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Heroes Community > MapHaven Guild > Thread: [HotA] Custom Map - 6/5 XL - Regicide
Thread: [HotA] Custom Map - 6/5 XL - Regicide

Tavern Dweller
posted December 15, 2021 04:19 PM
Edited by CrackBen at 17:13, 15 Dec 2021.

[HotA] Custom Map - 6/5 XL - Regicide

Hello world! == French version below ==

I'd like to introduce you with a Horn of the Abyss map I made one year ago for a close friend of mine.

It tells the story of a kingdom tearing itself apart, for the King (Purple, Inferno) has gone mad after he allegedly found the Grail, torturing his subjects and such.

- His elder son (Green, Castle) wants to restore peace by defeating him.
- His younger son (Red, Castle) wants to bring him back to reason.
- His old rival (Blue, Tower) sees in this chaos an opportunity to seize the thrown.
- His former ally (Orange, Rampart) seeks revenge and justice after the crimes he committed.
- An old and forgotten people from within the earth (Brown, Dungeon) takes this war as an omen to the rebirth of its former glory.
The goal is to be the first to slay the king. All 5 opponents to the king are playable and I made the map trying to keep a delicate balance between giving every player the same assets, while making sure each one of them has their own unique storyline and experience within the game.

I love Heroes 3, used to play it a lot when I was younger, and then I got so thrilled when I learned about the HotA project and its philosophy : developing the game further as if it just went on. I thus played it again, got a lot of fun, and wanted to make a map using most of the new features of this extension.

I hope you will enjoy playing this map as much as I did making it.

Thank you for your attention (and for your feedback ) !

Link to the map (English) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FsmfpPUfFFvMSRB0r8wbXnCOf-boZK9l/view?usp=sharing

=== French Version ===

Bonjour tout le monde !

J'aimerais vous présenter une map de Horn of the Abyss que j'ai réalisée il y a un an pour un de mes amis.

Elle raconte l'histoire d'un royaume qui se déchire, car le Roi (Violet, Hadès) est devenu fou après avoir prétendument trouvé le Graal, torturant ses sujets et autres joyeusetés morbides.

- Son fils aîné (Vert, Château) veut rétablir la paix en le terrassant.
- Son fils cadet (Rouge, Château) veut le ramener à la raison.
- Son vieux rival (Bleu, Tour) voit dans ce chaos une opportunité de s'emparer du trône.
- Son ancien allié (Orange, Rempart) réclame vengeance et justice après les crimes qu'il a commis.
- Un peuple oublié des profondeurs de la terre (Marron, Donjon) prend cette guerre comme un présage à la renaissance de son ancienne gloire.

Le but est d'être le premier à tuer le roi. Les 5 adversaires du roi sont jouables et j'ai créé la map en essayant de garder un équilibre entre donner à chaque joueur les mêmes ressources et m'assurer que chacun d'eux a sa propre histoire et expérience dans le jeu.

J'adore Heroes 3, j'y jouais beaucoup quand j'étais plus jeune, puis j'ai été tellement enthousiaste quand j'ai découvert le projet HotA et sa philosophie : développer le jeu plus loin comme s'il continuait. J'y ai donc rejoué, je me suis beaucoup amusé et j'ai voulu créer une carte en utilisant la plupart des nouvelles fonctionnalités de cette extension.

J'y ai rejoué, je me suis beaucoup amusé et j'ai voulu créer une carte en utilisant la plupart des nouvelles fonctionnalités de cette extension.

Il n'y a malheureusement pas d'accent dans la VF, car ce n'est pas possible avec HotA... Vous êtes prévenus !

J'espère que vous prendrez autant de plaisir à jouer à cette map que j'en ai eu à la créer.

Merci pour votre attention (et pour vos retours )!

Lien vers la map (français) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Iu80oIYHhHhCoSfTfvaAZ6sWkdcliwPN/view?usp=sharing

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Known Hero
posted December 17, 2021 12:21 PM

Hi CrackBen,

Thank you for uploading your map. I downloaded it and had a look in the editor. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time at the moment so I didn't play it and can therefore not say anything about the balancing.

From what I saw in the editor I can give you the following feedback: I really liked the storyline, the texts in the events, and the idea of the different events for the different factions that you put on the map at some key locations (for example near the tents or when entering the lava area).

But regarding those events: I think due to their positions, which aren't always in bottlenecks, a player might miss them if they approach from a different direction than where that player's event is placed.

And regarding the map design: I found that there were quite a number of empty places (no map object, no decoration) especially in the underground but also on the overworld map, which make the map appear empty in those spots. Most of the decorations are lumped together as the big areas between the paths and outside of those there aren't many of them. By the way: Did you use the brush tool for those big unpassable areas? To me it looked like random decorations put together but I might be wrong and you put them together like that on purpose.

What I really liked were the little details like the ocean bottles with Bidley's poetry (and maybe others that I missed scrolling through the map in the editor?).

I hope my feedback is helpful!

Take care and Happy Christmas!

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Supreme Hero
posted December 18, 2021 01:25 AM

What FdgK said is exactly my feedback as well! Especially the events, unless you want some events to be easily missed, it's better to put them in a 1x1 bottleneck.

Another small note is that I like the look of the minimap.  It's not necessarily important to have a nice minimap but it tells that attention has been paid at least on some details, which I respect.

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Tavern Dweller
posted January 03, 2022 06:08 PM
Edited by CrackBen at 19:16, 03 Jan 2022.

Thank you very much for your feedbacks!

Indeed the underground level was hard to fournish without having to put too many objects that could have given an unfair advantage to the brown player.

I did use a brush for the big separation areas, which I rearranged afterwards but it can be clumsy in some parts.

I also take good note of the positionning of the events. For those around tents which can be missed, I actually didn't know what to do because I wanted to create a one time event that triggers for each player, so I was afraid that putting only one event with a sole message, accessible by every player, would actually disappear after the first visit just like a bottle. But that may just be an misunderstanding of how events work.

I take good note of the good impressions as well, and I hope you will enjoy the map if you give it a go !

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Known Hero
posted January 04, 2022 12:18 AM

I am quite sure that the events work just like you said: One-time-events that can be triggered by all factions diappear after they are activated for the first time and will not reappear for every player. What gnollking and I meant was the following: You should try to position the tents and the other objects with events in a way that in order to reach them you have to pass the square with the event. In your case with up to five events for each object you would of course have to make a path that leads to these objects with at least five of those bottlenecks. It might be difficult to not make it look awkward but with a bit of patience you can create something like that that looks natural, I guess.

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