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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: Imaginary Friends
Thread: Imaginary Friends

Known Hero
Sailor of the open seas
posted March 31, 2007 12:20 AM

Imaginary Friends

Had you ever had any Imaginary Friends in your childhood?
Well i had.
I had four imaginary friends,two boys and two girls.
Their names were :Jula,Golala,Gugi,Julana.Yeah i know pretty weird names but i was 5 years old then
Jula and Julana used to be a couple,as Golala with Gugi!
I remember myself sitting in a bed which had some mirrors in one side,looking myself in the mirrors and discussing with my four precious friends.
They were a good company to me.
Sometimes when i feel lonely i remember them and smile
I think we aren't in Kansas anymore Toto

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Legendary Hero
posted March 31, 2007 03:35 AM

I didn't ever have imaginary friends as such.  But I used to talk to my stuffed toy - a mouse/bear kinda thing alot.  She knows all my secrets.  I still have her, almost 30 years later...

It would be interesting to put some kind of recording devise in these things... then again, sometimes it is better with the memory gone I guess

So, do you think you actually "saw" your friends - like a hallucination?

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Known Hero
Sailor of the open seas
posted March 31, 2007 03:48 AM

I didn't ever have imaginary friends as such.  But I used to talk to my stuffed toy - a mouse/bear kinda thing alot.  She knows all my secrets.  I still have her, almost 30 years later...

oh how sweetyi'm jealous of u.i failed to keep something important toy to me.I 've destroy them all
yeah.To be honest i haven't just "saw" them.I was "seeing" them each time "we" had a discusion.
Jula was something between punk and hedgehog.He was seemed to me like Sonic
Julana was like Jula but in a more female edition
Golala was a bold big-head and quite fatty.I don't know but Golala was seemed to me like the gye from flintstones, Barney i think if i remember his name well.
And Gugi was a tall blonde girl with a few extra pounds!
oh God what did u remind me !!
I think we aren't in Kansas anymore Toto

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Supreme Hero
posted March 31, 2007 08:29 AM

I remember I had a hot girl for an imaginary lover friend about seven years ago. It was during my period of decline in 8th and 9th grade. I was really lonely and my academic world was crumbling. I had close to zero interaction with the good-looking girls at my school. The times were really bad. Anyway, I saw a picture of a cute girl somewhere and I immediately wondered how great my life would be if she was my girlfriend. I was fifteen, and she looked to be in her early twenties. It might sound sick to you, but I didn't give a dang. So I kept her in mind and would often fantasize about her accompanying me everywhere I went. It was kinda like I was the hero in some story and she was my hot sidekick/girlfriend. The whole experience was like some artificial love story playing in my head as I went along. It was great to have her around in my real-time fantasies, but she'd fade away once trouble started brewing and I'd be alone again. She couldn't bring me out of the hellish pit my life had tumbled into.

I eventually had to transfer to another school, and by that time, this girl had already stopped being my imaginary friend. The fantasies simply ended and I didn't realize it right away. I kind of moved on, and from the looks of my history at my new school, I didn't really need her anymore. Well actually, I didn't need her in that same sense. I was still rather lonely and the lack of hot girls at my new school didn't help. Still, I made a huge change and latched onto real people; the time period was mid-2001.


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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted March 31, 2007 09:51 AM

I was fifteen, and she looked to be in her early twenties. It might sound sick to you

When I was fourteen I went to a school party with my History teacher... She was about 25...
I never had an imaginary friend but I always had that angel/devil inside me feeling, like there's two persons more inside me, so I sometimes spoke to them when I got really pissed... Like the light and the dark side of my soul, and me, somewhere in the middle. So whenever I did something good I said to the lighter side "thanks man" and he'd kinda respond "no problem" and whenever I screwed something up I'd say to the dark side "dude what was that for?!" and he'd be like "lol OWN3D"...
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Legendary Hero
First in line
posted March 31, 2007 11:31 AM


I never had an imaginary friend but I always had that angel/devil inside me feeling, like there's two persons more inside me

I hope that you are not schizophrenic Baklava

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Legendary Hero
posted March 31, 2007 11:47 AM

I had when I was five years old.
How many? 22 Exactly. Each one represented one letter in the hebrew ABC (The Alef-Bet).
Yes, I was a weird kid.

Don't laugh at me! No, don't do it!
I'll tell mom and she'll punish you!
I'm going to cry!

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 31, 2007 01:19 PM

Haha that's interesting I never had any even if I didn't have many friends at the time. Nor the angel/devil thingie, I always knew what was the good thing to do. Now whether I followed that is another story!
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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted March 31, 2007 01:34 PM

I hope that you are not schizophrenic Baklava

Not at all.
Well perhaps a little.
Shut up!
Don't you tell me to shut up!
Hey, don't start this again... We've already been through this...
Oh alright...
Nor the angel/devil thingie, I always knew what was the good thing to do. Now whether I followed that is another story!

That's just what I'm talking about. I too always know what's the right thing (what the angel says ) but I sometimes just let my impulses guide me...
Btw I didn't define them as a devil and an angel, more of just two guys chilling around. They weren't enemies, but buddies really. They just competed around in various stuff... Similar to those in the "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Known Hero
Sailor of the open seas
posted March 31, 2007 01:58 PM

. It might sound sick to you, but I didn't give a dang. So I kept her in mind and would often fantasize about her accompanying me everywhere I went. It was kinda like I was the hero in some story and she was my hot sidekick/girlfriend. The whole experience was like some artificial love story playing in my head as I went along. -Guitarguy

oh guitarguy we were thinking the same things
i was making stories in my mind too,where i was the hero.
I was even the "man" who saves the planet in my stories.
Hehe hopefully i have stoped making such stories since 7-8 years
I think we aren't in Kansas anymore Toto

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Famous Hero
Plan B
posted March 31, 2007 10:32 PM
Edited by Spectrum at 22:35, 31 Mar 2007.

I never had any imaginary friends as such, but (and I don't know if this is relevant) I often talk to myself. Either out loud or inside my head, depending on if there's other people present.

For example, if I do something bad, I sometimes go "Damn you! Why the heck did you do that?"
And of course when I do something I'm proud of, the opposite. "Nice, man. Knew you could do it."

Once I got on the wrong bus, ended up in a village seven miles away from home. It was getting dark, my phone was broken, no more busses would go that night. So I started solving the problem by talking about it. To myself.

-Okay, here's the deal. Your phone is broken, so you can't call anyone. There's no way you're getting back to town without a bus. It's getting dark, so you can't just walk the seven miles home. This is bad. Now think man. People keep telling you you're smart. Use your so called intellect.

-Right, the only way is to contact my family and tell them to pick me up.

-How are you gonna contact them. No phone, remember?

-Yea... Well, if I don't have my phone, I need to use someone else's.

-Like who's?

-My friend lives in this village...

-He's on holiday, stupid!

-Oh, right...Hey I got it! My brother's friend lives here! I'll walk to their house and call my parents.

-Yes, that's it! God we're good!

-We? That was my idea!

-Well I helped you!

-Yeah, my arse.

-Ah, shut up and walk.


Another thing is, when I have to make choises. I argue with myself. In two languages; english and finnish, to make it clearer who wants what The one whose points make more sense wins and I do as he suggests.

Okay, I'll stop writing at a point when I refer to the english and finnish voices inside my head as "he"

Aculias is like the male nipple of HC, TNT being the other one -Baklava

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Famous Hero
Overlord of Tililea
posted April 01, 2007 08:08 PM

Imaginary friends Hah, my imeginary went way farther I had my own imaginary reality
Forgive my spelling!:<                  

[URL=http://www.ff-fan.com/chartest]Which Final Fantasy Characte... too long to display...

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Legendary Hero
posted April 01, 2007 08:26 PM

I never had any imaginary friends but I had plenty of voices in my head.  Good thing they're gone now...what?  Go start a fire?  Good idea...
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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