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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Morrowind RPG OOC
Thread: Morrowind RPG OOC

Famous Hero
posted March 18, 2004 05:03 PM
Edited By: AMtwis on 19 Mar 2004

Morrowind RPG OOC

Okey, I was thinking at creating a role-playing game based on this wonderful game, but before I start, I think we need some players. For you that have played Morrowind :Make the Character you want. For those who haven't, here's what you can become:

Orc: A brutal warrior from the High Rock District. Has very much focus on strengh and endurance, but the Orc is not very bright. They have a profency for medium and heavy armor.

Breton: Along with the Orcs, the Bretons are living on High rock, too. The are pretty much the mages of the land. A Breton is very skilled in magic, thus making them very intellegent and wise.

Imperial. These pure humans are some of the fastest thinkers in the world. With not as much musclepower that some other races, the Imperial has focused in being weel-spoken and a good trader. These guys are a middle thing, pretty good in everything except magic skills. They have a profency for medium armor.

Redguard. These humans that have lived in the Hammerfell region has been trained with the long blade since they were born. that makes them the best long blade fighters in the whole world. They have a profency for medium armor. All Redguards may sometimes go Berserk and thus attack everything with even more power.

Nord: The fair-haired folk from the north, the Nords, are masters of the axe and blunt weapon. they are using axes and blunt weapons with great skill. they also have an magnicifent protection against any kind of cold.

High Elf: The High-elf is often seen as the world's best alchemists. they can probably make a potion from just about everything. they also have some profency in the magic school.

Dark Elf: the Dark-Elf is a mix between a versatile fighter and a good mage. They are skilled in using the short blade and light armor. Also, they are good at the part of magic that is all about destruction.

Wood Elf: the Wood-Elf is probably the one you should seek out if you are going to need an archer. their skill with the bow has been tested numerous times, but they are in the top of all shooters. They are, because of the bow, very agile and are using light armor.

Argonian: These creatures from the Black Marsh have a virutal immunity against every type of poison and disease. They are good at some Illusonist magic, but their real strengh lies in the spear. Also, they are probably the fastest creatures on the world. When living in a marsh, they know how to breath under water. They have a profency for light armor.

Khajiit: the Kahjiit is a creature that is very cat-like. They are born thieves, being agile and fast. They know how to ues weapons, but normally they are fighting with their claws. They are using Light armor. They also have built-in nightvision.

The base skills we are going to use is: Strengh, endurance, personality, willpower, intellegence, speed and agility.

There are many skills in the game:

This skill governs the creation, use, and recharging of enchanted items. Skilled enchanters are more successful at creating new items. Enchanted items burn less power, and are recharged more efficiently from soul gems, for a trained user. Governing Attribute: Intelligence

The destruction skill is the mastery of the spell effects of the College of Destruction. Their spells harm living and unliving things, and include elemental damage, draining, damaging, vulnerability, and disintegration magical effects. Governing Attribute: Willpower

Students of the College of Alteration manipulate the physical world and its natural properties. Alteration effects include water breathing and walking, jumping, levitating, burdening, opening and locking, and creating shield barriers against physical damage. Governing Attribute: Willpower

Spell effects of the College of Illusion alter the perceptions and thoughts of living subjects. Illusion effects blind, illuminate, paralyze, and silence, calm or enrage, charm, distract and camouflage, and render invisible.

The spell effects of the College of Conjuration include the mental domination of mundane and magical creatures, summonation of otherworldly weapons and armor, and summonation of Daedric or undead servants and powers to serve and protect the caster. Governing Attribute: Intelligence

The spells of the College of Mysticism shape and focus otherworldly forces to bind souls in gems, or teleport the caster's body, or manipulate the world with telekinesis, or absorb or reflect magical energies, or sense unseen objects at a distance. Governing Attribute: Willpower
Adepts of the College of Restoration heal, restore, and fortify the body's attributes and abilities, cure disease, and protect it from other malign influences. Restoration spells can also augment or absorb strength, endurance, intelligence, agility, and other bodily attributes. Governing Attribute: Willpower

Alchemy identifies magical properties in mundane substances. Substances are consumed directly, or prepared as potions to provide long-lasting benefits like healing and curing disease, water-walking, magical shielding, and fortifying bodily attributes. Governing Attribute: Intelligence

Unarmored skill lets one avoid or reduce injury during combat while not wearing any armor by evading, deflecting, or absorbing blows. Those versed in this skill are better defended wearing no armor at all than they are when wearing armor. Governing Attribute: Speed

Security skill lets one open locked doors and containers with lock-picks or disarm traps with probes. This skill is essential for agents and thieves alike. Governing Attribute: Intelligence

The Sneak discipline is the art of moving unseen and unobserved. Skilled sneaks are also adept pickpockets. Governing Attribute: Agility

Acrobatics skill enables one to jump long distances and to avoid damage when falling from great heights. Nimble acrobats can reach areas others cannot get to and can direct their paths while falling. Governing Attribute: Strengh

  Light Armor
Light armor skill lets one move and defend while wearing light-weight, flexible armors like leather, boiled leather, fur, chitin, and glass armor. To use any style of armor effectively, the wearer must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use. Governing Attribute: Agility

  Short Blade
Characters with great short-blade skill are more effective with short, quick, thrusting weapons like daggers, tantos, short swords, and wakazashis. Governing Attribute: Speed

With the marksman skill, one is more effective with ranged weapons like the short bow, long bow, crossbow, throwing star, and throwing knife. Governing Attribute: Agility
Mercantile skill is the art of buying low and selling high. This skill guarantees lower initial prices for goods, equipment, and services, and improves chances of getting better deals by bargaining. Governing Attribute: Personality

Those skilled in speechcraft influence others by admiring, intimidating, and taunting them. Listeners are more willing to divulge information or to entrust important tasks to the skilled speaker. Governing Attribute: Personality

  Hand to Hand
Hand-to-hand skill is the martial art of unarmed combat. Hand-to-hand attacks damage only the fatigue of a standing opponent, but hand-to-hand attacks damage health when a target has been knocked unconscious by fatigue loss. Governing Attribute: Speed

Block skill allows one to use shields to block any melee attack. A successful block removes all damage from the attack.
Governing Attribute: Agility  

Armorer skill is used to maintain weapons and armor at top effectiveness. Worn weapons do less damage. Worn armor provides less protection against attacks. As wear increases, the diminishing effectiveness of weapons and armor is dramatic.
Governing Attribute: Strength

  Medium Armor
Medium Armor skill lets one move and defend while wearing durable but flexible armors like chain, scale, bonemold, and Orcish armor. To use any style of armor effectively, the wearer must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use.
Governing Attribute: Endurance

  Heavy Armor
Heavy Armor skill is used to move and defend while wearing massive and rigid armors like iron, steel, silver, Dwemer, ebony, and Daedric armor. To use any style of armor effectively, the wearer must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use.
Governing Attribute: Endurance

  Blunt Weapon
Blunt Weapon skill makes you more effective when using heavy bashing weapons like maces, hammers, clubs, or staves.
Governing Attribute: Strength

  Long Blade
Long Blade skill lets one use broadswords, sabers, longswords, claymores, katanas, and dai-katanas effectively.
Governing Attribute: Strength  

Axe skill helps a user wield heavy chopping weapons like war axes and battleaxes more effectively.
Governing Attribute: Strength

Spear skill permits effective use of long-hafted thrusting weapons like spears and halberds.
Governing Attribute: Endurance

Athletics skill trains and conditions one for running and swimming. Skilled athletes move short and long distances over land with speed and efficiency, and they also swim swiftly underwater.
Governing Attribute: Speed

You can set out points to the skill you want to increase, but in the beginning you will have 100 skill points to spend. With every level you will get 15 skill points.

The leveling

the leveling system works completley diffrent in the real game, but to this rpg I will make it like this: The gamemaster will decide when the party has fought the battles required to level up. Members that "drop in" don't level up if it's like 2 fights left, but if we say the part just leveled, then they level at the same time.

Write if you want to play, what you are going to be and any comment's.

The Story

Born on a certain day with uncertain parents, forced to follow the prophecy of Nerevarine, the Ancient Dunmer warrior that united Morrowind. The reincarnation of the Dunmer warrior are.... you.

That is somewhat the piece form the game, but anyone that have some ideas on how to make it more, "multiplayer"??

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted March 19, 2004 04:06 PM

It sounds good, but most people like to see a nice story to pull them in.
Go Red Sox!

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Known Hero
Tucker is not a duck
posted March 19, 2004 04:51 PM

Got damn... i didn't know that you had such creativity, or that you actually survived writing that...
"Heed to my call, denizens of All poor countries! Viva la revolt!"

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted March 19, 2004 05:09 PM

Not really creativity - all this is taken from The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Known Hero
Tucker is not a duck
posted March 19, 2004 05:11 PM

I meant writing that damn long letter... he is from sweden after all...
"Heed to my call, denizens of All poor countries! Viva la revolt!"

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted March 19, 2004 05:12 PM

Yeah, copying and pasting is really hard.  
Nice idea, but there's already too many other RPGs to join right now.  Maybe when the other threads finish, but not right now.
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
From earth
posted March 20, 2004 06:28 PM

I'd play if I had time. Morowind was a great game to me at one time. Until there was way to much to talkto people about, and I'm sick of dropping stuff so I can carry expenses. (merrchants have hardly any stuff compared to what im trying to sell.)

Glass daggers yo'.. .2LBS at 6000 gold pieces. I collect them cuz the 45 pound demnor stuff is hard to sell.
All things are possible with God.
Nothing is possible without God.

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted March 20, 2004 06:52 PM

Pounds? I thought the weight in Morrowind was measured in stones...?
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 28, 2005 07:52 AM

Morrowind is one of my favorite games,the story is great and the free movement over all morrowind is the best thing i saw in rpgs.Im a big fan of this game,no other game took me so long time to end a game,but Morrowind is the King in this.After I finished Morrowind
by killing Dagoth-Ur,i was still playing it,and after a long pause i started again and I had become a Master or Grandmaster in all factions in the game,they are eleven,only i doesnt wanted to be in a thieves guild,but all others quest in other factions i finished.Well Im some level over 70 i think and I have done maybe 97 percents of all quests.Really a great game,everyone should try it.
When you go to hell tell my mom that i sent you,
you get a group discount.

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Supreme Hero
posted July 28, 2005 09:26 AM

Ah i guess we can try to revive this..ill just copy my character from Morrowwind

Race: Redguard
Favorite Attributes: Strength, Personality
Major Skills: Athletics, Medium Armor, Long Blade, Security ,Mercantile
Minor Skills: Speechcraft, Acrobatics, Sneak, Armorer, Marksman
Sign: The Lady

I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 28, 2005 03:28 PM

Mine is : Nord
I havent made a custom class but i think this skills are really usefull for barbarian so i was satisfied.Ive got them all on 100,only armorer I have on 71 or something like that.Another words-Im a walking killing machine
When you go to hell tell my mom that i sent you,
you get a group discount.

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Hired Hero
Centaur Master
posted September 05, 2005 10:12 PM

Indeed Morrowind is one of the best RPG ive played!! I am also a Nord Barbarian but i'm only level 12 ! Even if you wanted to join the thieves gulid
,,only i doesnt wanted to be in a thieves guild"(ConanAmra) you couldn't because you'll get expeld on the quest when you'll have the get a code book for the fighters guild from one of the members in the thieves guild!

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Adventuring Hero
posted September 06, 2005 04:59 PM

Thats something htat sounds familiar ,yeah there was something about the book or something like that.But anyway I wouldnt join them if i could
When you go to hell tell my mom that i sent you,
you get a group discount.

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Tavern Dweller
knopamål cave killer XXDXDXDXD
posted July 13, 2011 03:26 PM - penalty applied by alcibiades on 13 Jul 2011.


fancy an rpg shutdown XD
train-trucks infinite:VOLCANO

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Tavern Dweller
knopamål cave killer XXDXDXDXD
posted July 13, 2011 03:26 PM - penalty applied by alcibiades on 13 Jul 2011.


fancy an rpg shutdown XD
train-trucks infinite:VOLCANO

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