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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 12, 2016 10:14 PM |
Edited by Stevie at 22:17, 12 Oct 2016.
Since I joined this community and with this post I enter top 20 of members with the largest post count (first page), making me the youngest hero to achieve that. With this occasion, I'd love it if you shared your impression on me and my contribution to the forums up until now, be it positive or negative, as well as anything you think I should improve on. If there's any questions you wanted to address me or if you ever wondered about something but never got the chance to ask, now's a better time than ever.
You guys keep being awesome and have a great day!
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 12, 2016 10:32 PM |
Quote: making me the youngest hero to achieve that
Heh, yeah right.

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted October 12, 2016 11:14 PM |
You're one of the few who will flat out and creatively tell someone they are noobs or whatever.. People you don't really respect its almost like you are joking from how creative and serious you are.
Bad example:
To member known as _______, I agree completely with the levels of respec as in your case I have none whatsoever...
I mean lmao I don't know and I hope you haven't hurt anyone's feelings. I don't encourage that communication skill but I have some respect for it and what not..
All things are possible with God.
Nothing is possible without God.

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 12, 2016 11:26 PM |
i think you're an undercover cop, trying to smoke me out. 
nice try, buster. you're gonna need a snowING ARMY TO TAKE ME DOWN, COPPERS!!!!

Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted October 12, 2016 11:29 PM |
Here's your reward (a small peck on the lips is all you're getting, bet your brain eroded by hentai can't even comprehend the subtle pleasure that is yaoi).
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2016 12:18 AM |
Edited by Stevie at 00:19, 13 Oct 2016.
Damn, must've been someone else before my era. You're just too ancient for me, you old geezer you! 
Thanks man. Don't worry, I'm usually not that rude, it's just that there's a very special person out there and we're tight in our own way. Verbal abuse brings out the best of him, lol.
You psycho! You know what you did! I'm after your ass! 
S-s-s-Senpai, don't think you can get away with that! B-baka! You have to take responsibility! *goes all the way*
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted October 13, 2016 01:11 AM |
Ye ye love you too man.
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted October 13, 2016 01:42 AM |
Oh hey, you finally got around 1/4th of Elvin's post count, such the accomplishment! 
Time surely pass fast. Remember when you actually looked up to Elvin, believed in H7 and the Shadow Council? Those were the days...

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2016 01:51 AM |
Edited by Stevie at 01:51, 13 Oct 2016.

Supreme Hero
posted October 13, 2016 01:58 AM |
I tough this gonna be one of those boring farewell notes. Good that it was not.
You want to know what you have constributed to the community or just what we think about you?
Truth be told, I was away most of the time you where been here. Don't neccesary always agree with you *cough* Prequels *cough* But, your view of the world is in some cases somewhat similiar to myself, I think you have right mindset most times.
I don't always get your desire for arguments with some members that pisses you off sometimes. We aren't all cut from the same tree, so don't gonna say "it's wrong" just your style I suppose. Still, you are not rude, just straightforward to people and that's good.
What you have constributed here? Well, mosty I remember you by reading your conversation with fellow members. Just be you, that I know you will be in the future too.
Just wondering. You mentioned your youth in op, how old are you exactly?
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Supreme Hero
posted October 13, 2016 02:11 AM |
Oh yeah, your profile says 23. Well haven't updated my age on own profile.
Hey did you know by the way that: Me, Geny and Elvin are all registered in 2006. And Geny 3 months after me and Elvin actually 3 days after me. Ten friking years, I feel ancient, well not Mvass ancient tough
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2016 02:48 AM |
Stevie said: @fred69,
You psycho! You know what you did! I'm after your ass! 
you'll never get my butt, copper! NEVER! 
now, if it's my one-eyed trouser snake you're after, then you can have some of that...

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2016 02:49 AM |
Edited by Stevie at 02:55, 13 Oct 2016.
I update my profile with the current age, so 23 is correct. But by youngest I meant the member who joined most recently, there's no user after 2010 with a top 20 post count other than me. It was just a bit of trivia that I found interesting.
Thanks for the kind words man. Glad you're still around after 10 years! Bet you, Elvin and Geny have your share of stories to tell.
You think you can get away just with that? Hah! Every inch of you goes to the dungeon! You'll receive appropriate punishment from Corribus the dungeon master himself!
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2016 03:21 AM |
corrible the horrible is the ass-master, not the dungeon master. the dungeon master is meroe. that's why she's been gone all this time. she's been slimming our numbers. neraus and kip have been rounding up prisoners for her, the traitors.

Famous Hero
of picnics
posted October 13, 2016 06:10 AM |
keep it real

Famous Hero
Grouchy curmudgeon
posted October 13, 2016 06:41 AM |
I have been lurking since around the same time you joined and in my humble opinion you are one of the pillars of this community. I wouldn't be hanging around nearly as much as I currently do without you.

Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted October 13, 2016 07:00 AM |
I remember you as this annoying youngling from two years ago who irritated me a lot. Now you're mostly wasting your time on that accursed H7 sub-forum and poking artu in OSM. Both are places which I don't visit or care about.
Don't think for a moment that your post count means anything. It's quality that matters here. Just look at frostysh for an example.
Keep doing the Socioquery business; it's good for you and the community.
And tease fred. Always tease fred.
Ghost said: Door knob resembles anus tap.

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 13, 2016 07:55 AM |
NoobX said: I remember you as this annoying youngling from two years ago who irritated me a lot.
The funny thing is that for the longest of time I had real trouble telling you two annoying younglings apart from each other.
Well, to be honest I never actually checked if anyone your age got to the first page, but come on... Elvin. Competing with him on anything post count related is crazy and requires heavy psychiatric treatment. Val had to open up the omnipresent status for him (which I just noticed Salamandre got as well ).
Now I'm trying to think who were the other pioneers of the Community. I was around when Undefeatable was revealed. I think it was for Acu... or was it still in God of Spam Woock days? Naaahhhh, gotta be Acu. I have no idea opened up the Legendary status though.
And the red ones? Admirable was for when Hydra demodded. Honorable was before my time, but I am curious...

Famous Hero
Rush the rush
posted October 13, 2016 08:07 AM |
Congratulations Stewie.
I regret to say though that despite your post count I cannot remember if you have been friend or foe here on these forums.
If you were a friend, id shake your hand.
If you were a foe, I guess I hope this means you stop posting.
Heh, anyway, gratz.

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2016 08:28 AM |