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Hired Hero
posted November 13, 2003 06:47 PM

Adventure spells & other scripts

Hello everybody,

After a long time of work on a lot of scripts, I decided to make them published.

On the below link you can find really lots of new scripts I made during the summer vacations. These scripts mainly are:

1, Adventure spells - the script is slightly inspired by Demios' global spells script but is completly new. Script includes more than 30 new spells and some 5 corresponding artefacts.

2, Secondary skills enhancements
Many skills improved, especially leadership, scouting, scholar and some others.

3, Explosive mithril
Idea I found somewhere on this forum and found it interesting.

4, Royal residence
New building introduced in the town screen - similar to capitol - increases income 6000/day.

5, Place of Gods
You can recrut god's emmisaries in there.

6, Conflux improvement
As I never liked playing for Conflux I added the opportunity to choose your town troops (and hoped it will be more intersting)

7, Enhanced arena
Reworked script using the Arena picture. The script now is more stable and balanced. Also some new elements introduced.

All of it you can find on the following page.

Comments and further suggestions welcomed.

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Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted November 14, 2003 09:42 AM
Edited By: Vlaad on 17 Nov 2003

Hello everybody,

After a long time of work on a lot of scripts, I decided to make them published.

First of all, congratulations! You've done a great job here, and all by yourself. I imagine the writing and testing took a lot of time and effort. Thank you for sharing your work here!

On the below link you can find really lots of new scripts I made during the summer vacations.

Summer vacations?! You mean while the rest of the community was gone swimming and sunbathing? Like I said above...  

1, Adventure spells - the script is slightly inspired by Demios' global spells script but is completly new. Script includes more than 30 new spells and some 5 corresponding artefacts.

Haste spell will increse the movement of the target Hero by 50*Spell power of the caster of movement points (100 movement points equal cca. to one Hero step). The spell will be in effect for {3 days}.

Observatory will remove the shroud of darkness around your Hero (in diameter depending on hero's SP).

Steal Enemy Creatures
Steal Enemy Creatures spell is a very powerful spell, which gives you an opportunity to check enemy's castles for free creatures (unbought creatures still left in the town dwellings by the enemy) and buy them out instead of him for the regular price of those creatures!

Summon Town Creatures
Summon Town Creatures spell gives you an opportunity to recruit creatures from any town and dwelling you or your ally own. The price is a regular creature price you'd pay in the town.

Spell of Plenty gives +1 resource of your choice at the start of each day. Duration depends on spellcaster's SP.

Slow enemy Hero
Slow enemy Hero spell lets you choose an enemy hero and sustantialy (1/2 of his former movement points) slow his movement in the next 3 days.

Hero Mirror Image
Hero Mirror Image spell summons an image of the casting Hero. The Image will have a same set of Primary skills values as well as the same number of Spell points and same Secondary skills as the casting Hero As a bonus he also recieves a Dimension Door spell to his spellbook. The Image will dissapear in 3 days.

Summon elementals
Summon elementals spell will summon elementals like in regular combat spell, BUT these elementals will stay with the Hero until killed (i.e. won't dissapear after one day). The cost of this spell is 4 x more expansive (i.e. 100 SP) than the normal summon elementals spell.

Paralyse Enemy Hero
Paralyse Enemy Hero spell will take all the movement points from the chosen (right clicked) enemy Hero in the few days depending on spell power.

Shatter spell will disturb concentration of the target Hero in such a way, he won't be able to cast ANY Adventure spells for one whole week!. Spell is actived by right clicking on the enemy hero.

When you cast the Disguise spell the target Hero is able to stalk around enemy heroes in such a way that the enemy cannot attack him! The duration of the spell is {3 days}.

Beastmaster spell makes you so popular among creatures of a chosen kind that you can hire those in your towns for half their regular price on Sunday (7 day) of the week you cast the spell!

Incantare spell will increase your magic power and efficiency that you'll be able to cast more than just 1 spell/round of battle. Infact it will enable you to cast spell {after every move} of one of your creatures on the battlefield!

Dazzling Light
Dazzling Light spell creates a spark of light over the sky so bright it blinds the vision of the target of the spell (i.e. enemy Hero) for number of days (depending on caster's {Spell power}) in such a way he is not able to scout any new area in this time and have to keep moving on already discovered grounds only.

Wrath of Gods
Wrath of Gods spell will curse the enemy before the very Gods of Erathia. The Gods will take away their granted favour: the effect of Diplomacy secondary skill will be canceled (i.e. no one will join the Hero!!) for number of days depending on spellcaster's spell power. Target is the enemy hero.

Resurrect Commander
Resurrect Commander spell will revive your fallen commander. The cost of the spell in mithril depends in the level of resurrected commander. To cast this spell right click on the target hero.

Assasinate Commander
Assasinate Commander spell will murder your opponent's commander. The cost of the spell in mithril depends on the level of assasinated commander. To cast this spell right click on the target hero.

Eye of the Magi
Eye of the Magi spell will reveal a large area around the right mouse click anywhere on the map. The cost of the spell in mithril depends on the revealed area. To cast this spell right click anywhere on the adventure map.

Thieves spell will send the band of thieves to the treasury of a chosen enemy player (chosen by right clicking on the hero), where they'll be stealing a large sum of money for a couple of days. Lenght and power of the spell depends on caster's spell power.

Swordstrike spell will hurt enemy hero so badly (on a random body part) that he won't be able to wear artefact on that limb until healed. Targeting the spell is done by right clicking on enemy hero.

Word of Command
Word of Command is such a powerful spell it makes the hills rise beneath your very feet, forming thus an impassable obstacle, which your enemy can only fly over!

This powerful spell disturbs Mother Earth and provokes an earthquake. But this earthquake can be controled by you! Send it on the castle of your enemy and cause him much trouble repairing his destroyed buildings.

Crimson Cloud
Crimson Cloud will surround the enemy Hero in a suffocating cloud, which will drain his magic energy. The cloud then returns to the caster and delivers him the stolen spell points! The amount of spell points drained depends on the spellcaster's spell power!

Transmute spell helps you to create a Philosopher's stone. Now you can perform transmutations of right clicked objects, usually obstacles (only 1 square in size!) to a pile of gold!

Tunnel spell will create a one-way hole to the subterranean world, which can be used to climb down to the underworld. The hole will be sealed after 1 day!

Fires of Purification
Fires of Purification spell creates a wall of flame. If you gather the strength and step in to the fire, you'll be teleported from the tunnels underground to the sunny morning! The flames will vanish in 1 day! This spell can be cast only when underground.

Call of Need
Call of Need spell calls a friendly hero to you to help you out.

Plague spell will send your minions all around the land of Erathia infesting plague and pestilence upon every town and castle (including yours!). There the terrible disease halves the available population!

Water of Life
Water of Life spell creates huge cauldrons of the water of life, which can serve as a powerful antidote and protect your troops from the plague!

Shroud of Darkness
Shroud of Darkness will create a dark cloud which covers the area around the casting hero (diameter depends on SP) and hides your actions from all opponents!

Midas' Curse
Midas' Curse spell will curse the selected hero that everything he/she touches becomes gold - every resourse, every artefact and every pandora box! The curse dissapears after a week.

Well of Knowledge
Well of Knowledge spell improves Mageguild in the right clicked town in such a way that you'll get one additional spell in each level of the already built Mageguild - effect is similar to the Library building in Tower.

Week of Choice
Week of Choice spell lets you choose the creature for the next week. This creature's population will increase by {+ 5} as it is during classic "Week of" dialogues. Info if the Week of Monster is set by this spell will be shown in "Bestiary of the Week" by right clicking on Month, Week and Day status bar.

Month of Choice
Month of Choice spell lets you choose the creature for the next month. This creature's population will double and its stacks will be randomly spread as it is during classic "Month of" dialogues. Info if the Month of Monster is set by this spell will be shown in "Bestiary of the Month" by right clicking on Month, Week and Day status bar.

THIS is what Heroes really needed! It adds a new dimension and depth to the adventure side of the game.

I've copied the spells from your sites so everybody could read them here and comment.

2, Secondary skills enhancements
Many skills improved, especially leadership, scouting, scholar and some others.

While I was familiar with most of the changes from other scripts (of yours???), I loved some details: merging previous Sorcery boost(quite absurd) with Scouting (more logical), and adding resources to Estates (Mining? ).

It's interesting you managed to introduce upkeep ("monthly payment")in the game with Leadership.

6, Conflux improvement
As I never liked playing for Conflux I added the opportunity to choose your town troops (and hoped it will be more intersting)

Like in Fnord's "Choices" map? While it was fun, I hope you have considered the balance issues.

Oh, what the heck, I'm off to play Conflux right now!

7, Enhanced arena
Reworked script using the Arena picture. The script now is more stable and balanced.

I've always loved that .pcx file. I wish there were more fan-made stuff like that one.

I hope it's all been tested...?

One final note: Did you contact the WoG team first? You explained in your FAQ what to do, but I'd hate to see some other great scripts overlap and crash the game.


Thanks again!


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Famous Hero
Dead Man
posted November 16, 2003 06:48 PM

I haven't had a chance to dl any of them yet but have been to your site.  Be assured I am gonna look at them and I also sent the link to the WoG team for them to look at.  They sound very interesting and I look forward to using them.

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Adventuring Hero
Tarbosaurus Bataar
posted November 16, 2003 07:30 PM

That's really amazing Sagamosa. Congratulations!
Per aspera ad astra

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted November 16, 2003 08:01 PM

Treupp that is the first post from you I have seen.

Wow That is a very good job, somebody give him a Qp.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Famous Hero
Dead Man
posted November 17, 2003 09:09 PM

Well it is the 1st in a good while.  Just because he doesn't post doesn't mean he isn't here

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Hired Hero
posted November 18, 2003 07:14 PM

Two obvious mistakes in Adventure spells script and Enhanced SS (crashing the game completly)were rectified. New  versions uploaded. Sorry for the inconvenience.
[url=http://www.wog.euweb.cz]Advanced Levels[/url]

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Famous Hero
Dead Man
posted November 20, 2003 03:31 AM

I am gonna download these scripts in a day or so I just hope they work with 3.58  If not I will have to reinstall 3.57f and have 2 versions the 1 downfall of testing and working on WoG .

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Hired Hero
posted November 27, 2003 01:57 PM

You guys disappointed me. I hoped to generate some kind of discussion on the forum, also to get some useful ideas for possible improvements of the script.

None so far, try to be positive please.

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Tavern Dweller
posted November 27, 2003 03:30 PM

You guys disappointed me. I hoped to generate some kind of discussion on the forum, also to get some useful ideas for possible improvements of the script.

None so far, try to be positive please.

I can not connect to "http://www.wog.euweb.cz",and I have send mail to you for the script,but there is no answer.....


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Hired Hero
posted November 28, 2003 05:52 PM


New script added called the <<< MAGIC POUCH >>>.

Modifies the artefact Endless sack of Gold (artefact # 117) to Magic Pouch.

New options:

Inside the Magic Pouch you can put up to three different artefacts and maintain their primary skills bonuses the same way as if they are equipped! (all other artefact bonuses will be lost!)

You'll get information on inputed artefacts by right clicking on the Pouch.

Try this artefact and tell me how it works (i tested a bit and works fine.


Only drawback - One player (color) can only have one pouch!

<<< Opinions and ideas needed >>>

I want to also add to my script two new secondary skills

probably called DEATH MAGIC
any better name suggestions?)

And also corresponding spells:
Death magic
Haunt -
put ghost to guard mines (and maybe some other buildings)

Ghost transformer -
make ghosts from your units

Skeleton transformer -
works the samelike the one in the necro town, but the advantage is you don't have to go back to the town.

Need some more spell ideas for DM and also for LM. Also think in the terms of Basic, Advanced, Expert Death, Life Magic.

Another additions:

i plan to add BALROGS to the game - you'll be given opportunity to summon one, when expert in fire magic and basic in death magic.

3 levels (upgrades) of balrog depending on death magic level
Expert F + Basic D = Balrog
Expert F + Expert D = Gothmog
Expert F + Basic D = Zigur

Balrog's use: when hero has balrog in the battle, it casts armaggedon spell on the field during 1-3 rounds (depending on balrog level, also power of the spell depends on the balrog level). Your units are naturaly immune to Armg. when you have balrog.

I need to think of something similary powerful (could be in a entirely different way) when having Expert water magic and Basic Life magic. My first idea - something like ENT (preferably from Tolkien's world like balrog)
[url=http://www.wog.euweb.cz]Advanced Levels[/url]

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Tavern Dweller
posted November 28, 2003 10:05 PM
Edited By: 00108118 on 28 Nov 2003

I am appreciating to get the script,but there is trouble when loading the script---I was told that "Your script is too big and there is not enough internal memory(5 Mbytes)".how to deal with it?thank you!


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Famous Hero
Dead Man
posted November 30, 2003 10:26 PM

How many scripts do you have in your data\s directory?

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 01, 2003 07:31 AM
Edited By: 00108118 on 1 Dec 2003

How many scripts do you have in your data\s directory?

78 scripts,their size is 1.02 Mbytes
thanks for help

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Famous Hero
Dead Man
posted December 01, 2003 10:55 PM

Did you remove some and it fix the problem?  I believe that I heard this mentioned by a WoG team member having the same problem.  He had a ton of scripts in his data dir.  Remember each script takes up game memory.

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 02, 2003 04:21 AM

Did you remove some and it fix the problem?  I believe that I heard this mentioned by a WoG team member having the same problem.  He had a ton of scripts in his data dir.  Remember each script takes up game memory.

Yes,I have tried removing some,and I found that whenever the scripts size is below 1 Mbyte,the game works.

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Hired Hero
posted December 07, 2003 04:12 PM

You guys disappointed me. I hoped to generate some kind of discussion on the forum, also to get some useful ideas for possible improvements of the script.

None so far, try to be positive please.

Started playing with your adventure script and it seems to work.  Haven't used everything yet.  One think that doesn't work is the magic mushrooms.  When I say yes to any of the magic mushrooms I'm transported underground to 1,1, with nowhere to go and no way to get out.  I'm stuck.  Also, whenever an enemy steps into a magic mushroom I get the dialog box asking if I want to step into it.  I answer yes and now they're stuck, although one time it hung the game.  Need to fix that.

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Hired Hero
posted December 08, 2003 09:23 PM

I mentioned that my script doesn't work with magic mushrooms script, in fact i use the mushrooms for something else - for the tunnel and fires of purification spell scripts. therefore it's not a bug - just don't play with adventure spells on when having magic mushroom option on.

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Hired Hero
posted December 13, 2003 06:38 PM

I mentioned that my script doesn't work with magic mushrooms script, in fact i use the mushrooms for something else - for the tunnel and fires of purification spell scripts. therefore it's not a bug - just don't play with adventure spells on when having magic mushroom option on.

You're right, I should have read the earlier post more carefully.  Sorry.  Great scripts on the adventure spells.  I haven't gotten to use them all yet but the ones I have used are way cool.  Keep up the good work.

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Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted October 20, 2004 04:05 PM


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