
Tavern Dweller
posted October 17, 2009 01:21 AM |
Edited by NMN at 15:43, 17 Oct 2009.
List of Defs.
Hi ! Some years ago I made list of most needed .Defs for modders and published at [url=http://www.forum.acidcave.net/topic.php?TID=927]AcidCave[/url]. When Trang Oul added English names I thinking of publishing that on international forum. Some days ago Mitabrin added list on his [url=http://wogtreasurechest.dbv.pl/readarticle.php?article_id=4]homepage[/url], so I think it is usable... So here you have actualized version translated to English:
DEFNAME.DEF - Normal Name | Unused/Beta Name ([Comment])
Units on a Battlefield:
CABEHE.def - Ancient Behemoth
CADEVL.def - Arch Devil
CaDrgn.def - Azure Dragon
CAELEM.def - Air Elemental
CALIZA.def - Lizard Warrior | Advanced Lizardman
CAMAGE.def - Archmage
cangel.def - Angel
CAPEGS.def - Silver Pegasus
CBASIL.def - Basilisk
CBDRGN.def - Black Dragon
CBDWAR.def - Battle Dwarf
cbehol.def - Beholder
Cbgog.def - Mighty Gorgon | Bronze Gorgon
CBKNIG.def - Black Knight
CBLORD.def - Dread Knight | Black Lord
Cboar.def - Boar
CBTREE.def - Dendroid Guard | Briar Treefolk
CBWLFR.def - Wolf Rider | Goblin Wolf Rider
CCAVLR.def - Cavalier
Ccdrgn.def - Crystal Dragon
CCENTR.def - Centaur
CCERBU.def - Cerberus
Ccgorg.def - Gorgon | Copper Gorgon
CCHAMP.def - Champion
cchydr.def - Chaos Hydra
CCMCOR.def - Scorpicore
Ccrusd.def - Crusader
CcyclLor.def - Cyclops King | Cyclops Lord
CCYCLR.def - Cyclops
CDDRAG.def - Gold Dragon
CDEVIL.def - Devil
CDGOLE.def - Diamond Golem
CDRFIR.def - Dragon Fly | Fire Dragon Fly
CDRFLY.def - Serpent Fly | Dragon Fly
CDWARF.def - Dwarf
CECENT.def - Centaur Captain | Elite Centaur
CEELEM.def - Earth Elemental
cefree.def - Efreet
cefres.def - Efreet Sultan
CELF.def - Wood Elf
Cench.def - Enchanter
Ceveye.def - Evil Eye
CFAMIL.def - Familiar
Cfbird.DEF - Firebird
Cfdrgn.def - Faerie Dragon
cfelem.def - Fire Elemental
CGARGO.def - Stone Gargoyle
CGBASI.def - Greater Basilisk
CGDRAG.def - Green Dragon
CGENIE.def - Genie
CGGOLE.def - Gold Golem
CGNOLL.def - Gnoll
CGNOLM.def - Gnoll Marauder
CGOBLI.def - Goblin
CGOG.def - Gog
CGRELF.def - Grand Elf
CGREMA.def - Gremlin | Apprentice Gremlin
CGREMM.def - Master Gremlin
CGRIFF.def - Griffin
CGTITA.def - Titan | Greater Titan
chalbd.def - Halberdier
CHalf.def - Halfling
CHARPH.def - Harpy Hag
CHARPY.def - Harpy
CHCBOW.def - Marksman | Heavy Crossbowman
CHDRGN.def - Ghost Dragon
CHGOBL.def - Hobgoblin
CHHOUN.def - Hell Hound
CHYDRA.def - Hydra
Cicee.def - Ice Elemental
CIGOLE.def - Iron Golem
CIMP.def - Imp
Citrog.def - Infernal Troglodyte
CLCBOW.def - Archer | Light Crossboman
CLICH.def - Lich
CLTITA.def - Giant | Lesser Titan
CMAGE.def - Mage
Cmagel.def - Magic Elemental
CMAGOG.def - Magog
CMCORE.def - Manticore
Cmeduq.def - Medusa Queen
Cmedus.def - Medusa
Cminok.def - Minotaur King
CMINOT.def - Minotaur
Cmonkk.def - Monk
Cmummy.def - Mummy
CNAGA.def - Naga Sentinel
CNAGAG.def - Naga Queen | Naga Guardian
CNDRGN.def - Bone Dragon
Cnomad.def - Nomad
CNOSFE.def - Vampire Lord | Nosferatu
Cnrg.def - Energy Elemental
COGARG.def - Obsidian Gargoyle
COGMAG.def - Ogre Mage
COGRE.def - Ogre
COHDEM.def - Demon | Lesser Demon | Single-Horned Demon
CORC.def - Orc
CORCCH.def - Orc Chiefan
Cpeas.def - Peasant
CPEGAS.def - Pegasus
CPFIEN.def - Pit Fiend
CPFOE.def - Pit Lord | Pit Foe
CPHX.def - Phoenix
Cpixie.def - Pixie
CPKMAN.def - Pikeman
CPLICH.def - Power Lich
CPLIZA.def - Lizardman | Primitive Lizardman
Cpsyel.def - Psychic Elemental | Psi Elemental
CRANGL.def - Archangel
CRDRGN.def - Red Dragon
Crgrif.def - Royal Griffin
CROC.def - Roc
Crogue.def - Rogue
CRsDgn.def - Rust Dragon
CSGOLE.def - Stone Golem
Csharp.def - Sharpshooter
CSKELE.def - Skeleton
CSprite.def - Sprite
Cstone.def - Magma Elemental | Stone Elemental
Cstorm.def - Storm Elemental
CSULTA.def - Master Genie | Caliph
Csword.def - Swordsman
CTBIRD.def - Thunderbird
CTHDEM.def - Horned Demon | Greater Demon | Dual-Horned Demon
CTREE.def - Dendroid Soldier | Treefolk
Ctrogl.def - Troglodyte
Ctroll.def - Troll
CUNICO.def - Unicorn
CUWLFR.def - Wolf Raider | Hobgoblin Wolf Rider
CVAMP.def - Vampire
CWELEM.def - Water Elemental
CWIGHT.def - Wight
CWRAIT.def - Wraith
CWSKEL.def - Skeleton Warrior
CWUNIC.def - War Unicorn
CWYVER.def - Wyvern
CWYVMN.def - Wyvern Monarch
CYBEHE.def - Behemoth | Young Behemoth
Czealt.def - Zealot
CZOMBI.def - Walking Dead | Zombie
CZOMLO.def - Zombie | Zombie Lord
Units on a Battlefield from WoG:
ZM150Z.DEF - Supreme Archangel | Seraphim
ZM151Z.DEF - Diamond Dragon
ZM152Z.DEF - Lord of Thunder
ZM153Z.DEF - Hell Baron | Antichrist
ZM154Z.DEF - Blood Dragon
ZM155Z.DEF - Darkness Dragon
ZM156Z.DEF - Ghost Behemoth
ZM157Z.DEF - Hell Hydra
ZM158Z.DEF - Sacred Phoenix
ZM159G.DEF - Ghost
ZM160G.DEF - Emissary of War
ZM161G.DEF - Emissary of Peace
ZM162G.DEF - Emissary of Mana
ZM163G.DEF - Emissary of Lore
ZM164GD.DEF - Fire Messenger
ZM165GD.DEF - Earth Messenger | Metamorph
ZM166GD.DEF - Water Messenger
ZM167GD.DEF - Air Messenger
ZM168DG.DEF - Gorynych
ZM169ZL.DEF - War Zealot
ZM170SW.DEF - Arctic Sharpshooter
ZM171SR.DEF - Lava Sharpshooter
ZM172N.DEF - Nightmare
ZM173M.DEF - Santa Gremlin
ZM174NPC.DEF - Paladin
ZM175NPC.DEF - Hierophant
ZM176NPC.DEF - Temple Guardian
ZM177NPC.DEF - Succubus
ZM178NPC.DEF - Soul Eater
ZM179NPC.DEF - Brute
ZM180NPC.DEF - Ogre Leader
ZM181NPC.DEF - Shaman
ZM182NPC.DEF - Astral Spirit
ZM192Z.DEF - Sylvan Centaur
ZM193Z.DEF - Sorceress
ZM194Z.DEF - Werewolf
ZM195Z.DEF - Hell Steed
ZM196Z.DEF - Dracolich
Siege Machines on a Battlefield:
smbal.def - Ballista
SMCart.def - Ammo Cart
SMCata.def - Catapult
SMtent.def - First Aid Tent | First-Aid Tent
Missiles on a Battlefield:
CPRGOGX.def - Magog's & Lava Sharpshooter's Fireball
cprgre.def - Master Gremlin's Ball
CPRGTIX.def - Titan's & Lord's of Thunder Thunder
CPRZEAX.def - Monk's & Zealot's Magic Ball
PCYCLBX.def - Cyclops' & Cyclops' King Rock
PELFX.def - Wood's Elf & Grand's Elf Arrow
Phalf.def - Halfing's Rock
Picee.def - Ice Elemental's Icicle
PLCBOWX.def - Archer's & Marksman's Belt
PLICH.def - Lich's & Power Lich's Poison Ball
PMAGEX.def - Mage's & Arctic Sharpshooter's Magic Ball
PMEDUSX.def - Medusa's & Medusa's Queen Arrow
porchx.def - Orc's & Orc's Chiefan Throwing Axe
PPLIZAX.def - Lizardman's & Lizard's Warrior Arrow
Siege Machine's Missiles on a Battlefield:
SMBALX.def - Ballista's Javelin
SMCatx.def - Catapult's Stone
Heroes on a Battlefield
CH00.def - Knight
CH01.def - Cleric
CH02.def - Ranger
CH03.def - Druid
CH04.def - Alchemist
CH05.def - Wizard
CH06.def - Demoniac
CH07.def - Heretic
CH08.def - Death Knight
CH09.def - Necromancer
CH010.def - Overlord
CH11.def - Warlock
CH012.def - Barbarian
CH013.def - Battle Mage
CH014.def - Beastmaster
CH015.def - Witch
CH16.DEF - Elementalist
CH17.DEF - Planeswalker
Units on a Map:
AvWAngl.def - Angel
AvWArch.def - Archangel
AVWazure.def - Azure Dragon
AvWBasl.def - Basilisk
AVWbehl0.def - Beholder
AVWbehx0.def - Evil Eye
AVWbhmt0.def - Behemoth | Young Behemoth
AVWbhmx0.def - Ancient Behemoth
AVWbkni0.def - Black Knight
AVWbknx0.def - Dread Knight | Black Lord
AVWboar.def - Boar
AVWbone0.def - Bone Dragon
AVWbonx0.def - Ghost Dragon
AVWcdrg.def - Crystal Dragon
AVWcent0.def - Centaur
AVWcentx0.def - Centaur Captain | Elite Centaur
AVWcvlr0.def - Cavalier
AVWcvlx0.def - Champion
AVWcycl0.def - Cyclops
AVWcycx0.def - Cyclops King | Cyclops Lord
AVWddex0.def - Black Dragon
AVWdemn0.def - Demon | Lesser Demon | Single-Horned Demon
AVWdemx0.def - Horned Demon | Greater Demon | Dual-Horned Demon
AVWdevl0.def - Devil
AVWdevx0.def - Arch Devil
AvWDfir.def - Dragon Fly | Fire Dragon Fly
AvWDfly.def - Serpent Fly | Dragon Fly
AVWdrag0.def - Green Dragon
AVWdrax0.def - Gold Dragon
AVWdwrf0.def - Dwarf
AVWdwrx0.def - Battle Dwarf
AVWefre0.def - Efreet
AVWefrx0.def - Efreet Sultan
AVWelfw0.def - Wood Elf
AVWelfx0.def - Grand Elf
AVWelma0.def - Air Elemental
AVWelme0.def - Earth Elemental
AVWelmf0.def - Fire Elemental
AVWelmw0.def - Water Elemental
AVWench.def - Enchanter
AVWfbird.def - Firebird
AVWfdrg.def - Faerie Dragon
AVWgarg0.def - Stone Gargoyle
AVWgarx0.def - Obsidian Gargoyle
AvWGBas.def - Greater Basilisk
AVWgeni0.def - Genie
AVWgenx0.def - Master Genie | Caliph
AVWglmd0.def - Diamond Golem
AVWglmg0.def - Gold Golem
AVWgnll0.def - Gnoll
AVWgnlx0.def - Gnoll Marauder
AVWgobl0.def - Goblin
AVWgobx0.def - Hobgoblin
AVWgog0.def - Gog
AVWgogx0.def - Magog
AVWgolm0.def - Stone Golem
AVWgolx0.def - Iron Golem
AvWGorg.def - Gorgon | Copper Gorgon
AVWgorx0.def - Mighty Gorgon | Bronze Gorgon
AVWgrem0.def - Gremlin | Apprentice Gremlin
AVWgrex0.def - Master Gremlin
AvWGrif.def - Griffin
AVWgrix0.def - Royal Griffin
AVWhalf.def - Halfling
AVWharp0.def - Harpy
AVWharx0.def - Harpy Hag
AvWHcrs.def - Marksman | Heavy Crossbowman
AVWhoun0.def - Hell Hound
AVWhoux0.def - Cerberus
AvWHydr.def - Hydra
AVWhydx0.def - Chaos Hydra
AVWicee.def - Ice Elemental
AVWimp0.def - Imp
AVWimpx0.def - Familiar
AvWInfr.def - Infernal Troglodyte
AvWLCrs.def - Archer | Light Crossboman
AVWlich0.def - Lich
AVWlicx0.def - Power Lich
AvWLizr.def - Lizardman | Primitive Lizardman
AVWlizx0.def - Lizard Warrior | Advanced Lizardman
AVWmage0.def - Mage
AVWmagel.def - Magic Elemental
AVWmagx0.def - Archmage
AVWmant0.def - Manticore
AVWmanx0.def - Scorpicore
AvWMeds.def - Medusa
AVWmedx0.def - Medusa Queen
AvWMino.def - Minotaur
AVWminx0.def - Minotaur King
AVWMON1.def - Random Monster 1 [Level 1]
AVWMON2.def - Random Monster 2 [Level 2]
AVWMON3.def - Random Monster 3 [Level 3]
AVWMON4.def - Random Monster 4 [Level 4]
AVWMON5.def - Random Monster 5 [Level 5]
AVWMON6.def - Random Monster 6 [Level 6]
AVWMON7.def - Random Monster 7 [Level 7]
AVWMonk.def - Monk
AVWmonx0.def - Zealot
AVWmrnd0.def - Random Monster [Random Level]
AVWmumy.def - Mummy
AVWnaga0.def - Naga Sentinel
AVWnagx0.def - Naga Queen | Naga Guardian
AVWnomd.def - Nomad
AVWnrg.def - Energy Elemental
AVWogre0.def - Ogre
AVWogrx0.def - Ogre Mage
AVWorc0.def - Orc
AVWorcx0.def - Orc Chiefan
AVWpeas.def - Peasant
AVWpega0.def - Pegasus
AVWpegx0.def - Silver Pegasus
AVWphx.def - Phoenix
AvWPike.def - Pikeman
AVWpikx0.def - Halberdier
AVWpitf0.def - Pit Fiend
AVWpitx0.def - Pit Lord | Pit Foe
AVWpixie.def - Pixie
AVWpsye.def - Psychic Elemental | Psi Elemental
AvWRDrg.def - Red Dragon
AVWroc0.def - Roc
AVWrocx0.def - Thunderbird
AVWrog.def - Rogue
AVWrust.def - Rust Dragon
AVWsharp.def - Sharpshooter
AVWskel0.def - Skeleton
AVWskex0.def - Skeleton Warrior
AVWsprit.def - Sprite
AVWstone.def - Magma Elemental | Stone Elemental
AVWstorm.def - Storm Elemental
AVWswrd0.def - Swordsman
AVWswrx0.def - Crusader
AVWtitn0.def - Giant | Lesser Titan
AVWtitx0.def - Titan | Greater Titan
AVWtree0.def - Dendroid Soldier | Treefolk
AVWtrex0.def - Dendroid Guard | Briar Treefolk
AVWtrll.def - Troll
AVWtrog0.def - Troglodyte
AVWunic0.def - Unicorn
AVWunix0.def - War Unicorn
AVWvamp0.def - Vampire
AVWvamx0.def - Vampire Lord | Nosferatu
AvWWigh.def - Wight
AVWwigx0.def - Wraith
AVWwolf0.def - Wolf Rider | Goblin Wolf Rider
AVWwolx0.def - Wolf Raider | Hobgoblin Wolf Rider
AvWWyvr.def - Wyvern
AVWwyvx0.def - Wyvern Monarch
AVWzomb0.def - Walking Dead | Zombie
AVWzomx0.def - Zombie | Zombie Lord
Units on a Map from WoG:
ZMM150Z.DEF - Supreme Archangel | Seraphim
ZMM151Z.DEF - Diamond Dragon
ZMM152Z.DEF - Lord of Thunder
ZMM153Z.DEF - Hell Baron | Antichrist
ZMM154Z.DEF - Blood Dragon
ZMM155Z.DEF - Darkness Dragon
ZMM156Z.DEF - Ghost Behemoth
ZMM157Z.DEF - Hell Hydra
ZMM158Z.DEF - Sacred Phoenix
ZMM159G.DEF - Ghost
ZMM160G.DEF - Emissary of War [Not Used]
ZMM161G.DEF - Emissary of Peace [Not Used]
ZMM162G.DEF - Emissary of Mana [Not Used]
ZMM163G.DEF - Emissary of Lore [Not Used]
ZMM164D.DEF - Fire Messenger
ZMM165D.DEF - Earth Messenger | Metamorph
ZMM166D.DEF - Water Messenger
ZMM167D.DEF - Air Messenger
ZMM168G.DEF - Gorynych
ZMM169Z.DEF - War Zealot
ZMM170S.DEF - Arctic Sharpshooter
ZMM171S.DEF - Lava Sharpshooter
ZMM172N.DEF - Nightmare
ZMM173M.DEF - Santa Gremlin
ZMM174N.DEF - Paladin [Lizard Warrior Sprite | Not Used]
ZMM175N.DEF - Hierophant [Lizard Warrior Sprite | Not Used]
ZMM176N.DEF - Temple Guardian [Lizard Warrior Sprite | Not Used]
ZMM177N.DEF - Succubus [Lizard Warrior Sprite | Not Used]
ZMM178N.DEF - Soul Eater [Lizard Warrior Sprite | Not Used]
ZMM179N.DEF - Brute [Lizard Warrior Sprite | Not Used]
ZMM180N.DEF - Ogre Leader [Lizard Warrior Sprite | Not Used]
ZMM181N.DEF - Shaman [Lizard Warrior Sprite | Not Used]
ZMM182N.DEF - Astral Spirit [Lizard Warrior Sprite | Not Used]
ZMM192Z.DEF - Sylvan Centaur
ZMM193Z.DEF - Sorceress
ZMM194Z.DEF - Werewolf
ZMM195Z.DEF - Hell Steed
ZMM196Z.DEF - Dracolich
Siege Machines on a Map:
CATAP_ML.DEF - Catapult (Right) [Not Used]
CATAP_MR.DEF - Catapult (Left) [Not Used]
Attack of Units on a Map:
Portraits of Units:
CPRSMALL.DEF - Portraits (Small) [[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=31165]Here clean backrounds[/url]]
TWCRPORT.DEF - Portraits (Big)
UN32.DEF - Hero's Specialities (Small)
UN44.DEF - Hero's Specialities (Big)
NMN - Author of list
Trang Oul - Majority of English names
Mitabrin - Ideas and using on site
Sorry for my terrible level of English .

Adventuring Hero
posted October 17, 2009 08:06 AM |
Greetings NMN!
I too here)
I can add Russian and load in my site, and other Russian pages (Certainly, the author you)
To do it?
P.S.write something at me, I there one and me was boring! (
Once a week even!
Ď.Ń.Ń. Updating essences will be fast!

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 17, 2009 11:43 AM |
You did a hard work there, but we have now Grayface Def tool which gives all those infos + custom sound name in one click.
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
kłoribaz to kutaspociąg
posted October 17, 2009 12:40 PM |
Edited by Mitabrin at 12:42, 17 Oct 2009.
Yeah, but if I remember NMN was making it since 2006 year.

Famous Hero
posted October 17, 2009 02:26 PM |
Great list! For me it's very useful, since the Deftool doesn't work correctly here (using Linux/Wine).

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 17, 2009 04:01 PM |
Not need it neither. While in editor, press space bar (if Grayface patch installed) and it gives the def name. Now, if you don't have GF patch neither...
Era II mods and utilities

Supreme Hero
posted October 17, 2009 04:41 PM |
Can you see the name of the battle animation in the editor with GF patch
I don't think so .

Famous Hero
DoR Dev Team
posted October 18, 2009 09:58 AM |
Quote: You did a hard work there, but we have now Grayface Def tool which gives all those infos + custom sound name in one click.

Cool,where can I find it?

Tavern Dweller
Class: Dwarven Ranger
posted October 18, 2009 12:08 PM |
Trying To Learn ERM..