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Heroes Community > Heroes 5 - Temple of Ashan > Thread: What is your preferate faction? and why?
Thread: What is your preferate faction? and why?

Known Hero
I hear voices in my head.
posted December 24, 2007 06:31 AM

What is your preferate faction? and why?

Hello! Here is a interesting one: What is your favorite faction? Please be 100% subjective!
My one is Necropolis because the Liches are so cool and deadly, the vampires have a beautifull story "their ever youthfull but empty bodyes" the incorporeal spectres no comments what is more cool than to have a ghost fighting for you, the spectral dragons and ghost dragonc are some terrifing creatures, And of course the Wraith, the DEATH itself with that chilling aspect!

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted December 24, 2007 06:56 AM
Edited by Mytical at 10:26, 24 Dec 2007.

Hehe I think I can lay mine down from favorite to least easily.

1) Stronghold
2) Sylvan
3) Fortress
4) Dungeon
5) Necropolipse
6) Haven
7) Inferno
8) Academy

Now I have attrocious luck with Academy, only reason it is so low on the list. Too many times my luck causes me to face such choices as Defense and Logistics with Academy...if my luck was better, it would be higher on my list.  I have to be the only person who gets the 2% chance skills with Academy offered on a regular basis.
Message received.

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Supreme Hero
Chocolate ice cream zealot
posted December 24, 2007 08:31 AM

1) Haven
My favorite due to them being a powerhouse, Despite common belief there are some useful tactics to be known out there for haven players, Maybe not as much as dungeon but its good to know things like teleporting marksmen before magma dragons or using guardian angel for creeping.
Also a powerhouse, Very useful and frankly a bit of a contradiction. While waiting and defending is terrible with them, They actually need lots of time to grow powerful.
Very defense oriented and im not much for one with creatures that die awfully quickly. Can be very spell-oriented too. .
Not really my style but very versatile, And artificer is such a flashy and cool skill
5) Dungeon
Very Powerful magic. But weak creatures and very heavy on not engaging . Mostly a faction that relies on not being hit more then defense
6) Necropolis
Yes, They have a bit of a snowball effect and can grow really powerful. But when it comes down to it theyre mostly a weak bunch and have a very stiff , If strong strategy for the most part
most of the creatures are not weak at all. But i dont like their reliance on luck sometimes and usually weak magic. The only good thing about them is very powerful hits and hiding behind gated units. But if defense overcomes attack they can have problems, Not to mention theres plenty of ways to counter gated units.
Powerful units, But far too fragile. I never really enjoy playing with them too much .
"Am i a demon? No im a priest of the light! THE BLOODY RED LIGHT"

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Legendary Hero
posted December 24, 2007 10:12 AM

Fortress: Defensive. My style of play. Stay behind, grow strong and then Take over the world
Stronghold: Offensive. Either im totally def. or im totally att. So this is my offensive side of gamestyle

The rest of the factions just come from here, no order..
Don't walk behind me; I may not
lead. Don't walk in front of me;
I may not follow. Just walk
beside me and be my friend.

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Famous Hero
Raging Blood
posted December 24, 2007 12:29 PM
Edited by Cleave at 12:32, 24 Dec 2007.

I just love Stronghold but no magic and no way to really counter Dark (except with plenty of witch doctors) is a pain. Still give me Kragh and a bunch of Cyclops any day of the week and you'll make my day.

My second choice would be Fortress. What they lack in sheer offence they make up for with Runes and looks. I just like their design.

My third choice is a tight choice between Sylvan and Necropolis. Undead hordes are fun to play, you can minimize your losses and take chances and I like that. Sylvan is harder to play but if you manage to get started you have some of the best units in the game. All you have to do is keep them alive long enough (still that can be tricky).

I like playing Inferno as well but I don't enjoy the beginning of the game with them.

The Academy is simply not my style. I've tried it twice and I'd need to get more practice with them. I just can't stand some of their units (gargoyles are just ugly, and the spell animation of the mages is really slow).

Haven is one of my least favourite faction. I like the knight look but I find them too "standard" for my tastes. Plus relying on Training and hordes of Champions is a bit too "basic" IMO. Still they make worthy opponents.

I left the Dungeon out, I'm not a big fan of Destruction and the Dungeon is not my favourite faction. The way things are now Divine Vengeance is way more effective.

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Supreme Hero
Knowledge Reaper
posted December 24, 2007 01:23 PM
Edited by Seraphim at 13:23, 24 Dec 2007.

1: Necropolis
2: Haven
3: Inferno
4: Dungeon
5: Fortress
6: Sylvan
7: Academy
8: Stronghold

"Science is not fun without cyanide"

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Known Hero
posted December 24, 2007 01:29 PM

en..no more..
I dont like death and might factions..

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Known Hero
Crazy like a fool
posted December 24, 2007 02:13 PM

I, for one, kinda enjoy playing with inferno, necro and stronghold. I always preferred the evil side . What I can't stand are haven and fortress.

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Supreme Hero
If all else fails, use Fiyah!
posted December 24, 2007 02:24 PM

Any Magic based faction, magic is fun

Might is boring to play.

Academy would have been more fun though if it had cooler looking units.

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Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted December 24, 2007 05:33 PM

Undead_Warrior, you are a man after my own heart. I adore my beloved Necropolis, with its afterlife-y wonder. Each your hearts out my creatures, but don't fret. We can put it back in!

8. STRONGHOLD- My least favorite because of one tiny thing I can't stand....NO MAGIC!
Steel Yourself for War

Next Set: Mirrodin

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Adventuring Hero
posted December 24, 2007 06:27 PM

Cool, Mytical! It's good to see at least a few people besides me like Stronghold.
I'm not 100% what races I like/dislike because I haven't played them all yet, but I'll tell you what I like the best so far.

1. Stronghold. (always been a fan of orcs and non-undead, non-demonic creature based factions) I think this is probably the main reason I decided to start playing HeroesV:TOTE. I also like them in Warcraft 3...where they were also the misunderstood and mistreated "bad guys".
I've played them about 3-4 times, including campiagns.

2. Dungeon; probably the most similiar to my favorite race from H3; Fortress! I love the Hydras and Reptilian type creatures.
Played them 2x online, but I haven't been able to finish a game with them or get all their units. What I dislike is the fact that they're almost all dark elf units and my beloved minotaurs are kinda crappy.

3. Although I haven't actually played them yet, I think these nature lovers will be my 3rd favorite race.

4 & 5 A tossup between Fortress and Necro. I normally don't like undead type critters that much, but after playing necro in the campaigns that came with TOTE, i'm starting to like the ability to keep most of my creature and raise dead, PLUS get more creatures after combat. Vampire lords rock IMO, too. The first time I played the "Last Soul Standing" campaign in TOTE, I didn't have enough guys to dominate the demon forces in Illuminadin, but thanks to my Vampires ability to keep coming back, I won the fight. My Vamp Lords literally defeated the last half of the inferno army by themselves!

Fortress I have only played once, and even though most of their units are the same (a dwarf..with a different role), and the sheildguards look like they're wearing a bra on their head, I think I might like the idea of runes..and I've always kinda liked dwarves.

6. Academy

Cool magic abilites, and I think I'll really like a few units, like Rakshasa's and Titans, but Gargoyles could definetly use a makeover.


a tossup between Inferno & Haven. Haven has too many boring, standard units...except the upgraded Angels & Griffins (they actually look fairly awesome) But most of their other units are too similiar, especially considering the Footmen and Paladin's portraits look almost alike. Plus their peasants are really ugly and disproportioned (has anyone noticed their huge hands are almost as big as their Popeye-like fore-arms?

Inferno used to be my least favorite of all time (along with necro), but now they look a lot cooler! I might actually play them and see how that gating ability works...it seems like it would be fun to use.

Overall, I would vote Haven (with a few exceptions) to be the least-improved race, as far as creature/unit design and appeal is concerned. It also has been almost 100% the same throughout the Heroes series (at least to my knowledge, but I've only played 3 & 5.

P.s. I know this isn't about "Appeal" but that is an important factor to me, in addition to playability and special abilities!

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