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Heroes Community > Tournament of Honor > Thread: UTB,ring
Thread: UTB,ring This thread is 5 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 · «PREV / NEXT»

Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2003 07:55 PM

I just have beated hydras with evin.I just go to evil not atacking hydras.and left only hydras

it doesnt matter as I sayd before.its k

and val doesnt matter 6 or 10 stacks.

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Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2003 08:00 PM
Edited By: valkyrica on 6 Oct 2003

camelito, do something else then, when attacked, hydras take the other player's flag and he controls them let's see how tc manages to fend that

or make a garrison like on deep kick with hydras with player flag in them

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Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2003 08:03 PM

sure enough, i just tested it.  in script i did a sequence of "give creatures - 18 evil eyes" 6 times, but when i attacked in game it was just 108 evil eyes in a stack.  so looks like answer is either give army 6 stacks of 10-12 and if they wanna stack into 1 so be it, or to have evil eyes and a couple of heroes with dispel as only spell.

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Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2003 08:37 PM

well i already got script for changing player when other player attacks done and seems to work, so 1.9 will be posted whenever ves updates next

maybe there will be reason for a version 1.10
would look so pretty to have 1.10 on maps page

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Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2003 09:47 PM
Edited By: Thunder on 6 Oct 2003

You could give the defender some bonuses if the attacker tries to hit too early in the game.

I've used such a method in Fierce & Furious (though only in the "free" & unguarded passage) and in Spiritmongers (islands).

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Supreme Hero
unlucky? i want to pump you up
posted October 06, 2003 10:08 PM

just do my idea
and did tc beat jinxer?
whos your daddy and what does he do?

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Legendary Hero
posted October 06, 2003 10:14 PM

Well just an update. Even on UTB 1.8 with the scroll and the evil yes edition, TC_Fear still broke thru week 2 day 7 with a Level 17 paladin.

His hero had GM Combat GM Melee GM Archery GM Magic resistance. And had 405 hit points. And Ring of Regeneration.  SO even tho I had Steal enchantment and dispel, still could not even touch his hero.  Under the Bridge is totally ruined now as a serious map.  TC_Fear didnt even bring any creatures.

Sorry Camel but I am going the same direction as ZUD.  UTB is on my never play again list. Unless you eliminate immortalities in some way. And put some serious guards there.

BTW if there is a version after 1.9 you should just call it version 2.0 lol.

But IMO if you remove immortalities you wouldnt need anymore updates.


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Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2003 11:12 PM

version 1.9 should be fine, you get 6 stacks of 25 evil eyes (and they dont stack into 1 stack either, they stay as 6 stacks) and 13 hydras under your control if opponent tries to break through.  so not only will evil eyes do some dispelling, they should deal out a decent amount of dmg too.  should be more difficult for player to break through with you playing as the hydras/evil eyes.  also you control the mantis stack if he tries to break through there, and the mantis stack has evil eyes in it too.  the three remaining ways to make it (boat, over the bridge, and the L4s on the outer edges of map) he should be able to beat, but it will take him considerably longer to reach you if he chooses to go that way so you should be able to block him then.  i dont know if anyone knows about it, but if you walk up to the ancient looking tree that is near your unlinked town, it gives you the option of destroying the middle section of bridge so that opponent can't cross it.  but seems that no one even knows about this, since wasnt relevant before

and you act as if only tc_fear is allowed to buy potions of imm, and not you.  you can have some for your own heroes, and if he attacks you with a L17 hero you should have at least a couple L8-9 heroes of your own which, with both heroes being able to cast dispel and you having troops, you should be easily able to beat him.  of course he might be able to win that fight in the very few instances that he gets both the reg. artys or something, but what will his record be if he does that?  4-6 maybe?   I dont think tc would like that.  Rushing SHOULD be a high risk/reward thing where sometimes it can really pay off and sometimes it can mean you lose.  if tc can still win 100% of time on 1.9 then i will consider more drastic measures, but i still hold that rushing shouldnt be impossible, should just be a high risk/reward thing.  i guarantee utb 2.0, if necessary, will fullfill the goal of rushing not being a sure-fire-win tactic if 1.9 fails in this, because i do want you to be able to play the true utb, if that is what you want.

I also dont think H4 should JUST be about playing for 3-4 weeks then having 1 big final fight with high level heroes and L3+L4 creatures.  that can be fun for a while on some maps (a world where all maps are like this is a nightmare, imo), but i think more fun can be different style maps where you hafto use new types of strategies and be resourceful.  you must be smart in how you move your armies, how you build them, what you buy, how you fight... everything.  these were my ideas in coastland jewels, shallow, deep kick, and one hot minute.  UTB is my only "conventional" map, and even then, it isnt quite conventional.  when i released utb i really thought was my worst map so far because of this, but has turned out to be most popular.  maybe some people like utb because it does "conventional" better than some other maps.  but they will just hafto suck it, because i wont ever make another conventional map (for h4).  every map will be something new.  go try one_hot_minute (and powerspot, when patch comes), and stop with the conventional maps

that should be all for now

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Supreme Hero
Talk to the hand!
posted October 07, 2003 03:58 AM

version 1.9 should be fine, you get 6 stacks of 25 evil eyes (and they dont stack into 1 stack either, they stay as 6 stacks) and 13 hydras under your control if opponent tries to break through.  so not only will evil eyes do some dispelling, they should deal out a decent amount of dmg too.  should be more difficult for player to break through with you playing as the hydras/evil eyes.  also you control the mantis stack if he tries to break through there, and the mantis stack has evil eyes in it too.  the three remaining ways to make it (boat, over the bridge, and the L4s on the outer edges of map) he should be able to beat, but it will take him considerably longer to reach you if he chooses to go that way so you should be able to block him then.  i dont know if anyone knows about it, but if you walk up to the ancient looking tree that is near your unlinked town, it gives you the option of destroying the middle section of bridge so that opponent can't cross it.  but seems that no one even knows about this, since wasnt relevant before

and you act as if only tc_fear is allowed to buy potions of imm, and not you.  you can have some for your own heroes, and if he attacks you with a L17 hero you should have at least a couple L8-9 heroes of your own which, with both heroes being able to cast dispel and you having troops, you should be easily able to beat him.  of course he might be able to win that fight in the very few instances that he gets both the reg. artys or something, but what will his record be if he does that?  4-6 maybe?   I dont think tc would like that.  Rushing SHOULD be a high risk/reward thing where sometimes it can really pay off and sometimes it can mean you lose.  if tc can still win 100% of time on 1.9 then i will consider more drastic measures, but i still hold that rushing shouldnt be impossible, should just be a high risk/reward thing.  i guarantee utb 2.0, if necessary, will fullfill the goal of rushing not being a sure-fire-win tactic if 1.9 fails in this, because i do want you to be able to play the true utb, if that is what you want.

I also dont think H4 should JUST be about playing for 3-4 weeks then having 1 big final fight with high level heroes and L3+L4 creatures.  that can be fun for a while on some maps (a world where all maps are like this is a nightmare, imo), but i think more fun can be different style maps where you hafto use new types of strategies and be resourceful.  you must be smart in how you move your armies, how you build them, what you buy, how you fight... everything.  these were my ideas in coastland jewels, shallow, deep kick, and one hot minute.  UTB is my only "conventional" map, and even then, it isnt quite conventional.  when i released utb i really thought was my worst map so far because of this, but has turned out to be most popular.  maybe some people like utb because it does "conventional" better than some other maps.  but they will just hafto suck it, because i wont ever make another conventional map (for h4).  every map will be something new.  go try one_hot_minute (and powerspot, when patch comes), and stop with the conventional maps

that should be all for now

promises ,promises,i'm tired of those promises , don't you know that could be hard to count over 1.9? you're making our lives a hell, camel !

I never got rushed on UTB, dunno what jinxer is talking about,perhaps cause i didn't play it yet !? hmmm ... somewhere could be the answer !

and jinxer, do not be upset, you were low morale before the game , can't play a good game if you feel like that , and you aren't to blame at all for the loss,it's still that camel thing here

i'm joking a bit though i'm a bit upset too.

have a nice day

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Legendary Hero
posted October 07, 2003 04:22 AM

Yes teacher, I was low morale before game. Because I knew ahead of time that I was gonna be rushed by someone who had his exact steps pre planned. Someone who had no intentions of playing the map at all, his sole intention was to run his pre planned memorized pattern and show up with Level 17 hero.  

Zud told me he broke thru week 2 day 7 with a level 17 hero.  And exactly the same time and the same level with me.  So he musta rand the Exact same pattern and same steps etc.

3do made Combat and melee skill way to tuff and combine that with immortality potions and it is plain sillyness!  Some of the newer maps, like " Lost in Space " removed the immortality potions for that very reason, so you couldnt just run map with one Massive combat hero and 20 immo potions and conquer the entire map with a lone hero.  I have even heard that one of the newest maps has Melee skill removed.

My point is, since we were screwed and dont have a random map generator, we need to try and take all of these issues into account when making maps.

I agree with Camel that it is NO fun to play agasint neutrals for 2 months then have 1 glorious battle. Thats why I tryed to make my maps like Genesis and LIS, with both open and closed properties. There is plenty of options to meet all thru out game with opponent, to alter his directions etc, but you cannot rush and kill his main towns early.  Actually genesis is just as bad as UTB, it can be rushed with Lone Hero and immortalitys I need to fix that.  

Anyways, TC_fear refused to play any maps I suggested because he wouldnt have been able to do a Barb Rush. I just think its sad a High ranked player like that will so much " talent " actually only has talent in 1 ability.  And that is to memorize a pattern and rush with Barbs and immortalities.

I am outta Caesar now --  " Thank Goodness! " I wish luck to the players who advance, and hope you enjoy the quality of games you have coming up. haha.


Casts " Summon Random Map Generator" spell.!!!!!

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Supreme Hero
posted October 07, 2003 04:56 AM

see, that's why you gotta love dog days map it's 25% the size of utb, and ends later
I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate

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Famous Hero
posted October 07, 2003 05:59 AM

well i just hafto say if you can't stop rush now with 1.9 changes then you are suck

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Supreme Hero
gets back
posted October 07, 2003 11:38 AM
Edited By: csarmi on 7 Oct 2003


Jinxer, you were beaten, that's all. Your opponent played well, did the best he could do on this map - maybe it's even the best it can be done on this map, due to the 10k free experience you get at the start - and kicked your ass.

You even knew what he was going to do. You failed to counter his strategy, how lame!

So just stop whining and try to play better.

He did play the map and used it to his advantage. Also, you cannot expect your enemy fight you just when you want him to.

You seem to forget the name of the game anyways - it is Heroes of Might and Magic.

ps - What did you have anyways? There are ways to stop a level 17 Paladin, especially if he does not bring any armies with him.

BTW, try to do barbarian rush strategy yourself, before calling it cheap.

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Legendary Hero
posted October 07, 2003 02:18 PM
Edited By: Jinxer on 7 Oct 2003

YADDA YADDA YADDA..   So who are you really?  SOunds like another Azure clone account.

You wanna know what is really Lame?? The fact that you think the way TC_Fear played is cool.

Yes I agree I got beat... BUT you know why I got beat???  NOT because TC is better at Heroes4 then me.  BUT because TC had the patients and available time to spend DISECTING the map and practicing it over and over and over until he found out what exactly he had to do to break the soonest with the highest level hero.

If you think all the hours studying and memorizing maps makes you a great player, then I dont ever want to be that kinda good player. I could never take any pride or joy from a win like that.

But you know what?? It doesnt matter. I dont really care. I am not in this tourny to try and feed an oversized ego like some. I could stay at legionaiire and never go any higher and would be content. Much better then a formulated,  spoon fed, ride to the top.

I have said this 100 times, if there was a random map Generator, and some of these people couldnt study the maps to death, I can guarentee that alot of the Emperors and Lords would not be.

And about your comment on This game being called " Heroes "   The last version Heroes 3 was called heroes and there wasnt ANY heroes in the battle. Heroes 2 there wasnt any heroes that could beat a dragon Utopia by there self.  Heroes 1 same thing?  So I fail to see your point?


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Supreme Hero
gets back
posted October 07, 2003 02:53 PM
Edited By: csarmi on 7 Oct 2003

I agree that the real test is to play a map you have never seen before - so you could not have practiced it.

But it is kind of stupid to come up with things like "he did not won because he is a better player, but..."

You know, in a match, the better player is the winner. It's that easy. You can set up your own mesures to keep your ego, but why should I care for them. You lost. So he played better.

It is funny to see that every time someone does not share your opinion, he is an Azure clone. Look, I do happen to know Azure (I rushed him with 2 barbs once, though we did not finish the game, but we were talking a lot then), but I haven't heard of him for 9 month now (the same goes for heroes 4 as well).

As for your heroes 3 example, you don't want to tell me that it was your creatures who beat the neutral stacks? You don't want to tell me that it was your creatures that beat the utopia. Do you?
Yes, I play the game only on the forums.

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Famous Hero
Weak ranger - lost viking
posted October 07, 2003 03:28 PM

I was thinking...

Then I stopped.



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Supreme Hero
posted October 07, 2003 04:05 PM


I was thinking...

Then I stopped.



whew ... you did that too at birth ... daym, thanks for sharing, it's good to see that i'm not alone
I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate

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Famous Hero
posted October 07, 2003 05:17 PM


played utb few hotseats before ceazar really lol
never was disecting map
I told u I ll come 3rd week.I comed.u were not prepared.
I had no creatures couse I left them at home
and I know I had same amount of em ,maybe more.
I donno why u r using that silly diffence jinxer
 'hours of studying,memorizing,same heroes'
 'I could never take any pride or joy from a win like that'
I never studied.I used compaign editor to know there am I going.and that win wasnt very interesting just becouse u lame'ed.
if u would defend , u could be as slow as u want to after.

'actually only has talent in 1 ability'
nothing to say .just I have talent playing H4.but I still donno yours

everything is fine with utb.3 weeks is more that enough to have ring or barbar yourself or creatures with good tacktic.

no need to make big changes.
but if looking to jinxers offer remove IMO.no way
why? couse its not H4 then.
want no rush.make a ring easier to take.and I kinda like my idea

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Legendary Hero
posted October 07, 2003 05:37 PM

You are right TC_Fear, Please DONT change UTB.

Its much easier for me to just not play it, then to try and change it.

And TC_Fear dont mind me if I dont believe a single word you say.  IN your last post you claim you played UTB few times in hotseat, yet you told Zud you NEVER played it. So I laugh at you when you try and tell us you could break week 2 day 7 simply by looking in the editor.

But what ever you gotta tell yourself so you feel big and strong.  LMAO.


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Famous Hero
posted October 07, 2003 05:39 PM
Edited By: Tc_Fear on 7 Oct 2003

should I care
u becoming not funny
we can stop that nonsense now couse am tired explaining..I would not enjoy playing u again  .u been rushed, and reported 'no honor' just for that.I see no point to report like that

maybe H5 game after few years ?

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