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Known Hero
captain hobgoblin
posted November 20, 2002 10:26 PM |
"Your slave now? Don't hope for it dragon, I've defeated more than a dragon like you.
But you seem kind and generous, hmm, did you talk about reward? What can you offer to me?
You're a wizard no?
Oh sorry ... I'm the lonely land traveler, the slayer of demons, the pupil of destinee?
Does this answer satisfy your majestee?"
I began to walk around nervously.
"I'm cold, could you make me a camp, a fire, something? wizard."
Take me down to a pardise city where the girls are green and the grass is pretty

Tavern Dweller
posted November 21, 2002 05:48 PM |
Hum! You are Hobgoblin, the servant of Duath Meril.
I know that you are a great warrior, but I don't think that you can defeat me .
You want fire?
Okay, it is done.
You want to know new spells? I will teach you spells and give you the power if you do what I want.
This is my problem.The first one call Teregor. He is a human king.
He lives in the castel of stormheaven in the country of Belerand. He is a swagging man.
His army is going to attack the old and fabulous city of Symmoind where it is one of my
sanctuary. He must be stop. You can use all possibilities to stop him.
But remember, he is a king. He has a good bodyguards and spellcasters to defend him.
I will burn you

Known Hero
captain hobgoblin
posted November 24, 2002 10:17 PM |
I sat near the fire, and looked at the dragon.
"It can work, how many time do I have?"
I let my arms fall on my knees. The fire of the dragon was so hot I didn't feel the cold anymore, sitting several meters from it.
"Hmm, BElerand, it's south west from here, I've heard on it when I was on my way to here. Some days of walk, it's that?"
Take me down to a pardise city where the girls are green and the grass is pretty

Tavern Dweller
posted November 25, 2002 01:12 PM |
Yes it is.
You have to go now, the army will attack in three days.
I can give you a horse to go faster and if you want some weapon, ask me.
I will burn you

Known Hero
captain hobgoblin
posted December 10, 2002 10:55 PM |
I didn't learn to have confidence in a dragon. I felt the will to hide for the
night, before going to Belerand, and there, see if the dragon told the truth.
But it was too cold far from the fire, so I didn't really have the choice.
I thought (ofcourse I am a warrior, I have no fear but, the minimum of
precaution is to not sleep so near from a dragon. But I have no choice, and
afterall, if he has something to earn from me...)
I just let myself fall on the ground and I fell asleep easily.
I woke up in with the first rays of sun, the fire was always alive and the
dragon seemed to be sleeping.
My back hurted a little due to the rough ground on which I slept, but I was
rather in a great fitness.
I juped on my legs and began my way to the west, without taking care of the
Take me down to a pardise city where the girls are green and the grass is pretty