Thread: NEW Movie Production (OoC) | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · «PREV |

Supreme Hero
posted December 03, 2003 11:45 PM |
Here we go for a combination idea. The Nazis, instead of finding a 1000 year old evil knight, as in Wolfenstein. Are helped by Celfious ( as a type of Darth Vader evil kind of guy ) And the Nazis and the Allies/US are in a race to find the lost Alexandria Library treasures. Whoever finds them first are almost cirtain to win the war and control the world!
Whadaya think?

Famous Hero
King of all that is Chicken
posted December 04, 2003 03:53 AM |
well, yes something like that, it would b basicly like wolf said, a kinda WWII themeish thingy, if celifous wants the bad dude he'd b perfect 
but heres some sort of background and things i changes
The lost Alexandria scrolls were lost, they were hidden in secret, becuase of dunno some evil dude who wanted to unleash the evil power which in turn would unleash an evil army, yet the Alexandria Scrolls were lost...
And 4 nearly 3,000 they were thought lost, until acciddentatly discovered by a group of nazi soliders during a battle in Egypt.
Thus they were taken 2 Fuher (means like king dude, in this case Hitler), Adolf Hitler. Hitler being a fanatic of the curses and o'cluts gave it to a man named (ummm no name yet, i was hoping celifous would like 2 play that part) he soon decyphered it and used its power to unleash an undead army, now the Allies (US, England, France, USSR) must fight 2 regain the parts back from the Nazis, or face world domination...

Supreme Hero
posted December 04, 2003 03:57 AM |
I would rather it be a kind of race, with the lead going back and forth leading to a climax with the allies winning. What you just said sounds too much like Wolfenstein, we could do a movie of Wolfenstein, but it wouldn't be as original.

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted December 04, 2003 04:04 AM |
I wanna act, I didn't make the cut?
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Supreme Hero
posted December 04, 2003 04:34 AM |
We have to make a story before there needs to be actors, silly.

Famous Hero
King of all that is Chicken
posted December 04, 2003 06:25 AM |
Quote: We have to make a story before there needs to be actors, silly. 
what he said...

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted December 04, 2003 08:36 PM |
Other ideas I do have are out of place for this. It would be like reading JRRTolkiens SImilarioan or something similar.
Could I be an ancient guardian of the power?
There are 3 tests, but once 1 is taken its either pass or die. No ones passed & theres no real knowledge of what the tezts are but 1.
The person must be one of the strongest worldy influencers.
Unfortunatly evil or good, probably dosnt matter.

Supreme Hero
posted December 04, 2003 10:38 PM |
Ok, sounds good. With the worldly influencers, Dirk Pitt, the lead American on the case, is not famous, but still one of the world's biggest influencers. If you read the books you would see he is one of the world's influencers.
The Nazis kill the obvious choice for the Americans and Dirk Pitt is sent in their place.
Quote: what he said...
Is that spam?!

Famous Hero
King of all that is Chicken
posted December 05, 2003 02:20 AM |
ummm... umm... dont producers some time make weird comments? 
yea i like wolfs idea 4 a race, only it could b like 2 sides of the war, u would c the nazis point of view and kinda switch bak and foreward with each character, but also we need some people to play like the main US charater, and also another main person 2 play his friend, then like 3 nazis...
As for the main opening of the movie, we could have a narrator dude (myself) kinda open up the stage as a battle in lest say Cairo, where all of the 5 characters are in a battle. Now dingo since he wanted 2 act first, gets the lead roll (if he wants it) 4 the US forces dude. Wolf is u want 2, go ahead and choose ur character. Celifous is like the zombie undead leader (or so i think he wanted 2 b that) ill b some random people. then as the movie unfold what will b cool is that once we r done with the whole planning and the acting and editing scences, i can copy and paste it all onto 1 post an ta da, we have a movie 
but bak 2 here, yes i guess weve got the basic storyline idea, and ancient curse thingy tomb near a battle in cairo during August 1943 is unearthed and an evil horror is swept onto the world, now the Allies and Axis both find clues to ancient scrolls were hidden all across europe. The allies and axis both want to find these ancient scrolls in order to take control of the undead army and conquer the world. And so starts the story...
okay well next we'll need some events, then we can start kinda shooting, well roleplaying the scenes out and then a grand opening

Supreme Hero
posted December 05, 2003 10:45 PM |
I guess you can say stupid things...sometimes. 
Personally, having read those books, I don't see Dingo(from what little I know about him) would be the best for "Dirk Pitt". I think he would be great for his friend Al, with his silly spammy comments and one-liners. But that's just me, up to Dingo if he wants it or not.
Nice combination of ideas. 
But, instead of the Allies using the "Army of Death", they would be trying to prevent the Axis from using it. Kinda like in Wolfenstein, B.J. was just stopping Operation "Ressurection".

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted December 08, 2003 12:05 AM |
I've decided to fill in the secret of the ancient guardian thing. Unfottunatly theres no awsome power. Legend says there is, but its really just treasure and a few books.
Dam men and their desire to affet the world for years :/

Supreme Hero
posted December 09, 2003 04:04 AM |
Is anything going to happen with this...?

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted December 10, 2003 11:44 PM |
sure thing.
sure wish I had a PC.

Famous Hero
King of all that is Chicken
posted December 13, 2003 05:42 AM |
righto... so we still need some people i think and we mite b able 2 start this...

Supreme Hero
posted December 21, 2003 05:30 AM |
If we still need people, keep the thread alive. Don't let it die.

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted January 01, 2004 06:36 AM |
Quote: If we still need people, keep the thread alive. Don't let it die.
Roger That.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.