Thread: Heroes 6 SoD mod - Additional heroes offline & tutorial | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |
Tavern Dweller
posted May 28, 2022 07:40 PM |
Heroes 6 SoD mod - Additional heroes offline & tutorial
Hello! I'm happy to present a mod made for a Shadow of Darkness. It introduces two additional heroes with unique models per faction in the offline mode and while online to play against. Additionally, below you will find all information required to make it yourself and all I've discovered while trying to modify version 2.1.1.
Heroes will be available when choosing main hero in single scenario, duel mode, but won't be available for hire in Tavern, unless to resurrect them, same way as Dynasty heroes.
1. Mod installation and restrictions
In order to install it:
a) Download mod from following [url=https://mega.nz/file/peVXWR5Q#MMAL8o2t7iW8upjchfUFQriZxWa3aZz7UVa8Lw5Pb1A]link[/url]
b) Put Data22.orc file into your installation folder. If you are using latest version without mods, Data21.orc shall be the last one
c) If you have been playing offline previously, go to your Documents, find Might and Magic VI folder and under your profile delete or backup DynastyData.bin as game may not automatically do it.
You may now launch it on offline mode, in example by creating shortcut and adding -offline to starting parameters.
Currently known issues:
- Michael which I built as separate completely new hero entity has improper animation while upgrading to Life/Death reputation where body stays above the head. No idea how evolve animations are handled... Kraal just skips it...
Fixed issues:
- Update 1.1: Using mod in online mode is possible but equipping traits in any map will crash the game. If you unequip them in Dynasty window, you should still be able to verse new heroes.
- Update 1.11: Reduce Katsue line of sight to 12, as other heroes.
2. Tutorial on how to reproduce it using modified GameEditor
In order to mod the game I used old GameEditor from game version 1.1 published already here previously, and widely used, as a base. Unfortunately I wasn't able to force recent EXE file to launch in editor mode. On the other hand I've introduced some changes to the old EXE to make it kind of work
a) Fixed never-ending loading of Game.orc - simply removed window definition. Then loading proceeded with warning regarding version if used file from SoD. Very old Game.orc shouldn't have this issue.
b) Fix Dungeon Heroes ID while saving - I've hex edited launcher so editor views certain unique IDs drop down fields of Dungeon as Academy, but while saving retains correct Dungeon ID. This enables to immediately use save Game.orc file, in most cases, and test it in-game, without hex post-processing.
Here are all the [url=https://mega.nz/file/9G1llBzY#jigCtt0wVJaAnv3EsLdT0TldwJwMRkBeh7khYZopxIA]tools[/url] needed in one place.
For those that are unfamiliar with the modding process. It's the same as in modding thread.
a) use orc2zip to extract all DataXX.orc files to one folder replacing newer files.
b) to edit main settings launch GameEditor i.e. using provided RunEditor.cmd command file. Press "ok" on pop-up. Ignore error about invalid data when it opens.
c) Open Game.orc file from unpacked data in first step
As some data get lost while we overwrite using old editor, after you do all changes there are some steps that have to be done using Hex editor mainly to correct empty or incorrect IDs which appear as old version does not have drop down definition for Shades of Darkness or DLCs. Personally I used HxD but it's up to you. Each hex represents certain readable text values, some look like complete gibberish at first site. You won't need knowledge like one below, it's just an example I worked at the beginning You can find instruction along with the mod in plain text where text strings are provided where to replace what exactly. It's actually pretty simple, just copy, replace accordingly. If you are not sure about something, easiest way to check what is wrong it so open and save Game.orc without changes and compare side by side.
1. Fix Dungeon Heroes
Following fix will restore fully dungeon heroes and correct their armies. Otherwise there is fallback to Necro on default
Look for these two strings. They correspond to Dungeon Tavern heroes might/magic
2E 00 00 32 04 00 00 00 00 00 3C
0A 00 00 32 04 00 00 00 00 00 3C
after value 04, replace with 56 C8 07 00. This new value represents ID of dungeon faction. You can confirm it yourself in GameEditor, Other Editor (the "O" icon"), Other->Races->Dungeon
2. Fix Duel modes
This is required to fix crashing of the game in duel mode.
Find "Dungeon 1" string. They will start like ones below with exception of last four empty bytes (8 zeroes) Replace them with dungeon ID
44 75 6E 67 65 6F 6E 20 31 00 00 1E 04 56 C8 07 00
Do the same for "Dungeon 2", which is just below.
44 75 6E 67 65 6F 6E 20 32 00 00 1E 04 56 C8 07 00
3. Fix Campaigns
Without this fix all new campaigns will have Duke Slava as starting hero. There are two fixes required hero. One in the list of campaigns and other in list of heroes.
a) Look for "Campaign NecExpan Might". This will be section with campaigns. Below you should have Offline avatars. Make yours way through up through all 4 campaigns Might/Magic
Necro Expansion Vein: 6E 04 0B
Dungeon: 6E 04 0A
Sandro and Dance Macabre: 6E 04 08
Crag Hack Pirate Campaign: 6E 04 09
b) Look for "PreSet Campaign" Default and Alternative. Somewhere below SourceAssets link you will have "6E 04 00" Replace it with relevant
Remaining are small fixes of buildings and pets that came with DLCs to make them work, like Training Center. See instruction for this step as look up codes are too long to post here.
3. SWF Editing
This may be a great way to actually unlock whole Dynasty in offline (or maybe not). SWF files hold not only interface graphics and information which can be changed, but also UI behaviors. The main issue is that these are compiled files and conversion to FLA seems very faulty. Nevertheless I've discovered still supported free program JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler which experimental ActionScript editor works without decompilation of files. This allowed me with small adjustments to unlock adding heroes to Dynasty while offline! They are saved even in the DynastyData.bin which was weirdly empty at the end! It didn't allow me to choose them in games as this is governed by some other scripts
Thank you for reading. If you know how to fix anything let me know. I may work slowly on fixing and expanding it myself.
Disclaimer: All files are provided as is and I claim to right of ownership to tools or programs etc. I'm also not connected to any of recommended editing programs
Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted May 29, 2022 02:17 AM |
Very interesting study in H6 modding.
I have never played H6 or 7, but i'm sure this will come in handy for future modding reference if nothing else. There is valuable information about making mods work.
Tavern Dweller
posted June 19, 2022 12:30 PM |
Mod Update 1
I've managed to solve most important issue of the mod, crashing when having mod installed and using traits while connected to Conflux. This required additional understanding on how Game.orc works. There are places which specify address number/length of section and whole file which need to be adjusted after additional hexes are added to the file. There were also more drop down definitions missing in old Game editor than in other cases. I've updated links and instruction.
This also marks point when all known issues I encountered playing have some patching available one way or another after saving Game.orc
Tavern Dweller
posted March 03, 2023 10:58 PM |
RedTreant said: Mod Update 1
I've managed to solve most important issue of the mod, crashing when having mod installed and using traits while connected to Conflux. This required additional understanding on how Game.orc works. There are places which specify address number/length of section and whole file which need to be adjusted after additional hexes are added to the file. There were also more drop down definitions missing in old Game editor than in other cases. I've updated links and instruction.
This also marks point when all known issues I encountered playing have some patching available one way or another after saving Game.orc
Thank you so much for this mode!
It will be awesome if you can make a balance patch too
Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted December 10, 2023 05:39 PM |
As FirePaladin said in the other thread, this information may become more important now that thee online servers are shutting down. More of the game could become unlockable by modding.
Known Hero
posted December 27, 2023 05:40 AM |
I worry some of it is only hosted on the ubi servers preventing fans from getting to that stuff... but fingers crossed this great work can open the door for more fan patches that fix some of the issues that will come with the Jan 24 Heroes 6 server closure if ubi do nothing..
Blake's Sanctum - Heroes of Might & Magic: fan page containing pictures, vids, info, similar games & fan projects!
Tavern Dweller
posted January 21, 2024 12:17 PM |
If conflux is disabled I might eventually update this mod with more heroes. Bringing back dynasty weapons could be done by previously existing workaround. There was at some point mod that converted them to relics that worked nicely, it's just doing it all over again for newest version properly. Then at least for campaigns should be fine. Adding them to normal scenarios could be done by triggering getting them to inventory at the start of the game by editing maps, but I have no idea how to exclude AI, or put human player condition on trigger basis.
At some point I attempted to do some work still on Java files but failed miserably. Only interesting part that I got from this, is that if you play SoD campaign, when you pick up dynasty artifact it goes to you inventory, but is locked. The bad information is that the reference to this lock is found in the main executable of the game.
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted January 21, 2024 12:39 PM |
I wouldn't worry about the dynasty weapons but if you can salvage the hero traits, hero creator and increase number of offline autosaves, you'd have pretty much saved the game!
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb
Tavern Dweller
posted March 01, 2024 06:02 PM |
I've updated the mod and included more heroes, now over 50 in total. You can also see them under My Dynasty when offline. Apart from Michael, also Uriel is playable.
Although the tab is unlocked and custom heroes added additionally will appear there (those using + button), you cannot use them in any mode. When playing online with v1.2 you will see all offline heroes also in online mode, though you can still only choose them for AI. As such v1.11 is more online suitable.
Broken Alliance map has a few fixes and special mechanic, towns cannot be converted on same turn as they were captured.
Some unique heroes have now also different final stats. Belketh no longer levels up to leadership.
Tavern Dweller
posted March 06, 2024 05:03 PM |
RedTreant said: I've updated the mod and included more heroes, now over 50 in total. You can also see them under My Dynasty when offline. Apart from Michael, also Uriel is playable.
Although the tab is unlocked and custom heroes added additionally will appear there (those using + button), you cannot use them in any mode. When playing online with v1.2 you will see all offline heroes also in online mode, though you can still only choose them for AI. As such v1.11 is more online suitable.
Broken Alliance map has a few fixes and special mechanic, towns cannot be converted on same turn as they were captured.
Some unique heroes have now also different final stats. Belketh no longer levels up to leadership.
Can you add Cate for Dungeon, please?
Tavern Dweller
posted March 19, 2024 10:00 PM |
As Ubi surprisingly updated game to work offline, mod does not work properly of course anymore. A couple interesting finds nevertheless:
1. Deluxe edition heroes are not unlocked, like Akasha or Yume. I think also couple others. For deluxe ones it is actually behavior I already noticed myself that changing or adding them does not work straight away, it could if you just change their names slightly.
2. We can adjust Dynasty information between ProfileData and DynastyData files. First got stuff in readable format with achievements and XP, traits, level of weapons etc.
3. There seems to be a bug where applied dynasty weapon at the beginning is level 1, it needs to be reequipped in game to have max level.
4. Adding still missing heroes and generally modding works as previously, although needs Profile resets.
5. Even though patch had 5GB, only couple dozen MB changed in reality. EXE file, SWF files and ... credits. The rest seems to be just textures reuploaded again.
Tavern Dweller
posted March 20, 2024 11:56 AM |
RedTreant said: As Ubi surprisingly updated game to work offline, mod does not work properly of course anymore. A couple interesting finds nevertheless:
1. Deluxe edition heroes are not unlocked, like Akasha or Yume. I think also couple others. For deluxe ones it is actually behavior I already noticed myself that changing or adding them does not work straight away, it could if you just change their names slightly.
2. We can adjust Dynasty information between ProfileData and DynastyData files. First got stuff in readable format with achievements and XP, traits, level of weapons etc.
3. There seems to be a bug where applied dynasty weapon at the beginning is level 1, it needs to be reequipped in game to have max level.
4. Adding still missing heroes and generally modding works as previously, although needs Profile resets.
5. Even though patch had 5GB, only couple dozen MB changed in reality. EXE file, SWF files and ... credits. The rest seems to be just textures reuploaded again.
I installed the mod, and the textures of some heroes and units turned blue. is there a way out of this situation?
Tavern Dweller
posted March 20, 2024 07:44 PM |
danil said:
I installed the mod, and the textures of some heroes and units turned blue. is there a way out of this situation?
As above, till I update it, mod won't work (well). If you have blue units one of two happened likely. You replaced Data22.orc from mod with existing files or during recent update, file did not overwrite mod. Depending on the order. It's because now Data22.orc is the latest and it contains some textures, so any mods need to start from Data23.orc. Apart from this mod does not touch texture paths etc.
To fix it, I'd try removing Data22.orc and verifying game files so launcher redownloads it.
Tavern Dweller
posted March 21, 2024 02:11 PM |
RedTreant said:
danil said:
I installed the mod, and the textures of some heroes and units turned blue. is there a way out of this situation?
As above, till I update it, mod won't work (well). If you have blue units one of two happened likely. You replaced Data22.orc from mod with existing files or during recent update, file did not overwrite mod. Depending on the order. It's because now Data22.orc is the latest and it contains some textures, so any mods need to start from Data23.orc. Apart from this mod does not touch texture paths etc.
To fix it, I'd try removing Data22.orc and verifying game files so launcher redownloads it.
Thanks, it worked. But now all the characters have a female head. I think only updating the mod will help here. I will be looking forward to the update.
Tavern Dweller
posted March 25, 2024 08:43 PM |
Mod is updated to work with recent patch.
1. It brings back all to playable pool of deluxe or special edition heroes, and missing campaign heroes: Raelag, Sandro, Crag Hack, Akasha, Yume, Kraal, Svetlana, Belekth. Probably also some others.
2. Contains three custom heroes based on bosses: Michael, Uriel, Kate
3. Broken Alliance map with special mechanic and some changes to stats of heroes. Like in previous version.
4. Enables special idle animations for units, once used in promotion videos, i.e Vampire playing on sword-guitar.
Installation as previously. Delete DynastyData.bin from your Documents/Might and Magic Heroes VI/Profile folder and put Data23.orc in installation.
edit: in case you used mod previously, DO NOT use -offline switch anymore to start the game. Play normally.
Mod might also fix campaign heroes not progressing through missions. At least based on initial testing I was able to carry on level and artifacts to second missing in Tutorial and Dark Elves campaign.
Known Hero
posted March 29, 2024 12:14 PM |
Edited by Blake00 at 12:14, 29 Mar 2024.
Tavern Dweller
posted April 03, 2024 04:12 PM |
Quote: Mod might also fix campaign heroes not progressing through missions. At least based on initial testing I was able to carry on level and artifacts to second missing in Tutorial and Dark Elves campaign.
Does this also work for campaigns in progress?
Tavern Dweller
posted April 04, 2024 06:41 PM |
flammingpython said:
Quote: Mod might also fix campaign heroes not progressing through missions. At least based on initial testing I was able to carry on level and artifacts to second missing in Tutorial and Dark Elves campaign.
Does this also work for campaigns in progress?
Not sure, I think I had a problem to progress on existing save, but also mine was done before recent patch.
Your campaign hero data is saved in DynastyData.bin and installation also involves removing it. It may get updated if you load from save, but you may need to start once again.
Tavern Dweller
posted April 04, 2024 07:51 PM |
RedTreant said:
flammingpython said:
Quote: Mod might also fix campaign heroes not progressing through missions. At least based on initial testing I was able to carry on level and artifacts to second missing in Tutorial and Dark Elves campaign.
Does this also work for campaigns in progress?
Not sure, I think I had a problem to progress on existing save, but also mine was done before recent patch.
Your campaign hero data is saved in DynastyData.bin and installation also involves removing it. It may get updated if you load from save, but you may need to start once again.
I'm in the middle of all of my campaigns, and I only have saves from maybe 2 of them anyway.
Any possibility of extracting the campaign hero data from DynastyData.bin and reinserting it somehow?
Tavern Dweller
posted April 07, 2024 05:24 PM |
flammingpython said:
I'm in the middle of all of my campaigns, and I only have saves from maybe 2 of them anyway.
Any possibility of extracting the campaign hero data from DynastyData.bin and reinserting it somehow?
It could be possible, but it'd probably take take longer than going through campaign missions again.
On another note, it should be possible to fix Anastasya and Crag Hack being replaced by Aguirre and Sandor in non-English versions. I can easily break current game or change between might and magic by changing slot numbers in all languages. It should be a matter of finding now correct ones. Still changing in-game between might and magic does not seem to work and the question if they get saved properly between missions