Thread: The WOG Family - My Family ::- ) - Great to be here!!! - Please Read | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |


Hired Hero
Spawning WoG Maps
posted May 01, 2008 04:45 PM |
The WOG Family - My Family ::- ) - Great to be here!!! - Please Read
As I have said in my first post (was obligated by the Forum to post in another thread before starting this), I'm VERY VERY HAPPY to see that there are people here who still play Heroes 3 WOG. This is my favourite Heroes because of the fantastic complexity and because of that extraordinary ERM.
You see... I'm a map creator. I like to think that I'm good at what I do. I work about 2 - 4 months at a single map. I put very much effort and work into a map.
I am currently working at a campaign and a multiplayer map (for 2 persons). Actually, I started working at them in 2005, but I had to pause for 2 years because I had to take care of my professional life (I'm a computer programmer).
Recently, I resumed work at all that, mostly because my girlfriend started playing Heroes 3 and she loves it. So now I have somebody to play with ::- ). And somebody to play a map made by me, other than another friend of mine.
It is very nice to see that there are still people around the internet who might want to play a map at which somebody worked for 3 months. If you're interested, just reply here. I'm wondering how many of you would actually be interested.
P.S.: There are fewer and fewer people playing WOG. Time passes. It's a pitty. But I believe it's still the best Heroes. And while the subject of this thread might be exaggerated, I do mean it. There aren't so many of us I think and I am immensely happy to be with you here.
P.P.S.: FOR MAP CREATORS ONLY: I wrote a C++ program to help test maps ::- ). It's for ERM testing. What it does right now: it runs the map (end turn) for how many game days you want it to. This is good to test strenght of monsters and AI players ::- ). If you want it, tell me. It's free and I will add such stuff to it as: 1. inject ERM code in save games (for in game debugging and modifications) 2. report evolution of a player's resources. Do you think this is interesting?

Famous Hero
posted May 01, 2008 04:49 PM |
If I had a g/f I'd be tapping that ass 24/7.
Yeah, I still play HOMM WOG, why not. Gimme your best shot

Supreme Hero
Always loyal to HC
posted May 01, 2008 05:06 PM |
Welcome to our community! i really see a good mapmaker in you. i can hardly wait to play your map


Hired Hero
Spawning WoG Maps
posted May 02, 2008 05:46 AM |
Hi and thank you for your replies ::- ).
Hm, is anybody skilled in ERM around here? I was talking frequently with Fnord (Timothy) from the WOG team as I wanted to make a campaign for them a while ago.

Famous Hero
posted May 02, 2008 11:14 AM |
Well, get ready for the next gen of WoG called VCMI. Hopefully it will be out sometime before the end of this year. It sounds very promising and should produce what we on the WoG team wanted to finish for 3.59. Don't worry. VCMI will only work with WoG 3.59f. It will be added on to it not override it. And, the programmers are using C++ to write it.


Hired Hero
Spawning WoG Maps
posted May 02, 2008 12:15 PM |
I'm a C++ programmer myself. The first version of the ERM Map Debug Assistant which I wrote was in C++. Now I ported it to C# because development is much MUCH faster there.
The problem with VCMI is that it will be hard to rewrite the AI of the original game ::- ). We all know it's about "points" which tell the AI what objects are more valuable in a game, but I think that it will never be possible to capture the exact behavior of the AI written by the guys at 3DO. Of course, that AI isn't so smart either, I was able to trick it plenty of times into not stealing my castles for a day or two by recruiting dummy heroes. But it had it's "appeal". A different AI will be hard to implement and even harder to test and accept by the fan community ::- ).
Anyway, I hope the VCMI team will make it with their goals. I would participate in the future probably, but right now I'm more focused on the Debug Assistant and the two maps I'm working on.
You still didn't answer my question. Anybody skilled in ERM here? I want to know how I can find out how many creatures a hero has in a particular stack and what type of creatures there are. I don't find it in the ERM documentation ::- D.

Famous Hero
from Kesnaria
posted May 02, 2008 01:46 PM |
HoMM 3 WOG is the best Heroes in the series I think too.
Also can we download your maps???
P.S.:Sorry for my awful syntactic but I 've just got up from bed


Hired Hero
Spawning WoG Maps
posted May 02, 2008 02:07 PM |
Hi Kesnar ::- D. No problem, I slept 4 hours this night (map editing is driving me crazy, it's all I can think about it now hehe). I got an older map but I'm not very proud of it. Not because it's not worked, hell, I spent 2 months creating it, but it freezes the game at one point ::- (. It's from 2002, and I made the computer so strong that it freezes at one point. I just wasted 3 hours this night to remember what the hell I did there and I used my little "end turn" application to run the game to month 10 and it froze ::- /. I have to rebalance stuff there. The A.I. of the game panics when its army exceeds a total number of hit points. He had like... what... 10 thousand ghost dragons I guess. Anyway, the map is pretty crazy I'll tell you that. It's not impossible but it's a bit unbalanced right now. That was in 2002 when I finished it.
As for my current projects, the first mission of the Campaign I hope I'll put online next month. The multiplayer map (2 allies), sometime next month too... I'm working at them in paralel. So I don't have anything to show for, but I'll tell you this much: so far the ERM code for the Campaign is about 100 KB and growing (granted, there's a lot of story line in it - some might find this a turn-off, but I don't care because I'm a perfectionist and I put a lot of effort and soul in what I do and I like to engage the player in a hopefully-entertaining story when playing - I like my maps to have quest elements). The ERM is 100% by me, I don't use any existent stuff, it's totally new and has nothing to do with "wogification" (I find most of those scripts extremely annoying). As a matter of fact, I'm thinking of also disabling stack experience as it will further complicate my need to balance things right. Too many variables ::- D.

Famous Hero
from Kesnaria
posted May 02, 2008 08:02 PM |
OK thank you very much for your maps, they sound great!!1
Keep up the good work
Also: are you creating maps for other HoMM or just for 3 WOG???For other games if any?


Hired Hero
Spawning WoG Maps
posted May 02, 2008 09:23 PM |
Yeah, I made a level set for a game called Ricochet, it's a breakout game. I make them pretty difficult ::- ).
Well, don't thank me yet, I haven't delivered anything. But when I say I do something I do it, sooner or later ::- D. My maps were in plan for some years now, but I didn't have the chance to finish them because I was very busy with my job. But now I decided it's the moment to sacrifice some time and finish some of the stuff I have in my mind.
As for other Heroes games, no, not really. I played Heroes 2 and made a map for it but I was a no more than a kid back then, maximum 15 years old, and I think you can imagine what sort of a map it was *laugh*. Heroes 4, I can't tolerate, I find it repulsive (with the exception of the music). Heroes 5, I like it, but I think it's below Heroes WoG in terms of customization. HOWEVER, I did sniff LUA script a bit earlier and it appears to be something pretty much like ERM, even better. But I don't intend to concentrate there yet. I want to finish what I started in the WoG sector ::- D.

Known Hero
posted May 02, 2008 10:54 PM |
Welcome to the community 
Heroes IV is a great game, but everyone with his own taste 
Anyway, Wog for me is the best ever and will remain for a long time.

Famous Hero
posted May 02, 2008 11:43 PM |
AxonnEchysttas wrote:
"You still didn't answer my question. Anybody skilled in ERM here?"
Me? I'm not programmer. I promote WoG around the World and I co-own a little Map Archive of H3 Maps. I also test WoG and correct Grammar in scripts created by our Russian friends. Their English is not so good you know. But they are better using English than I am using Cyrillic. So it all works out in that fashion.
There are some programmers that will see this, so all I can say is check this thread now and then to see when they show up.
AxonnEchysttas wrote:
"I want to know how I can find out how many creatures a hero has in a particular stack and what type of creatures there are. I don't find it in the ERM documentation ::- D."
There is a script written by Fnord called Sorcery that does just that. It even tells you what Artifacts a Hero carries , his/her Primary and Secondary Skills, and what Level the Hero is. I forget the ERM script number. Check the documentaton to find out which one it is.


Hired Hero
Spawning WoG Maps
posted May 02, 2008 11:53 PM |
Same here man, same here. That's why I'm giving it my all.
I see that you're one of the ERM good guys ::- ). Would you mind if I ask you a few questions? If you do mind, don't answer ::- D.
I can't seem to make my Heroes 3 Editor look like this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v218/vlaadisha/ermsample.jpg the patch doesn't seem to work, even if I copied the DLL with the same name (H3WMapEdPatch.dll) to System32. I just have my ordinary editor. Installing the new help file worked but the ERM editing window is still bad.
Also, I can't make GrayFace's editor look like this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v218/vlaadisha/zzz.jpg . I only see the yellow/red passability squares but not the image itself. That editor looks like this for me: www.axonnsd.org/ED.jpg
Or maybe what I'm looking at are two separate programs??? ::- D.
EDIT FOR ByteBandit's answer:
You promote WoG? It's great people like you exist ::- D. I promoted it to my girlfriend and it worked ::- D. But I'm super super super happy that there are other people too who might enjoy what I do.
I sorted out the ERM issue with the creature. I spoke with Fnord via e-mail. I was in close contact with him in 2003 - 2004 when I worked harder at maps, before my career had to go to absolute priority ::- D.

Famous Hero
posted May 03, 2008 12:26 AM |
Put these files in your Heroe3 folder:
5.H3WMapEdPatch (Help File)
Put these files in your Heroes3/data folder:
Next, you should have a folder in your Heroes3/data folder labeled "MapEdPatch" which should include:
1.A folder labeled "Favorites"
This seems to work for me using the WoG Object Editor with the WoG Map Editor. Then everything should work fine.
If you are into WoG, then you should check out The WoG Archives. We have tons of stuff for WoG. I know we have an updated Version of the Object Editor.


Hired Hero
Spawning WoG Maps
posted May 03, 2008 01:26 AM |
No way. I don't have that many stuff. I don't have the .cnt stuff and I don't have all the stuff you say from MapEdPatch either. Hmmmmmmmm. Could you somehow upload them somewhere or e-mail me with the stuff. My address is theaxonn { a+ } yah oo dot kom (eat that spam bots! *laugh*).

Famous Hero
posted May 03, 2008 02:31 AM |
Ok. I hope you get the Map Editor package. It's pretty well self explanitory in the Zip file. If you are still having problems, let me know. It does work for me. Ohhh....and one more thing it does. It allows you to make a WoG map through the Map Editor to make a Random WoG map now. It never worked before. It always used to crash the Map editor if you tried making a map this way. Those days are gone.


Hired Hero
Spawning WoG Maps
posted May 03, 2008 02:36 AM |
It worked!!! Thank you very much!!! This will be of great help.

Famous Hero
posted May 03, 2008 02:41 AM |
Now....you have one of the most powerful Map Editors ever made for any HoMM game!!


Hired Hero
Spawning WoG Maps
posted May 03, 2008 02:45 AM |
Holeee Crap!!!
I just saw the other options!!! Wow. That's a lot of stuff there! Neat. I thought it's just that scrollbar!!! *laugh* Wow, thanks a lot for this, and also kudos to its developer (GrayFace, right?).

Famous Hero
posted May 03, 2008 02:53 AM |
Yup. Yup. Grayface is the man! Big Kudos for him making this. I, myself have'nt even begun to imagine what this Map/Object editor can do. It's practically unlimitless. I'm not familiar what the Map Editor for H5 is like. But I know of H1, 2 and 4. None of them come close to what this Map Editor does, I can assure you of that. It may take several days to play around with it to see what all it can do for you.
I'm glad it worked for you. Enjoy!