Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted July 24, 2024 12:25 PM |
Dialog & Discussion
If you wanted to make a book for doctor, it before you talk with some(one).. You must have a lot of knowledge/fact, so they accept your book.. How? An example of you chose the Bible and school matter.. Ok I give two examples
You say that giraffe is one species in the world, but another says we've many and different giraffes. You lose the dialog/discussion, even if you says I don't believe than the Bible, because you said only one species or an idea, philosopher or your thought aren't fact: "I don't believe". But if you give the answer: other giraffes are order, so another says right, we'd bigger giraffe species died to extinction, etc and then what's your answer, etc If you have no continuation, so you lose title, so you aren't doctor, but you can sell your book..
You say why should the school curriculum be planned every year? When it can do 50 years.. So dialog/discussion must have a fact, not an idea, philosopher or your thought. If you read some pedagogic(al) book, you say that the war, etc will crash the plan, thus we do in every year..
Ok common book, etc without a title attempt.. Fool people buy your book or listen your nonsense.. But if you get a bestseller, so facepalm