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Heroes Community > Heroes 8+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: mean while, in Ranaar
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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 30, 2006 06:42 PM
Edited by bixie at 22:55, 12 Dec 2006.

mean while, in Ranaar

alot of people have been going on about the stronghold faction. alot of people also have been going on about the free cities of the east. i thought i might joine in

the stampede

aka: the ogres (no orcs!)
country: the golden plains
capital: lok-tag-mor-grag (the ruins, basically meaning "the ruins of our fathers")
colours: brown, white and yellow
worship: Slyath, as the stormserpent
motto: you looking for a fight? (they fight anyone and everyone)
core philosophy: might makes right.

the ogres are the humans who left the free cities in their droves when they found them almost uninhabitable. Slyath heard their plies and took them under his wing, so to speak. he changed them, making them bigger, stronger, more durable, changint them into the ogres. they live on the plains, ecking out a tribal existance among lord Sylaths mighty creations (the dragon mad genius). they live by two activites, eating and fighting.
eating has taken on a spiritual significance to the ogres, as they went away (guided by Slyath) because of lack of food, so they have turned out fat and contented. once an ogre is died, there closest companions (family, friends, partner) may eat the parts of them that gave them strenght (the heart for courage, brain for intelligence).
you can quickly tell the status of an ogre by the size of their stomach. Ogres with a large belly are considered wealth and strong, after all, they must have eaten alot to get a gut that big.
fighting is all about proving yourself. ogres live in a very heculain society, with the strongest, bravest and most intelligent surviving. honour comes into fighting alot, as ogres value personal honour above anything else, and a slight on their behalf with usually end in a bone-crunching duel to the death (and a good meal for whoever wins)
the ogres worship Slyath as the stormserpent. they worship Slyath as a guide, rather than a god. their society is not male or female driven, it is more about whoever is strong enough to lead them.
the stampede army is all about the charge. the ogres charge into combat, swords and clubs clashing, with huge beasts called behemoths crashing infront of them. tiny goblins, the bigger ones making the littler ones carry them, run into combat armed with pointy sticks.
the ogres have a distinctly aztec theme, with daggerclubs, animal warriors and square buildings.
the hero is the feastmaster. Feastmasters are often the biggest, fattest, strongest and feircest ogres of the society. if a feastmaster wants you as their next meal, the only thing between you and their sprawling gut is a fast horse and a huge amount of luck. the feastmasters are the holders of the sacred feasts, and so have access to their gods blessing through feast magic. Feastmasters often boast about how they have managed to stomach stuff that would normally kill a ogre outright. these ogres are the cheiftans in the ogres tribe.


48ysd: Founding of the Free Cities of the East Emperor Brian Falcon gives absolute power to the Church of the Dragon of Light. The Human kingdom is renamed "Holy Falcon Empire". Dissent grows among many citizens who resent being forced to abandon their faith in Sylath. Many will leave the Empire's territory to found the Free Cities of the East.

54ysd: the freecitiers finally reach the land which they can call their own, the ice tundra of the east. they create the first of the cities there, Partogurg, and there they live.

58ysd: after increased rationing, the food finally wears out. the people the the free cities starve. any food that is found is immediately set upon and eaten. some of the poeple turn to cannibalism to stay alive

62ysd: a vision comes to a young boy, Orsov. he claims that there is a land of food to the south, were game and greenery is plentyfull. many people listen to this boy, and about 90% of the population follow him.

66ysd: the half starved exodites reach the golden plains, after viscous attacks by gnolls in the mountians. they enjoy their first feast there, retiring, bloated, to sleep.
that night, they began to dream. a massive, feathered, twoheaded serpent came to them, telling them that he was Slyath, the mighty dragon of air. he had brought them here to this lush pasture, he would make them the mightiest creatures here, for unshaking belief in him (basically think of a fuastian pact). one by one, the exodites agreed.

66-205ysd: over these years, the exodites began to change. they grew taller, towering over what they were previously, and their muscles density increased, making their limbs more powerful and resiliant to damage. with these new limbs, they could catch prey more easily, and so aquired paunches, to consist with their intake of food. they're mouths become lined with new teeth, everything from sharp rippers, to crunching molars. they're legs and arms became longer, their shoulders broader. they became the ultimate predator of the lands. they became the ogres!

207ysd: the first essances of feast magic were discovered by fatgut. after eating a large meal, he sat back to dream. Slyath came again, telling him that he had created a link to magic and eating. waking up, fatgut accidently blasted the nearest tree, that burst into flame. this began the lengthy progress of experimenting with feast magic.

211ysd: finally, a feastmaster named greatmaw came to the conclusion that eating certian things did certian tasks, like eating a mammoths heart my increase durablity, and eating windrider tentalces might create a small breeze. his ideas were carved out into the tablets of feastmagic.

to be continued...

1>goblins-> hob goblins
goblins are small greenskin creatures with large noses, big ears and small bodies. they are at the very bottom of ogre society, and often perform the most degrading tasks, in the backstabbing, bickering culture that they exist. in battle, however, the only bicking they do is who is bigger enough to ride onto of each other and weild the pointy stick.
2> gols-> razorback Gol
gols are boar creatures. they have been taking in by the ogres society as pets. Gols are no where near as intelligent as ogres, but have a certian animalistic cunning that is a great advantage on the battlefeild. armed with large tusks, the gols run into battle, snapping jaws and swinging tusks
3> ogre gladiator -> ogre rhunderbird warrior
ogres are a large, corpultant people, fond of food and of song. they don't mind the other factions, and will gladly make friends with anyone. however, these towering warriors are not to be double crossed. in battle, they weild their huge warclubs and fearsome blade sheilds, bellowing challenges out to people to face them, only to smash them to the ground if they aren't strong enough.
4> ogre tracker -> ogre windserpent hunter
ogre trackers are the hunters and gathers of the stampede. they fish, forage, but most especailly, hunt. they band together, weilding large javelins and cover themselves in furs and trophies from previous kills. when they fight, their accuracy with throwing is put to great use, on their next meal.
5> ogre shaman -> ogre stormmaster  
those ogres who are blessed with a great appite become shamans, communers with Slyath. these ogres, next to the feastmaster and the guest, get first cut at the food, and as a result, end up very fat and contented. always carring massive war totems, they prowess on the battlefeild is not to be mistake from their flabby form.
6> cyclops- giants
the giants were one of Slyaths many creations, huge lumbering creatures with shaggy fur, twin horns and a angry temperment. the ogres captured these creatures and, for those weaker one, gouged one of they're eyes out, as a sign of servitude. the Cyclops, as their name is now, throw massive rocks across the battlefeild, smasshing the enemy to splitters.
7> behemoths -> thunderlizard (3x3 squares)
Behemoths, these creatures have been around since the time of the dragon children. they are rumored to be the children of Slyath, but to be true, Slyath has no children, all he can do is change things. the behemoths were his first creation, and by far his worst.

hero: feastmaster

attack:2 defense:0 Spellpower:2 knowledge:1

racial ability: Feast magic (ogres own magic lore, but at the cost of a number of your level 1 creatures)

basic feast magic= allows the feast master to access circle 1+2 spells
advanced feast magic= allows the feast master to access circle 3+4 spells
expert feast magic= allows the feast master to access circle 5 spells
ultimate feast magic= the feast master can cast feast magic spells at 50% creature cost.

resipes for diaster= allows another feast magic spell to be cast at triple the creature cost.
magic eater= the feastmaster binds themself to one of their creatures. if a spell is aimed at that creature, the feastmater consumes the spell and generates 50% extra mana of the cost to the spell.
kin feaster= the feastmaster may consume a higher level creature to divide the creature cost of the spell by the level of the creature
appetite for destruction= all stampede units, once cast with a feast magic spell above circle 3, always have positive luck and moral

feast magic spells

teir one

heart gorger
the feast master eats the fresh heart of a dwarven mammoth. whilst enjoying the fresh and bloody meat, they imbunes their allies with the strength and furiousity of a charging mammoth.

sacrifice: 10 goblins

the selected unit gain +1 to both minimum and maximum damage and +2 health

Bone cruncher
the Feastmaster shovels a small mountian of spines, skulls and ribs and crunches their way through. as the bones splitter, the feast master spits a vile curse at the enemy, so that their bones will shatter as the ones in his mouth have

sacrifice: 10 goblins

direct damage spell
60+12*power 72+12*power 84+12*power 96+12*power.

teir two

brian chewer
the feast master selects the brain of one of their dead ogre friends and stuffes it in his mouth. as the grey matter combines with the saliva, the Feastmaster selects the ogres worst nightmares and projects it at an enemy creature

sacrifice: 30 goblins

the selected unit's moral is subtracted by 3 and immediately is subject to fear (see hell chargers special)

Angel wings!
the feast master takes from their larder a pair of ripe, fresh angel wings. holding them up, the Feastmaster utters a pray to Slyath, before devouring them, bolstering his allies into the air

sacrifice: 30 goblins

the selected creature can fly for three turns, moving passed obsticles in the way.

teir three

Dragon belch
the feastmaster gobbles up a lot of shadow and fire dragon inards, feeling the spicy blood flow around their mouth. then, after warding away the dragongods wrath with various hand seals, they belches a great tongue of flame at the enemy!

sacrifice: 50 goblins

11+11*power 15+15*power 19+19*power 23+23*power

Troll guts
the feastmaster forces down the toxic intestines of a troll. the feastmaster transfers the power of the trolls to his compainions, healing them, but also forcing them to vomit the same terrible bile of the troll

sacrifice: 50 goblins

the selected creature can regenerate. in addition, once the spell has been cast, the creature can vomit a single ranged attack at an enemy, dealing the same damage as the stone spikes spell, reducing their defence characteristic by -2


feasting halls lvl 1: teaches level 1-2 feast magic spells to visiting heroes
feasting halls lvl 2: teaches level 3-4 feast magic spells to visiting heroes
feasting halls lvl 3: teaches level 5 feast magic spells to visiting heroes
butcher lodge: increases the potence of feast magic spells when the feastmaster is defending the town
storm spire: increase shamans and stormmasters growth by 1+ per week
blood pit: increase gladiators and bloodspillers growth by 3+ per week
banners of the slain: decreases enemies moral, during a seige, by 1
Thunderbird: grail


level 1> goblin shanty-> goblin hovels
level 2> gol pen-> razorback gol pens
level 3> ogre lodges-> ogre arena
level 4> ogre corral -> ogre fort
level 5> ogre altar -> ogre Ziggarut
level 6> manticore cave -> manticore lair
level 7> Behemoth grounds -> behemoths ridge


gutroar was the youngest member of his family, blessed by slyath with a vast appetite. he ate his family out of house and home, and then was so hungry, he ate his family. now, no matter what he shoves down his throat, he never replaces what he lost. (gutroar is one of the saddest ogre sagas)
gluttonany feast magic spells that gutroar cast, he may cast the same one in the same sequence for double the creature cost.
advanced feast magic
kin feaster

belligrand's fame has spread throughout the plains. a vicious warrior and a powerful feastmaster, her prowess has never been matched so far. she is particularly praised by the gladiators, who strive to be noticed by her.
clubmasterSpecialises in gladiators. gladiators and thunderbird warriors in hero's army gain +1 to their Offense and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level
basic attack

feastlord Greedguts (campaign hero)
the best respect for king in ogre society. Greedguts is a wise and powerful ruler, possibly one of the greatest feastmasters on the plains. however, his kingdom is under threat of invasion from both the freecities and the holy griffon empire, he has thrust his kingdom back into war once again.

Goreheart (campaign hero)
Goreheart is an exile from his tribe, for commiting a cardinal sin of not eating during the great feast. his now wanders the borders of his lands, sending word back to Greedguts about what is happening. he is now commander of the frontline now the war with the stampedes enemies has started.
homeguardianwhen a town is underseige, all units gain a moral bonus.
basic feast magic
basic logistics

Wargorge (campaign hero)
Wargorge has a vision, that the grand stampede will come around again. she is convinced that this will ride the plains of enemies. working together with the exile goreheart, on the Feastlord's orders, she must prepare the mightest stampede that the world has even seen.
stampederneutral Stampede units are more likely to join this heroes army.
advanced leadership

Beastchomper has eaten many a great beast in his time. from the mighty dragons to the Squiggoth of the settlement, he has eaten alot. he was rumored to the mightiest trapper on the plains, and all the other trappers look up to him.
preylordSpecialises in trappers. trappers and windserpent hunters in hero's army gain +1 to their Offense and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level
basic feast magic
basic logistics

Thunderbite is a great shaman. much older than any other feastmaster, he has never forgotten his stormcalling beginings. his teaching to the younger shamans under his tutalage are much more entuned to the workings of the wind and the power of the storm.
high shaman Specialises in shamans. shamans and stormmasters in hero's army gain +1 to their Offense and Defense for every two levels of the hero, starting on first level
basic feast magic
basic destructive magic
master of storms

greatfeaster is a mighty feastmaster. the feasts that she prepares often lasts several days. only she knows the secrets to her amazing powers of the feasts, and she is not letting one what it is. needless to say, her gut and the abmiration of the troops has grown considerably.
ogryn hunger gladiators, bloodspillers, trappers, preymasters, shamans and stormmasters get Enraged ability.
basic feast magic
basic enlightenment

spleenripper (campaign hero)
Spleenripper is a utter rogue. disreputable, dangerous, devious, he apitimises everything bad about the ogres society. orginally the brother of goreheart, he kicked his brother out the tribe once he became a feastmaster by serving Gorehearts best friend to him. with his blasted brother out the way, Spleenripper plans to become Feastlord by piracy and raiding.
pillage once Spleenripper has beaten an opponent in combat, he gets 10% of the resources that the enemy has been carrying.
basic feast magic
basic attack
battle frenzy.

more to come

the Stronghold

aka: free cities of the east, the orcs
country: the unknown east
capital: there 2 capitals, Partogurg is the religious capital, Movcos is the industrial capital
colours: ice white and steel grey
worship: slyath, the ice lord
motto: for the motherland and for Slyath
core philosophy: let your genius be unleashed.

the orcs, after rebelling against the falcon empire and their wizard masters, headed east, towards the free cities. when they reached them, they found the population had dropped dramatically after everyone else had moved to warmer climates. with very little food in the cities, the people had starve. the orcs, begin natural hunters, helped them. as a result, the union of the free citiers and the orcs was formed.
the free cities is a hive of creativity. with enough metal and coal to last a life time, all manner of inventors came up with new ideas. orcs where incredible good with their hands and so were invalueable to their free city allies. there are also a huge amount of orcs, so they form the foot soldiers, whilst the remaining humans man the machines.
the free cities create a great many inventions, from cannons to springloaded pikes to collosal dragons, fashioned into the shape of their god, Slyath, lord of the ice. these people take everthing to the extreme. the examples of these are:

mining- once the free citiers found out they were sitting on a gold mine (so to speak) of natural resource, they have built the most extensive network of mines in history, purely through greed. they have build inventions to extract the ore quicker and purify it faster.

engineering- the free citiers invented steam and clockwork, now pratically everything is run on steam anc clockwork, from filing to food production, to town defences, to religious services. the free citiers will probably carry on making new and crazier inventions until they blow themselves up.

discpline- the posting of commissars to regiments was the hallmark of the discpline and devotion to Slyath. the troops now never back down from a fight, knowing that the commissars will be behind them to shoot them if they run. not that they would run, of course, because they are so dedicated to their cause.

their hero is a boyar. the boyar are the most wealth industrialists in the city. they often come with the best gadgets as well. they will indrustialise just about any resource site.

1>pike orc-> halberdier
Pike orcs form the core of the stronghold military. they livery is forge metal, their helmets covered in fur. they are the basic soilder, but in a civilisation where imagination is everything, they have had some time to tinker about with their weapons, to create truly deadly death dealing devices.
(the halberd is spring loaded and goes across 2 squares)
2>musketeer -> widowmaker
the musketeers are the second line. all orcs fight, male and female, so the female orcs form the deadly musketeers. armed with large and dangerous muskets, they pick off advancing enemies with deadly accuracy and effiencty, only stopping to reload, then it is back to firing again.
3>fussileer -> grenadier
the fussileers for the close combat devision of the stronghold army. they are master huntsmen, using carefully created grenades to create divirsion or to just kill someone someother way. they are armed with these deadly explosives, and with specially modified swords (sawords, i should say), and run into battle, all for the glory of the motherland!
(close combat, 2 attacks (grenade))
4>commissar -> Slyath comissar
cold and calculating, the Comissars are amongst the most unpopular units in the stronghold towns. These orcs are allowed to execute, on sight, those comrades retreat, giving a name for themselves as cold blooded butchers. Many commissars have met unfortunate ends, most of the time outside the battlefield.
(excutes allies to gain moral, spellcaster)
5>outriders-> Kossavars
the Outriders are the sons of orc and human nobles, forming the brigades of the outriders. they are equiped with highly experimental multi guns, that can only fire in close range, and riding dangerous mechanical horses. the leaders of such regements, the Kossavars, have the legendary flying mechanical horse, that often put the mighty griffons to shame.
(close combat, unlimited retailations, upgrade can fly)
6>War walker -> mechanical gunner
the war walkers were invented, originally, to built the free cities more effeicently by the inventor Jost Kirokov. however, an orc engineer, named Hans Varinic, suggested that they could also be used in warfare. however they didn't perform well until Indira Gotlendi put her own invention, the reloading cannon, ontop of it. see, Stronghold inventions are ever evolving.
(shooter, cannon)
7>mechanical dragon -> jugganaut
the mechanical dragon, built in honour of their great lord, the members of the free cities forged these creatures to shoot coolant and fly. the power of these metal drakes is only matched by their flesh and blood counterparts. they sore into the air, dealing death to all below.

hero: Boyar

offence:1 defence:2 spellpower:0 knowledge: 2

racial ability: industrialise (the ability to improve production at mines)

basic-> 25% productivity increase in each mine
advanced-> 35% productivity increase in each mine
expert-> 55% productivity increase in each mine
ultimate-> 75% productivity increase in each mine
sub skills
resource tap-> allows hero to steal a small amount of gold and 1 of another resource from another hero
steam drill-> teleports one creature to a place on the battlefield, with a random chance of taking some resources.
Strip mining-> allow hero to drain one mine (not owned by them) on the map of 50% of its resources
industrial devistation-> allows the hero to strip mine all of his opponents mines.

other skills

logistics- snatch (The hero spends no movement points to pick up resources, access buildings and other similar actions.)
warmachines- mortars (the hero can place a mortar on the battlefield, which makes additional attacks at the walls of the town. the mortar may be placed in a stack of creatures, but they may not move.)

others please help


level1> infantry command->feild command  
level2> Musketeers Quarters->musketeers Barracks  
level3> Grenadiers barracks->Grendadiers foundry
level4> tactica displine->Tactica fanaticism
level5> firstborn order->Firstborn command
level6> mechanized depot->mechanized factory
level7> Machine cult->Machine altar

as you can see, their is alot of work that still needs to be done, can you all help
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted October 30, 2006 06:57 PM
Edited by alcibiades at 18:57, 30 Oct 2006.

Well, I have thrown my 5 cents: An Orc town in the mountains above Ranaar, and a plains people (possibly centaurs) in Ranaar: The Ranaari. Feel free to take inspiration.

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posted October 30, 2006 07:54 PM
Edited by Fortress_fan at 19:56, 30 Oct 2006.

I maded this for sometime ago:

Fortress_fans alternative human Stronghold:


Facts and Traits
Aka: The Barbarians
Associated colours: Brown, dark red
Worship: No dragons. Instead they worship the sun like a good, and the great angel Baa.
Core philosophy: It is better to be slain in a battle than watch one.
Country / kingdom: Formerly Far Rannar
Capital city: Formerly Almech-dur (not capital, but the largest city)
Key symbols: The giant axe, the sun disk
Magic: Destructive and Summoning

Description: The barbarian people of Far Rannar is a couple of tribes only united in face of the Insannite invasion. They are ruled by their own warlords in their own tribes. Now, when fleeing from their old lands, they are united in a loose alliance against everything that stands against them. They are not kind to inhuman races, especially not dwarves.


460 YSD: A Storm from the east

Nomads from the far east invades the Dark-dwarf kingdom of Far-Rannar and drives the Dark dwarfs to the far north, where many of them sail away too find better lands north of Ashlan. The nomads quickly turns against each other after establishing control over the whole land.

516 YSD: Oger founds Almech-dur

After slaying the warlord Raxoncillies, King Oger founds Almech-dur, which is destined too become one of the larges cities in Far Rannar.

532 YSD: Centaurs seek asylum

A group of centaurs flees north east and seek asylum in barbarian lands. They are accepted as a part of the society after some hostilities. However, the barbarian aristocracy often despise them for being "half-humans" and not real warriors, because the most centaurs uses the bow instead of the axe.

The Modern Ages

899 - 916 YSD: The wars of old hatreds

The Dwarfs, under king Stamhov, invade Far Rannar. They succeed in burning down Almech-dur and taking over the western parts of the country. However, when the legendary king Tutjjen Akmesh kills the chiefs Dokrra and Morgull, he succeeds in uniting his people for the very first time, and drives out the dwarves from the land. However, at the final battle of Almech-dur, Tutjjen Akmesh is slain by an axe. The barbarians split up in various tribes again.

936 YSD: The cult of Baa

Xarfax, a former general in the demons army and leader of the evil cult of Baa, discovers Far Rannar. He quickly gain many followers, and they together overthrow king Ajji of Almech-dur and declare Xarfax "emperor of the world" and a "prophet sent buy the holy sun and buy the great angel Baa". Human sacrifices begin over the whole land, even if they are mostly practised in areas controlled buy Xarfax and his allies (the warlords allied with Ajji recognise Xarfax as the new king almost directly).

949 YSD: The second storm from the east

Legions of Nomads invades the people of Far Rannar. The still demoralised barbarians cannot make any real resistance. King Xarfax contacts his allies and decides to abandon the land and flee to the west. He seems some knowledge about the riches in the Holy Griffin Empire, and he claims that he was contacted buy Baa in a dream, where he told him to do this. Almech-dur is abandoned. Those which do not follow Xarfax orders are sacrificed to Baa as a punishment.



Dwelling: Butcherhouse

Description: Savages are foot soldiers from the barren lands of Far-Rannar. They use their axes to “persuade” their enemies of which one of them who are the strongest.

Attack: 4
Defence: 1
Damage Range: 1-2
Iniative: 9
Speed: 4
Health: 6
Cost: 25
Growth: 18

Special abilities: NONE


Dwelling: Slaughterhouse

Description: Berserkers are the strongest warriors of their tribe. They are well-known for sometimes loose control over themselves. They carry double-egged axes to bring fear in the hearts of their enemies.

Attack: 5
Defence: 2
Damage Range: 2-3
Iniative: 11
Speed: 5
Health: 10
Cost: 45
Growth: 18

Special abilities: No Enemy Retaliation


Dwelling: Centaur stable

Description: After centuries of  being threated as lesser beings,, the centaurs have finally been accepted in the barbarian society. They are a little wild and unorganised, but they are well known for being excellent bowmen.

Attack: 2
Defence: 2
Damage Range: 2
Iniative: 10
Speed: 4
Health: 8
Cost: 40
Growth: 14
Shots: 12

Special abilities: Ranged

Centaur captain

Dwelling: Centaur keep

Description: The captains and elite warriors of the centaurs are men that have proven themselves with bow and arrow. They are feared hunters in the whole Far Rannar.

Attack: 4
Defence: 2
Damage Range: 2-5
Iniative: 13
Speed: 5
Health: 12
Cost: 75
Growth: 14
Shots: 15

Special abilities: Ranged, Scatter Shot


Dwelling: Nomads Tent

Description: The nomads who conquered Far Rannar centuries ago are some of the best horsemen in the world. They are feared even by the knights of the Holy Griffin Empire, and are experts at surviving in harsh conditions.

Attack: 6
Defence: 3
Damage Range: 3-6
Iniative: 14
Speed: 6
Health: 13
Cost: 100
Growth: 9

Special abilities: Large Creature

Nomad Emir

Dwelling: Nomads palace

Description: The various Emirs of Far Rannar is trained to be the best of the best, men of stone and iron and sharp swords. They are proven to be excellent raiders.

Attack: 9
Defence: 5
Damage Range: 5-6
Iniative: 15
Speed: 7
Health: 19
Cost: 145
Growth: 9

Special abilities: Large Creature, Unlimited Retaliation


Dwelling: Totem

Description: Shamans are wise men travelling from tribe to tribe. They are faithful worshipers of Baa, from where they believe their magic powers come from.

Attack: 5
Defence: 4
Damage Range: 4
Iniative: 8
Speed: 4
Health: 15
Cost: 180
Growth: 7
Mana: 25

Special abilities: Spell book: Eldritch Arrow, Stone spikes

Tribal Shaman

Dwelling: Baas totem

Description: Tribal Shamans are the wise men and magicians at the courts of the chiefs. Those have great knowledge in magic, which they often show in battle.

Attack: 6
Defence: 4
Damage Range: 4-5
Iniative: 10
Speed: 4
Health: 25
Cost: 260
Growth: 7
Mana: 30

Special abilities: Spell book: Eldritch Arrow, Stone spikes, Lightning Bolt


Dwelling: Cliff nest

Description: The Rocs are giant birds from the north tamed by the barbarians. Those are excellent for raiding enemy lines in battle.

Attack: 10
Defence: 9
Damage Range: 6-14
Iniative: 15
Speed: 7
Health: 45
Cost: 430
Growth: 4

Special abilities: Flyer, Large Creature


Dwelling: Thunder nest

Description: The Thunderbirds are Rocs given magic powers by shamans. They are one of the most effective weapons given to a barbarian commander in battle.

Attack: 15
Defence: 13
Damage Range: 6-15
Iniative: 16
Speed: 8
Health: 60
Cost: 620
Growth: 4

Special abilities: Flyer, Large Creature, Lighting attack


Dwelling: Cyclops cave

Description: Cyclopes are giant beasts from the south of Far Rannar which have formed an alliance together with the barbarians. They are excellent at throwing giant rocks at their enemies.

Attack: 22
Defence: 19
Damage Range: 11-23
Iniative: 12
Speed: 5
Health: 90
Cost: 1200
Growth: 2
Shoots: 10

Special abilities: Large Creature, Ranged

Cyclope king

Dwelling: Cyclops dungeon

Description: The elite of the Cyclops, Cyclops kings are feared through the known world for killing hundreds of men with one rock. They also often use rocks to defend themselves with, which has proven itself very effective.

Attack: 23
Defence: 19
Damage Range: 11-26
Iniative: 14
Speed: 6
Health: 105
Cost: 1600
Growth: 2
Shoots: 15

Special abilities: Large Creature, Ranged, Ranged Retaliation


Dwelling: Mountain Nest

Description: Behemoths are large beasts from the mountains in the western parts of Far Rannar. They attack their enemies with their own claws without any retaliation.

Attack: 27
Defence: 23
Damage Range: 20-45
Iniative: 13
Speed: 6
Health: 165
Cost: 2900 + 2 ore
Growth: 1

Special abilities: Large Creature, No Enemy Retaliation

Ancient Behemoths

Dwelling: Mountain Lair

Description: These giant beasts are the strongest of all Behemoths. They are immune to the most magic practised in the barren deserts of Far Rannar.

Attack: 30
Defence: 30
Damage Range: 25-45
Iniative: 14
Speed: 6
Health: 165
Cost: 4400 + 2 ore
Growth: 1

Special abilities: Large Creature, No Enemy Retaliation, Immune to spells Level 1-3

Unique Buildings


Cost: 500 gold, 2 wood

Increases the savage/berserker population of the town by 5

Slave Market

Cost: 2000 gold

Increases the number of enslaved units (unique skill) by 5%


Cost: 1000 gold

Increases the population of savages/berserker by +5

Hall of Valhalla

Cost: 1000 gold, 5 wood, 5 ore

Increases the morale of all troops buy +2

Temple of Baa

Cost: 4000 gold, 10 wood, 5 ore,

Increases the luck of all troops buy +1 and boosts creature population by 50%

Grail: Warlords monument

The Warlords monument provides extra gold income, extra creature growth, and boosts the enslavement skill of all the player's heroes.


Class: Warlord

Warlords start with 4 in attack, 1 in defence and basic Enslavement.

The unique skill is enslavement. It allows the player to get some of the native units of a town, when you capture the town itself. How many and of what quality depends on the heroes skill.

Basic Enslavement: Allows 5-10% of a towns Level 1-3 units to be enslaved.
Advanced Enslavement: Allows 5-15% of a towns Level 1-4 units to be enslaved.
Expert Enslavement: Allows 10-20% of a towns Level 1-5 units to be enslaved.
Ultimate Enslavement: Allows 10-25% of towns units to be enslaved.



Special ability: Warchief, Increases the attack skill of all troops under heroes command by +3


Special ability: Beast lord, Increases the attack and defence of all Cyclops and Cyclope kings under heroes command by +2


Special ability: Battle Mage, Starts with expert summoning magic


Special ability: Slaughterer, Increases the morale of all troops under heroes command by +3


Special ability: Administrator, Gives the player 350 extra gold each turn.


Special ability: Engineer, Gives an extra shoot and extra 20% damage to the ballista


Special ability: Raider, Increases the attack and defence of all Nomads and Nomad Emirs under heroes command by +3


Special ability: Recruiter, Increases the populations of all towns under heroes command by +25%

Any comments, critics or other opinions are welcome.


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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 30, 2006 08:43 PM

alcibiades, you have out done yourself as ever, fortress fan, nice one

thanks guys, you wouldn't have any ideas for the missing units on you, or the buildings? or racial ability for the stampede?

do you like the idea of a more russian take of the free cities
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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posted October 30, 2006 09:04 PM


Level 2: Harpy - Harpy Hag
Level 6: Manticore - Scorpicore

An uniqe speciality could be getting bigger poopulations in the dwellings.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted October 31, 2006 09:43 AM

harpy, sounds good, but they are more scavengers than stampeding beasts, but they would work

manticore, it can work either way. if you have cyclops, it works as they are big lumbering beasts, if your have manitcores, they are more agile and can fly, adding diversity.

the racial for stampede sounds interesting
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Hired Hero
posted November 01, 2006 03:19 PM

Level 6: Cyclops --> Cyclops kings

we need the cyclops in heroes 5

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted November 01, 2006 04:55 PM

thanks, weakofrabbits. we do need the Cyclops back o)

nobody has said anything about the stronghold (orc+humans tundra) yet. can i please have some thoughts on that
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Legendary Hero
posted November 05, 2006 06:21 AM

Actually, I realy like it! =]

But, (Im sorry there's "but" =P )

1 .If that's their motto, what you actually say is that they will never want to join a hero or avoid from a battle. It's making all the other towns a huge advantege: neutral monsters from their race can join them!

2. The Centaurs are not belong. they live in the forest.

3. Your whole town is weak.
Your damage ranges are away too large. you need at least expert luck to survive.

Fix those things, and It's a perfect town. And I mean it. (=


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Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted November 05, 2006 09:56 AM

Actually, I realy like it! =]

But, (Im sorry there's "but" =P )

1 .If that's their motto, what you actually say is that they will never want to join a hero or avoid from a battle. It's making all the other towns a huge advantege: neutral monsters from their race can join them!

2. The Centaurs are not belong. they live in the forest.

3. Your whole town is weak.
Your damage ranges are away too large. you need at least expert luck to survive.

Fix those things, and It's a perfect town. And I mean it. (=

Hmm, well Genielord, you are getting very mean
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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted November 05, 2006 11:36 AM

Actually, I realy like it! =]

But, (Im sorry there's "but" =P )

1 .If that's their motto, what you actually say is that they will never want to join a hero or avoid from a battle. It's making all the other towns a huge advantege: neutral monsters from their race can join them!

2. The Centaurs are not belong. they live in the forest.

3. Your whole town is weak.
Your damage ranges are away too large. you need at least expert luck to survive.

Fix those things, and It's a perfect town. And I mean it. (=

um, genielord, i think you are looking at the wrong town

that was fortress fan's, mine is at the top of the page, you can tell because, i don't have centaurs in it!!

1. the stampede motto means that they would fight anyone who is willing to put up a fight. if they're not, then the stampede would give them the choice to join their army or to run away and/or be put to death.

2.as i have stated, i don't have centaurs. if you have got confused with commissars, then they are orcs who have been given the job of excuting traitors, not orcs who have been combined with horses.

3. WHAT!!! i think both towns are very strong!!!.
For the stampede, you have rampaging ogres who are killing/eating machines, terrifying thunderlizards who are a massive 3x3 sqaures big, and lots of goblins who would jabb you so badly, you wish you were left to the ogres.
For the stronghold, you have pikeorcs and halberdiers with springloaded pikes, musketeers who have a very long range and a good damage range, and mechanical dragons who breath steam and fly.
are you saying that they are underpowered!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you for your comments. anyone else?
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Legendary Hero
posted November 05, 2006 11:57 AM
Edited by GenieLord at 12:02, 05 Nov 2006.

um, genielord, i think you are looking at the wrong town

that was fortress fan's, mine is at the top of the page, you can tell because, i don't have centaurs in it!!

1. the stampede motto means that they would fight anyone who is willing to put up a fight. if they're not, then the stampede would give them the choice to join their army or to run away and/or be put to death.

2.as i have stated, i don't have centaurs. if you have got confused with commissars, then they are orcs who have been given the job of excuting traitors, not orcs who have been combined with horses.

3. WHAT!!! i think both towns are very strong!!!.
For the stampede, you have rampaging ogres who are killing/eating machines, terrifying thunderlizards who are a massive 3x3 sqaures big, and lots of goblins who would jabb you so badly, you wish you were left to the ogres.
For the stronghold, you have pikeorcs and halberdiers with springloaded pikes, musketeers who have a very long range and a good damage range, and mechanical dragons who breath steam and fly.
are you saying that they are underpowered!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you for your comments. anyone else?

I'm sorry, I thought it's the same town.
And I'm not talking about the specialities. Your damage range are over the top. For example: It's better to do 7-9 than 1-16.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted November 05, 2006 08:25 PM

i haven't put any statistics...yet.

if you'll like to help me on that, i will be very grateful.
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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posted November 08, 2006 07:20 PM

Can I help you?

Genie Lord: I disagree. I think the damage range is petty balanced, and centaurs can live nearly everywhere (just look at Warcraft where they live in the barrens).

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted November 09, 2006 06:02 PM
Edited by bixie at 20:35, 10 Nov 2006.

yep. i'm having trouble with the last few creatures, the buldings, heroes and general stuff like that, really. i have the background (as you've read) but some way of tieing that in with the units. can some people please help me out
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted November 11, 2006 06:58 PM

i've updated the original with creature information, please feel free to look.
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Famous Hero
posted November 12, 2006 08:55 AM


the orcs, after rebelling against the falcon empire and their wizard masters, headed east, towards the free cities. when they reached them, they found the population had dropped dramatically after everyone else had moved to warmer climates. with very little food in the cities, the people had starve. the orcs, begin natural hunters, helped them. as a result, the union of the free citiers and the orcs was formed.
the free cities is a hive of creativity. with enough metal and coal to last a life time, all manner of inventors came up with new ideas. orcs where incredible good with their hands and so were invalueable to their free city allies. there are also a huge amount of orcs, so they form the foot soldiers, whilst the remaining humans man the machines.
the free cities create a great many inventions, from cannons to springloaded pikes to collosal dragons, fashioned into the shape of their god, Slyath, lord of the ice.
their hero is a boyar. the boyar are the most wealth industrialists in the city. they often come with the best gadgets as well. they will indrustialise just about any resource site.

1>pike orc-> halberdier
Pike orcs form the core of the stronghold military. they livery is forge metal, their helmets covered in fur. they are the basic soilder, but in a civilisation where imagination is everything, they have had some time to tinker about with their weapons, to create truly deadly death dealing devices.
(the halberd is spring loaded and goes across 2 squares)
2>musketeer -> widowmaker
the musketeers are the second line. all orcs fight, male and female, so the female orcs form the deadly musketeers. armed with large and dangerous muskets, they pick off advancing enemies with deadly accuracy and effiencty, only stopping to reload, then it is back to firing again.
3>fussileer -> grenadier
the fussileers for the close combat devision of the stronghold army. they are master huntsmen, using carefully created grenades to create divirsion or to just kill someone someother way. they are armed with these deadly explosives, and with specially modified swords (sawords, i should say), and run into battle, all for the glory of the motherland!
(close combat, 2 attacks (grenade))
4>commissar -> Slyath comissar
cold and calculating, the Comissars are amongst the most unpopular units in the stronghold towns. These orcs are allowed to execute, on sight, those comrades retreat, giving a name for themselves as cold blooded butchers. Many commissars have met unfortunate ends, most of the time outside the battlefield.
(excutes allies to gain moral, spellcaster)
5>undecided (help please)
6>War walker -> mechanical gunner
the war walkers were invented, originally, to built the free cities more effeicently by the inventor Jost Kirokov. however, an orc engineer, named Hans Varinic, suggested that they could also be used in warfare. however they didn't perform well until Indira Gotlendi put her own invention, the reloading cannon, ontop of it. see, Stronghold inventions are ever evolving.
(shooter, cannon)
7>mechanical dragon -> jugganaut
the mechanical dragon, built in honour of their great lord, the members of the free cities forged these creatures to shoot coolant and fly. the power of these metal drakes is only matched by their flesh and blood counterparts. they sore into the air, dealing death to all below.

racial ability: industrialise (the ability to improve production at mines)

buidlings: help please.

as you can see, their is alot of work that still needs to be done, can you all help

HEY! THE ORCS ARE MY PLAN! or we can do it: your orcsa are the traitors of my orcs, and that will be good, hehe Settlement regandes.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted November 12, 2006 10:44 AM

knightduogal, this faction was cobbled together before your orc faction. these are just ideas, speculations on what the orc faction could be, rather than the definate and decided. it is possible we can have both, or any number of orc factions that the others have cooked up.

do you like the russian theme?
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Famous Hero
posted November 12, 2006 11:35 AM

knightduogal, this faction was cobbled together before your orc faction. these are just ideas, speculations on what the orc faction could be, rather than the definate and decided. it is possible we can have both, or any number of orc factions that the others have cooked up.

do you like the russian theme?

russian theme? what is that?

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted November 12, 2006 12:04 PM

i thought that the free cities of the east was vaguely russian. i thought it would be interesting to variate from classic medieval fantasy with adding a little bit of a russian aspect. out on a tundra, freezing, gave the picture of medieval russia under Ivan the terrible. coupled with an engineering theme and the idea that the orcs could get invovled, i thought it would work fine.

by the way, their ruler is a Tzar called Ivan, but he is Ivan the properous, as he has made an awful lot of money. (russia with a capitalist twist!)
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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