Thread: Things I don't understand about HoMM4... | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Known Hero
Look ma! No hair!
posted August 07, 2002 02:00 PM |
bonus applied. |
Things I don't understand about HoMM4...
I hope 3do clarifies these points:
What if a male and a female hero mated, would that generate a baby hero? Halfling mayhaps?
If Water-Elementals are made of water, wouldn't they kill all Fire-Elementals by just dropping on them?
What do Storm-Elementals do on sunny days?
Speaking of Storm-Elementals, what if they teamed up with Thunderbirds...
If a wolf gets bitten by a vampire, wouldn't he turn into a werewolf?
Speaking of vampires, why isn't there a hero called 'Buffy'?
A cyclops, having only one eye, why does he have ranged attack? And why does he always hit his target?
... I'm sure you can come up with something as well...

Supreme Hero
posted August 07, 2002 03:54 PM |
lol and why isnt there a necromancer called "angel" ? lol
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

Supreme Hero
Discarded foreskin of morality
posted August 07, 2002 05:03 PM |
What if a male and a female hero mated, would that generate a baby hero? Halfling mayhaps?
Also, if a Halfling mates with a human, do you get a three-quarters-ling?

Known Hero
Master of Reptiles.
posted August 08, 2002 12:55 AM |
ya that's a good one, not ? Put a little thought into it, grd somethin biology. Most likely the human would have the dominant gene for height. Therefore a halfing and a human having a kid would get a normal human, with some other aspects of halfings but the height would be normal!
Then this child would have a halfing gene F and a human gene H
Now if this child were to mate with another child with these 2 guenes F and H they would have a chance to have a halfing child. Because you can have either FF , HH, HF
In one case you get a halfing in the other two you get a normal human. This is just dealing with the height aspect... but you get the idea
All living things have a history. The history of the Tortoise is long and rich.

Known Hero
Look ma! No hair!
posted August 08, 2002 05:00 PM |
If a dwarf mated with a black dragon, would the dwarf stay alive? And if so, how fast would the offspring be?

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted August 08, 2002 05:23 PM |
IN H's.. Some creatures hate eatchother..
Where are the few genies that dont hate effreet?
Where are the Black dragon's who dont hate titan's for no reason?
What if all the creatures weren't so obediant to they're alighntment's?
(i think magogs are really nice fuzzy gremlin's inside )

Supreme Hero
Discarded foreskin of morality
posted August 08, 2002 05:34 PM |
Edited By: bort on 8 Aug 2002
Tortoise - Dominant/Recessive isn't the end all of genetics. There are several traits that show partial dominance - for instance pigmentation genes. Take labrador retrievers for instance BB results in a black lab, Bb results in a chocolate lab and bb results in a golden retriever. Each copy of the "B" allele produces a certain amount of pigment, so the BB genotype has enough pigment to be black while the Bb genotype only has enough to be brown. Using the "H/h" system, each "H" could produce a certain amount of growth hormone, so if they were HH, like a human, they would grow to be human height, if they were hh, they'd be halfling height. However, if they were Hh, they'd have an intermediate amount of growth hormone and grow to a height somewhere in between, but good point nonetheless.
Edit : Moron associated comments removed as per Djive orders.

Known Hero
Knight of Justice
posted August 08, 2002 09:08 PM |
Edited By: HALT on 8 Aug 2002
Quote: I hope 3do clarifies these points:
What if a male and a female hero mated, would that generate a baby hero? Halfling mayhaps?
I think it depends on the castle thay from. If say both from Life could be something dicent. But if one from Chaos (pig-looking hero) 1 from life (good looking hero) oh man thayll get some pig with wings and horns.
If Water-Elementals are made of water, wouldn't they kill all Fire-Elementals by just dropping on them?
i think fire elementals move a bit faster exectly for that reason
What do Storm-Elementals do on sunny days?
trying to stay close to electric generators.
Speaking of Storm-Elementals, what if they teamed up with Thunderbirds...
hhmm than we will have a double thander strike + a very funny picture
If a wolf gets bitten by a vampire, wouldn't he turn into a werewolf?
oh no thay wont. thay cant. Thayll get a bet wings but thayll still be a blood sucking wolfs.
Speaking of vampires, why isn't there a hero called 'Buffy'?
Maybe game makers didnt have inogh monay to buy a brand name.
A cyclops, having only one eye, why does he have ranged attack? And why does he always hit his target?
If you didnt notece he has area attack. Thats he cant hit the singl creature
Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you.

Supreme Hero
Discarded foreskin of morality
posted August 09, 2002 01:26 AM |
Quote: If a dwarf mated with a black dragon, would the dwarf stay alive? And if so, how fast would the offspring be?
It just depends on who's on top. Another thing I'd like to know about that is if eggs would be laid or if it would be a live birth.

Famous Hero
posted August 09, 2002 01:31 AM |
That would depend on whether on who was carrying the baby... another thing. If the dwarf was female and carrying the baby, would she survive the childbirth? Ooohh! Let's breed Uruk-hai!

Famous Hero
happily tilting at windmills
posted August 09, 2002 06:16 AM |
A plea to 3DO..... (Moderator's hat off for this one)
Please release the MP patch ASAP ....
just look what waiting for it has done to these fine young minds ....
I mean, if this thread is any indicator, we could be looking at a silliness epidemic of biblical proportions ...
On a more serious note, I read this thread before Djive cleaned it. Having spent hours in the archives cleaning that sort of errr ... nonsense ... out of threads, I whole-heartedly agree with keeping things on topic as much as possible. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Some people say the glass is half full..Some people say it's half empty... I say "What're you asking me to drink?"

Known Hero
Look ma! No hair!
posted August 09, 2002 04:12 PM |
If a pregnant Hero would die, would a Life Magic Hero be able to save the baby? Or should we call for a Priest?

Supreme Hero
Discarded foreskin of morality
posted August 12, 2002 03:24 PM |
With all that mercury floating around the maps, how come there aren't more creatures with health problems?

Famous Hero
posted August 13, 2002 08:33 PM |
LOL. With the mercury, that's what happened with the demon spawn in Heroes 4! Although it took 4 games to do it...

Known Hero
Master of Reptiles.
posted August 14, 2002 11:42 AM |
Well in old school era, when british was all high class and snow. 1600's maybe? I'm not sure.. But they used mercury on their faces to make them look pale, which was the style. so they wouldn't have any health problems because all my creatures die too soon =p


Hired Hero
posted August 14, 2002 12:09 PM |
If a pregnant hero dies in labour she just remain as an X on the ground until u pick her up, or maybe she retreat to town right after birth. Hero canīt die.. not evendismiss. u r stuck with her :/


Hired Hero
posted August 14, 2002 12:32 PM |
Q: why when it's the month of "PLAGUE!" (proclaimed by those darn astrologers or whatever name they go by these days) necromancer towns don't have double population - it's like this : **** so many people&monsters die that the necromancers should have a hard time rasing all the corpses left behind... don't they - so why isn't like that?
A war refugee saw The Master and asked him : "Help me to escape the horrors of this world!" and The Master blinded him with fire irons

Adventuring Hero
posted August 14, 2002 11:11 PM |
The necromancer will do the normal raising, but after it he would be too overworked to raise another half. Because he has raised so fast, the previous creatures are worthless.
I do no longer exist...
Check 'reynaert' if you want to see me...

Known Hero
illegally insane
posted August 15, 2002 08:28 AM |
What do Storm-Elementals do on sunny days?
Have you ever seen a storm elemental on a sunny day? Isn't it quite possible they don't exist on sunny days?
A cyclops, having only one eye, why does he have ranged attack? And why does he always hit his target?
Perhaps they throw "line drive" shots? Triangulate? (this doesn't explain how they could shoot individually though...)
Can't really think of a good answer to this one, but I really like the question! 
If you learn so much by losing, why am I so dumb?


Hired Hero
posted August 16, 2002 12:14 PM |
okay... that "makes sense" ... but how do you explain the "it's better not ask what lies out there" messAge (that appears when you click on the stars on the edge of the map) was that suppose to be funny or what? Is This a GLItCH in the System? Weren't they suppose to be on another look-alike Earth planet after the armaggedon thingy in the movie not on some stupid map where you can fall over the edge of the world if you're not careful? the only possible explanation I see is that there is some sort of lake or bottomless pit of any-kind