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Supreme Hero
posted September 27, 2003 09:16 PM |
my suggestion was put a damn scroll of dispel/cancellation right near castle and problem solved with rushing barbarians, sheesh, it's funny how a "experienced" mapmaker tends to forget this little, but decisive part of the map !!!
with dispel a single barb has no chance to an army and 3,4 heroes, we ALL know that, even Jinxer !!
I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate

Famous Hero
posted September 28, 2003 07:46 AM |
hey, you didnt let me defend myself valk 
in all seriousness, i put scroll of dispel in original version of map. but somehow during its completion it got deleted (likely i had put it down, but then needed to put building in spot where it was, so i deleted it temporarily and then forgot to put back in). Two nights ago valky told me i should put a scroll of dispel in there and i told him there already is one, and therefore zud is an idiot for losing to barb rush when he has dispel. but then later i looked at map and saw that the scrolls of dispel arent there!!! so basically the whole time utb has been out, i had been assuming scroll of dispel was in the map when it wasnt. so yes, i apologize, but honestly i thought scrolls were in map..
anyway, i just sent ves version 1.8 and it has scrolls in.
happy playing now 
btw d/l Powerspot and One Hot Minute ---> http://www.toheroes.com/h4maps/medium.html they are fun maps, trust me 
EDIT: just checked and ves already has everything updated on map page! that means powerspot 1.1 is rdy to download and so is utb 1.8 weell what you waitin for

Famous Hero
posted September 28, 2003 02:29 PM |
Quote: LMAO you know why it is sick to you. Because you are not good enough to succeed on a map without Immortality. You dont know how to play any other way.
Players like you TC_Fear, remind me of people who can play 1 song on the piano. They only learned and memorized where the keys were to play that song, but have NO clue the fundamentals on actually playing the piano. Someone who has learned how to play the piano can play ANY song ANY time, because they know all the notes and keys, not just the ones the learned and memorized.
About our Caesar game TC. GO ahead and rush me, as if I care. It will waste as little of my time playing you as possible. And as of lately your cockyness sounds alot like Azure. I am starting to wonder if Azure didnt have a 3rd account that he started ALONG time ago
I feel this is a little agressive.I thought I ll press u a little and u ll play h4 like h4.
no offence or dramatic qualities in this topic plz 
here is what i think
....u just donno what u talk about.am not goin to prove u again that h4 is build up for how am playin...'Because you are not good enough to succeed on a map without Immortality' what does that mean? its not h3 - its h4 ,heroes dies here man!
about the piano ,lol- some vivaldi would relax u 
about azure.cut your JOKES LIKE THAT !couse its not funny
I am sure I would overcome u anyhow u want.
u say I cant play without atack heroes?...here it goes we can play without em !
but it would be not fun .

Famous Hero
posted September 28, 2003 06:16 PM |
and what are 1.8v changes in utb ?

Supreme Hero
Ultimate N00bidity
posted September 28, 2003 06:26 PM |
most important
version change 1.7->1.8 
scroll of dispel to each side
and i think 2 stack of bad eyes added to hydra stack in swamp junctions

Famous Hero
posted October 05, 2003 06:36 AM |
yeah, scroll of dispel (which was SUPPOSED to be in map originally) and evil eyes on hydra stacks should make it easy to counter rush.

Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2003 11:57 PM |
yes evil eyes good with cancel, but you could've added efreets instead of hydras, 50 efreets instead of 20 hydras good percentage
I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate

Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2003 12:02 AM |
yes, but player might actually take chance with hydras.. against efreet it is likely he wont try at all early on. i dont want to PREVENT RUSH, i just want to make it counterable.

Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2003 04:34 AM |
oh, can you make a script then to "counter" it so you can have 6 groups of eyes and the hydras in only one stack when they get attacked, cause what happens is, eyes go in one stack maybe cancel once, barb goes over the map in 2-3 turns and kills them and then starts drinkin potions like mad ?!
doing that "minor" change will discourage any rusher, even tc
I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate

Legendary Hero
posted October 06, 2003 04:40 AM |
Yes Camel , I have to agree with Valkys idea. Please make that change on UTB 1.9 and send it in, before Monday 8:15am Est. I start my Caesar game then with TC-Rush-Fear. I am curious to see if he can actually play a game that takes long term planning. 

Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2003 05:30 AM |
eyes usually wont go into 1 stack and even if they do, i dont know any barb who can kill 50 evil eyes in 1 strike

Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2003 05:47 AM |
just do it stinky, believe me, i know better
edit : eyes do go in 1 stack if attacked with only one hero
I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate

Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2003 06:32 AM |
and anyway, even if you do event that gives evil eyes, comp will still stack them

Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2003 04:20 PM |
can't you do an "when attacked" event that makes em split 6 ways when they're attacked? it shouldn't be hard for an experienced mapmaker like yourself

Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2003 05:16 PM |
evil eyes donot make hidras unbeatable.its prakticaly thesame.
all u need is some extra troops.evil ll atack them.

Supreme Hero
Ultimate N00bidity
posted October 06, 2003 06:24 PM |
bend the hydra way,
lots o heads for lots o excitement 
hydrologism seem to be fashion this days thought i contribute
you pathetic scums

Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2003 06:58 PM |
if he makes eyes go in 6 groups you won't beat them with one barb and "some" troops and i can bet on that fear
you will die from the hydras' retaliation (if not for hideous mask or halberd or amulet of fear)

Supreme Hero
gets back
posted October 06, 2003 07:12 PM |
Just add some heroes with dispel magic.
GM combat, GM magic resistance, Basic Order, only Dispel as spell and nothing more. Something like this.
Yes, I play the game only on the forums.

Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2003 07:40 PM |
nah, dont wanna add hero, takes fun out of it. and tc_fear, i dont wanna make hydras "unbeatable", only more difficult to beat. like i said before, i am not trying to make rush impossible, i only want to make it a bit harder and also counterable by other player. i think if player wants to rush, he shoould be able to rush, only he might hafto pay the price for it 
and to valyrina, of course i know how to do that script, i was just saying i think comp will group them into one stack anyway. but i will test it if it gets you excited

Supreme Hero
unlucky? i want to pump you up
posted October 06, 2003 07:54 PM |
hero with gm tact and defense should be good with immo potion on
whos your daddy and what does he do?