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Tavern Dweller
posted November 27, 2013 12:44 AM

Hello Everyone!

Let me start by saying I am an older player (47 yrs. old). That doesn't make me smarter than anyone here but it does make me wiser than some (who else played asteroids before the Atari system came out?). I have played many thousands of hours on 100's of different games and Homm 3 has been one of my favorites (alongside Civ series and Age of Empires). I started playing with computer games on a Commodore 128 (britania series mostly). Moved to a Commodore Amiga (Empire and Dungeon Master were my favorites back then). I wrote a few programs in Basic (like a character generator for D&D). And have went from FPS to RTS through the years (recently mostly playing Guild Wars and Settlers of Cataan). Needless to say when my friend discovered WoG earlier this year and told me about it, I couldn't resist. I downloaded it and have been playing around with it since then. I wish there was more effort put into some kind of players manual (or even a good readme) because I had to look a lot of stuff up on the forums to figure out how to play.

Years ago I bought Homm 4 but only played a little (waste of my money). I liked the "commanders" feature in that. But the rest of the game including the creatures sucked imo. Some people liked it I guess and to each their own. When I found WoG had commanders for Homm 3 I was overjoyed. As I played it I realized that as in Homm 4 they were overpowered and imbalanced. So recently I have them turned off (trying henchmen now with good results so far). I have been looking into the forums to find out what I could do to fix them and as a result more and more into scripting with ERM. I am no great programmer and thought perhaps I could fix the commanders to balance them out a little and as I read I found out that they seem to be mostly hardcoded and there is little to be done in ERM. OK I can live with that...still many other good features like:

Creature Experience, Warlord Banners, New creatures, Mithril, Castle upgrading ect. ect. And I have started finding other things which are a problem for me. Like all the creatures are packaged together in one big script without reference to turning any of them on or off. Seems like, like and dislike for Santa Gremlins is 50/50. I myself don't like them. Not dissing anyone's work I would just rather not have them in the game. I really like the Werewolves but I guess many others don't. Castle upgrading is cool then realized it is unlimited and the AI only makes one of each build per week! (I'll be fixing that). And here is my main point for this post.

With all the people working on this and their obvious differences in opinion through the development why didn't they at least try to keep it simpler by communicating with the fan base and simply creating things as choices. The reason many of the new games are failing is
experienced gamers like myself will no longer trust the companies one size fits all approach to the market and it seems even crazier a fan based project would try to follow suit. My suggestion is for people making these inspired ideas work in the ERM code not assume everyone will love it.

What is with WoG revised? It says it fixes Henchmen, How so? It adds some really cool sounding scripts like Gnoll Marauder first strike and Grand manoeuvre which I like, then also adds defeated creatures drop gold/resources. I may use something similar for the heroes of my dwarven castle, but I don't want to use that right now in my games. I looked at it in WoG options, nope can't turn it off there, then looked at the readme and the script (which I don't read that well yet), nope no reference to turning that off or if it is safe to turn off without screwing something else up or if it can be removed from the folder individually, I mean come on. Given that lack of choice I'll leave it all off.

I understand coding isn't easy and that not everything is possible. And I also understand there are some translation/language issues, but better effort should be made at communication.

My attitude toward WoG now is to look into the things that can be balanced or corrected and try to lend a hand making it better or at least more interesting for some without making anything mandatory. My first project will be to ditch the conflux. Back when I played Homm 3, and added AB, then SoD came along and I got excited about a elemental castle without thinking about the results. I had hoped by elemental castle they would have an elemental choice. As it turned out they nerfed the elementals to ALL fit into the castle. Which in turned weakened a fun play strategy for magic heroes to summon their army. The WoG included attempt really didn't fit the game overall. So I plan on splitting the dwarves into the rampart with a couple new additions and putting the elves into the abandoned conflux (grove) with a couple other new creatures. After that I will re empower the elementals to all be around level 5 neutral creatures.

There are other things I will work on. Like creating replacement options for the messengers, I don't like those and from what I've read quite a few others don't either.

Level 8 creatures are a fun new thing, The simple recolor isn't great but as a more powerful creature I like them. What I don't like about them is how they are recruited. It is a rather clever solution to have them recruited into the castle by flagging an outside dwelling but that also makes them too difficult to acquire if at all. I tried having them work like regular creature dwellings but then it seems there are too many of them and they are rarely placed well. I was thinking of having an option to simply be able to recruit them from the capitol and may use that as an idea for an additional capitol upgrade but I have also lately been thinking about fixing
them up and making them as upgrades to level 7 creatures. Not like the WoG map rules option. But have it so When you get your level 7 creatures experience maxed out (R11) they would transform into 0 experience Level 8's.

I liked The idea ShadowHero mentioned in his post with different warlord banners. He mentioned he didn't like the fact that they seem to always revert to health bonus which they do. The reason for that is lack of AI coding. When in doubt go with health and that bleeds into players banners. I don't know how difficult it would be to make "color coded" banners but I do know it would be very difficult to program the AI to use them properly for a good challenging game. Much of warlord banner data looks hardcoded although I haven't looked into it yet perhaps someone could let me know what is possible? Save me some time? If they cannot be color coded could they be changed? Maybe to a generic form to give an UNselectable option where they can simply be equipped for a universal +1 bonus to attack, defense, speed, health, damage, double the experience bonus to those attributes and 10% additional experience. Without the other options like blocking, since that is a creature ability, reduce defense, and additional counters since that negates counterstrike. That way at least I won't be getting an advantage on an already weak AI.

I am not looking for people to do things for me so much as wanting to know more about the limits. Yes I need to keep reading to learn more and I shall but I don't want to waste too much time beating my head against the wall on things that aren't possible. I have already modified several scripts to reduce warlord banner and mithril frequency so they would be "rare" and created a new crexpmod txt because I mostly play XL random maps and like a slower progression to
make the game more difficult (it works well). I have played a bit with C++ but never really learned it. So please someone let me know if some of these things are possible in ERM.

P.S. I am sorry for the long post but I wanted to be clear since I know English is not everyone's first language. I hope any moderators out there understand and I hope I can get some answers to these questions and the ones I'll be posting in the future.
Thank you.      

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 27, 2013 01:17 AM

The scripts are just an advertising on what is possible and are released to show potential. It took to the WoG team a long time and energy to create the erm manual, and this is what is the most important: they gave us a very customizable tool which we can use to create the game we wish.

The erm help is the most exhaustive manual I ever saw. Which explains why today there are 70+ mods available for Era. Try them then you will surely create your own codes to suit your style.

Btw, ALL options from wog and wog revised are optional, can be turned on/off, so I don't see why the drama.
Era II mods and utilities

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Tavern Dweller
posted November 27, 2013 04:43 AM

sorry Salamandre

I obviously wasn't clear, I do appreciate all the work done so far even if I don't want to play with some of it there are plenty of other options which enrich the game. I'm not concerned about ERM help, It seems like a good resource that I will be studying. Perhaps If I gave you more specific questions you may understand what I'm trying to find out.

I started with self install Era 1.8, and I recently downloaded and installed Era 2.46 along with a couple of the mods. Morn battlefields are sweet. I downloaded WoG revised because it made references to some script error fixes and some interesting new scripts. In the meantime I have noticed with Era 2.46 were a couple scripts. Most noticeably a JV script that has a monsters give resources function and a new combination artifact buckler of Beelzebub and more. Which I notice when you start the game and go to WoG options panel and to custom scripts there they are and I shut them off as I am not ready to try them yet. Now in the WoG revised mod there is another Fnord script for monsters drop resources but with that WoG revised mod enabled I do not see those scripts in the WoG options custom scripts list and no reference if they are the same or related to the JV scripts. I looked at the script itself to see if there is a flag toggle for on or off and didn't see one there. I like some of the other scripts. Why is it I cannot use Gnoll marauder first strike and Grand maneouvre without Fnord's drop resources script? Perhaps it is an error with my installation but I do not have the option to turn that off.

Also, In which scripts do I find how warlord banners have been programmed? It would help to see what is already written in order to make any changes. Since the AI may or may not use them the same. I have not seen any reference to a warlord banner script.

In which script are the commander abilities written? It's another one I cannot find.

If these scripts don't exist I am not complaining I'd just like to know either way so I can make changes or ignore them. I have a desire to make the game more challenging and interesting and I cannot do so without a way to see how the AI might handle them. I am sure there is a way to undo what is done and "make it work" but if it turns the AI into a blithering idiot for the sake of a "really cool commander system" or different warlord banners then what's the point of doing anything in that regard?

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 27, 2013 07:36 AM

Once you enable/disable an option, save the result by using the bottom icon. You can even create a shortcut on your desk, to always start with those wog options. There is no problem using Fnord drop resources but not marauder, they are independent, as every option inside.

In Help folder, you have wog features deeply explained. Commander, warlord banners (click on your hero banner to change for all) and so on. Some options are hardcoded so you can not interfere, but there is always manual scripting (you can script the commander directly in battle thus oberwrite the hardcoding part).

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Supreme Hero
posted November 27, 2013 12:29 PM
Edited by Bersy at 12:33, 27 Nov 2013.

The problem with options is probably that they should be saved under name different from "settings.dat", because Mods\WoG\settings.dat will always have priority over the same-name file in game root folder.

/Proper answer to the so long post requires careful reading. I'll try to do it later.

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Tavern Dweller
posted November 27, 2013 10:42 PM

Another example and question

Just trying to learn more and I know there is a bit of a language barrier. Thanks for being patient.

Thought I would post this too as something related and might help you to understand further.

The Yona mod that comes with ERA 2.46:

I love all the features except the aimed shot. I have the WoG option Crossbowmen turned on (penetrating shot). Since it has been said that mods in the mod folder take precedence over WoG scripts.
Does Yona aimed shot mod change or interfere with WoG Crossbowmen option?
If so does anyone know how I could change that.

I really like the boost to Champions and Halberdiers.
I really like the Crossbowmen penetrating shot.
I do not want Yona aimed shot IF Crossbowmen is lost as a result.

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Supreme Hero
posted November 28, 2013 02:23 AM

I love all the features except the aimed shot.

Than just don't use it. This option does not interfere with anything else. Simply do not press ESC on marksmen's turn (or press again to leave aiming mode).

The idea with recoloring banner sounds to be hard to implement.

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Tavern Dweller
posted November 30, 2013 09:51 PM
Edited by Zaekyr at 21:53, 30 Nov 2013.

Some more questions

This is quite difficult since I do not know the words I can use to help you understand my questions. I do appreciate the responses even though they aren't helping me much. I hope these questions will be easier to understand.

First: I want to add some creature but I have read in older posts that amethyst is needed to increase creature numbers. Is it still something I need or is it in ERA 2.46 now? I have looked but do not see it.

Second: In the readme for ERA 2.46 it mentions fixing emerald tower to be a weekly visit object. Can anyone tell me the easiest way to revert it back to one visit only object?

Third: From ERA 2.46 start menu it has an ERA manual. In that manual it has a page of palette colors in hex. That page only lists about 150 colors. Can anyone give me a link for a complete palette? Hopefully with some reference to reserved colors? I use Paint shop pro so a link to a Photoshop resource won't help me. A simple hex list and or an accurate bmp with all the colors in it would be fine since I have no problem making my own.

Fourth: Can the default palette be changed? For instance, could I switch player colors in the palette and perhaps change a few other less used or unused colors for new creatures?

Fifth: Are there any problems with ADDING new heroes? I have seen many posts that say "new hero" but they are always a redefined old hero with the total number not increased. Can we add more heroes?

Sixth: Can we ADD spells? Once again I have seen many posts claiming added spells but they are just old spells changed into new spells. Can the number of spells be increased?

I hope I am not being too much of a pain. I have done some searching but the search function of these forums is weak (too many unrelated results and I cannot limit the search enough). I have read many hundreds of posts over the past several weeks and find it hard to get specific answers to important questions. It also doesn't help that a lot of the posts are old and may not apply. I am learning ERM but also playing the game to try different settings so I can write good scripts and make fun changes.

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Supreme Hero
posted December 01, 2013 03:01 PM

To add new creatures you will need amethyst.dll plugin. They will have numbers 197..212 (at least these are working in Covenant Town). You should name creature defs CR###.def, where ### is creature number (ID). If you want you creature to be a ranger with unique shot animation, make one def with name SHOT##.def, where ### is creature number. If you want to copy existing shot animation, just copy existing def and rename it.

Download Covenant Town mod and look and the following files/folders:

Mods\Covenant Town\Data\amethyst.cfg
Mods\Covenant Town\EraPlugins\amethyst.dll

ŠIvor. Translated  and edited by Berserker.

Second: In the readme for ERA 2.46 it mentions fixing emerald tower to be a weekly visit object. Can anyone tell me the easiest way to revert it back to one visit only object?

Already reverted.

Third: From ERA 2.46 start menu it has an ERA manual. In that manual it has a page of palette colors in hex.

Those are simply named colors which you can use anywhere in Heroes text: {~DarkGray}Hello, Gray!{~}.
You can use hex color ID, obtained in any graphical editor. Examples: 5A9070, EE1832...

No ready bmp, but google "color codes" and find anything you like. Just remember, that in game we write 5A9070, not #5A9070 as you may see in the Internet.

Fourth: Can the default palette be changed? For instance, could I switch player colors in the palette and perhaps change a few other less used or unused colors for new creatures?

Heroes palletes are *.pal files in lods/pacs.

Google translate: http://forum.df2.ru/index.php?showtopic=28699&st=0&start=0
And particular tool by Feanor: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/61759222/HoMM/PaletteExplorer.zip

Fifth: Are there any problems with ADDING new heroes? I have seen many posts that say "new hero" but they are always a redefined old hero with the total number not increased. Can we add more heroes?

Sixth: Can we ADD spells? Once again I have seen many posts claiming added spells but they are just old spells changed into new spells. Can the number of spells be increased?

Big problems. Heroes were added only in Hota. Spells were added only in MoP. Both are complicated and private projects.

I hope I am not being too much of a pain. I have done some searching but the search function of these forums is weak

Hundreds of pages, yes. Use google.com plus site:heroescommunity.com [your request]

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 01, 2013 07:45 PM

Great Information. Thank you Bersy.

I forgot to add one more question.

Can we add more secondary skills? No using others?

I have an idea for drill instructor (teacher) skill to give creatures small amount of experience weekly or perhaps daily based on hero level.

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Supreme Hero
posted December 01, 2013 09:30 PM

Unfortunately no. Their limit is hard coded. But you can replace/enhance existing.

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 03, 2013 02:58 AM

That is unfortunate.

I guess I could have drill instructor as a hero specialty. Might be a little tricky coding but seems possible.

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Adventuring Hero
posted December 03, 2013 10:57 AM

Zaekyr said:
That is unfortunate.

I guess I could have drill instructor as a hero specialty. Might be a little tricky coding but seems possible.

I think it will be not too far to exceed limit of 28 secondary skills. Our chinese players are working into "memory control" and have great achievement in this field.

Even we can not exceed this limit, we can use an alternative method to reach your aim. For example, we can add a new dialogue to show new skills. There is Chinese KongFu script. Each heroes can learn up to 4 basic Kongfu from 16 basic Kongfu, and up to 2 top Kongfu from 8 top Kongfu. The script is just a sample, you can use it in wog and ERA or just ignore it. By the way, I have to say that I am not able to translate the script into English.

I think ERA ( including WOG ) provide us with multitudinous possibility to change this game into what we hope.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 03, 2013 11:24 AM

Yes, with custom dialogs you can extend anything, skills, special levels and such. But is unfortunate that russians continue to release their scripts in russian, the chinese in chinese, therefore nobody knows what the neighbor is doing.

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Adventuring Hero
posted December 04, 2013 03:13 AM

Salamandre said:
Yes, with custom dialogs you can extend anything, skills, special levels and such. But is unfortunate that russians continue to release their scripts in russian, the chinese in chinese, therefore nobody knows what the neighbor is doing.

Sure, it is a problem. Few of chinese players can understand english. Some of us study from ERM helps and Heroescommunity, and explain to others who may make new scripts and maps to share with players. But it is hard for them to express in english. Language skill and time is the main obstacle. Most of chinese players is about 30 years old. In this age, we are struggling for money and life. Seldom of us are older than 40 years old. Others are younger. We are happy to share with players all around world, but write both chinese and english in scripts is too difficult for the authors. Nevertheless we will do our best to help any international friends to our chinese friend.
Chinese WOG Forum

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 09, 2013 07:07 PM

hey guys

got a couple more questions I couldn't find answers to.

1. Is the rogues ability to allow hero to see details linked to the spell visions? I was thinking of changing the spell visions but don't want to undo the rogue ability.

2. Do you know if pandora boxes are set at beginning of map or set when picked up I know I could play a few games to test but I have been playing to test other things and sometimes I forget to check some things. If they are set on map start can the contents be determined with a script. I'd like to make a script to change spells in boxes to spell books.

I have started working on graphics while reading up on scripting. I started with the troll cause I never liked their weird colors and I wanted to practice with something to exercise my skills with PSP.
I'll post an example when I finish it.

I plan on cleaning up the graphics on all creatures over time.

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 19, 2013 10:59 PM

sorry for being tedious

I know some of my questions are possibly answered elsewhere but finding those questions and answers in search takes longer than it should mostly due to getting many results from other forums.

I used to want more castles and creatures in homm3 but a long time ago I realized that it is not needed(well, more castles anyway). My plan is to get rid of most of the upgrades. How many times do you buy the UN upgraded versions of your creatures after building the upgrade? I have read that there is no way to not have creature buildings from the start so level 1 and 2 creatures will stay as is without upgrades. Then I want to have 2 choices in each castle for levels 3-6. I have been reading ERM help and I know some hardcoded dialogs can be interrupted and replaced. So I am wondering, could the build dialog for creature building be interrupted and changed to give a choice of A or B, for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, level buildings/creatures? I have not found this detail discussed. This idea would make all castles customizable and therefore add a lot of variety to the game. Along with some fun strategic decisions like "do I choose the shooter for level 3 or the flyer"?

Also, I have read that there are hardcoded build limits in castles. although I have not found what those limits are exactly. Are the vanilla upgrades considered a building? Is upgrading from archers to crossbowman a building? Do any castles have additional space for building? If not could I change some of the castle specific buildings like the lookout tower in the tower castle into a creature building? Since I want to go with no upgrades could I make a building in each castle to allow the recruitment of both UN upgraded level 7's and upgraded level 7's as separate different creatures? For example could I make it so you could recruit both angels and archangels in castle, both giants and titans in tower from separate buildings?

The WoG option for fog of war was interesting to try but was a bit too weird for me. I did think of an interesting idea though for having fog of war work just for underground to give it the "cave" effect". I am wondering though. To make it more interesting is it possible to change different hero types, core(or base) "scout" radius? Could different hero types be set so they have different core scouting radius whether on map level 1 or 2? Not changing scouting skill? For example have dungeon heroes see farther underground but not as far above ground? Perhaps also have "lamps" last 2 turns instead of 1.

I would also like to eventually script something to subtract a small amount of movement points from heroes for visiting buildings and picking stuff up to reflect the extra time it takes to do that. And use a subtraction of movement points for battle based on how many rounds the battle lasted. I think it would add to the realism and fun factor a bit.

I have a plan to increase the difference between might and magic heroes which is simple. Increase spell point costs of all spells. Not by a little bit but double(for lower level spells) and triple(higher level 4-5 spells) their costs. Then have caster based skills like wisdom, scholar, mysticism, and others(not sure which to include yet) reduce spell casting costs 1 point per level of skill. The goal will be to make it so a basic magic arrow costs about 20 spell points. Then have it get reduced into the 4-5 spell point range based on number of magic based secondary skills and their levels. This way, it is possible to increase the powers of spells for caster heroes and limit their use by might heroes.

Another realization I had which would help with my idea above about no upgrades for creatures(I know it is not unique). Is it possible to interrupt and change the necromancy message and effects after battle to include a percentage of reanimated skeletons to be 2nd level zombies instead?

I also know I'll have to change the effects of some WoG artifact bonuses related to upgrades and the chests which offer upgrades ect, ect.

Yes these ideas will be a lot of work and it will take me a year or more to do. Especially since these are just some of my ideas I have many, many, more mostly small script ideas to help random maps be more RPGish(treasure maps, smaller mushrooms to spawn as consumables or collectibles and other items to be collected).

I hope sharing some of these ideas will help you understand my goals and why I am asking so many questions. Like I have said before some answers are around but I end up reading 4-20 pages of posts to find them and some are dated to 2009, 2010 so that I do not know if they are still true(currently reading through ERM help thread posts, on page 50 so far). Because of my creature ideas I have spent much time searching for base images to draw them with(cockatrice is a creature I want to add). Artwork, sound, and other resources take far longer to do than coding. I am trying to do some work while learning ERM. And just hoping that as I write things down and do searches I can throw some questions out here for more knowledge. I only need some simple answers to let me know if these ideas are possible in ERM. It will help me as I make plans for my changes.

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Tavern Dweller
posted December 23, 2013 10:50 PM

Funny warning about rank points, I don't think I care about a rank.

I perhaps found my biggest problem with learning ERM. For some reason my ERM help is very much incomplete. I don't know why. I have been reading through ERM help thread to try to find answers to my questions and in many, many places I noticed how many experienced people were saying how great ERM help was though I couldn't understand that because I had not found much info in it. So I decided when a specific reference to ERM was made I would try to use that reference to figure out what magic trick I needed to find the info in it and on page 126 I found this posted by JimV:

posted December 27, 2011 11:02 AM  

Creature Banks:

Step 1:  Open the ERM Help Document.

Step 2:  Scroll the alphabetical index down to "Creature Banks Setup".

Step 3:  Click on the HTML link and read the results, which describe how to set all (seven) guard slots, set the number and type of bonus creatures, and set any or all resource bonuses.

Step 4:  Try using the command in a test map for practice.  If it isn't working as expected due to some misunderstanding, post your results here for guidance.

Setting extra (more than seven) battle stacks:

The BU:S command will summon an additional stack of a specified number and type to a specified side of the battle at a specified battlefield position.  To use this ERM command you will need to know how to use ERM scripts.

If you don't already know how to use ERM scripts:

The place to start is the ERM Help document, which can be downloaded at links given previously in this thread, as well as at many places on the web, such as the Yahoo Groups WoG Archive.  See also the sticky post at this site "introduction to Modding and ERM Scripting" (may not be the exact title, but something like that), by GnollKing.

When I followed those steps to find the info the result was "page not found". Now I notice the index has some interesting categories that sound informative. I thought that ERM help came with ERA 2.46 and is complete.......is it?. Or do I need a separate install? Perhaps it was my installation as I started with 1.8 and installed 2.46 over it as it said it was fine to do so. Perhaps not. Maybe I have it but it is not working? Does anyone know what the problem could be?

It would most likely help keep me from asking stupid questions.

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted December 23, 2013 11:16 PM

then also adds defeated creatures drop gold/resources. I may use something similar for the heroes of my dwarven castle, but I don't want to use that right now in my games. I looked at it in WoG options, nope can't turn it off there,

Wogify Options/Map Options and Enhancements/Map Options/Monsters will drop resources if defeated

When browsing Wog Options of Wog Revised, check out for the word (NEW), the changed scripts (options in the menu) all have it next to them, you'll notice them faster.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 23, 2013 11:27 PM

Zaekyr, erm help changed over years, some links indeed were relocated but not updated. For creature banks, check "other objects" in the upper right corner, then scroll down until you see CB receiver. Erm help contains massive info, not always easy for newcomers to find what they are interested for.

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