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Heroes Community > Tavern of the Rising Sun > Thread: Personal Hygiene
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Legendary Hero
posted May 07, 2012 05:27 PM

Personal Hygiene

The purpose of this thread is to share what you do, to qualify as being hygienic. Some of us (at least me) are probably rather inept at this stuff, but please allow for what you might deem "stupid" questions.

So my hygiene is basicly what follows:
In the morning I'll brush my teeth, sometimes I shave, then I take a bath (sometimes washing my hair) and comb my hair if I washed it. I make sure to open up all windows and doors, so the vapor can get out.

Sometimes I'll shower if I've been very sweaty, but it's not very typical I do so, in stead I'll just take off my clothes and let the sweat dry. Is this unhygienic? I don't think it's very good for the skin to shower too often either. But I bike a good distance every day and I sweat very easily. Maybe I should not take the shower in the morning and then do it after I've been on the bike?

After I do nr. 2, I wash my hands and after I've been outside, I wash my hands as well (generally if I have to come in contact with humans or food, I'd wash my hands before when outside). I also change clothes during the day, so I basicly have two sets of clothes. This however means I'll reuse several clothes for weeks, before getting them washed.

I clip my nails once a week, but sometimes I forget.

In the evening I brush my teeth again.

So I think this is what I do, and I can't help but wonder, is there something I'm missing? Is there something I shouldn't be doing?
I'd like you all to share your hygiene rutines, if you please. You don't have to add details if you find them uncomfortable, but you probably already knew this.

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Legendary Hero
Cerise Princess
posted May 07, 2012 05:32 PM

A full chemical shower for 5 hours per day.

Anything less than that and you're a smelly badger.

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Legendary Hero
Cerise Princess
posted May 07, 2012 05:35 PM

Well I suppose if that's what it requires to make good glue, then..

Not just any glue but wonderglue.

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted May 07, 2012 05:43 PM
Edited by NoobX at 18:52, 07 May 2012.

I brush my teeth two times a day, wash my hands when I come out of the toilet, shower 2 - 3 times a week (this growing up stuff is making me sweat a lot), but I prefer smelly to clean because it increases my manliness.
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 07, 2012 06:35 PM

That's not the smell of manliness.

No seriously, I think the "smell of manliness" is rather hard to hit. I prefer the smell of soup myself, because then at least I know I've done something right.

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted May 07, 2012 06:55 PM

Well, I think that men don't care about their scent ( unless they want to attract someone special )
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted May 07, 2012 07:29 PM
Edited by Tsar-Ivor at 19:42, 07 May 2012.

-I wake up brush my teeth (if I've got something important to do early in the morning, then I shower)

-If I touch anything at all I need to cleanse it with water (my hands get sticky very easily but I'm not squimish Id est I'm not deterred by heavy grime or nothing, so long as I can wash it off within a reasonable time)

-Day to day though I usually shower when I take a dump, I can't stand the risk of having missed a spot, so I wash the whole area and it's immaculate without having to waste much toilet paper

-I brush my teeth at night and possibly have another shower incase I had to do a numer 2, or if I feel filthy after a day's work. (plus I always do the shaving at night, I'm far more aware at night)

"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

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Legendary Hero
posted May 07, 2012 07:36 PM

Thanks tsar.

I didn't know I was supposed to shower after doing nr. 2. In that case I'll be showering several times a day, or do you store everything for one big go?

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Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted May 07, 2012 07:39 PM
Edited by Tsar-Ivor at 19:41, 07 May 2012.

My bowel movements are unpredictable, most of the time I have a n2 on a day/two-days basis. (anything else is 'rare')
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

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Legendary Hero
posted May 07, 2012 07:43 PM

How much do you typically eat (e.g. what is in each portion and how much approx in volume or mass) and what's your weight and height?

I guess you, unlike me, don't get the urge to take a dump whenever you get excited (not sexually, but you know, if you're really comfortable and enjoying eating while watching something interesting, or in your game it's really going well or you're developing something really interesting, etc.)? I think bliz does it too.

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Undefeatable Hero
Stand and fight!
posted May 07, 2012 07:53 PM

-Day to day though I usually shower when I take a dump

I didn't know I was supposed to shower after doing nr. 2. In that case I'll be showering several times a day, or do you store everything for one big go?

How much do you typically eat (e.g. what is in each portion and how much approx in volume or mass) and what's your weight and height?


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Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted May 07, 2012 07:55 PM
Edited by Tsar-Ivor at 20:05, 07 May 2012.

As I said a while back, I absorb much more efficiently then you 'normies', ergo far less food is required to sustain me, which by modern standards is a 'bad' thing. That's why I think the GDA is utter bollocks, different people absorb different amounts.

To clarify I don't crap in the shower, LOL, I wash off the remaining faeces that are still 'stuck', (usually nothing) it's a reassuring habbit, confidence booster that I won't have crap in my pants while I work or go out with friends, and was with collage.

Also I'll make notes of my general energy input, (nothing concrete data at the moment)

Typically I cook a single dinner, and that's it, breakfast is either toast or eggs (or both) lunch (if I remember or have time for lunch) is something 'snacky'. But I've got my belt tightened at the moment.

Edit: Height roughly 180cm, weight (while naked) 70kg (give or take) after a large meal (with clothes on since I was a guest) rougly 72-73kg. (give or take)
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

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Legendary Hero
posted May 07, 2012 08:13 PM

Oh Ad, you're truely on a roll today

Well tsar, I think you're correct. If you absorb more efficiently, but eat less, then that's probably better than someone like me, who needs to eat ~2 kg - 2.5 kg pr. day and drink 4-5 L a day to sustain only 60 kg. I too eat single dinners(), but I eat about 7 times a day.

Though it largely have something to do with that I forget to eat, because I don't really feel hungry. As such sometimes I can go for days and suddenly be like "d*** I forgot to eat since wednesday".

Have you heard about the guy who can go without nutrition for a very long period of time? When his system makes feces and urin in his body, a huge percentage (like a million, I think) gets reabsorbed.
To clarify I don't crap in the shower, LOL, I wash off the remaining faeces that are still 'stuck', (usually nothing) it's a reassuring habbit, confidence booster that I won't have crap in my pants while I work or go out with friends, and was with collage.

I never thought you made a dump in the shower and I clearly understood it was what you thought was the best way. I think it's cool and you're cool.

Thanks for sharing so much. I really appreciate it.
I guess the place you were a guest also appreciates you didn't strip naked on my command or maybe they'd have appreciated it.

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Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted May 07, 2012 08:21 PM

It was for Ad really since his quote really brought it out of context, so I naturally assumed that he misunderstood.
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

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Legendary Hero
posted May 07, 2012 08:44 PM

Yeah, Ad is kinda cool like that. Well just be glad he hadn't called you a racist yet.

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted May 07, 2012 10:13 PM

This thread is so full of win.
What will happen now?

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Undefeatable Hero
Stand and fight!
posted May 07, 2012 11:29 PM

Well just be glad he hadn't called you a racist yet.

Man I must've really gotten to you, you keep bringing this up.

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Legendary Hero
posted May 08, 2012 12:31 AM

I am actually not that hygiene when it comes to clothes, I like to use same shirt even 4 days unless it starts to smell

Other than that I think I am close to !normal!, I shower every day or every other day. I wash my hair every other day, depending what it feels/looks like. I brush my teeth once/twise a day, depending if I have fallen asleep or not...I wash my hands after toilet... and I use toilet paper for my butt instead of shower ;D;D;D (that is awesome though)

Hmm what else, yeah I wash my feet sometimes separately, if I have had to use shoes too much during the day (this is where I don't get americans and wearing shoes inside the house..)
"These friends probably started using condoms after having produced the most optimum amount of offsprings. Kudos to them for showing at least some restraint" - Tsar-ivor

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Undefeatable Hero
Stand and fight!
posted May 08, 2012 12:58 AM

Well umm... might as well say something on topic.

My routine ain't that different from most of ya'll, perhaps 'cept for me being a martial artist and all I've gotta stay cleaner than most.

Clip my nails a few times a week, shower at least twice a day if I'm going to the dojo, make sure the deodorant I use isn't too smelly, make sure I'm well-shaved (That short, stubby 1-2 day beard ain't too pleasant for the opponent to touch)... and just... overall make sure that if someone's gonna wrestle with me my hygiene isn't something that comes to their mind.

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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted May 08, 2012 01:02 AM

Brush, floss, and fluoride my teeth twice a day, plus occasionally after lunch.  

Shower once a day, twice when I work out.  Shave every day.  Wash my face before I go to bed.

I'm a total neat freak, too.  I can't relax in a dirty home.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg

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