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Heroes Community > Turban Tribunal > Thread: Newcomers: Please Read.
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Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted March 09, 2003 12:32 PM
Edited By: Djive on 6 Jul 2004

Newcomers: Please Read.


1. What are the yellow and red stars?
1.1 How do I get/lose yellow stars?
1.2 Yellow stars and custom Avatar.
1.3 How do I get red stars (quality points)?
1.4 Benefits with red stars.

2. How do I search for existing topics?

3. BB codes which can be used on this board. (Quote, Link, Bold, Italic, Underline)

4. If I posted a topic in the wrong Forum, whom do I ask to move the topic?

5. Why do I sometimes have to log in twice?

6. Forum Questions and Answers

1. What are the yellow and red stars?

Paste from FAQ:

Yellow stars correspond to the member's post count. Members start with no yellow stars and can get up to six yellow stars. Each yellow star amount has a rank associated with it. Tavern Dweller is the rank of members with no yellow stars; Hired Hero is the one yellow star rank; Adventuring Hero for two yellow stars, etc.

An amount of yellow stars held by a member does not illustrate his importance nor quality of his ideas, it only illustrates the amount of posts made by that member.

You do not need to worry about getting stars, because if you are logged in properly, yellow stars will be given to you automatically once you reach a certain amounts of posts.

1.1 How do I get/lose yellow stars?

As mentioned above, you get yellow stars by posting. Yellow stars depend on your post count as follows:

Less than 20 posts: No yellow stars. Rank: Tavern Dweller
21 posts: 1 yellow star. Rank: Hired Hero
51 posts: 2 yellow stars. Rank: Adventuring Hero
121 posts: 3 yellow stars. Rank: Known Hero
301 posts: 4 yellow stars. Rank: Famous Hero
801 posts: 5 yellow stars. Rank: Supreme Hero.
2001 posts: 6 yellow stars. Rank: Legendary Hero.

Posts refer to post count. Post count is affected by the following things:

* If you send in a post and the previous post in that thread was not your own, then your post count is increased by 1.
* If you send in a post and the previous post in the topic is your own, then your post count stays the same.
* If you send in a post and the two previous posts in the topic are your own, then your post count is reduced by 3.

NOTE: If you've made a reply to a thread, and want to make a new one then you can edit your post to avoid the penalty.

To Edit a post you must log in using the user name you had when you made the post. The "Edit Post" link will then appear at the end of each post you've made.

Trouble-shooting tip if the link does not appear even though you are logged in:

When you log in the user name is not case sensitive. However, the "Edit Post" link does not appear if you are logged in with another capitalization of the user name than the one you used when you made the post.

* If you delete one of your own posts, then your post count is reduced by 1.
* If you delete a thread, then your post count is decreased by 1 for each post made by any member in that thread. (The members whose posts you deleted when you deleted the thread will get +1 post count for each post they had made in the thread.)
* If a moderator deletes a post you made, then your post count is reduced by 1.

NOTE: Members are strongly advised to ask the moderator to delete threads they've made which they consider superfluous.

1.2 Yellow stars and custom Avatar.

In order to get a custom Avatar you need two yellow stars. Each member can ask for only one custom Avatar. The size of the Avatar is restricted to 2kB. More information on Avatars and Avatar reservation is in the FAQ.

1.3 How do I get red stars (quality points)?

The forum guidelines says that quality points should be awarded to the 2% top posts.

3 red stars, you need a quality count of +3. Prefix: Promising.
4 red stars, you need a quality count of +8. Prefix: Responsible
5 red stars, you need a quality count of +15. Prefix: Honorable.
6 red stars: Prefix: Admirable.

It should be noticed that quality is subjective and the moderator reserves the right to judge what is good quality. Therefore, quality points is usually something which you will not get with any predictability unless a post is outstanding.

In the past the number of outstanding posts on this forum are more around 0.2 percent than 2% so therefore the majority of quality points will be given for behaviour which the moderator of the own forum wants to stimulate.

This behaviour includes:
- Good discussions on on-topic topics.
- New and innovative ideas.
- Friendliness and respect towards other users.
- Funny topics or remarks. (But don't make jokes at other's expense.)

Often a user needs to make several good posts before getting a quality point.

Getting quality points is not only a matter of posting things which has a good content, but it's also about avoiding things that are breaches of the code of conduct. Most minor breaches of the code of conduct will not result in penalties.

Note: Moderators are overall good at keeping notes and remembering the good things you've done along with the bad things.

Both penalties and bonuses will remain on the user account if the post is deleted. (No matter if it it is the user, another user, or a moderator who deletes the post.)

Moderators have the power to reverse penalties and bonuses in any forum on this board.

Having a QP count of less than 0 will increase a member's flood-protect time. At -12 QP the flood-protect will prevent a user from ever posting to the forum again.

1.4 Benefits with red stars.

Three red stars removes your flood protect when editing.
Four red stars removes your flood-protect.
Five red stars allows you to rate topics in the forum.

2. How do I search for existing topics?

In order to make this forum orderly, the Moderators encourages users to search the forum for a relevant topic and revival of old topics instead of creating a new one.

The main reason for this is that the forum currently has no way to merge two threads, so creating a duplicate topic will place very similar discussion in two different threads and will make it harder to find things in the forum.

Message from Valeriy:

There have been some new active posters joining Heroes Community in the last several days. Welcome! I would just like to ask them one thing on behalf of all the members. Please read the older thread names before posting your thread. You won't believe how many of your questions and ideas are already posted on this board and rather then starting a new thread, you can contribute to the existing discussion, bringing it to the top of thread list. For some old timers it's just annoying to see so many things said again, when they were being discussed about a week ago and are still on the boards. This is not a rule, you can post any ideas, but it helps to be aware of other people's perspective, like you are now.

Another thing to consider is naming your topics properly. Bad names are: "what do you think about this idea?", "have a look at this", "something to consider" - because they do not tell the viewer what the post is about. A good thread topic should give a summary of what is contained within, for example: "creature experience ideas" or "possible stronghold creatures" or "artifacts".

It is possible to search HC using normal search motors such as Google. Google generally updates the search database for HC every one or two months, which means that the latest topics/posts won't be found.

How to search here using google.com:

A. Go to: www.google.com

B. Type your keyword(s) and then add "site:heroescommunity.com" in the search box.

C. Search!

You can also type the search directly in the URL window. If you want to search for "Venom Spawn" it would look like this:


3. BB codes which can be used on this board.

These are the BB codes for this board. Information coming from the FAQ.

SWF BB Code Format:
{swf width=244 height=39}http://www.server.com/file.swf{/swf}

IMG BB Code Format:

Quote BB Code Format:
{quote}This board is cool!{/quote}

Email BB Code Format:

URL BB Code Format:
{url=http://www.HeroesofMightandMagic.com}Age of Heroes{/url}

Bold BB Code Format:

In all the examples replace curly brackets { and } with straight brackets [ and ]

Italics BB Code Format:

Underline BB Code Format:

4. If I posted a topic in the wrong Forum, whom do I ask to move the topic?

You ask the Moderator of the forum where you posted the topic. (Only Moderators of that Forum can move the topic to another forum.)

5. Why do I sometimes have to log in twice?

You are adviced to enter the forum on http://heroescommunity.com instead of http://www.hereoescommunity.com

If you log in from the link with "www" then you will need to log a second time if you try to reply to posts or the like. This since all the links within the forum is without the "www" and your login for the "www"-address is not valid for these pages.

In short. There is two separate logins for http://heroescommunity.com and for http://www.hereoescommunity.com.

Use the first link to avoid double logins.

6. Forum Questions and Answers

Question: Do I need to refresh a page to receive new IMs?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why do I sometimes receive empty IMs dated around 1970?

Answer: This happens if you return to a page where you previously received an IM (by hitting the back button in the browser). The HC server tries to load the IM you received again, but it was deleted when you received the IM the first time around.


Note: Comments to this and suggestions for inclusions to this FAQ is to be posted to this thread.

Note: I will remove duplicate information in other threads and move them to this FAQ.
"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

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Famous Hero
posted July 19, 2003 03:04 PM
Edited By: soccerfeva on 24 Jul 2003

How to navigate through Heroes Community

Here's a guide on how to navigate through Heroes Community.

At the top left hand corner,click on Heroes Community to bring you back to the Home Page.The Heroes Community email address is just below it.

If you are new and wish to become a member,click on the 'register' option.
After that going to your profile allows you to edit your signature,avatar among other stuff.

Refer to the FAQ/RULES for help and information.Really helpful.The avatar list shows you what avatars are there and how many members have used them.

Today's posts show the posts posted today.

The memberlist shows the list of members in Heroes Community.

The IM window refers to instant messaging,allows you to instantly message a fellow member.
The log out option allows you to log out at public computers or whenever you want.

Clicking on the donation button will make Valeriy,Admin of HC really happy.He will use it for maintance of Heroes Community among other things.

Besides that is a list of HC Member Sites:
Tournament of Honor
Dungeons Keeper
Age of Heroes

Clicking on the index is sort of refreshing the Home Page.

There are 4 boards,namely Tournament of Honor,Heroes Boards,Discussion Boards and Community Boards.Clicking any of the Boards will shorten the page and show only the forums under the Board.
There are 11 forums,classified under Tournament of Honor are Tournament of Honor,Myths and Heroes and Wake of Gods.
Under the Heroes Boards are,Tavern of the Rising Sun,Lands of Axeoth (HOMM4),Library of Enlightenment and Heroes 5 Altar of Wishes.Under the Discussion Boards are Other Side of the Monitor and Volcanic Wastelands.Finally,under the Community Boards are Turban Tribunal and MOD Squad HQ.The last one is denied access to the public.ONLY Moderators are allowed into that forum.

On your left hand side,whenever you see something like a potion appearing,it means that there is a new post/reply made in that forum.On your right hand side are all the names of the moderators in charge of certain forums.Clicking on the red Im will allow you to Instant Message the moderator.

Towards your left there is this-Last 5 replies.
The last 5 threads/posts are here for everyone to see.

A bit to your right and you can see the Top 10 discussions threads-threads which have the most replies and are extremely popular.

Who's online and where allows you to see who's on Heroes Community and which part of Heroes Community are they viewing.The number of guests and members are shown below Who's online and where.Besides the member's name,is a red Im.Pressing on it allows you to send a quick message to another member.

That's about all you need to know to browse through Heroes Community comfortably.

Tips for using HC:Constantly refreshing HC Homepage allows you to view the latest replies and the latest members to log in.Always try to reply to the latest reply.
Have 2 pages opened for HC.One for the Homepage and another to surf around HC.

Hopes that helps  

Last updated:24/July/2003


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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted August 17, 2003 03:00 PM
Edited By: pandora on 16 Jul 2005

Excuse me Djive, I have a question. Is there anything beyond becoming a Legendary Hero? Couldn't there be Semi-God Hero or something?
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted August 17, 2003 05:33 PM
Edited By: Djive on 8 Jun 2004

It wouldn't surprise me.

And even if there aren't now, Valeriy might add new limits to the scripts if someone should advance towards the intended borderline.

There are limits beyond five red stars, but what exactly they are is not known to anyone except Valeriy.

Six red star is "admirable" status.

Top, Top, Top, Top.
"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

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Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted February 04, 2004 06:58 AM
Edited By: pandora on 24 Jan 2005

I think that its stupid for Val to add new limits to the script when nobody is even near getting a sixth star. The Hydra is the only person with 30 qps and he is now a moderator so now it doesnt matter. Getting some sort of bonus for having 3 stars would be nice though.

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Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted March 25, 2004 02:38 PM

Why there's no PotM with Tribunal?

It is interesting and a bit shameful that there's no PotM in Tribunal. Concerning there are many posters who deserve a QP for suggestons, PotM would be quite good here. For example, I'd say that Consis deserves a QP with new red star title suggestions. If Vadskye's average words per post idea would get more support, it could be awarded with QP too. Maybe if I got more support in my Guide, I'd get a QP alike those who were listed above.

There are many good threads and posts here on Tribunal, so ask again. Why there's no Potm?

If it was because of the small number of posters, it's wrong. More and more members post here.

Answer, my question (complaint), please?

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Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted March 27, 2004 01:50 PM

Hmmm... the PotM is mainly intended to stimulate posting, not to award good ideas which should be handled the normal way. (By handing out +QP for them.)

I think it's a nice touch that our current titles are Heroes related, and Consis suggestion removed that. So I didn't feel it was all that a good idea.

I believe the average word per post suggestion is not implementable with reasonable effort, which defeats its purpose. And what exactly did we need it for? I'm sure we can get a lot of nicer and neater features for the effort it would take to do this one.

You can get +QP in the tribunal if you for instance:
- Find any bugs on the board and decribe them.
- Find an easily done improvement to the board. (whether it's implemented or not.)

You can also get QP for other things, and you are certainly free to suggest people for QP here in this topic.

"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

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Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted March 27, 2004 01:56 PM

Well it seems there are some bugs:

SynQL error: appears when you try to enter IM window

MysQL error: appears when the page is malfunctioning or the connection is a bit broken

Username error: doesn't display the rank of the member

Rank error: rank is not decreased sometimes when the post count is decreased

IMG error: the page can't show .gifs adn .pngs sometimes

These are bugs I noticed here. HArdly noticed, but often met.

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Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted March 27, 2004 02:15 PM

"SynQL error: appears when you try to enter IM window

MysQL error: appears when the page is malfunctioning or the connection is a bit broken"

These two are load regulated. I'm afraid we can't do much about them.

"Username error: doesn't display the rank of the member"

I saw that one mentioned. I think some detective work on how many users are affected on the bug would be appreciated. I think I've seen about three useres or so with this bug.

"Rank error: rank is not decreased sometimes when the post count is decreased"

The yellow stars are more complex than just taking into account the post account, so this may or may not be a bug. Unfortuantely, only Valeriy has the details here so this is difficult to say if it's bugged or not. Try listing members who have the wrong amount of yellow stars.

"IMG error: the page can't show .gifs adn .pngs sometimes"

Hmmmm.... This is probably related to problems with the external site where the image is actually located. Some sites/ISPs disallows you to link to images on their sites, and the site can actually be temporarily down.

"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

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Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted March 27, 2004 02:38 PM

I think some detective work on how many users are affected on the bug would be appreciated.

I will make a list of whom is infected. Usually (always, it's a newly registered Tavern Dweller. List:


All I can find. I viewed 120 pages only.

Well, new bug:

a rank junior member. I viewed memberlist page92 and found it. Most members I (1-6 posts) viewed have this rank.

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Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted March 27, 2004 06:32 PM

Well, new bug:

a rank junior member. I viewed memberlist page92 and found it. Most members I (1-6 posts) viewed have this rank.

Can you post their usernames?
"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

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Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted March 27, 2004 06:34 PM
Edited By: pandora on 28 Dec 2004

I can but not all of them. I'll say what are their names. When I'll edit this post (=soon)


Not all of them, but still.


I'll add some more soon...

more with the no rank:


I won't view members with 0-1 posts and negative (-) post count!

EDIT: members that had a negative post count once, lost their rank forever. This is only re-post, but it is too suspicous to understand.


As far as I know, Tavern was split up into three forums: Other Side, Glade and Tavern itself.

Anyway, I looked at the "POSTS" section in the profile and it still said TAVERN when I posted in GLADE.

Maybe you noticed it sooner, but it is the time to find every bug and try to fix it.


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Adventuring Hero
the eternal survivor
posted October 22, 2004 04:43 PM

yellow stars vs. posted replies

I must post a reply here too, because the Turban Tribunal seems to be utterly empty. Does anybody hear me? I've found a very strange thing.  
 a100pieces has 43 posted reply and 2 yellow stars!
 AdmiralVeli has 17 posted reply and 2 yellow stars!!!
How can this be? Is there a spcial rule, or it's just an error of the computer?
In war it doesn't matter who is right, but who is left.

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Famous Hero
Abu Hur Ibn Rashka
posted November 27, 2004 08:33 PM
Edited By: pandora on 17 May 2005

that's because their posts and/or threads have been deleted.
check out soccerfeva, he has no yellow stars at all though he has made 500+ posts.

Dies illa, dies irae,
Calamitatis et miseriae.
Requiem aeternum
Dona eis, dona eis Domine.

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Tavern Dweller
posted July 01, 2006 07:51 AM

How do I unsubscribe to email notifications from a thread?

I can't find a way to unsubscribe to email notifications from this thread: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?FID=1&TID=17976

I'm finished with the thread (and with HoMM5) and I'd love to not have these notifications flood my inbox.

In case I can't do it myself, could I ask a moderator to do it? Please.

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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted July 01, 2006 02:17 PM

You can disable that feature in your profile.

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Tavern Dweller
posted July 01, 2006 03:37 PM

You can disable that feature in your profile.

Yes, there is a feature asking if I want to
Enable email notification for all new posts/replies?

I guess "new" is anything after I submit the changed setting. We'll see. I was looking for something that kept track of the threads I have subscribed to, but I guess it doesn't exist.

Thanks for your help.

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Hired Hero
posted August 25, 2007 06:19 PM

I agree, it's a bit lame, to not be able to choose threads to be subscribed too (so you could opt which threads will give email notifications).

This is first forum I've seen lacking such feature.

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Adventuring Hero
from Holland
posted August 26, 2007 12:34 PM
Edited by Rhodan at 12:42, 26 Aug 2007.

I have to test something out for you guys in this post.


BB-code has a way to prevent codes to work, next to the usage of a 'code' code, where coding can be wrote without it to take effect also.

If you'd write [b]Bolded Text Here[/b] then it posts a bold text, right?

If you put a code within both the [b] and [/b] tags, BB-code will only let that code take effect and the code that's left won't take effect.

So, if I'd post [b[b][/b]], 'Text' and [/[b][/b]b], it will only show [b]'Text'[/b]

If you don't want to replace {img} for [img] because it may look too indirect, here's a solution.

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted August 26, 2007 01:56 PM
Edited by alcibiades at 13:58, 26 Aug 2007.

Wow ... that's interesting. So I can write [img]URL[/img] if I want to give an exampel?

Hey - it worked! Very fancy, thanx for this hint!
What will happen now?

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