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Known Hero
The Forest Knight
posted August 14, 2008 09:45 AM |
Possible Creature :)
Hey guys. Make a possible creature for homm1 and homm2. This is my entry for homm1 - Wolf Rider


Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted August 14, 2008 10:26 AM |
this is actually not that bad.
types in obscure english

Undefeatable Hero
posted August 14, 2008 10:45 AM |
I agree. That actually looks really cool.
~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand

Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted August 14, 2008 11:01 AM |
i guess its only fitting to post this here.
types in obscure english

Legendary Hero
posted August 14, 2008 11:14 AM |
Wow, this Efreet is simply awesome!
Using the H1 Genie is an excellent idea.
Great job, anti.

Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted August 14, 2008 11:42 AM |

some more
mintour lord,devil, imp,death knight,succubi
types in obscure english

Known Hero
The Forest Knight
posted August 14, 2008 11:49 AM |
some good stuff  Make homm1 inferno town

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted August 14, 2008 01:29 PM |
Love them: Good Work 
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Legendary Hero
posted August 14, 2008 01:59 PM |
The undead knight and the recoloured minotaurs are very nice, but the rest aren't that great. The Efreet is the best one, indeed.

Known Hero
The Forest Knight
posted August 14, 2008 03:45 PM |
Edited by Ranger at 15:46, 14 Aug 2008.
Prison Guard or Millitiaman
i don't know :/

Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted August 14, 2008 03:58 PM |
quite good
types in obscure english

Known Hero
The Forest Knight
posted August 14, 2008 04:02 PM |
Edited by Ranger at 16:24, 14 Aug 2008.
Thnx. I'm now working at new monsters so i want to make a new town. I want to make Inferno what exchange barbarian town. Antipaladin can you be with me in this project? Tell me quick.
New creature to Inferno Town - Vindicator

This creature fit to Inferno?

Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted August 14, 2008 04:38 PM |
i think if he ,the death knight and the paladin battle it will be tie.
types in obscure english

Known Hero
The Forest Knight
posted August 14, 2008 07:24 PM |
Vindicator fit to inferno more than death knight. So we choose Vindicator. This is my idea.
Lvl 1 - Imp
Lvl 2 - Demon
Lvl 3 - Cereberus
Lvl 4 - Wyrm
Lvl 5 - Efreet
Lvl 6 - Vindicator
Buildings is:
Lvl 1 - Imp Crucible
Lvl 2 - Demon Gate
Lvl 3 - Infernal Kennel
Lvl 4 - Hell Hole
Lvl 5 - Fire Lake
Lvl 6 - Burning Cathedral
I will upload the monster images and castle images. I must make a thread for the mod. Project is called ,,The Inferno Project". Someone must help me in animating because i can't animating.

Supreme Hero
UHU!! supreme!
posted August 14, 2008 10:57 PM |
this fits better on WOG forum isn't ?? never mind great job =)
Dig Out Your Soul

Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted August 14, 2008 11:02 PM |
why this is about h1?
types in obscure english

Supreme Hero
UHU!! supreme!
posted August 15, 2008 01:31 AM |
sorry... I though it was about modding the game and I don't know if there is a mod for heroes 1, but anyway seem pretty cool what you have done so far
Dig Out Your Soul

Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted August 15, 2008 06:04 AM |
you ware right it is about modding,modding heroes 1. therefore it shouldnt be in wog, wog is only heros 3.
types in obscure english

Famous Hero
Minotaur Lord
posted August 15, 2008 05:29 PM |
wow! those creatures are awesome! 
Would really like to see a H1 inferno^^
But... :-/
Is it actually possible to mod, in such an old game?

Known Hero
God bless us. Even atheists!
posted August 16, 2008 07:20 PM |

My own version of Monk from Castle (H3)
Hope u like it