Thread: Avatar Uploading/Graphic Help Thread | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |
Famous Hero
King of all that is Chicken
posted November 11, 2003 06:06 AM |
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Avatar Uploading/Graphic Help Thread
Well this kinda started in the wastelands where i was asking some1 how to post the pic i wanted as my avatar, and then i got my answer, but other people seemed to have ?s about graphic stuff so i decided to start this thread...
Now, many people who have pictures, but they r not on the internet, here r some helpful sites, or do it urself things
1)If your not into making your own graphic, i suggest using geocities heres the link http://geocities.yahoo.com/
2) or if u prefer a do it urself version, and have some form of windows 98 i belive or higher, u will have a program called Notepad, a sort of HTML editor, now if u have no xperinces in HTML but want 2 try this, open up notepad.
1)Open a blank document and then save it anywhere, in a new folder, and b sure to make it like this "filenam.html" adding HTML is very imporant and u will soon c y...
2)Find the picture you wish to upload, and then either move or copy it into the folder where you saved ur blank document. I use windows explorer to move things, and to copy things, press Ctrl and hold it, then take the file and move it and then drop.
3)Open up the wordpad agian
and add the following code
<IMG SRC="filename.gif">
Where it states "filename" add the file name of the pic that u put in the folder
Also, the pic file may not b a "gif" file, there r many types,
1)for bitmap pics, use the ending instead of gif as "bmp"
2)4 jpeg files, it can b either 2, if the 1st 1 doesnt work, then use the second 1, the 1st is "jpeg" or "jpg"
3) and of course there is "gif"
to find out what type of file the pic is, just right click the picture and look under properties, it is there in bold and black ink
and then save the wordpad document, again under "HTML" and then click on ur internet brower, then under file>click open and open your html file, and there u should find your file, then highlite the pic and its just like taking it off the internet, rite click and then look under the URL adress, which is on the 1st page when u rite click and then copy it, add [ img ] [/img ] tags, (without the spaces) and viola, you have uploading your own pic by yourself
Now if any1 has any problems with this kinda stuff, post it and c if any1 on HC has some answers...
(wolfman and khealo had some ?s)
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted November 11, 2003 02:32 PM |
Edited By: Nebuka on 11 Nov 2003
And where's HTML and BODY tags?
<img src="your pic.gif or .jpg" if in same folder, if not c:/blabla>
This is simplest way.
And for Geocities, you have to rename pics with .txt extension for us to be able to see them.
Supreme Hero
posted November 12, 2003 09:26 PM |
Edited By: Khaelo on 17 Nov 2003
If I'm reading your instructions above correctly, BountyHunter, you are advising on how to create an HTML document using a text editor. That's fine unto itself, but the page and the image are still confined to your particular computer. Result: you see the image appear on HC, but no one else does. This is what happened in your post on "Can someone help me with avatar", the last post of page one. You seem to think it worked, but I'm seeing a little red X there.
In order to share your image with the world, you have to upload it to the internet. This is where free servers like Geocities come in. They don't like you to link pics, though, so I'm guessing that replacing the graphics extension with .txt fools the server into thinking that you're only linking up a text document. Anyway, Nebuka's suggestion clearly works, so that's how to get pics uploaded.
Edit: jumpers and related question removed.
disguised as a responsible adult
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted November 12, 2003 09:33 PM |
You have to upload page or pictures first.
Geocities best.
Supreme Hero
posted November 12, 2003 09:42 PM |
I know that. The pre-edit test was just confirming it for myself (and showing me what tripped up Bounty -- I didn't realize un-uploaded pics would in fact show up for the person who posted them).
disguised as a responsible adult
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted November 12, 2003 09:43 PM |
Famous Hero
King of all that is Chicken
posted November 13, 2003 04:04 AM |
Quote: If I'm reading your instructions above correctly, BountyHunter, you are advising on how to create an HTML document using a text editor. That's fine unto itself, but the page and the image are still confined to your particular computer. Result: you see the image appear on HC, but no one else does. This is what happened in your post on "Can someone help me with avatar", the last post of page one. You seem to think it worked, but I'm seeing a little red X there.
well i know its a litte red box but i can c it... if i knew how 2 put the page on my server (yea u can get free servers) but im only in 7th grade so i dont know that much
Supreme Hero
posted November 13, 2003 04:27 AM |
How do you do the .txt thing, any step by step instructions?
Supreme Hero
posted November 13, 2003 04:34 AM |
Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted November 13, 2003 05:29 AM |
Quote: No.
Damn, thats a long post
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted November 13, 2003 03:39 PM |
Wolfman, go first to http://geocities.yahoo.com/, sign up if you didn't already.
Then go to 'Easy Upload' option. There you can browse what you wish to upload. Find some pics with 'browse' button and press 'upload files'.
Now go to 'File Manager', there you'll see all the files you already uploaded. Check on the left pic you wish, press 'rename' and rename it to 'pic.txt'.
Now you can post that pic...Guess url would be <img>http://www.geocities.com/wolfman/pic.txt</img>
Hope this helps, say if does not.
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted November 13, 2003 04:13 PM |
Edited By: Nebuka on 13 Nov 2003
Cool, found one site which lets you link pics.
Gives you also 100mb space, and lets you upload zip files also.
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted November 13, 2003 04:42 PM |
Edited By: Nebuka on 13 Nov 2003
Famous Hero
posted November 15, 2003 04:05 PM |
Quote: And where's HTML and BODY tags?
<img src="your pic.gif or .jpg" if in same folder, if not c:/blabla>
This is simplest way.
And for Geocities, you have to rename pics with .txt extension for us to be able to see them.
"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Strict//EN"
<title>your title here</title>
<img src="pic.gif">
<img src="http://yourhost.com/pic.gif">
That would be more correct
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted November 15, 2003 08:02 PM |
Show off!
Quote: well i know its a litte red box but i can c it... if i knew how 2 put the page on my server (yea u can get free servers) but im only in 7th grade so i dont know that much
Hey there.
Hopefully this walkthrough will be good for you.
Let's start with http://www.1asphost.com/. 100 mb of space, remote linking of your pics allowed and can upload lots of files. Prolly no ads too.
First, go there and click on register button. Write your name, e-mail and rest. Not sure if you'll receive first confirmation e-mail or you can log in asap.
After log in, you'll get in File Manager where you can upload files, rename, copy, delete them...
There, if you need it only for pics linking, go to upload option, select single file, and browse your comp for pics, select them and press upload.
In File Manager you'll see them. Right click, copy shortcut and paste them here, or anywhere you wish.
This whole procedure is very similar for most number of web space hosts such as Geocities, Brinkster or Freewebs.
Hope it helps.
Famous Hero
King of all that is Chicken
posted November 15, 2003 08:24 PM |
Thx, it does help, lot ezr than geocities
Supreme Hero
posted November 15, 2003 08:44 PM |
Let's see if it works this time...
Famous Hero
King of all that is Chicken
posted November 15, 2003 08:46 PM |
yep it worked wolfman
Supreme Hero
posted November 15, 2003 09:31 PM |
Yes, it did!!!
Thanks guys!
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted November 16, 2003 01:52 AM |
Glad you both did it.
Btw, Bounty, hope you'll in future link only to gifs or jpgs, coz bmps can be rather large.