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Heroes Community > Heroes 8+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: New add-on vision/thoughts/suggestions/resurrection
Thread: New add-on vision/thoughts/suggestions/resurrection

Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted March 26, 2008 06:13 PM
Edited by bigjocker at 15:18, 28 Mar 2008.

New add-on vision/thoughts/suggestions/resurrection

The Idea came long time ago, I think it was in 2006. I was making patch (Quicksilver) for WoG and wanted to add a new faction, but only released QS beta and some thoughts about that new faction. But now I'm making similar things with Heroes 5 TotE; I already released QuicsilverII RC2 version and now I wanna develop the project to a higher level and share the whole idea with a community. Ofcourse I had to remake/rethink all over again to fit in TotE+QS2 world. So here what I already have:

This addon would be called "Enemy from the depth". The addon would be with QuicksilverII MOD already (information about it and dowload can be found HERE), but it would be integrated so it wouldn't come as a MOD anymore (with all bugs fixed). EFTD would come with a new faction,with some new skills, spec. abilities, racial skills, specific monsters; there would also be some new Creature Abilities ,Spells and Neutral creatures. So here it goes....(P.S I've never been interested in storyline of HoMM,biographies,descriptions so there won;t be much about it)
"They live among impenetrable jungle. They live where no one dares even to make one step. These creatures are mutants,outcasts,dregs of all the races. Their home are toxic swamps,woods,burned away forests,dust-heaps. They call their community the Ruinwood. These monsters were breeding,spawning and evolving. Now they need more place to live. . ."


RUINWOOD(evil might and magic race)

Some pictures from their living place;

Here are the skills of Ruinwood heroes

New ones are highlighted.Their descriptions are below.



Basic Destruction-Hero can destroy buildings in a towns for 25% of the original cost.(Once per day;hero with the skill must be in that town)
Advanced Destruction-Hero can destroy buildings in a towns for 50% of the original cost.(Once per day;hero with the skill must be in that town)
Expert Destruction-Hero can destroy buildings in a towns for full cost.(Once per Day;hero with the skill must be in that town)
Ultimate Destruction-Hero can destroy buildings in a towns for full cost(Once per day;hero with the skill must be in that town); destroy objects on the map (excluding heroes,monsters,towns,mines,garrisons and bridges;only once per day and uses all the movement points for it.)
Fully destroyed town becomes Abandoned Mine(The owner is the hero who destroyed the town)

Spec. Skills(which come from racial skill):

Fear-Some of the enemy creatures(depending on hero's level) do not show in a battle. 5% per 5 levels.
Venom-All hero's creatures gain Venom ability.
Extermination-The hero will always kill at least 1 creature in a stack. Killed creature number depends on hero's level.(1 killed creature per 5 levels,starting from the 1st).Eneme creature will get normal hero's damage + killed creatures bonus.

Ultimate Skill:

Evolution-All creatures in hero's army become fully upgraded next day.

Other skills:

Blessed attack-all hero's creatures have a chance to deal double damage. The chance depends on creatures luck.
-3(or less)=5%
3(or more)=35%

Absorbtion-once per battle hero can put "absorbtion" on a selected friendly stack and absorbe damage which that stack is getting. Absorbet damage=Hero's level x 10, duration=defense skill points.

Meteor attack-at the begining of the battle hero automatically casts meteor shower on a radom enemy stack.(no spell or mana needed). Damage depends on hero's Destructive Magic mastery skill and spell power(like the spell would be normally cast)

Leader's strike-at the begining of the battle hero can choose which creature will start first,ignoring the initiative.

Muddy terrain-if enemy hero is in sight of the hero with this ability, he (the enemy hero) will always have 25% less movement points.

Lucky aura-all creatures in hero's army have positive luck (minimum 1).

Mystic Twister-when the battle begins (between two heroes), the hero with this ability will gain as much mana points as the enemy hero have. I.e. both heroes have 5 of knowledge so the hero with this ability will have 50 + 50 = 100 mana points.

CREATURES(stats and upgrade system are QuicksilverII-like):

Level 1:

Rat->Plague Rat->Ratman

Level 2:

Slime->Ooze->Toxic Ooze

Level 3:

Flesh Eater->Flesh Demon->Flesh Golem

Level 4:


Level 5:


Level 6:

Wyrm->Acidic Wyrm->Azure Wyrm

Level 7:

Gnasher->Infernal Gnasher->Gnasher Enchanter


HEROES(with stats and spec abilities)






New Spells:

Summoning Magic: Sacrifice(lvl5,cost25)-Hero can destroy friendly stack to resurrect dead stack.
None skill-((Power + Destroyed Troop’s Creature Base Health) x number of Creatures Sacrificed) = health total of creatures returned to life.
Basic Skill-((Power + Destroyed Troop’s Creature Base Health + 3) x number of Creatures Sacrificed) = health total of creatures returned to life.
Advanced skill-((Power + Destroyed Troop’s Creature Base Health + 6) x number of Creatures Sacrificed) = health total of creatures returned to life.
Expert skill-((Power + Destroyed Troop’s Creature Base Health + 12) x number of Creatures Sacrificed) = health total of creatures returned to life.

Force Field(lvl3,cost12)-Places a small Force Field on the battlefield centered at a point specified by the caster.
None skill-Force Field is 1 square size.
Basic skill-Force Field is 2 square size.
Advanced skill-Force Field is 3 square size.
Expert skill-Force Field is 4 square size.
Spell Power=Duration

Remove Obstacle(lvl2,cost7)-Removes obstacles from battle field.
None skill-Removes one, non-magic obstacle from the battlefield.
Basic skill-Same as none skill, except that Force Field may also be removed.
Advanced skill-Same as Basic skill, except that Fire Wall may also be removed.
Expert Effect: Same as Advanced skill, except that any object may be removed.

Fire Shield(lvl4,cost16)-When enemy attacks the creature with this spell on, it suffers damage.
None skill-15% of damage
Basic skill-20% of damage
Advanced skill-25% of damage
Expert skill-30% of damage
Spell Power=Duration

Destructive Magic: Inferno(lvl4,cost16)-Causes a huge blast of fire to strike 5x5 area.
None skill-((Power x 10) + 10) damage.
Basic skill-((Power x 10) + 20) damage.
Advanced skill-((Power x 10) + 40) damage.
Expert skill-((Power x 10) + 80) damage.
Armor-damaging effect with "Master of fire". Also Empowered effect available for Dungeon.

Dark Magic: Quicksand(lvl1,cost6)-Reduces the speed of the selected enemy unit.
None skill-Target, enemy troop’s speed is reduced to 10% of normal
Basic skill-Target, enemy troop’s speed is reduced to 20% of normal
Advanced skill-Target, enemy troop’s speed is reduced to 40% of normal
Expert skill-Target, enemy troop’s speed is reduced to 60% of normal
Spell power=duration
Mass effect for double cost with "Master of Mind".

Light Magic: Slayer(lvl4,cost16)-Creature with this spell on makes bigger damage to Large creatures.
None skill-Attacked is increased by 2.
Basic skill-Attacked is increased by 4.
Advanced skill-Attacked is increased by 8.
Expert skill-Attacked is increased by 16.
Spell power=duration
Mass effect for double cost with "Master of Blessings"

    Wind(lvl1,cost6)-Increases the speed of the selected unit.
None skill-Target,allied troop’s speed is increased by 1
Basic skill-Target,allied troop’s speed is increased by 2
Advanced skill-Target,allied troop’s speed is increased by 3
Expert skill-Target,allied troop’s speed is increased by 4
Spell power=duration
Mass effect for double cost with "Master of Wrath"

    Battlecry(lvl4,cost16)-creature will increase his attack,but defense becomes 0.
None skill-Target troop’s attack rating is increased by 50% of the troop’s defense rating, and its defense rating is reduced to zero.
Basic skill-Target troop’s attack rating is increased by 100% of the troop’s defense rating, and its defense rating is reduced to zero.
Advanced skill-Target troop’s attack rating is increased by 150% of the troop’s defense rating, and its defense rating is reduced to zero.
Expert skill-Target troop’s attack rating is increased by 200% of the troop’s defense rating, and its defense rating is reduced to zero.
Spell power=duration
Mass effect for double cost with "Master of Abjuration"

New neutral creatures


Azure Dragon

Crystal Dragon



Faerie Dragon







Rust Dragon


New spec. abilities for the creatures

Ageing-there's a 25% chance that attacked creatures HP will reduce to 50% for 3 turns.
Fearless-This creature is immune to all forms of Fear.
Paralyze-There's a 20% chance that the attacked creature will be paralyzed for 3 turns and will not 'wake up' even if attacked(attacking creature won't get retaliation strike too)
Death Blow-There's a 20% chance that the attack of the creature will deal double damage.
Death Gaze-There's a 10% chance per 10 creatures in a stack to kill 1 top creature. So 100 of the creatures with this ability may kill up to 10 top creatures.
Enchanting-Creature with this ability will automatically cast mass light or mass dark spell at expert level at every 4th turn,starting from the 1st.(No mana used)
Hatred-The creature with this ability will deal 150% damage to all the creatures of the same level.
Offensive Caster-the creature can cast random destructive spell on selected creature at spell power of 'CASTING CREATURE STACK SIZE x 8' five times per battle.(no mana used, no Implosion or Armageddon)
Magic Mirror-there's a 20% chance that destructive spell casted on creature with this ability will reflect and damage the caster(if creature),or casters random monster(if hero).

That's all for now.
All pictures are just an examples. Names and info can still change.


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Known Hero
Pimp My Box
posted March 26, 2008 06:24 PM


The pegasus looks like Columbia Pictures

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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted March 26, 2008 06:30 PM


The pegasus looks like Columbia Pictures


Well that Pegasus are from the internet, just couldn't find better one.

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted March 26, 2008 07:52 PM

This has a lot of interesting ideas - however, I think the Racial Skill Destruction is a bit narrow in its application. Not much use player is going to have of this until you conquer an enemy town.
What will happen now?

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Supreme Hero
Werewolf Duke
posted March 26, 2008 08:17 PM

Lovely proposal! I especially appreciate the choice of neutral creatures. Rust Dragon have been favorite among dragons and would be great to see naga, thunderbird and medusa in too for H6.

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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted March 26, 2008 09:02 PM

This has a lot of interesting ideas - however, I think the Racial Skill Destruction is a bit narrow in its application. Not much use player is going to have of this until you conquer an enemy town.

Well Ultimate Destruction is a good one.
Well most, if not all, factions have racial skill related to battles, so I wanted something new. I've also loved destroying towns in WoG(and I think I'm no the only one),so I wanted to revive it.
All other new skills are related to battles and those are good ones. Also I will pay big attention to creatures' stats.
So all in all, the faction would be pleasant to play even without using Destruction.

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Known Hero
posted March 26, 2008 09:21 PM


Will it work onto newly made/sold machines including the pre-loaded/installed O.S. of Windows Vista Home Premium(2008 version)?

Just asking.

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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted March 26, 2008 10:23 PM
Edited by bigjocker at 15:19, 28 Mar 2008.


Will it work onto newly made/sold machines including the pre-loaded/installed O.S. of Windows Vista Home Premium(2008 version)?

Just asking.

Well I think new Heroes5 add-on (if there will be one)will work perfectly on Vista. However, I think Nival won't use any Ideas from here and we,normal people, just can't make our own add-on.

EDIT: Ruinwood creatures' stats are made. I'm not sure about cost and growth. This can be made after testings only.

EDIT2: Neutral creatures' stats added.

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted March 28, 2008 04:31 PM

Good Idea

I have (only) one remark: I'd would make sure that Fire Shield is light magic.

What about new Heroes

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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted March 28, 2008 06:03 PM

Good Idea

I have (only) one remark: I'd would make sure that Fire Shield is light magic.

What about new Heroes

Well I want some variation is Summoning Magic, as I never use it(now I would).

The heroes will come later for sure

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