Thread: Heroes Community - from the moment you saw it till now (a CHRONOLOGY) | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT» |

Famous Hero
posted October 28, 2001 06:20 PM |
bonus applied. |
Heroes Community - from the moment you saw it till now (a CHRONOLOGY)
I hope that such a thread doesn't exist. Here I will say what did I see when I first came here and what happened after that from my vision...
In the end of July I looked for information about Heroes 4 and found the Heroes Community. I was confused of the order of the threads and everything so I left the site without understanding anything. After a few days I decided to return and try to learn something. This time I looked carefully. I was in the Altar of Wishes and I saw that there are four more forums. I stayed only in the Altar because the other forums didn't say anything about the upcoming game.
So there I was, reading the names of the threads and wondering what to do. The first thread that I opened was by someone named El_Diablo. From the pride of his words I decided that he is one of the "main" members here. And I noticed that he has many stars and a big Post Count. I read the whole thread and found another notable member. His name was Incubus and I was impressed by his more than 1000 posts.
I read some threads and started to understand what is this place. I liked it because I find here some interesting information... and I registered. Since my favourite creature is the Wyvern I decided to call myself Wyvern. But I didn't find a Wyvern avatar so I chose the Korbac one.
I saw a thread by Gunrunner named "I'm new here" where he gave some ideas. I also thought of making a thread but I decided that a title "I'm new" doesn't sound so great. And because I felt that the Wyvern won't be in Heroes 4, I made the thread "Wyverns - must be in HoMM4!". I hoped that someone from the "main" members will answer - especially Incubus because I noticed that he also wanted some creatures in the game. Then I fell asleep and on the other day there were 14 replies to my humble thread. Not bad, I thought. I hoped that this way the designers of the game will hear us and include the Wyvern... Of course, the first reply was from Incubus! But there were more "main" members that replied - Sha_Men, Oldtimer... and I noticed that they had 1 Quality Point while Incubus and El_Diablo - no points at all. Then I started to hesitate which is better - more posts and no points or less posts but some points...
I replied to some threads. My replies were not so brilliant - I mostly repeated that I like Fortress and the Wyvern and this way became a Tavern Dweller. Then I started to compare the posts by Incubus and Sha_Men and decided that Sha_Men may have less posts but they were definitely more full of thoughts.
At this time I saw the Kuma's Tavern and would faint. I decided that I will never go there again. Then one of the good posters - Maximane - left.
Suddenly I found another Bulgarian in the Community - Malkia! I was happy about that although Malkia said he lived in USA...
Also at that time I found a member - Shae_Trielle - who always argued with Sha_Men and Incubus making long posts and gaining Quality Points for them... But she didn't post in the Altar.
I was thinking of getting the beta of Heroes 4. But how? Then I saw a six-page article in the PC magazine "Gamers' Workshop" about the beta... and translated it. I almost didn't believe that for the translation I received a Quality Point and was even praised in the Celestial Heavens Unleashed!
Maybe at that time a new member came - ChoaticHyrda (I think he just misspelled it) who made a notable thread of how to increase our personalities... Sadly almost no one paid attention to his words. I replied and gave him an idea... and then Arachnid made fun of me! That's it. And ChoaticHyrda left soon after that.
Then I went on a holiday for some days and when I returned... everyone was blaming Incubus for something that I couldn't understand. Several days after that he and El_Diablo were banned. Long discussions and in the very end I understood what had Incubus done!
I made a thread named "Mystery" about solving crimes - one of the most interesting things, I think... and Malkia made maybe the greatest and funniest reply that I have ever seen! (he really deserved a bonus for that but...) I learned that only Cheesus is interested in this topic so I stopped it.
Then I found some new "main" members - Preserver, RMS, Djive... They said a lot of things which were worth reading...
I don't know if then September 11 came or it was earlier but it also gave a big discussion.
At that time I started reading all the forums which were now four and not five - two of them were combined). Sha_Men announced that he leaves forever... The suddenly Milena appeared - another Bulgarian! That was really good. And suddenly I read a post "Guess who?" by... guess who? Sha_Men!
Then Coldfyrius started criticizing and at the same time applied to be a moderator... When I understood that there will be a new moderator, I was almost sure that it will be him... UnkaHaakon was a big surprise but also a good surprise. Then two more moderators appeared - Zud and RMS. And then... comes now. Now, when I'm writing. Everyone is looking forward to Heroes 4. Heroes 4, which I hoped that I will get in July... Instead I'm here, in the Heroes Community, saying my impressions for the time I've been here.
Will someone else tell us his/her story?

Known Hero
posted October 28, 2001 06:52 PM |
Cool story Wyvern. And I must thank you once again for the information you have gave us all when translation the article in gamers workshop.
L´ombre fatal - The shadow of death

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted October 28, 2001 10:36 PM |
hmppphh... you didn't mention me... I won't speak to you again...
...wait a minute... I never spoke to him... oh, well...
BTW: the QP about the translation was a must!!! good job there wyvern...
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Supreme Hero
in supreme disgrace
posted October 28, 2001 10:42 PM |
Good work, Wyvern
You deserve every angle of your new QP. :-))
I can post my story too... going to be an interesting one but I won't. I have the habit of posting the truth and the truth in details and no one is going to like this. Of course, you made an interesting presentation.

Supreme Hero
posted October 29, 2001 07:47 AM |
My name is...
mentioned like five times there.
I wonder which names would be named if I would write chronology of my HC history.
Believe me it would llllloooonnnggg and bbbbooooorrrriiinnnggg to read.
Catch the vigorous horse of your mind.

Famous Hero
of Heroes
posted October 29, 2001 09:35 AM |
The days of yore.... *sigh*
I first came here with no reservations about what I was going to find. Being a link on the ToH site and after hearing some of the more experienced players talk about the Notice Board, I decided to visit HC for myself. Back then, everything was pretty simple. We had the ToH board, the Tavern and the Tymeria Tournament (rip). I was only interested in ToH at first, as it gave me a chance to discuss a few things with a few experienced players that I'd never gotten the chance to even say Hi to in the Zone.
ToH then, was the centre of the board. Only drunkards visited the tavern and besides, there were enough of them in the ToH forum anyways, lol. The Tymeria tourney was also popular and Pluvious' leadership was impressive. Not only did he have a tourney that was far different to ToH, but he also had the mind to email me personally and ask me if I was interested in joining Tymeria. I would have joined if I had the time to play in two tourneys, but sadly I didn't.
I learnt a lot in a short space of time at the board and eventually, I developed my own reputation as the silly one. Those were the days when Rychee's thread 'Oris looks like' was in the top ten with 70 posts, lol. I had a lot of fun in that thread. The days of Deth8 and Mocara and Kres and Valera (when you used to post with us ya silly! Somehow that name change to Valeriy and ADMIN stifled your posting urges!) and all the gang. Anfi was a regular poster as was Mad Unicorn and Mystery and all the old vets. Nobody cared a stiff who was at the top of the posting order. We were all players and there were no pretenders.
I think the advent of the Altar of Wishes and the sudden influx of people looking to post about HoMM4 killed that atmosphere really quickly. The Tymeria tournament died and the tavern grew in popularity. Incubus came and began to post nonsense threads in the ToH forum and he was followed by Ozzy and Death. The fresh blood made the ToHers feel like perhaps they were better off playing the game instead of talking about it with people who clearly didn't play the game at all. I left the board for a period of several months, popping in now and then to see the progression of things and eventually, I made a choice to start posting again on a more regular basis. The board was being overrun by threads which were actually pushing people away from the board and not attracting new ideas. Sha men and Coldfyrius and a few others seemed to be shouldering the burden of keeping Heroes Community about Heroes and not turning it into another generic chat board. I couldn't stand by and watch. I had to do something too.
Soon after, Red Stars were brought in and the mood of the board went from bad to worse. People cried out against the Red Stars and those of us who saw them as a good thing, rallied against them. I don't think there was ever any real debate about whether they were going to go (Val was going to keep them rain hail or shine!), but the ensuing weeks divided the board into posters and thinkers. There became a real 'us and them' feeling. Not nice, but better than nothing.
Nowadays, the Red Star system has seen people think more carefully about their posting and people are being recognized all over the place. We have had our first banning (and hopefully last) and together, we've been through a hectic past two months.
We have seen posters become moderators and moderators become posters (welcome Angelspit!) and newbies become oldies. As more and more threads are started, the avenues for the obvious become less and less and even the once simple task of creating threadsm nowadays requires original, clever thinking. The trends are showing that these sort of threads are generating equally clever replies. The board has gone to a new level, posters have gone to a new level.
Gone are the dark ages. We are seeing a resurrection of the Golden Days of HC. Let us not be foolish and destroy it, yet let us not be nostalgic and seek to preserve it. Let's just keep going, keep enjoying and keep posting. We have a long way to build!

Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted October 29, 2001 12:35 PM |
anyone who has any desire whatsoever, to post their story, please feel free to do so
This space for rent.

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted October 29, 2001 07:12 PM |
Man I hate those looooooooong posts...
I don't know much about the history of HC cause I'm not one of the older posters here. That 2 posts in a row was already here when I joined.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Supreme Hero
in supreme disgrace
posted October 30, 2001 08:43 AM |
Edited By: Milena on 30 Oct 2001
My story
This is a very personal and subjective story. Please, feel free to skip it if you don’t like my style.
Wonders of Altavista
It was 23th of September. When I send my guests off I couldn’t know I would remember this date and it will suddenly change my life in a way. I was feeling bored and frustated and even Gooey Madness, my favourite board had nothing to offer me. I badly wanted to play an online game with someone. But how? The 3do community had closed its doors for me for good and I couldn’t drop it there and say hey, who wants his ass kicked. So, I decided to go to altavista and seach for heroes forums. Nothing and nothing and nothing again. When I was about to abandon the idea, I see a forum. 1010 memebers I thought! Wow! I quickly created an account with my RL name- Milena. And as almost every newbie posted my first hello post. It was a good start. Yes, that was the perfect place to settle. I sighed with relief and this time I knew what I would do next time I log on to the web.
The HC house
Right after I made my first posts, I started gathering impressions of the other heroes dwellers. I made the Tavern my permanent home just like most members. The first person I remembered was Preserver. Maybe because of his elemental picture, maybe because he was actually… it. Anyway. The second person who I saw was Lith Meathor. A wonder, one more person had his picture! LoL. It took me ages to come to know that was one and the same person. And it didn’t take so long to make me see meeting him would change me. It’s the very intimate and unexplainable feeling that something is on its way to happen and that you won’t be the same again, a feeling you can’t escape. And when I met Lith… I just knew it. I quickly started getting attached to him and after several days I found I had started caring about him which was weird. No one is expected to gain my trust so quickly but a miracle; it happened. And when 1 month later I asked him to become my Warder, I knew I couldn’t make a better choice. Getting to know someone is so exciting… this is why I’m sure that when later I think of these days in the HC, I’d think of them as the “good old days”.
Some things I couldn’t understand, however. Why for example, the prominent Sha_men said he was leaving but he wasn’t… actually I could understand him in a way. Anyway. Another thing I couldn’t get was what the red and yellow stars were for! Gee, how surprised I was when I saw I gained a star. And this is when I think my addiction to this place began. After a while I found myself fooling around, posting at full steam. This place already felt my home… the home I had lost. Someone else had lost his home too. You all know who he is. I felt for him. Maybe you are going to point at me with your finger and say I know nothing. Maybe you are right. I know nothing. And as I see it, I should be glad I missed his banning.
Unexpected discoveries
To my greatest surprise, I met not one but TWO Bulgarians on this site. This is incredible. I have been for 2 years on the Net now and that was the first time I saw a native anywhere. First was malkia as you already know from Wyv’s story; the second one was he himself. My astonishment grew and grew bigger as I found one more Bulgarian but never had to chance to talk to him. I easily made new friends with Rogue and Angelspit. They turned put to be 3do comm members! And no, don’t tell me one can hide. The world is too small for all of us, Heroes fans.
As my passion for heroes got cooler after chatting to the people I around. I created an alias to keep on posting ON-topic and went venturing into getting to know other fans. “We are here to play” sounded tacky and corny… but this is what I came for. My futile efforts to play online with people frustrated me. So I came back to that old motto that people who play similar games have common interests and they are “your type” of people. And I couldn’t help laughing when I saw the NAKED GIRLS thread. This was when I caught the spirit of the comm. That’s the most hilarious thing I have taken part in. It could be horny, it could be wild and disappointing. But it made me notice Shae_Trielle. I have to admit I was astonished. My attention was grabbed and now I can sincerely say I am proud I know her. As we exchanged IMs my respect grew deeper and turned into pure admiration. All I can say here is she’s not the only responsible hero here accidently.
Another one who made impression on me was RMS. So young… I didn’t expect he could make a good mod because I was prejudiced against his youth but I have to admit he made a very good mod. Bravo, RMS. You deserve applauses, Hero of order.
Meeting other fans is good but meeting GOOD people you can call friends is just great. And I’m very happy I am here and can talk with you on almost any topic. *smiles warmly at rogue* You deserve a special QP here.
The last thing I want to mention was the unexpected change. Have you ever had to feeling you wake up and you’re not the same? And the mistakes you made were just the greatest and most gorgeous thing you have done? Zud’s b-day party had this special effect on me. And so do you, my friends in the HC.
P.S. I didn’t mention the stalker part of my HC story. It just wasn’t worth it.

Famous Hero
posted October 30, 2001 06:37 PM |
Well... RMS, I see that you welcome people to tell their stories. But what about you? I think you can tell some interesting facts about your living here. Especially about becoming a moderator...

Supreme Hero
in supreme disgrace
posted October 30, 2001 07:21 PM |
I'd like to hear
Rogue's story. And my mate's too.

Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted October 30, 2001 08:49 PM |
Naw, thats ok...I don't think anyone would want to hear my boring story...
This space for rent.

Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted October 30, 2001 09:55 PM |
Awwww comeon RMS, open up 
BTW for several years I was real good friends with a bulgarian of my age, at school, I learned lots of english from talking to him. Bulgarians everywhere...
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.

Famous Hero
Prosecutors Will Be Shoplifted
posted October 31, 2001 12:00 AM |
Perhaps I'll grace you all with my story later then. I don't have time to write too much write now because I'm heading to work soon.
Answers to Everything

Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted October 31, 2001 12:14 AM |
...um, er...I can't right now...I have tons of homework...and I have to perform at a concert later...so yeah...thats it! I'll post it tommorow...unless I happen to have some work then, as well...
This space for rent.

Supreme Hero
in supreme disgrace
posted October 31, 2001 08:37 AM |
Quote: BTW for several years I was real good friends with a bulgarian of my age, at school, I learned lots of english from talking to him. Bulgarians everywhere... 
Dark creatures everywhere creeping all around
Spreading the despair with a dreadful sound
Yeah, we Bulgarians are everywhere. But I'm like that cynic Diogen (sp?), going around with a lantern "I'm seeking the man". If you get my drift.

Famous Hero
Prosecutors Will Be Shoplifted
posted October 31, 2001 04:11 PM |

Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted October 31, 2001 08:48 PM |
...hmm, yes that does sound a bit like that...um, er...I'de better be off then...there's no telling what one of them can do...
This space for rent.

Supreme Hero
in supreme disgrace
posted October 31, 2001 11:06 PM |
Horny? Me?
Quote: I think that means she's horny.
Do I look like Zud? Do I smell like Zud? Do I talk like Zud? Really no? OK, then why did you have to call me horny? ;-))

Famous Hero
posted November 03, 2001 02:29 PM |
Quote: and then Arachnid made fun of me!
My work here is done.............