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Heroes Community > Tavern of the Rising Sun > Thread: Diablo 2 Fan Fiction...
Thread: Diablo 2 Fan Fiction...

Supreme Hero
posted February 26, 2005 09:03 PM bonus applied.

Diablo 2 Fan Fiction...

Eh i tried


The old woman rocks in her chair, eyes closed, palms outstretched. She is still; as if she is dead, but from her appearance, you would most likely think she was dead. The hundreds of years have worn away at her once youthful body. Her soul was as young as ever, and she wished, before the end, to go on one more adventure. There was a place she had wanted to go. Neighbors frequently teased her, as she sat in her chair. The peasant children threw stones at her for fun. She never left her yard, but she knew what the adults gossiped about. They created and passed around rumors, which spread as quick as wildfire. Many things have been said about her. She did not mind. If they knew what she had done...they would bow down before her. But she did not mind this either. She brooded on her thoughts often.
Suddenly, she jerked awake. She sat up in her chair, breathing heavily. "It was only a dream" she told herself...but a feeling nagged at the back of her mind, it was not a dream. Moving quickly for a woman of 423 years old, she dashed over to one of her drawers, and pulled out a large red crystal. She found a quill, and some frayed parchment. She began writing her last note. As soon as she finished, her frail body gave out, and she hit the floor with a loud thud, never to rise again.

Chapter 1: Kurast

Derrin walked through the bustling merchant city of Kurast. Men, women and children everywhere. Vendors selling their goods, their cries ringing out through the streets "Bread!!! Fresh bread, only 3 coins!!!" "Swords, Daggers, Bows! Any weapon you desire, here for cheaper than the man next to me!!!!" He ignored it all. The corruption in this world was astounding. Many believed he held on to dying traditions, but in his mind, he would be the only one to achieve salvation when the end came. He walked at an amazing speed, almost inhumane. It was this, among with a few other qualities that made him an oddity.

He wondered how many others heard the call, as he made his way to his destination. How many were there that held on to the traditions of the ancient ones. What about the descendants of the others? The ones whom had fought along his ancestors in an epic battle of good versus evil, Were they any left?? Often at times Derrin questioned his own beliefs. Was he just insane?? Was he really a madman, as people called him? His prayers had never been answered.

As he made his way to the outskirts of Kurast, the slums begin to become more abundant. The cries of the merchants were replaced with the crying of children. Instead of seeing wealthy businessmen striding down the streets, he saw people with torn and ragged clothes, begging for food. He felt sorry for them. Normally, it would be his duty to help them in any way possible, but not now. He was on a mission. Even the slums disappeared, and he came into a lush jungle. Every now and then, he would glance a native, but they would quickly hide. They were afraid of men, after what had happened to them ages ago.

Finally, he came across his destination. A long river, Remnants of a bridge existed, but it had long since collapsed. On the other side, he saw more ruins. He could not swim the length of this river, it was too large, and deep. He knelt down, and prayed to the heavens. "Lord of all that is holy. Help me to cross this river. Grant me the strength." He remained kneeled down, and then rose back up. He walked off the ledge. He did not fall into the water though. His purity gave him the strength to cross the river on the light. Every step he took across the invisible bridge, made him feel lighter. He walked at an extraordinary speed, before reaching the end. As he set foot on the soil, he went into a trance.

There he saw a vision. Of what to come, perhaps. Of what has come, perhaps. He did not know. Screams filled his head, and he saw horrendous creatures rising from what seemed to be the hells itself. They were slaughtering them. Men, women, children, it didn’t matter. They took no prisoners. He had to help them, but he could not move. Twelve men, of apparently high status, were cowering in a corner, hiding from the demons. But they did not have to hide; they were being spared for a reason. He saw a being whose name had not been spoken in over four hundred years. A being that radiated hate in all directions. He glided over to the twelve, and then it went blank.

Derrin opened his eyes. Nothing had happened here in ages. It was what used to be the glory of Travincial. The once magnificent city had been reduced to nothing but ruins. He walked through, pushing aside the branches that had infested the ruins. He could not help but feel immense sorrow in this place. The souls murdered here ages ago had never left. He could sense them. He could not do anything about it now. He walked up several sets of stairs, before coming to the destination shown in his dream. A solid stone tomb stood at the top of the staircase. He read the heading of the inscription.

"Here lies the last of the ancient order of the Horadrim, Deckard Cain"

Chapter 2: Strange Happenings

A couple hundred miles off Tristram, a busy port city bustles with excitement. The town was built after the destruction of Baal, meant to be nothing but an outpost for trading. In but two hundred years, partially due to its location, it had grown into a large city, full of rich mansions, two separate palaces, and several towers. Walls had not yet been constructed around the city, a mistake that would prove to be fatal. Strange reports from the wilderness have been reported. Reports of the wildlife just dying, As if some disease or great evil was spreading. Travelers told of a voice they heard, an unearthly voice. Most dismissed them as ravings of lunatics. But a few believed them.

One day, in the port city, a lone ship had been floating around in the ocean for several days now. The king ordered his navy to retrieve the ship, and bring it back to the port city. Three ships deported from the city, heading out to the ocean, never to return. Two days later, after the ships had set out, the lone ship headed to the port, alone. Without permission, it docked, and lowered its anchor. It seemed to be a ghost ship. No one was visible. Guards got on the dock, and prepared to board the ship, and arrest its passengers. Suddenly, with a creaking, the entire dock collapsed, dropping all the guards into the oceans to their deaths.

In the middle of a city, lay a public bath. The large, grand bath was one of the main attractions in the city, built from solid marble. Elegant carved statues poured water into the bath, and servants delivered food to the wealthy. On this particular day, it was rather crowded, as the weather was extremely hot. Children frolicked in the bath, chasing each other around. Women gossiped about happenings, and Men showed off and bragged. Suddenly the water stopped flowing. Probably a plumbing malfunction, most of the residents thought. The marble began to crack, and then open a large hole, leading down to the depths of the earth. People began to panic, and run. Several hideous beasts leaped out of the hole, chasing down the humans. The ones that died did not stay dead for long. In two hours, the once beautiful port city of Ronian was a gigantic bloodbath.

In one of the mansions, a young woman sit in her studies, studying the history of old. The fall of the Horadrim, the destruction of the three prime evils, the sorceress conflict, which was a war fought about three hundred years ago, over banning the use of magic. The effects of this war were felt worldwide, as the weather had been changed for several decades, also, it destroyed almost three-fourths of the world’s sorceresses. The remaining ones had gone into isolation. But no matter how hard she tried, the young woman could never find anything on the subject she was most interested in, the assassins of old. She had dedicated her lives into learning their ways, even attempting to mimic them in several ways. Suddenly she sat up, and looked around. Screams rang throughout the city; she ran to her window and caught sight of the gruesome scene below. She heard her door collapse. She knew she was in danger; she leapt to her drawer and pulled out several contraptions. She heard the monsters coming upstairs, quickly, she threw them on the ground, and leaped out the window. Several bright flashes came from her window, and unearthly, piercing screams filled the city, moments later, the smell of charred flesh could be smelt. She headed towards the only place she knew to go, the place that she had been dreaming about for several months.

Chapter 3: The Awakening

Derrin stared at the tomb. “Deckard Cain...He was the one whom aided the sorceress Naijila in her defeat of Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal. He was the last of the legendary order of The Horadrim, An ancient order of mages sworn to fight the three prime evils. He read the inscription on the tomb. It was written in the old language. He brushed away the dust and attempted to translate it.

“Here Lies the last of the ancient order of The Horadrim, Deckard Cain. Beware! It is advised you do not read any further. This tomb was hidden here out of the common eye. Thieves! Do not attempt to open this tomb! This is your warning!”

Derrin looked around the tomb. Several bones lay scattered across the floor. He gulped and read further

“Only the pure of mind and heart may have access to this tomb, when the time is needed.”

The rest was illegible. Derrin again took a look around the tomb, at the bones. Slowly, he lifted the covering to the tomb. A spirit rushed out as soon as it cracked open, heading straight to Derrin. Caught off guard, the spirit dove into his chest, and did not come out again. Derrin felt something. Memories, thoughts, wisdom. It was all coming to him at full force. He collapsed to his knees and screamed. The infinite thoughts flooded his head, until he felt it was about to burst. He screamed and writhed in pain. And then suddenly…It stopped.

Derrin stood up and looked around. He pushed the rest of the tomb over, and gazed into the open tomb. In it lie no body! There was nothing but a sword there. It looked to be very powerful, the metal had a tint of blue in it, Perhaps Mithril. The handle looked to be composed of solid gold, with diamonds and jewels covering the handle. He felt along the sides of the blade, it pricked his finger. Odd. He picked the sword up, and gazed at it. The sword glowed a pale blue, and the same spirit that had attacked him earlier flew out of his hand and into the sword. An ethereal body floated out of the sword. One who’s face had not been seen in the lands of Sanctuary for over three hundred years. The ghost of Deckard Cain. The spirit straightened itself, and spoke.
“Greetings. I am Deckard Cain, the last of the Horadrim. Who are you”

The paladin stuttered out a response. “Derrin Renoir.”

“And, I’m assuming, logically, that you did not implode upon opening my tomb, that you have a purpose here, other than to grave rob me.


“Why are you so afraid of me??? You have nothing to fear. I know what you are here for, even more than you do, perhaps.”

“Then why am I here??”

The ghost sighs and begins speaking

“Four hundred years ago, a bloody war was fought. The demons of hell literally flooded the earths. The dead walked freely, and chaos was becoming all too common. There were three prime evils, Mephisto the Lord of Hate, Diablo the Lord of Terror, and Baal, the Lord of Destruction. Many brave heroes took up their weapons and all the powers they had to destroy them, most failed. There were the sorceresses, attempting to stop evil with nothing but the elements. The necromancers, using the demons own tools against them. There were the almighty Barbarians, using their brute force. Then their were their cousins, the Druids, whom attempted to use the power of nature. You also had your Amazons, mighty women skilled at archery and javelin throwing. There were also the Paladins, using the power of the light to defeat the demons. And how could I forget the Assassins, the order made solely to hunt down corrupt mages and destroy them. Many fought and died. But one woman, a Sorceress, somehow grew more powerful than the others. She defeated Mephisto not too far from where we stand here. Diablo was a hard task, but he too fell to the sorceress. Baal was the most difficult, for he managed to corrupt the Worldstone, the source of all energy in the world. He was defeated, at much difficulty. The Worldstone could not be saved though. With it, Demons could continue to flood the earth freely. The Archangel Tyrael sacrificed himself to destroy it. Against my advice, the sorceress kept a shard of the stone after it was destroyed. I urged her to rid herself of it, but she would not. As long as she remained alive, nothing else could happen, and humans could live their lives without magic. However she just recently passed away. And I am feeling a strong presence of evil in the site where she died. Others will be joining you soon. I fear that this will be an evil more powerful than ever seen before. I can feel it now. The magic floating in the air. People are awakening with new abilities. Some will abuse them, and easily be corrupted. I am sorry, but the burden is now on you. I cannot leave this place. I will be here as long as you wish.”

“And as for this sword?”

“It is yours now. It was once the sword of Tyrael, the one he used to destroy the Worldstone. It is very powerful. Wait for the others here, they should be arriving soon.”

Chapter 4: A Meeting of Fate

“What is going on???” thought Giana as she fled the town, which was filled with the smell of the undead. She didn’t blink a tear, knowing all her friends and family were gone. “What were those beasts?” She didn’t even think about where she was going, she just went. She ran without end, not pausing to stop once. She kept clear of cities and towns, keeping mainly to the wooded areas she had always loved. But even the woods seemed dark and dreary. There was a curse coming over the land that she had yet to figure out.

A strange feeling began to accompany her, just something inside her body. She couldn’t figure it out. Finally she stopped. She was hungry and tired. How long had she been running? She was so engrossed in her thoughts she completely lost track of time, it was like she was on auto-pilot. She slowly walked over to a nearby log, brushed it off and sat down. For the first time since her ordeal twelve hours ago, she began to think about what had happened. The people whom had raised her, all her friends, her teachers, her family, all gone. Tears began to stream down her eyes. She buried her face in her hands and wept silently.

She looked up and brushed a tear from her eye. WHOOSH. A sharp wind gusted beside her head, she looked behind her and saw an arrow cutting almost right through the length of a thick tree. A female voice spoke. “I won’t miss next time. Leave this place and never return.” Giana looked around and saw a muscular blonde woman carrying a longbow walking towards her. “I said leave, why are you still standing there? Are you deaf?” Giana stood her ground firmly, and pulled out a weapon with several blades attached to it, she grasped it on her hand, giving it the appearance she had some sort of metal claw.

“Oh, I suppose your going to kill me with that?? I’m scared. Leave, this is your final warning.” Giana lashed out at the woman, but with amazing speed, she blocked the blow with her bow, which did not even scratch. “Not smart.” The woman loaded up her bow quickly and prepared to fire, aiming it directly at Giana’s head. “SPARE HER!” A elderly female voice rang out. An old woman, along with two other muscular women came out and walked up to Giana and the attacker. “Danielle, why are you attacking passersby?” “I’m sorry Rina, I thought she was dangerous, and posed a threat.” “Spare me. Go back to town. You, come with us. You have no choice now.” Reluctantly, Giana complied.

Giana followed the old woman and the two barbaric women. She walked into a town, filled with nothing but…women. Where were the men? She was led into a particularly large hut, where she saw a man, rather puny, preparing dinner. “Sit” the elderly woman commanded. Again Giana reluctantly complied
“What business do you have here?”
“I was running.”
“From who?”
“Not from who, from what.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. I was studying, and demons suddenly attacked my town.”
“Demons, are you sure?”
”Yes, I am positive. I know how to recognize a demon.”
“That means…no, it cant be.”
“Cant be what?”

The elderly woman passed out. Giana went to stand up, but the two women guards sat her back down. “What is going on here!!! I Want to know exactly what is going on NOW!” One of the women spoke up. “Demons aren’t allowed to come in contact with this realm. Only one thing held them back. When Baal was destroyed four hundred years ago, and the Worldstone was destroyed, all demons and angels were forever banished from this realm, as long as the keeper of the Shard remained alive. By seeing demons, you are affirming that she has died, and the war may once again begin.”

The elderly woman stirred, and spoke. “You are immediately to go to the town of Errin. There you will find two things valuable. You are then to go to Kurast. Go east into the forests. There you will find a forest, among some ruins. You will come across a river, and you will once again find something else valuable. You are to take one of our mightiest warriors. DANIELLE!!!”
“no…way…” Giana muttered, as the woman whom attacked her walked in the hut. She sneered at Giana and walked up to the old woman. “Yes??” “Accompany this woman on her journey. You are required to go. She knows where to go.” “With her? NO way.” The old woman glared at Danielle, and she quickly changed her mind. “I mean, err, yes, I will go” The old lady shut her mouth, and Danielle and Giana left the hut. One would never return, and the other would return and bring great peril.

It isnt finished. I originally posted on the Battle.net fan fiction forums

I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted February 26, 2005 11:48 PM
Edited By: Consis on 26 Feb 2005

Hmm, Yes...

There's nothing like a good Diablo-based fan-fic. Always a good read in my opinion. Please continue 2XtremeToTake.
Roses Are RedAnd So Am I

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Supreme Hero
posted February 26, 2005 11:53 PM

There's nothing like a good Diablo-based fan-fic. Always a good read in my opinion. Please continue 2XtremeToTake.

Well, I don't know. How about... any other sort of fiction?

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Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted February 26, 2005 11:56 PM


I read yours too IYY. I thought you knew that. I think I even left a comment at your site a long time ago.
Roses Are RedAnd So Am I

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Supreme Hero
posted February 27, 2005 01:07 AM


I was just joking, referring purely to the way you phrased it. Of course I understand that you didn't mean to say that Diablo fiction is better than other types of fiction.

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Supreme Hero
posted February 28, 2005 06:09 AM

I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Supreme Hero
Foobum* of Justice!
posted March 02, 2005 10:25 PM

Look here .. a Red Star!
*We all know the that Foobum is the class of all that is Cake.

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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted March 02, 2005 11:47 PM

Oh yea, I forgot to write up that I gave this one a star *coughs* prolly cuz' I was so busy being yelled at*coughs*

Nice work 2Xtreme, thanks for sharing
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Supreme Hero
posted December 31, 2005 01:38 AM

The long awaited..

Chapter 5: The chosen one?

It was a somber moment in the town of Harrogath. The last of the survivors from the time when demons ruled the earth, and slayer of the three mighty prime evils had just suddenly died. She had been granted immortality by the archangel Tyrael, but now she was dead. A prophecy made hundreds of years ago had stated if the last defender of good was dead, evil would once again roam the earth. The council was confused, they had to do something. They knew that if evil returned, Harrogath would be the first target of their destruction.

For the first time in two hundred years, the war council and government council held meetings on the same night. The elders bickered amongst each other, while the younger members brandished weapons at each other. Tensions were high, there was good reason why the government and military rarely ever met together. Finally, a frail old woman stood up.  He looked around the room, two hundred years old, and was still able to stand on her own two feet. Even in her frail state, she still commanded respect from everyone that met her. Her voice, while shaky, was also firm.

"The council reconizes Dena-Kehk, daughter to Faron-Kehk, granddaughter to Qual-Kehk."

When she spoke, her voice trembled.

"I am one who has seen much, but never have I seen what is coming onto this earth. Many of you would consider me wise, the wisest amongst all. But even I have no idea what to do. There are several, three to be exact, who are rumored to be the most wise of all. Many would consider them to be only a myth, a legend."

A young man, around the age of forty, stood up and sneered.

"What do you speak of? Surely you can't mean the ancients?"

"Yes. That is precisely what I mean."

"But they haven't been seen since the defeat of Baal, for all we know, they could be long gone."

Dena-Kehk remained quiet for a second, as if contemplating something. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, as if she had a bright idea.

"There is a young man who has caught my eye as of late. His name is Layran. He is but a teenager, but shows the strength and fortitude of a full grown man. Politics have no interest to him, but he is a very bright and curious boy."

"Layran? Frera's son?"


"Very well. We shall send him to the Arreat Summit to seek out the ancients advice...that is, if they still exist."

The council disbanded, most of which were unsure of what had just occured, meanwhile, Layran received news of his journey. He informed his father, and left without another word. He had many questions, but could not speak.

I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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