Thread: You’re old? Get your arse back there! | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 · NEXT» |

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted July 12, 2018 03:40 PM |
You’re old? Get your arse back there!
You’ve been part of this community for years? Please share your HC experience to newcomers so they get a gist of where they put their feet. 
What can you share about your HOMM discussions within this community?
What are your favorite subforums and why?
What annoys you in HC? What do you think could improve?
Can you explain why you keep hanging around even though there is no promising future for the Heroes series as of now?
Share funny or interesting anecdotes, things that got your feelings, memorable experiences, as much great than terrible moments...
Get out of lurk-mode for once and tell us all about your relationship with HC!
Make it great.

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 12, 2018 04:02 PM |
I joined when there were only four HoMM games and the Altar of Wishes was filled with ideas for Homm5, however I left when I was disappointed in the finished product, then I become a casual poster, mostly in the "other boards".
Currently my favorite board is the Tavern, and for the HoMM boards probably Heroes 3.5 which has developed a lot over the years thanks to the fine work of modders.
Things that could use a change for me are the QP system or the avatar uploading.
I keep hanging around thanks to my love for the series and getting acquainted with many of the current regulars as well as hoping for a few old friends to return.
It was actually the first forum I ever joined so it will hold a special place in my heart. I found it impossible to leave for good and forget about it and still I am here today despite having a heated argument with a poster which led to this Bad-mannered status.
So if I had to describe the Hc experience in one word, I would call it durable.

Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted July 12, 2018 04:08 PM |
Edited by Kipshasz at 16:11, 12 Jul 2018.
Anyways, the thing that brought me here was that I tried, in hindsight very, very half-assedly, to make a "new town" for WoG, which back then was a very popular trend. you know, no skill in modeling, no nothing. So with a team of other novice dinguses we tried that, there was a lot of flaming, and little to no progress, and the town flopped, like 99% others did.
I guess the WoG subforum is still my favourite one, with Glade being second.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted July 12, 2018 04:39 PM |
Quote: You’re old? Get your arse back there!
... No.

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted July 12, 2018 07:06 PM |
Yeah, what he said.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 12, 2018 09:35 PM |
I've actually been replaying through HoMM campaigns. I started with H1, but it felt kind of tedious (even though the game's art style has a certain charm), so I skipped ahead to H2, and now that I've completed the Roland campaign, it's on to H3!
I've got to say, the Knight town really sucked in H1. Gather a huge stack of peasants, and it still explodes the first time someone pokes it. Archers are really slow, Paladins are frail for a top-level unit, no flyers, and bad at magic.
H3's Knight town, on the other hand...
Eccentric Opinion

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 12, 2018 10:10 PM |
Not only old, but also desperate I see...
Well, who am I kidding, I've already been there. It's been such a long time since I could last enjoy a Heroes game. Nothing cuts it anymore.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted July 12, 2018 10:26 PM |
bonus applied by Galaad on 21 Jul 2018. |
This place is a mixture of weird memories for me, I have gone through so many phases, interacted with so many people, some I liked, some barely touched me, some I just liked to ass around with. It is the people that made HC what it is, a person does not exist unless his actions touch another mind, and a human being does not live unless his heart touches anothers. Despite being worlds apart from the rest of you buggers, despite age gaps and intellectual gaps, you have all made this place a ray of sunshine.
I miss the times I was propa pining for Wesley. Miss Insanity with her broken English, while this place will never ever be what it used to be, it was never meant to be, we old folk are here to ensure that every new hero that arrives here has an adventure, that they have people to look up to like I did. Adrius, that German prat Azzie, Bill for all his quirks, and god forbid even blizzy rubbed off on me, Forfy. The old dog Bakky, and Dag. I am totally annoyed by how Meroe got knocked up and abandoned us, despite yapping away at how she's never gonna get hitched. And where in the crickey hell is Gnomes, I went through 3 years of uni and a severe bout of depression and I am still haunting this place like a goddamn poltergeist, the man has no excuse! Grr 
This place is ours, until we pass the torch.
Also **** you all.
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

Famous Hero
Life and Freedom
posted July 12, 2018 10:27 PM |
Edited by phe at 23:03, 12 Jul 2018.
I don't remember whem I first time saw HC..lurked for a year about 2010...registered in November 2010 when I was living in the country side spending there winter...not active for first 2 years...my favourite was Possible creature threat then and of course H3 subforum...didn't look for OSM and Tavern for another 2 years about...
sometimes boring if nothing happens...sometimes very funny...("take as many hairbrushes as you want, sister, abroad Deus Vault fleet..."AnkVakti to Tsar_Ivor) and many others...
most annoying things are:
-"daily losses" of posts which were not so bad...
- reserved avatars which nobody uses...
username should be editable (however all should be to see in member profile )…
some H3 mods family plays and tournaments for HC members in future...
Modding is future of Heroes so that's interesting...Exhchange of ideas and interactions...learned a lot about H3 here...

Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted July 12, 2018 10:31 PM |
Quote: reserved avatars which nobody uses
Haha, pissed me off big time when I started, only so many years later do I realise that I could've just copy pasted the image i wanted and just uploaded it as a custom avvie. 
Idk, not being able to change your avatar spontaneously, not being able to alter your username are all things that tic me off, but I've been on forums where you can do all that, but nothing sticks, after a few weeks I abandon them rarely checking back. There's something about HC, could never figure it out, stayed to see it through to the end even if I'm the last man standing.
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted July 13, 2018 11:51 AM |
Edited by Galaad at 12:05, 13 Jul 2018.
I can’t remember when I started lurking these forums nor even how I got there, probably got redirected by Google while looking for H3 mods. I remember joining during H6 times, but since the game turned out to be what it turned out to be, I didn’t post a lot back then. The QP system is something I always liked, maybe because it is unique to this place. I do feel I should’ve gotten much more Qps than I did though (and I guess I’m not alone in this case ).
I can’t remember exactly when but I recall the first time Fred went berserk on the forums, it was related to his object patch but the details escape me right now. It’s cool he came back though. Then left again, then came back. 
I also remember Jeremiah getting nuked into oblivion by Omega or Herry provocating Cor and getting slaughtered, Artu's huge debates in the OSM or Sal and JJ fighting for pages and threads for so long. Elvin also trolling as mod was pretty entertaining, not only his edits on posters posts but also sometimes high level diversions to calm things down (let's stop bashing ourselves, here is a thread where you can bash Ubi all you want instead, stay united!). There is just so many stories I could tell about this place.
HC is definitely a hard place to leave and feels like home for some strange reasons (maybe the mage of land does some kind of sorcery to keep us all). Even if I can’t get along with everybody I like the overall atmosphere and spirit of most active members, regardless of their political opinion or even (and more importantly!) their opinions on the Might and Magic series (the only one that truly matters). Those who knew me during the h7 development know I have jousted a lot with those that I call “Ashanites”, namely H6 and H7 apologists fans, even though I have no issues if the person I’m talking to remains respectful. That was rather rare though but I can think of a few who remained civil despite all the flame and thumbs ups to them for that )
I had so many heated discussions during h7 development it was a lot of fun, I recall someone telling me he would "vomit in my shoes" and others just flaming for the sake of flaming. Mods sure had to work back then, H7 threads were growing so fast if you didn’t read for a day you missed literally tens of pages. Some of us also started a new era of trolling, along a trollmod with Lizard and the h7 meme wars are the most epics I’ve ever seen. Many jests were epics, and sometimes it was beautiful like I remember that time glorious posts defending Enroth got +QPed while Ashanites had to eat penalties for their insults. Ah, good times. 
The truth is H7 subforum was very much like a huge Wastelands.
Without much games in view (save epic H3 and H5 mods) I little by little discovered the off-topic sections of HC, which actually seem to be more of the essence of HC. A lot of very creative threads with members going into the open, jests, from light-hearted Tavern discussions to OSM carnages. It's not only giving opinions or debating about the games, but more about genuine human interaction (as close as it can be, since this remains the interwebz). A thing to note though is even though in the OSM the most critical topics can be discussed (politics, religion, feminism…) the most personal insults heated arguments remain in the Heroes boards. 
I guess each one had high moments in HC, and I wonder how it feels for those who are here since the beginning or close and still around. How all this goes throughout the years.
Oh, I remember that one troll Alci did when he was a mod. Once Storm-Giant ironically said H6 was the best game in the series and Alci penalized him, with a moderator's note to the post saying "claming H6 is the best of the series is against the CoC", simply brilliant. 
Come on guys, surely you can share more memories. Don't be so shy.

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 13, 2018 01:02 PM |
tSar-Ivor said: stayed to see it through to the end even if I'm the last man standing.
i'll be right there next to you, unless i'm dead. at which point, i will be here in spirit. haunting this place...
and checking out the hc women's locker room. since they won't be able to see me then. 

Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted July 13, 2018 02:34 PM |
Most of you guys haven't been here long enough to know about HC's gold age. When there was actual intellectual, thought provoking discussion, and a good HoMM game to go along with it.
This place is a shadow of its former self.
But then maybe I'm just a jaded old fool pining for the good old days.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 13, 2018 02:40 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 13, 2018 02:57 PM |
Corribus said: When there was actual intellectual, thought provoking discussion, and a good HoMM game to go along with it
regarding what years, exactly? also, post links.

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted July 13, 2018 03:42 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 13, 2018 04:05 PM |
i'm gonna need links for proof.

Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted July 13, 2018 09:16 PM |
2006-2008 were great times.
'Member Duke_Falcon and his charade? Probably some of the biggest drama we've got here (Sorry Fredmuffin, is only business).
I actually kinda felt sorry for the guy, untill his Rosie Palms mentioned going to coma from cancer, which is BS.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted July 13, 2018 09:23 PM |
Nighty's breakdown takes the cake imho. Duke was just hilarious since everyone assumed he was dying (while he just felt like that since cancer is a big scare n ****), the muppet then fabricated his own demise to meet ppl's expectations .
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted July 13, 2018 11:26 PM |
Edited by Galaad at 23:53, 13 Jul 2018.
Speaking of links...
I actually read all this in around 2013 I reckon...
Corribus said: Most of you guys haven't been here long enough to know about HC's gold age. When there was actual intellectual, thought provoking discussion, and a good HoMM game to go along with it.
This place is a shadow of its former self.
I wouldn’t say there hasn’t been intellectual, thought provoking discussions past 2010. 2012-2014 was a different time and age and much darker but it wasn’t exclusively idiotic or empty of substance. It had its fair share of silliness sure but can you really say the golden age didn’t as well? Maybe less. I think it was a historical moment and point in time about the franchise’s decline, a lot of things happened within the fandom. Between the ray of hope H7 sprinkled to many fans when first teased and the confrontation between the original world and what Ubi had established since, were also born strong emotions and rich discussions. I think most of HC at that time learned a whole lot about the games and its universe and lore, because of these debates. In the meantime there was a lot of chaos, and Ubi**** clearly was shocked to discover how much rage they had created into the fandom throughout the years. I cannot find an analogy to describe it, but within the spamfest something very strong happened that wasn’t shallow by any means. It felt like a last fight to save the series and put everything back on track, and it was exhausting as captivating.
Quote: But then maybe I'm just a jaded old fool pining for the good old days.
Ain't we all.