Bomb allows you to delete adventure objects in game.
Place a structure (not a town, mine or a chracter, it does not work with them) you want to delete somewhere in the middle of the game and put a bomb on the same square(s). Type a name for the bomb, and now any placed, timed or triggered event or a quest hut can have the following script : "delete adventure objects". Select the name you just typed into you bomb as the marker name.
How to set placed events? Find Map properties from campaign menu. Select "events" tab. Choose "placed events" and take new. Give it a original name under general properties and then select what kind of action you want to create under "script" tab. Use sequence, if you want to have more than 1 action. If done, press OK and get back to the map. Place the yellow baloon where the event scould be and select the proper name.