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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Your Role-Play Character...Revealed
Thread: Your Role-Play Character...Revealed This thread is 2 pages long: 1 2 · NEXT»

Legendary Hero
posted July 10, 2003 06:24 PM

Your Role-Play Character...Revealed

If any of you have been to the Temple of Worship thread lately than you will better know what this is all about.
I have created a thread in which all of us role players out there can come and for once give a full description of your character.
Included in your description will be Name, age (if this applies), stats, powers/abilities, background story (can be small but must tell basic story of character.)
Try to be semi-serious but have fun to.  This should prove to be helpful to everyone so we can all better understand each other and our characters.
You may also include any comrades or pets that acompany you that some members may not know about.
Go ahead.  I'll put mine together and post it later.
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted July 10, 2003 07:13 PM

My name is RedSoxFan3. I am a Sage of Time. My ability is to be able to slow down time to a factor of 1/60 of real time. This enables me to do hours of work in just a few minutes. During this slowed time. I am not able to manipulate other characters and spiritually complex beings. However I can manipulate inanimate objects with the same efficiency. For example I used the buckets and water to put out the fire. But let's say for example I couldn't start punching people while I have slowed down time. There is also a delay in when I can interact with spiritually complex beings after I have resumed normal time flow.

For example Let's say when Snowy attacked me I couldn't slow down time, walk around behind him, resume time flow and just kick his legs out from underneath him. But if he did not notice me for a few seconds. I would be able to then start attacking him. Basically this ability is primarily used for defensive purposed, but could also be used to tear down enemy structures or steal ammo as a preparation to an attack.

I am not able to go back in time or advance in time, however, I am able to detect fluxuations in the time continuum. And could theoretically see into the future or past. Though as a result I would be temporarily drained and would not be able to manipulate time for 1-2 days.
Go Red Sox!

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Famous Hero
Watcher of All
posted July 10, 2003 07:53 PM

Let me just define my powers for once and for all. I am the essence of the element Vain, which is the element that makes up the Void. Sun, moon and stars are made out of Vain, so I have control over those.
However, the element Vain does not exist on earth. Anything material is made from other elements. What does exist on earth is Vain radiation, which basically penetrates everything, but is not part of the material elements itself. That gives me the ability to appear on the earth as (what most people would call) a spirit. It also gives me the ability to see and create portals to the Void, but that is it. Note that the portals still need to work with something else. They still require someone or something to put things through them. That is what my followers do. On earth, I am as good as powerless. I can see everything, make portals and tweak a little (not much) with temperature (because that is partially controlled by Vain radiation).

What I can or have:
- As good as unlimited power outside the earth.
- Make portals.
- Watch and spy everything.
- Communicate (with mind linkage).
- Tweak temperature a little.

What I cannot do:
- Make changes in material matter.
- Take control of people's minds.
- Appear in a physical form.

The things I cannot do is what my fellow rebels took care of.
Perception is everything.

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Legendary Hero
posted July 10, 2003 07:57 PM

Very good, now we have finally defined Marelt.
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted July 11, 2003 12:32 AM
Edited By: Lith-Maethor on 12 Jul 2003

soo... this is another OOC thread...

I suppose it wouldn't hurt for me to re-introduce my character.. it is not quite the same with the one I played in the "Legend in the making" Saga...

lets get this show going...

Lith Maethor, Sylvan Elf (aka Wood Elf or Wild Elf), age: 2200 (immortal)...

powers include minor vampiric powers (shapeshifting, teleporting, heightened senses and speed) and a unique link with the elemental Force of Nature... although a Ranger, my powers exceed those of any Druid ...usually in the company of a wolf named Ithildae (Moonshadow) and his Pack

major flaw is  the bloodlust, when i use my vampiric powers too often I need blood to recharge... usually I don't kill for it... depends on my mood though...

Though born in Middle Earth, my home is in the Realm of Illusions, a world where I am the Keeper of Nature... In this realm (HC) I'm living in the Temple of Worship (one of the reasons I defended the place) as a guest of the Goddess Romana, who I know as Fayree, Guardian of Water... and of course Snowy
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted July 11, 2003 12:13 PM

hmm oke..I guess I'm the goddess Romana of seduction and wine. That means I have control over powers that are similar of the effects of alcohol and persuation. I guess you all know what the effects of alcohol can be  

Any weaknesses? I can get cranky sometimes? AHh yes I know of a good weakness. The goddess can't stand arrogance , mal-intent and gossip . And if you hurt Snowy this would hurt me too(emotionally)

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Legendary Hero
posted July 11, 2003 04:25 PM

Good Romana, but for those who don't know, explain who and what snowy is.
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Supreme Hero
Thx :D
posted July 11, 2003 05:07 PM

Snowy's my pet polar bear lol

He's not just an ordinary polar bear though. He's bigger than a normal one for one and he's also very intelligent.
He loves the Gootch..actually how he tastes..But overall he's quite gentle. for instance when RSF described Snowy attacking him just because he came in the temple..that is just utter nonsence. Snowy doesn't attack just anyone.
Only if neccessary and if I'm in danger or threatened

That enough info?

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Legendary Hero
posted July 11, 2003 05:56 PM

Now how about some others.  Saurman, we still have yet to figure you out.
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted July 12, 2003 12:37 AM

Snowy's my pet polar bear lol

He's not just an ordinary polar bear though. He's bigger than a normal one for one and he's also very intelligent.
He loves the Gootch..actually how he tastes..But overall he's quite gentle. for instance when RSF described Snowy attacking him just because he came in the temple..that is just utter nonsence. Snowy doesn't attack just anyone.
Only if neccessary and if I'm in danger or threatened

That enough info?

Snowy is a Yankees fan.
Go Red Sox!

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Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted July 12, 2003 05:39 AM

I am Damacon Ace. I am a shapeshifting archmage who can transform into more than a dozen beings, the most prominent forms of which include the minotaur and the griffin. I posess the ability of being lightning enchanted, which means for every time I get injured, provoked or shot upon I release a series of charged bolts installed inside my body. I am able to see far and wide through a special power known as "Spy Eyes", which magnifies my vision by 10 times the normal seeing power.

I have several companions that act as my personal bodyguards and minions. They are bull-ish with long horns, similar to the Texan Longhorn cattle. They are known as the Hell Bovines, and they wield massive polearms, willing to protect me and attack anyone that I find threatening.
No one knows my true nature here...

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Legendary Hero
posted July 13, 2003 01:43 AM

Would they be anything like those found in the world of Diablo 2?
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted July 13, 2003 02:10 AM

Saruman the Eternally Surprised

My discription may take some time, as my faith has changed several times over.

I am an Auditor of the Universe. For a description of what these are, ask Lord Wook or read the Discworld Books, particularly Thief of Time and Reaper Man. I can live inside a body, but not carry out some of the body's functions (Example: I cannot eat, I float slightly above the ground when I walk, I do not need to breathe, etc.). Currently I have several forms:
1. My Auditor State
I have yet to appear as this in a thread. All auditors look the same when not in a body (A floating incorperal grey cloak.).
2. Demon Form
I have used this form at least twice. I assume the shape of Archimonde, Demon General.
3. Human Warlock
This is the form I have used most often. I appear to be a 25-year-old warlock.
4. Dwarf Axeman
I have only used this form once in a thread. I look like the Battle Dwarves from HOMM2.
5. Saruman the Eternally Surpised
This is the form I am using now. I appear simmilar to form #3, but slightly aged. Though the same person, I created this form after having a religious experiance whlile being trapped in the Void's twisting maze of energy for my recent period of inactivity (About 1 week.). I have a revelation. I am now Neutral in all aspects and a wandering hermit. If you seek my advice, travel high in the desert to the highest mountain to speak witn me. My eyes have a certain emptiness to them now, though a calm emptiness, like the black of space without it's stars.

Updates will follow.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted July 14, 2003 03:41 AM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 13 Jul 2003

My player needs a little update. Once my character figures out what is going on with the whole misterious object thing. He will go on a quest to seek the wisdom of the God that cast the mysterious object upon him. At that point he will be powerless and completely mortal on a quest to search for the wisdom of his God-like being. He will find that the repelling forces of the mysterious object will protect him from other hostile beings. This will not be able to harm anyone for one he touches the object any harm done will instantly be cured. Such will be the difficulty of the mission. If only there was a way for him to wield the power of the object and keep the object from healing the enemies.

Note: The being that gave me the object. Is not a God. So don't you people go kicking me out of the Temple. This thing is an unknown being of God/Goddess like supremecy.
Go Red Sox!

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted July 14, 2003 05:11 AM

@ all Role Players...

try to take the time and actually READ what others before you posted.. .this way we can keep the story coherent...

a few problems that can occur if you don't pay attention:

- you talk to people who are not there
- you do things you can't do in specific areas
- you ruin other people's plans...

if you want to post something involving others, use this thread, or IM if it is something you want to keep secret...
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Adventuring Hero
King of Dragons
posted July 14, 2003 07:52 AM

I'm a dragon of pure and mighty flames, Fire_Dragon.
I have strength as powerful as 10 mighty Titans.I have the ability to fly and breathe fire. My spells and powers are:
1)Armageddon: Summons rocks from space to come gliding down to Earth causing severe damage and loss of lives.
2)Meteor:Summons a gigantic meteor from space to fall onto the surface of this Earth causing all living and un-living things in that area to die.
3)Inferno:Blows a mighty stream of flames to the enemy and burns the hell outta him causing him to vanish in ashes.

I have the power to summon other creatures of fire like:
Ifrit:A mighty bull-like creature from the depths of hell rise from the ground and burns all things in that area.
Phoenix:A bird on fire flies and glide through the air above ground causing everything below it to die in flames of death.
Fire-elementals:Human-shaped creatures of fire that comes out of the plains of the fiery flames.

Those who mess with me will suffer...
The King of Dragons emerge from its lair to seek vengence upon its throne of Fire.

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Supreme Hero
posted July 14, 2003 11:10 AM

okay,so basicaly I'm just silx,a simple human,tall and thin,dark hair and stuff.No special powers(no shapeshifting,no flying,no nothing!),low magical skills, thanks to mightymage,I used to have a magical double,identical to me!but I think I lost it somewhere or it got caught and went to jail,since it gets no power from me anymore,it probably dissappeared somewhere anyway.

Make my living as a thief,specialise in pickpocketing and trafficing stolen stuff.quickly get rid of stuff that I've stolen,so taht everyone knows it was probably me who stole it,but no one can prove anything!

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Legendary Hero
posted July 14, 2003 05:17 PM
Edited By: MightyMage on 3 Sep 2003

Ok folks, I suppose it's about time you figured me out so here it goes...

Name:  Mighty Mage or Lord Douglas

Class: Elemental Power Mage

Powers:  elemental powers and control over them.  I specilize in the element of the mind using psychic powers to teleport and move objects at whim.  I am also advanced in just about all magics except dark magic which I failed to study much of.

Current affiliations:  As leader of the Royal Order of Supreme Magi, it is my duty to keep order when it concerns magic or magical items.  Living in the R.O.S.M. tower, I also sell many magic artifacts and spells unatainable anywhere else.  On the side I run Conn's shop with my pertner Lith Maethor since my friend has recently departed on a journey.  As a keeper of peace and protector of magic, I swore to defend the temple of worship and all who dwell inside.  More recently I helped form the F.O.G., or the Federation of gods which is a group of extremly powerful Heroes each with a job using their specilized powers.

Pets and sidekicks:  The first pet that I recieved was more of a friend than anything.  Drake, my Azure Dragon is quite powerful but is also very calm for a dragon.  flying me around on his back, Drake helps me get to places that are otherwise unreachable and his icy jet of flame can turn enemies to ashes in seconds.
Drake taking a rest
 Second, I have the only Troglodyte with eyes in exsistence.  Trolly, as I call him, was unable to sence most things like other Troglodytes so I granted him the gift of sight by throwing together some artifacts and a few spells to make a pair of eyes.  His normal spear was also upgraded with magic and a crystalized tip.  As far as sidekicks go, I suppose you could consider my loyal group of supreme magi.  

Background Story:  
Born many years ago to a family of Mage Lords in the Country side of Achadia, Lord Douglas was always different from most of the other mages and spell casters his age.  He was stronger and instead of the traditional robes worn by most mages, Lord Douglas chose a more practical battle gear and cloak to show he was skilled in both magic and strength.  In his adulthood, many began calling him the Mighty Mage and so the name stuck with him.  Now Mighty Mage is the sole leader of the magical police force, The Royal Order of Supreme Magi which dwell in the Fallen Star Tower of Order or the Supreme Magi Tower.
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted September 07, 2003 03:19 PM

Name: Gorman

Class: Archangel

Ability's: Same as most Archangels. My sword is capable of dispelling enchantments on items. So lets say u have an enchantment on you that would protect you from being cut in two. It wouldn't stop my weapon. As its my most reliable weapon, I call it Xcalibur. My armor is blessed from my god and gives off a benifical holy light that increases courage and enables allies to think clearly in combat. As for me, I'm fairly stronger than all your ordinary Archangels. I can call upon the power of my god to invoke his wrath on any foe who'd dare to attempt to slay his 1st hand man! This power can only be used once a day.

History: When I was still a mortal, I was a paladin who did many brave and heroic deeds for my god. I did the whole damsel in distress thing and fought wars against evil. In doing all of the quests my god asked of me he granted me eternal life serving him. I never really knew who my father was...my mother was a maiden I grew up with but I never quite new my father. My mother told me that my father was a black dragon that fell in love with her and magically transformed himself into a human when the dragon orb was found that took away the magic immunity from the great and terrible Dragon Wars. Luckily for the black dragons the orb was destroyed after the battle and their magic immunity regained. *this may explain why I have never fallen asleep while fighting wizards or been burnt to a crisp from a fireball* So now I'm the Archangel u see in front of you.
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Legendary Hero
posted September 17, 2003 10:26 PM
Edited By: MightyMage on 19 Sep 2003

If you plan on using your character in any of the current RP's such as the temple of worship or the Shop than it may be best to introduce your HC self.  As you can see we already have a few of our more famous members...good up and coming spammers.  So take some time and let us know who you are.  It's sort of like the Ooc for all RP's where you describe your character...somthing like that anyway.

EDIT:  What, I complement those who have done their profiles and so you all get lazy?  What's up with that?
Thank-you all who participated.
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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