Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted June 15, 2002 05:39 AM |
Play Testing
I have a map that needs play testing. If anyone at all enjoys this map, then I'll be satistfied. If it needs improvement just tell me why and I'll fix it.
Go Red Sox!
Tavern Dweller
posted June 17, 2002 04:10 PM |
I would like to test it. I have tested maps for 3 or 4 other people from the 3do community. Fun stuff.
Email is ItsMrAngle2You@hotmail.com if you want to send it.
Twisting turning through
the never..
Hired Hero
posted June 17, 2002 04:22 PM |
It would also be enjoyable for me to test.If it is not imposiible
Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted June 19, 2002 05:00 AM |
I forgot to give a warning about it being an open map.
Go Red Sox!
Tavern Dweller
posted June 19, 2002 10:25 PM |
I'm still new here, I don't know your terms. Anyway I finished your map and as soon as I can get on the other computer I can send you any info you would like.
Twisting turning through
the never..
Hired Hero
posted June 19, 2002 11:29 PM |
red as I said in the mail it was really good one(design is like as 3do did) I would try if you will make another
Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted June 23, 2002 04:32 AM |
I have another one that's about 30 min from being done. It's been that way for about 3 months, so I'll tell ya when it's done.
Go Red Sox!
Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted July 16, 2002 05:22 AM |
I have another map ready called Battle for wood and ore. Anyone wanna see?
Go Red Sox!
Legendary Hero
posted July 16, 2002 10:57 AM |
Famous Hero
lost in a mourning hall!
posted July 26, 2002 09:42 PM |
I will gladly test all your maps!
Mail them to me at klauts-pit@home.ro
Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted July 27, 2002 01:15 AM |
I sent them to you, Klauts.
Go Red Sox!
Famous Hero
lost in a mourning hall!
posted July 27, 2002 04:26 PM |
Thanks!I will let you know what i think of them!
Famous Hero
lost in a mourning hall!
posted July 27, 2002 09:46 PM |
I played 'Battle for wood and ore'.Very interesting.Nice job it's preety good.I'll tell you later about the other!
Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted July 28, 2002 11:04 PM |
The style of play for that map is very different from other maps. It gives a slight advantage to rampart. But the real strategy is controlling the mines and towns. If you do this you will win.
Go Red Sox!
Famous Hero
lost in a mourning hall!
posted July 29, 2002 10:17 PM |
I figured it out!
Anyway the other map is cool too(expecially in multi) but not as cool as the first one!