Thread: Table of Contents... The Ressurection | |

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted June 27, 2002 09:42 PM |
Edited By: Cat on 27 Jun 2002
Table of Contents... The Ressurection
Much as you sinned, Wesley, I still love you lots Brother of mine 
=Post that are 4 to 10 pages long
=Posts of 11 or more pages long!
=The first post got a Quality Point/So interesting post.
HC Bios/Tv House
Lord of the Rings
Heroes of Might and Magic: The Movie-
Comedy Series
What would all of you think of maybe a heroes movie or cartoon!-
Top 5 movie stars
Favourite films (top 5)- -
Favourite TV show
You Think You Know Football Better Than me? in a word, Stefan, YES!
Great Music (both opera and classical)
The lyrics you like most?-
1980's Flashback- -
Music of the Gods-
Misheard Lyrics.. who's guilty??
Song Stories!
HC Award Shows
Community Awards-
New Award Show
Help Your Local Yearbook- Nominations!
HC Fun Games
Guess That member-
People's Name Game...-
Once Upon a Time IV-
Word Association Game VIII-
Song Title Thingy Game 2-
Tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth - The Sequel-
Heroes Love Club- -
Word Association Game 9
Song Title Game 3
HC Photoalbum
RL photo's of HC members!@-
HC Avatar Museum
New avatars for Valeriy!-
HC Pasport/Member Information
Letter to Community
You Get Three Wishes!.
How did you find this place?
Reasons for being on this board!
Personality- -
My Biography-
Who would you like to be with in barren island?- -
Quality posters of Heroes Community- -
Community Members Vital Statistics- -
What your Nickname means?
Hot couples from HC in RL!--
It's The HC Yearbook!!-
players age location
HC Discovery/Religion
Do You Believe In Past Lives?
Should we believe in God or no? (inspired by french mathematician Pascal)- -
Life after Death-
Are myths truly just ledgends?
theory on after life, anyone?
HC Artists
HoMM 3 hybrids-
Aerial s Thread
My friends new website... you just got to love her drawings
HC Taverns
The Jolly Gnolly
Sanctuary For Abandoned Monsters..-
Heroes Community Asylum- -
Politics bar
Football (Soccer) Bar!!-
New Shop Opening!- -
Tossers tavern - free for all tossers !!!- -
Gossip Club-
The Royal Order Of Supreme Magi!-
HC Quiz Masters
Well, this is another quiz...
How much do you know about The Heroes Community? (quiz)
Yet another Quiz about HC-
A little mind chalange-
HC members - the new quiz-
Yet Another Quiz about Our Darling Members...
HC Roleplaying
Quest Drawings
Hexa's Quest!@-
Lets have some roleplay....-
Quest Profiles - part deux
School of Magic-
Another Thread in the story...OOC talk of the Saga Continues roleplay..-
You wanna start a new role-play with me?
The Saga Continues...More Legends in the Making(roleplay)-
War Invitation-
HC HOMM Garden
Creature Battles-
Top 5 creatures you most HATE/LIKE!!!
Death to Heroes 3!-
When Did You Start Playing HOMM?
What 3 creatures would you mix to make your superior bodyguard?
Whats your favorite town?(including conflux)
How did you first got involved in HOMM?
Which Homm do u like the best ??
funny towns-
Heroes Community Map- -
Heroes of M&M 3.5
thread about HoMM 2 ( and only HoMM 2 )
HC Game Corner
HEROES, Diablo, Half-Life, Counterstrike, and of course, Starcraft-
King's Bounty
What games apart from HoMM do you play?
All Time Best Strategy Games....
Wizardry 8
What do think about Baldurs Gate 2
Warcraft 3
Diablo players = Heroes players?
Other PC Games
Magic The Gathering Players
HC Favorite Things
what's your favourite site
What is your favourite creature and a creature you hate?
Favourite Books ..-
What is your favourite colour???
Best Threads Ever!@
Whats your alltime favorite game character
Dragons- Which is your favourite?
HC What Am I? Tests Page
What robot are you
An alignment test
Wich mythology creature are you???
What creature class are you?
What video game character are you?
Wich RPG character are you?
Some pretty funny tests
Wich Starwars character are you?
HC Fanfic
Riddle time!-
Quote of the day- -
what are some classic HOMM3 insults?-
Quotes&Phrases&Sayings- -
Val's Garden
"Quality Posts": Should They Go?-
New star idea.
Pity the newbie . . -
Well, I obviously *can* delete topics
post rankings (just ANOTHER friendly reminder...)
About the donation system
Does Any One Care About the Red Stars- -
Donation Quiz
Quality point proposals-
Help HC, spare 2 minutes
Heroes Community - from the moment you saw it till now (a CHRONOLOGY)-
War between ToH and Tavern?-
A Newbies First Impressions-
The HC Law Courts
HC Gateway/Reallife Troubles
wow Anybody hear from New York? World Trade Centrum....-
Talkin' about Halloween - see somethin' different - we have a festival called Kukeri
What do you do on your countries Nationalday......?!
Freedom of Thought...
HC School/Interesting Questions
ummm...who is Tolkien?
Good or evil?
What's the best present
good RL names
What does your username means to you?-
Childhood Monsters
HC Stadium/Sport
Your all time favourite sports
Who likes/plays basketball?
What sport DO you like-
World Cup 02 is near....
Girls VS Guys
Rules Girls Wish Guys Knew.. (Groan)
Rules That Guys Wish Girls Knew!-
15 Laws For Women To Live By
Girls in love with Heroes.. why is that?
Battle of the sexes!
Is Wesley a feminist?-
Creature Origins...-
Temple of Worship- Open For Business!!- -
Do you speak ...??-
Cat's Ann Summer's Party!-
Creating your own video game.
Please only naked girls read this thread! No one else! I'm serious...- -
Network explanation...
Community Comparisions it's accurate about me and Milena 
Incubus and El_Diablo have been banned
Vote for El Diablo to come back to site (let be closed after one week)
Call from behind the grave (Incubus issues)
What country
Another new female hero
how old are you?
Incubus decision
Wedding time: Let it begin
Real Names Please
Once upon a time...
Tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth.
Profiles - Quest Members only!!!
Legend in the making... roleplaying
Once Upon a Time III
To my fellow Heroes Communists
HC Spotlights/Threads all Newbies should visit once
RL photo's of HC members!@- -Made By Hexa
New avatars for Valeriy!- -Made By Hexa
Community Members Vital Statistics- - -Made By Oldtimer
It's The HC Yearbook!!- -Made by Cat
Quality point proposals- -Made By Djive
The Library- Table of Contents!@-Made by Hexa
The Altar - Table of Contents-Made by Djive
Lands of Axeoth- Table of Contents-Made by Cat
Message from Wes:
Okay... I hope you liked it! And I will add in the future ofcourse! IF you guys are able to make cool new topics ofcourse
Thanx Wes, you are a star to your sister, always 
Diwethaf Gloau Sylw y Gymreag

Legendary Hero
posted June 27, 2002 09:46 PM |
hmmmm seems like something is missing...hmmmmmm....hmmm...yeah the WC threads, get em in fast!
"Youre zeroes and ones, youre wrong where im right"

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted June 27, 2002 09:49 PM |

Famous Hero
posted June 27, 2002 09:51 PM |
You are missing two of my threads. Heroes Community Comparisons and Behold! Battle of Valour. Tower vs Fortress (it is still somewhere here at the tavern).
By the way, isn't it spelled "resurrection"?

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted June 27, 2002 10:06 PM |

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted June 27, 2002 10:08 PM |
Just to keep at top
Go Red Sox!

Famous Hero
posted June 28, 2002 01:19 AM |
i always hate these tables even though they are nice and pretty are kind of usefull i still really hate them.

Legendary Hero
posted June 28, 2002 09:41 PM |
WC threads are still missing! shame on you!
"Youre zeroes and ones, youre wrong where im right"

Known Hero
Cannon Maker
posted June 28, 2002 10:28 PM |

Supreme Hero
posted September 03, 2002 05:26 AM |
Cat- would you mind if i Created an Updated HC table of contents???
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted September 03, 2002 11:44 AM |
Edited By: Romana on 13 Oct 2002
please do so..in this thread
ps: don't forget the football threads...lol
The darkest skies show the brightest stars

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted May 19, 2003 02:33 AM |
Perhaps the Mods can put it back up to date?
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted November 28, 2003 03:18 AM |
This thread is helpful, give Cat a Qp.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Supreme Hero
posted November 28, 2003 03:25 AM |
Quote: Perhaps the Mods can put it back up to date?
And make it a sticky, too?