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Heroes Community > Other Games Exist Too > Thread: Baldur's Gate III
Thread: Baldur's Gate III

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted August 22, 2023 01:15 PM
Edited by Galaad at 13:17, 22 Aug 2023.

Baldur's Gate III

Baldur's Gate 3 is there! Since a few weeks already...
I was lucky enough to be on actual vacation at release, and managed to play like 30 hours insofar. Really amazed by what Larian did. The game is excellent.

What are your thoughts? Builds? Strats and whatelse

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Supreme Hero
posted August 22, 2023 02:16 PM

Playing on tactician with 2 friends, some fights have been pretty tough since we don't drag around a companion and it's just us three, but nothing impossible. Even with our unoptimized Monk-Bard-Wizard combo and builds. I really like Open-Hand Monk, the amount of attacks I have at level 11 is crazy, and the mobility is second to none, I can jump like 20 times per turn. When the game came out we played nonstop for a week. So I have like 130 hours in the game, as I also have a single-player run going as Dark Urge Sorcerer. Some of the dialogue options and choices you have as the Dark Urge are amazing .

My only complaint is the performance of Act 3 Lower City. The entire game until that point had no glaring issues whatsoever, but the moment you step there the frames just die. And worse, it's like a 50/50 chance when I load into the area whether or not the game crashes, and I have to restart. Pretty typical for new Larian games to have the last part work so bad, just have to wait for patches (or a Definitive Edition in a year that works flawlessly) .

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted August 23, 2023 08:29 PM

Let me get this straight... You're playing on Tactician, minus one party member, on unoptimized build? I'm impressed!

Yeah the 30hrs I did was within 4 days... Game is dangerous haha
I played pretty chill, and picked Gale as main. My build is really standard with him along Asturion, Laezel and Shadowheart, works quite well.

I think I finished Act 1... Need to find that pixie light to travel through the dark thingy... Sadly no time to get back to it anytime soon.

Welp, hopefully they'll have fixed the last part by the time I can get there.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted August 24, 2023 10:41 PM
Edited by JoonasTo at 23:10, 24 Aug 2023.

The UI is absolute garbage.
The camera hates you.
Combat is slow as molasses.
The item rarity vs item power is a joke.
The whole DnD 5e thing just doesn't work that well in a turn based CRPG.
The levelups are meaningless for most classes.
Stealth is very badly implemented.
AI is retarded.
Vertical reach is bugged.
There's probably more I'm forgetting.

Co-op works well.
No crashes.

Get in a few years from a sale after they fix all the problems.
Don't bother buying yet unless you have a friend and you have played literally all other co-op games to death.

Playing with a friend. I'm an enchantress and he's an assassin. Just us 2 and going fine.
Hideous laughter and hold person are king.
The assassin refill action points at the start of combat is really good as well.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted August 25, 2023 09:13 PM

JoonasTo said:
Co-op works well.
No crashes.

I would add, at the very least:

- Narration, voice acting and cinematics
- Replayability
- Customization
- Graphisms
- Music

The whole DnD 5e thing just doesn't work that well in a turn based CRPG.

Not sure what you mean by that? I personally find it rather intuitive, I remember getting confused in the rules from former opuses, but I was also 20 years younger.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted August 26, 2023 01:40 AM

Yeah, narration seems fine. The start did get a bit final fantasy with all the cinematics taking like half your playtime in the tutorial but has let up since then.

The customisation didn't feel great since you can't adjust the face at all and the options have this multicultural thing going on so you get 2 european faces, 2 asian faces, 2 african faces and two totally retarded faces. That's not a problem per say. The problem is they don't change with the race. So your DROW gets african face options which is just idiotic. The main character facial animations are actually really good at times though and that may be why the whole customisation for how you look is so limited. The animations might be tied to the different face geometrics.

The music hasn't really impressed on me much. I do remember that the character creation reminded me of HoMM5 sylvan. I normally take note of it in games right away so it's too generic and/or clinical to make an impression. It might just lack that identity that something like  Mages of Mystralia has, for example.

Obviously haven't tried to replay as our first playthrough is still on going but I wouldn't bother without combat speed mods. It's such a drag. This is where the DnD system falls flat on it's face. It's fine for a realtime system like NwN or Pathfinder where the turns roll fast so rolling high/low isn't such a problem. In a turn based game rolling too low to hit for a few rounds takes you minutes where literally NOTHING HAPPENS. It's just a waste of your time and totally kills immersion.

The Dnd system itself broken but toleratable but it's just not suited to this kind of an experience. It should be either streamlined to work better or just turned realtime. Waiting for all your enemies to spend minutes on their turns where they just use dash to move closer to you is unacceptable. Like why on earth does dash exist in the first place? Just do it like pathfinder does and show that moving past a certain point uses up your action points. Done. You just saved an hour or two from the total gametime. Which, knowing larian, is probably why it's there in the first place. Because yeah, total time wasted is counted into steam stats and they can say their game takes so much longer to finish. Just as it forces you to waste your time on those dice roll screens in conversations.

There also doesn't seem to be that much stuff that is left behind from your first playthrough that would warrant a second one. So far it's all been very inconsequential where you can do whatever you like without any ramifications. Just save the guy and kill him right after. Sweet. Oh and you did pickpocket him in between right? Because for some reason part of the inventory disappears when they die. As if that makes sense. Maybe if there's a big enough divergence in the main questlines later but from what I've seen so far. Nah, not worth another run. Especially because the characters have basically no build differencees. You don't get any real choices as you level up so there's no incentive from that side either.

In general it's a step back in the right direction after the garbage heap that was Divinity: Original Sin 2 but nowhere near the masterpiece that the first Divinity: Original Sin was. A lot of that is simply forced on them by the DnD system so there are no stupid armour immunities, level capped loot, etc from DOS2. On the other hand it's also what holds them back in the environmental options that made DOS1 such a jewel. And forces the horrible rest system on us. *sigh*

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Supreme Hero
posted August 26, 2023 02:30 PM

We finished our first run and immediately started a new one .

Personally I love the game, and I loved DOS2. Going for an evil run now to see how that goes, with three of the origin characters as our PCs, to experience those storylines as well.

The stories and characters are by far the best part of the game.

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted September 04, 2023 10:00 PM
Edited by NimoStar at 22:03, 04 Sep 2023.

So your DROW gets african face options which is just idiotic.

Well, they are black elves...

PErsonally sitting out of this one since I haven't even played the whole Pathfinders CRPG and those have real time combat (or at least the option for it) and more automation. I hate wasting my time on spam fights with repetitive enemies.

And prefer Pathfinder 1e alchemist that can just nuke them.

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Adventuring Hero
CH mascot and right-wing
posted September 08, 2023 07:48 AM

I'm waiting some more time to decide playing it. It has an impressive % of positive reviews. I just don't know if I'll devote much time to it, or get in the mood.

Probably will wait some sale later in the year, or the next one.
Biology doesn't care about morality.

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Known Hero
Where the hell is my driveway?
posted October 25, 2023 04:12 PM
Edited by Blizzard at 16:15, 25 Oct 2023.

This game was a delight. I finished my first run with my tiefling bard of lore/cleric of life. I'm doing a second run with a gnome archfey warlock. It is better than the first two games with a big and complex story and a lot of choices to make along the way. If you do a thorough playthrough and follow all of the companion quests, and do a lot of dialogue with the NPCs along the way, it will take a very, very long time to complete. It's super immersive. Your character skills will also have a big impact on the game. Lots of content on illithids, githyanki, and other stuff in the Forgotten Realms universe.

With a game like this with such a huge amount of character build choices and multiclassing options, it is never going to be super balanced, but it is a single-player campaign so I don't think that matters too much. It is either that or take away a lot of the choices.

It would have been nice if the game crashed fewer times. I didn't wait for the big patches so it is what it is.

I give it a 4.5/5.

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Known Hero
Where the hell is my driveway?
posted January 05, 2025 10:41 PM
Edited by Blizzard at 22:53, 05 Jan 2025.

This game is the best RPG that has ever been made in history. Better than BG2. Better than FF7. Better than Elden Ring. Better than Fallout or Witcher or Skyrim or Mass Effect. Better than whatever. It is simply the best of the best. I reinstalled the game for an honor mode run, just because.

The main problem I have with this game, is that makes other games kind of suck lol. Divinity is still great, but it's not up to par with what Larian did here. So much passion was put into this game.

And now it is time for the 1990s Disney villain from the game:


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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted January 05, 2025 11:57 PM

I have not played yet. I play most of my games on PS5 nowadays, but the reviews seem lukewarm about the BG3 UI and controls in PS5 format, so I've been hedging.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted January 06, 2025 12:37 AM

I've actually started a new game during the vacations (did not finish first one but it was from last year), it is absolutely amazing. Highly recommend.

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Known Hero
Where the hell is my driveway?
posted January 06, 2025 02:58 AM
Edited by Blizzard at 03:02, 06 Jan 2025.

I play it on the ps5. The ui does indeed take time to get used to for such an ambitious game, but it is all 2nd nature now. I am too embarrassed to say how many hours I have played this game for a man my age.

My honor mode run with my rogue/druid will finally have Astarion hanging out in my party. And I'm going to recruit Minthara, which you can do if you knock her out while temporarily hostile. You don't have to murder a bunch of people.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted January 06, 2025 12:34 PM
Edited by Galaad at 12:35, 06 Jan 2025.

I play on PC. I played on day 1 and completed act 1 using Gale as main but could not continue because lack of gaming time. Now, I started over with a custom Storm Sorcerer Half-Elf Drow dude (yeah, I like magic ). I like to have Shadowheart, Astarion and Laezel in my party, but I might replace someone with Halsin when I'll be able to, not sure who though, hesitating between Astarion and Laezel. Astarion is super helpful for disarming and lockpicks, and Laezel is just a beast. I turned her offer to sleep with me down though.

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Known Hero
Where the hell is my driveway?
posted January 06, 2025 02:08 PM

You know that if you select 'The Dark Urge' with the character choices that you get the main storyline for your character, right?

After you select it, you can then select whatever race/class/etc that you want and then rename your character. The Dark Urge is the storyline for your character if you don't pick one of the other characters who are already in the game.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted January 06, 2025 03:00 PM

Yeah, but the Dark Urge didn't appeal as much to me so I preferred going full custom. Maybe for the next run.

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Known Hero
Where the hell is my driveway?
posted January 06, 2025 05:17 PM
Edited by Blizzard at 21:42, 07 Jan 2025.

Just so you know that you won't get your own character story like the other companions. I did custom at first also until I realized that the Dark Urge is the storyline for a custom-made character.

It is nice to play a character with good persuasion imo since that is the most valuable skill in the game for the party leader. Any charisma build can get that (like sorceror or bard), and rogues get skill exertise for double persuasion.

Paladin is by far the most played class according to google, which surprises me because the oaths are such a pain in the ass to follow. I really see nothing wrong morally with mugging the occasional refugee. I mean, it is for a good cause. I am trying to save the world and all. I am the victim here and the refugee is oppressing me with their refusal to donate all of their valuables to me.

Anyway, I played a paladin at first but gave up by the end of act 2. ****ing oaths are a bunch of bull****. My honor mode run with my rogue will be far more noble than that. Stealing from the poor and giving to the rich is for the greater good you see.

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Supreme Hero
Dragon of justice
posted January 07, 2025 10:24 AM

Absolutely love this game. Rolled a bard for a solo run where i'm honestly just goofing around and played a paladin in a co-op run with my gf.

and yeah....broke my oath by accident. but I embraced being an oathbreaker and honestly it creates some new cool options for a character. This game has been a blast so far. our co-op run is almost at an end now.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted January 31, 2025 03:48 PM

Any of you guys tried multiclassing yet?

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