War Part 1
Spoils of War Part 2
Long Live the King
Song for the Father
Seeds of Discontent

Heroes IV Armageddon's Blade:
Armageddon's Blade
Dragon's Blood
Dragon Slayer
Festival of Life
Playing with Fire
Foolhardy Waywardness

Heroes IV Shadow of Death:
New Beginning
Elixir of Life
Hack and Slash
Birth of a Barbarian
Rise of the Necromancer
Unholy Alliance
Specter of Power

Heroes of Might and Magic 2 PoL:
The Price of Loyalty
Voyage Home
Wizard's Isle

Music Mods:
Lords of Magic
Final Fantasy

Translated Maps

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Legendary Hero
posted December 05, 2021 02:23 PM
Edited by Baronus at 19:58, 05 Dec 2021.


Its my wish to and Ive make a mod in 2015 y. with this intention. But in polish language. Maybe in future I prepare eng version.
Adding best resources ballancig bad sets. Repairing some questions eg. bad alternatives ogre vs. cyclope or naga vs. genie is verry important. It makes new gameplay experiences and give more depth these version of Heroes.

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Famous Hero
Soul Merchant
posted December 05, 2021 06:04 PM bonus applied by Galaad on 26 Dec 2021.

The Heroes IV Chronicles are just that. The story's the same, the Heroes are the same. Pretty much everything's the same, as the original layout of Heroes III. After weeks and weeks of putting 'Warlords" together, we feel we have found the balance needed with creature placements, Dwellings, Adventure Objects and so on, to play the game as originally intended. The experience should be quite familiar for those who have played any of the Chronicles campaigns using the H3 format. And a slightly 'newer feel' for those who'll play it in the H4 format.

For those of you who follow the Chronicle series closely, as per the original, Conquest of the Underworld will follow suit after Warlords of the Wasteland and so on. Conquests will be another 8 map campaign that takes Tarnum into a different world from the one he left. Work has already began on it. It is slated to be released sometime after the Unity campaign has been completed or possibly sooner. So, there will be a lot to look forward to in the coming months.

The real star of all these campaigns, however, is the Advanced Options Map Editor. iliveinabox05 has been gathering data and putting long hours into making it an easy and reliable tool for mapmakers to use, be they veteran or beginner. Rose Kavalier, Karmakeld, Treth and others, have added a lot of time and effort into helping create this map tool that does more for mapmaking than perhaps any other editor out there. And don't worry! Once the A.O.M.E. has been thoroughly tested and finalized by the team, you'll be able to have it for yourself!
But for now, it's still evolving and what ever improvements have been made, you'll know about them as further campaigns follow. Each campaign will definitely showcase the newest feature{s} completed in the editor, with team explanations of those changes. It'd be great to tell you specifically when the editor would be released, but so many things come into play to be certain and for sure on such a large project as this. No release target date has been established. Instead, everyone wants to release a product that runs smoothly and doesn't need constant fixing. Easier custom H4 mapmaking may become a reality sooner than later.

So for now, just enjoy the campaign and have fun with it like we did.

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Famous Hero
posted December 05, 2021 08:00 PM

Baronus said:
Its my wish to and Ive make a mod in 2015 y. with this intention. But in polish language. Maybe in future I prepare eng version.
Adding best resources ballancig bad sets. Repairing some questions eg. bad alternatives ogre vs. cyclope or naga vs. genie is verry important. It makes new gameplay experiences and give more depth these version of Heroes.

You have a Polish version of Heroes Chronicles in H4? That would be cool to take a look at

I've now transferred resources and mines, and I'm working on creature stacks now!

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Legendary Hero
posted December 13, 2021 09:53 PM

No I mean global mod to have more cities and more creatures. Ballancing all units and correcting failed stats.

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Famous Hero
posted December 15, 2021 05:42 PM

Baronus said:
No I mean global mod to have more cities and more creatures. Ballancing all units and correcting failed stats.

Oh yeah, that would definitely be an awesome addon for H4. I think first we want to focus on adding a completely new unit. After we get that process down, then actual new towns would be the next step.

Update on Heroes IV Chronicles: Conquest of the Underworld is more than halfway complete. Map 6 is a big one, but after that it should be quick work to finish the remaining two maps.

Converting the maps using the advanced options editor is speeding things up tremendously.

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Famous Hero
Soul Merchant
posted December 24, 2021 08:27 PM bonus applied by Galaad on 26 Dec 2021.

Christmas means presents. and this Christmas, for the community, Conquest of the Underworld has been finished! Now it is being completed by iliveinabox05. And will be released soon after that. A lot of new additions in the Advanced Options Map Editor helped speed up the mapmaking process though. Much faster to create than before. This is the largest of all the Chronicle campaigns, but it still adheres to the original H3 campaign as much as possible. We hope you'll enjoy it.

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Famous Hero
posted December 25, 2021 08:53 AM bonus applied by Galaad on 26 Dec 2021.
Edited by iliveinabox05 at 16:25, 25 Dec 2021.

Merry Christmas indeed I've added the link to Conquest of the Underworld!

I haven't had the chance to test it yet, but I did verify all of the win conditions were in place.

Feedback is appreciated!

The h3 -> h4 conversion is getting things to the point where we practically just need to landscape to finish the maps

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Famous Hero
Soul Merchant
posted December 25, 2021 09:19 PM

We may not have play tested CotU ourselves, but with our combined experiences in mapmaking, we feel comfortable they are ready for the public as is for playing/testing. The maps were made exactly according to the original layouts and ahead of time. And CotU could've been released sooner, but we went over the unseen details meticuously to make sure that playing it gives the proper results as the original. This took as much time as the landscaping, actually. It is very playable as is, but another opinion is always welcomed to make them even better. Playtesting these campaigns will be very important to moving on to the modded versions planned for later.

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted December 25, 2021 11:56 PM
Edited by NimoStar at 22:18, 26 Dec 2021.

Woudn't you definitely say the H4 one has much many more map tiles?

Not that it's bad, just reflects my conversion proposal.

Another point but this is a nitpick:

The H3 map uses desert/rough vegetation. The H4 map uses pines. I believe there were better suitable trees, since there are *many* H4 trees, and there are already separate H3 pines to convert into those.

* * *

Also, a mutually beneficial request:

Would you allow me to redistribute this in a campaign folder for H4 Ultimate?

With a readme that says it's by Bytebandit and Iliveinabox

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Famous Hero
Soul Merchant
posted December 26, 2021 03:08 AM

.....but the game is playing okay so far. That's good. It gets better as you go. Lots more trees. Pine grows everywhere where I live out in the country. So, I went with it.

Everything must be easy to get to for you. It's what we were after. The stacks should be about right too. Good luck.

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Famous Hero
posted December 26, 2021 03:44 AM

NimoStar said:
Also, a mutually beneficial request:

Would you allow me to redistribute this in a campaign folder for H4 Ultimate?

With a readme that says it's by Bytebandit and Iliveinabox

Sure man. It would be appreciated if you added a readme like you said and include a link to this thread as well. Maybe our emails for anyone that doesn't use the forum (included in the readme posted here).

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted December 27, 2021 02:31 AM
Edited by NimoStar at 05:07, 27 Dec 2021.

Lots more trees. Pine grows everywhere where I live out in the country. So, I went with it.

Well, I have an irrational hatred forpines and thwey are not native to my country,so there is that

Also, default H4 maps overuse pines to an extreme extent, since they are basically the only tree in NWC made default brushes. I just would like the tree variety in the game to be well utilized.

But I see your work is generally good and you do a nice gameplay translation of the H3 elements.

* * *

About the readme: Got it. I have added the email adress and other information.

PD: goddamit galaad, 4 QP to this thread and just one for my entire mod. What must a man do :'v

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted January 13, 2022 12:51 AM
Edited by NimoStar at 00:53, 13 Jan 2022.

So, I have been playing a bit of the first map iun the conquest of the underword campaign.

Gameplay wise everything goes nicely (even if it is *far too easy*)

The bug I have encountered is that some event messages appear twice.

- Quest bird
- Skeletons
- Imps
- Etc.

This is due to a very simple mistake:

The message is put both in the "effects" and "script" in the map, as I suspected.

One of these instances has to be removed.

I'm manually removing the ones in the "effects" tab but this is for my private use until the official fix is made.

Also, the joining pikemen have no message, which is both a bit confusing and anticlimactic...

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Famous Hero
posted January 13, 2022 03:48 AM
Edited by iliveinabox05 at 05:27, 13 Jan 2022.

NimoStar said:
So, I have been playing a bit of the first map iun the conquest of the underword campaign.

Gameplay wise everything goes nicely (even if it is *far too easy*)

The bug I have encountered is that some event messages appear twice.

- Quest bird
- Skeletons
- Imps
- Etc.

This is due to a very simple mistake:

The message is put both in the "effects" and "script" in the map, as I suspected.

One of these instances has to be removed.

I'm manually removing the ones in the "effects" tab but this is for my private use until the official fix is made.

Also, the joining pikemen have no message, which is both a bit confusing and anticlimactic...

Hey man, thanks so much for the feedback!

The double display is due to a miscommunication on my part about how ByteBandit and I would go about the different map creation tasks.

I thought I had caught them all, but clearly not! If you see more, please let me know and I will get them fixed.

As far as ease of these campaigns, that's going to be an issue I think until I can come back around and try them out myself. Though if you add your thoughts and suggestions about where it would be good to increase the difficulty, then definitely post it here.

At the moment we've kept things as close to the original H3 campaigns as possible, but we'll definitely need to update for having heroes taking part in the battles.

I do plan to go back and add the AI enhancing scripts, so those will hopefully help with the difficulty as well (and I plan to update the reducing neutral scripts as we discussed previously so that only the reducing scripts for the creatures actually on the stack will be applied).

Again, thanks for the feedback!


I've updated both Warlords of the Wasteland, and Conquest of the Underworld to address the double display events. I also added the loss condition so that if Tarnum is defeated, the game is over, and fixed a couple of placed events to remove their scripts after running.

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted January 13, 2022 03:34 PM
Edited by NimoStar at 15:35, 13 Jan 2022.

As far as ease of these campaigns, that's going to be an issue I think until I can come back around and try them out myself. Though if you add your thoughts and suggestions about where it would be good to increase the difficulty, then definitely post it here.

At the moment we've kept things as close to the original H3 campaigns as possible, but we'll definitely need to update for having heroes taking part in the battles.

This last point is very important.

While in H3 you would strart with three level 6 heroes in scenario 2 and this would not be a big deal,

In h4 you can make these three heroes part of an army, a fighting army, and that changes things *a lot*

Now imagine when you start last scenario with heroes level 30.

Default difficulty becomes a joke, I have been doing lots of changes.

This is my partially fixed version, though of course there is edit conflict with your fixes... which is a shame, but I guess miscommunication happens.

At least I can download the Warriors of the Wastelands update without conflict.

Another thing I fixed is inconsistent descriptions from H3 translation.

For example, in map 2 the artifact is suppossed to be changed from Orb of Inhibition to Scarab of Summoning.

Yet the descriptions still say Orb of Inhibition like 6 times!

Easy way to fix this (which I have done):
Export .txt file
use notepad++ to replace all instances
import .txt file to map again

Also such things as speaking of "magogs" are still there. Some replacements which have been done don't fit such as speaking of "beholders throwing fireballs", which isn't something they do (energy beams?)


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Famous Hero
posted January 13, 2022 04:09 PM
Edited by iliveinabox05 at 16:11, 13 Jan 2022.

NimoStar said:
Another thing I fixed is inconsistent descriptions from H3 translation.

For example, in map 2 the artifact is suppossed to be changed from Orb of Inhibition to Scarab of Summoning.

Yet the descriptions still say Orb of Inhibition like 6 times!

Easy way to fix this (which I have done):
Export .txt file
use notepad++ to replace all instances
import .txt file to map again

Also such things as speaking of "magogs" are still there. Some replacements which have been done don't fit such as speaking of "beholders throwing fireballs", which isn't something they do (energy beams?)

Ah yes, some of those slipped by for sure! Tried to catch them as we went, but I missed some due to also working on the h3->h4 conversion, so I had a lot of balls up in the air. Dropped a couple!

As far as changes to enhance the difficulty, I think it would be easier for you to just say in general what things you think need tweaking. So stuff like "increased ambush events by x amount or %", "increase neutral stacks by x amount or %", "gave AI x resources", etc.

I unfortunately don't have the time to look through the maps to check for and bring in the updates into our master copy. I'm also a bit anal when it comes to how things are scripted and whatnot, so I prefer to make any updates myself, haha

Again, awesome feedback and much appreciated! I'll look to fix the texts you mentioned when I get home from work.

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted January 13, 2022 05:34 PM
Edited by NimoStar at 17:35, 13 Jan 2022.

Well, I increase monsters in variety to make for more interesting fights too (H3 can't mix neutral monsters, H4 can)

But I haven't changed the scripting at all other than the text.

Amongst the advantages of H4 heroes over H3:
- Fighting
- Absorb damage
- More powerful spells
- Reviving in-combat
- Fleeing without cost
- Macroeconomic advantages (Summoning, resurrection, mining, nobility, etc.)
- Several heroes JOINING in an army
- Etc. (combat artifacts, potions and vials, combat summons at any level, etc.)

However if you want to stick to mono-monster, I reccomend the following changes to strenght:

Ambush events have to be bigger because they don't grow.

First Scenario - 100% neutral, 100% ambush, regular enemy towns (no change)
Second Scenario - 150-200% neutral, 300% ambush, 1-2 extra buildings in enemy towns, add enemy aligned creatures, upgrade starting enemy heroes to level 5
Third Scenario - 200-250% neutral, 400% ambush, 3-4 extra buildings in enemy towns, add enemy aligned creatures, upgrade starting enemy heroes to level 10
Fourth Scenario - 250-300% neutral, 500% ambush, 4-5 extra buildings in enemy towns, add enemy aligned creatures, upgrade starting enemy heroes to level 15
Fifth Scenario - 300-350% neutral, 600% ambush, 5-6 extra buildings in enemy towns, add enemy aligned creatures, upgrade starting enemy heroes to level 20
Sixth Scenario - 350-400% neutral, 700+% ambush, 6-7 extra buildings in enemy towns, add enemy aligned creatures, upgrade starting enemy heroes to level 25

Also in every level flag AI mines.

You know where it is going.

It is ridiculous that AI opponents are suppossed to face your level 30 monster heroes, with all the bonuses skills and spells and some artifacts from previous scenarios,
With their own LEVEL 1 heroes, with no starting armies. They just getr roflstomped. Sadly this is the truth.

Thanks for taking into account.

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Famous Hero
posted January 13, 2022 06:05 PM

NimoStar said:
It is ridiculous that AI opponents are suppossed to face your level 30 monster heroes, with all the bonuses skills and spells and some artifacts from previous scenarios,
With their own LEVEL 1 heroes, with no starting armies. They just getr roflstomped. Sadly this is the truth.

Thanks for taking into account.

This I definitely noticed. Sometimes they do give the heroes a starting XP bonus, and then sometimes, in like the 6th map of the campaign, the AI heroes start at level 1.. Makes no sense.

I definitely want to go back to the scenarios where this is the case and give the starting AI heroes the bonus they need. I've also thought about adding an additional starting hero or two to match the number of heroes the player starts with, and also give the starting XP bonus.

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Famous Hero
Soul Merchant
posted January 17, 2022 11:41 PM

Masters of the Elements, the third campaign in the Heroes Chronicles series, is now completed and being finalized. I also believe the issues with the other campaigns being too easy have been corrected to being more challenging now.

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