Thread: Where does your username originate from? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 ... 22 23 24 25 26 · NEXT» |

Known Hero
Look ma! No hair!
posted July 09, 2002 04:22 PM |
Where does your username originate from?
We were discussing usernames in another thread, so I thought to start a new one about this:
anyway, here's mine:
Pleuris is a dutch word for a disease in the Middle Ages, like the black plague. (That's not in my dutch/english dictionary, btw - but it really is: Ask any other Dutch guy/gal!)
btw, me chosing that i-name started like a joke, because Microsoft said it was impossible to open a hotmail-account with 'faul' words in it. y, right... I guess they missed a few 

Adventuring Hero
and Master of Fire!
posted July 09, 2002 04:26 PM |
I got my username after my avatar(firestarter) ,and because i like to burn things!
Australia- Im sorry for the pain and problems I brought... I just didnt like all the woods.....
Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold.
The earth's real treasure is far deeper.

Supreme Hero
Discarded foreskin of morality
posted July 09, 2002 05:24 PM |
Bort comes from an episode of the Simpsons. The family is either visiting Itchy and Scratchy land or Duff World. I don't remember which. Bart is looking for one of those miniature license plates with his name on it and to the best of my memory, the exchange is as follows:
Bart : Let's see... Barclay... Barney... Bort??? Who the hell is called Bort?
(Woman walks by with her son in tow)
Woman : Come along, Bort.
Nearby Man : Are you talking to me?
Woman : No, my son is also called Bort.
Later, you hear the central security people saying "alert, we are out of Bort license plates. Repeat, we need more Bort license plates.

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted July 09, 2002 05:29 PM |
BORT!! :D Now I know.
XENO!!XENO HELP!! YOU KNOW WHAT I'm TALKink about~!~!~!!
My name is 3 thing's, right. and three more thing's of one of the following 3
1: Ouiji board given to me
2: Usual character name originating from D&D (yes, the magic dice)
3: Latin. Xeno?

Famous Hero
Having a bad hair day.
posted July 09, 2002 05:43 PM |
Elric of Melnibone
Elric of Melnibone, the last ruler of the dreaming city Imrryr. He was born an albino and requires large amounts of sorceress drugs to maintain his strength and life. He is the 428th ruler in direct line of descent from the first sorcerer emperor of Melniboné. Due to his weakened condition he has delved into the secrets of many sorceress books and the study and practice of herb lore to sustain himself.
His weapon:
The Rune blades: Brought to earth centuries before and wielded by the Melnibon`e emperors, these blades where turned over to the Gods and placed in the pulsing cavern when they became too powerful to control. They are known by the names StormBringer and MournBlade they have the ability to give the wielder unparalleled strength. They are also sentient and require feeding to appease them. This feeding is in the form of souls taken during battle. Many of Elric's enemies plead not to be killed by his fearsome blade, StormBringer, as their souls are sent straight to hell for eternity. Although Elric is able to overcome his genetic weaknesses, and for the first time in his life he no longer needs to ingest his sorceress potions to sustain his life, this strength is gained at the price of a symbiotic relationship with his blade. Many is the time he will regret unsheathing it, as StormBringer has a taste for friend and foe alike........
For the full story visit my site.
Neverwinter Nights - "City of Melnibone"
Direct connect - ausnwn2.dyndns.org:5121

Famous Hero
of Clear Water Mountain Clan
posted July 09, 2002 08:46 PM |
My RL name (Johannes) means the same as the italian Giovanni. So, Don Giovanni sounds a bit more Heroish than Johannes, in my opinion. And, of course, it's a famous opera by Mozart.
Name well
There are 10 types of people: Those who read binary, and those who don't.

Famous Hero
God slayer
posted July 09, 2002 09:02 PM |
Son of Conan the Barbarian, who ruled in Aquilonia some 12500 years ago. His father was a descendant of a family of barbarians from the cimmerian hills. He set out in the world owning nothing more than a chain and the rags on him. His mother was a slave girl who had helped Conan escape imprisonment in the days he was king.
His actual name was Conan also, but everyone kept calling him Conn to distinguish him from his father. Inheritaed the throne of Aquilonia from his father at the time he abdicated to set out on a last adventure at around 60
Whatever does not kill us, only makes us stronger

Famous Hero
posted July 09, 2002 09:05 PM |
Back in 6th grade, I wanted an elven name. I was inspired by Terry Brook's book "The Elfstones of Shannara" to name myself Arion, except that would be copying. So I simply played around with names until I came up with Darion. Unfortunately, it is also the name of a character in that dumb show sailor moon... alter ego of tuxedo fag At any rate, I was surprised when I found out my name was not original.

Adventuring Hero
Finally Sober
posted July 09, 2002 09:33 PM |
I Had a Nickname back in Grade School.....Dark Raven.....It was because i was overly interested in Ravens.....ANd I Was a bit...........evil............I Decided to mix the words around.......
DarK raven
Dar Kraven

Known Hero
amongs The Undead
posted July 09, 2002 10:04 PM |
My username is taken from.... hmm well..

Known Hero
Cannon Maker
posted July 09, 2002 10:07 PM |
I posted on a pro wrestling message board that had this odd habit of handles becoming more ornate and riddled with half-meanings over time. Stables were formed of people who argued and thought along similar lines, which didn't help oen bit. As a sign of being fed up with those games, I went to posting as my given first name and adopting "gimmickless" as my e-mail address to thumb my nose at them. I stopped posting regularly there, but the name has stayed because I haven't really thought of anything better to put in. Maybe someday I will, but I'm not worried about what the future holds right now.
Lyricist's Lounge Champion Wanna test your skills?
Johnny The Ball:... too long to display...

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted July 09, 2002 10:21 PM |
Mine is boring. It is my RL name, short for Catherine. I am also known to many family members as Lucy, which is my middle name. so it was either Cat or Lucy as a username lol...
Diwethaf Gloau Sylw y Gymreag

Tavern Dweller
New Traditionalist
posted July 09, 2002 10:25 PM |
I'm not a regular poster here, but this is an interesting thread.
Olaf Prot is listed in the credits of Monty Python and the Holy Grail as man responsible for "Special Moose Effects"
You had to ask...

Adventuring Hero
Flying Dutchman
posted July 10, 2002 02:43 AM |
My regular nick used to be Dutchy, since I'm dutch... But this is quite a popular nick, so I had to find another one. My RL first name is Raphael, so you all guessed it : Raph is short for Raphael... Here you guys go.
"May God have mercy upon my
enemies, because I won't"
General George S. Patton

Known Hero
posted July 10, 2002 05:13 AM |
"Invented" this name a long time ago and have been using it since then in all the games i played. In case you have not already notice it, here's a hint on how the name was "invented".
I love "dragonS".
Seize The Day.

Famous Hero
Final Fantasy Fan
posted July 10, 2002 05:32 AM |
Well, there is no reason for Athimus_Phaeni. I just invented it because i was needing a nick. Sephroth(not Sephiroth from FF VII - but based in it, neither Sephinroth from HoMM)was used by a lot of peolpe and Darkhangel (a mix between Dark + Archangel) was more a title than a nick, so I invented Athimus.
But I still use the others in a need.
But I won't be
Burned by the reflection
Of the fire in your eyes
As you're starying at the sun


Hired Hero
posted July 10, 2002 09:39 AM |
Well mine is a pretty basic one. Back in high school, I was always after revenge of some sort, whether physical or mental, for something done to myself or friends or family. I got to be so effective at exacting revenge that my friends said I had a PhD in getting revenge, so all my friends started calling me Doc Revenge, or just Doc.

Legendary Hero
posted July 10, 2002 07:11 PM |
My username, well okay.
I came up with that name back when I was in the 7th grade mostly because of my infaturation with magic. Soon I came up with a comic book hero possessing magical powers who bacame The Mighty Mage. I only made one comic and after that kinda forgot about it untill I discovered the Community. I wanted a name that sounded cool but said it was me. That's it.
Now I am the character I created long ago known only as... THE MIGHTY MAGE
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage. For he is all I could ever
want to be! - OhforfSake

Known Hero
Knight of Justice
posted July 10, 2002 07:40 PM |
Edited By: HALT on 10 Jul 2002
hmmmm check this out!
Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you.

Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted February 19, 2003 02:54 AM |
Well, my username was created from two Heroes 3 Overlords - Damacon the gold producing troglodyte and Dace the Minotaur overlord.
I simply melded the two words into Damacon Ace.
Damacon Ace = Damacon + Dace - D
No one knows my true nature here...