This is my RPG. Anyone can join, but they must abide by the rules. Pick a race, and supply a description. Read ahead;
This is a world in which battles are taken for granted. Dragons pillage the towns of men for food and Shiny Things. Men fight back, using cunning observations to find weak spots in the marauding army that has been thrust upon them. Wise hermits known as Wisards live in solitary sanctuaries wherever they find peace. Now, even the men see that the normal battles have turned into an all out war. The vicious beasts from the forests are displaying unusual behavior and attacking all those who are near, as if only to fan the flames of chaos. For the first time they are fighting under one power. Powerful artifacts wreak havoc among all who oppose those who weild them with magic. Shiny weapons, items or armour can make a battle quickly turn one sided in the favour of he/she who wears one. The Gods watch down and see all. All races fight. All races struggle. Only one will survive.
THE RACES: Humans or Heralds
The Humans gather their most intelligent and strong to resist the slaughter, forming the beginnings of a Faction. This is called the Campaign for Armies of Skilled Troops and Ledgendary Ennobles, or CASTLE for short. Long ago, Men tamed horses for thier use as travel and carrying capacity. Plated in thick Titanium Alloy, a rare resource commonly know as Shiny, these knights now have hope. Be it slim, as they know the only way of survival is to gather under one banner, the banner of Herald.
The Dragons or Sacred Enity
The Dragons thrive on bloodlust. They know not the meaning of companionship or loyalty, only of the value of the Shiny Things. Shiny things form great hordes in the caves and groups of which they live, where these Ancienct Entities lie. Only this will provide the protection they need to cover their soft underbelly. The Men-creatures hold food and Shiny Things in their very existence. Only they threated the Entities, only they do not know it. They must be stopped.
The Beasts or Plagued Ones
Beasts of all shapes and form have gathered in the forests. But now instead of hunting and murdering each other, they have come together. War is apon them. Men keep them at bay. Dragons scorch their forests. But that alone is not enough. Dark magic is at work. It would take much power to create a force to control such beings. Crude tools have sprung up in their new society as weapons of war. Uncivilised, hungry and driven by fury, these monsters are most definately a force to be reckoned with. Only a few elf leaders have sprung up as the only sentient beings from the forests to lead them, as their own kind.
The Wisards, or Wise Ones
These men are mysterious. Few have ventured to speak with them, and even fewer men have returned. But those who have, take back with them new knowledge and power or an Artifact, just a glimpse of what these rare Wisards can do. Unlike the Dragons and the Heralds, they do not interest themselves in the shiny ones. They are, by most standards, omniscient. They know the end is near. They know how to all, and how to save it. Unfortunately for all, not all Wisards agree on which side to choose. These Wise Hermits have been seen emerging from their sanctuaries for the first time in centuries, and they alone are the only ones who know why the beasts have joined the battle for Land.
1)Fill out this sheet and Post here to request to join!
SUBRACE: (beast only, you can make these up yourself)
MAIN ALIGNMENT: (good/evil/neutral... this can change)
SKILLS/ABILITIES: (no Herald may have one)
FIGHTING STYLE: (no Wisard may have one)
ITEMS: (max 5. limited to 1 Shiny Armour for herald and 1 artifact for Wisard. no other race may choose Shiny or Artifact.)
BACKGROUND: (short, 2-3 sentence bio of your character, and how they fit into this story)
PIC: (optional)
2)No spamming.
3) no more than 1 post in a row.
4) Try to keep from killing off main characters please!
5) dont ruin the story.
6) Keep your character realistic.
7)Stick to the races. Races come with enemies and friends, and this is not changeable!
8)Pics are encourage to give feel for what youre trying to tell.
9) THERE ARE NO RULES! just kidding.
This is based on first in first served. Gods are more powerful beings, and have a position of leadership in this story. There is a God for each race;
HERALDS- [insert name here], Angel god of Blades.
ENTITIES- [insert name here], Dragon god of Hunger.
BEASTS- [insert name here], Spirit Beast of Devastation.
WISARDS- [insert name here], Wise Leader of Power and Knowledge.
---These people get extra artifacts, skills, etc.---
Angel God (1)
King (1)
Knight (2)
Dragon God (1)
Dragon (2)
Spirit Beast (1)
Marauder (2)
Wise Leader (1)
Wisard (2)
The Slayer is almighty and powerful, and plays a key role in the battles that make up the War for the Land. I take control of Titan the Slayer. One player can take control of some troops, or if the prerequisites are met, an army, and can attack or do what they wish in one turn. However you cannot control the enemy. A battle will usually be decided by the slayer according to these rules:
1)the more powerful army
2)the more cunning moves
3)whoever has slayers favour. this is Gained by:Praying, Abiding by the rules, being sensible and realistic. Lost by: Being stupid, being unrealistic, trying to make yourself all powerful etc.
4)the storyline
Sieges: The main idea of the game includes but is not limited to, laying siege to enemy encampments(see map in main thread). If you realistically travel the distance to an encampment, attack fairly and follow the rules, you will lay seige to a town, and their fate will be decided on their defences, and whoever has the Slayers favour. Note that once all enemy encampments are destroyed, there will still be more enemies, and they can make more.
i feel that i have left the story quite open, on purpose to make room for a fully custom story, which depends on the moves of all the players. but i do hav a story in mind, and if all else fails i can throw it into action, so the story will never lack direction or originality. peace is an option, but no one wants to join up with another race now do we?
now please, post your character and when i say go, the war will rage!
John says to live above hell.
The Slayer is a mysterious monster who emerged from a volcano when the beasts attacked. This is the same volcano which creates the Shiny Ones. No one knows which side this massive Giant will take.
My Character:
NAME: Titan
RACE: Slayer
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Giant Molten Monster, as wide as he is tall. Lava seeps through the cracks in his hide.
SKILLS/ABILITIES: Crushing fists, lava eruption.
FIGHTING STYLE: Slow, burning and crushing.
ITEMS: None.
BACKGROUND: No one knows much about this slayer, except for the Wise Leader of the Wisards. He knows that he will play a key role in the last act of the Land.
Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted September 04, 2004 08:29 PM
I'll be that Angel God of Blades. My avatar is an archangel after all. Do God's need character sheets though? If so I'll fill one out after a response.
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case
thanks gorman. yes do fill out the sheet. you get your own name, abilities as you wish (keep em realistic if you want to win the game) all i ask is that you keep the title of the Angel of Blades, but you get your own name. ive updated the OOC on how to play now, so check again. the Angel of Blades is needed for the Humans to complete the game ____________
John says to live above hell.
Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted September 05, 2004 02:19 AM
NAME: Gorman, Angel god of Blades
RACE: Diety *a god*
MAIN ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Standing rougly 6 foot, blonde hair, very muscular
SKILLS/ABILITIES: *do god's get abilities?* the ability to instantly slay one enemy a day, ability to cast a protective shell over allies to prevent magical attacks and dragon's breath
FIGHTING STYLE: a typical swordsman only more of an expert with all weapons, usually fight by swooping down and chopping off the heads, arms, or other limbs of my enemies.
ITEMS: A long, golden sword; golden bow w/an endless quiver of arrows *I'll count that as 2 items*; a tankard of godly ale *if any mortal drinks a sip of this they are instantly drunk*; and my holy palace in the Celestial Realm where god's dwell
BACKGROUND: Having created this world w/my fellow god's I've taken a particular interest into the humans whom I had created. Intellegent and clever they sparked and held my interest over the eons. As other creatures have suddenly started attacking them I've felt the need to establish my aid to their services.
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case
nice. keep em coming. gods not only GET special abilities, they get extra. i think 1 per normal person will do, dontcha think? gods/leaders/spirits get 2.
John says to live above hell.
Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted September 06, 2004 06:46 PM
Nonononono! Don't change the whole thing just because of me. Besides, if it turns out to be good, then I'll prolly join anyway.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!
Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted September 07, 2004 04:32 PM
Why not be an extremely greedy and exceptionally weak dragon, who is forced by the two characteristics to be very cunning? ____________
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!
NAME: Mitzah, Commander of the Forest Guard
MAIN ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Dark green appearance...
SKILLS/ABILITIES: Immune to mind spells and attacks, hates liches...
FIGHTING STYLE: An expert in blades, lightning hit
ITEMS:Adamantine helmet and blades, adamantine armor...
BACKGROUND: The lives of the elves are a mistery(or not)...
____________ | The HoMM Channel |
Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted September 08, 2004 12:18 AM
I object your honor!
I know it's not my place as it IS your storyline, but not all elves were bad and I simply can't see humans "hunting them for food". Perhaps there could be 2 kinds...the Drow who could be dark elves w/the Beasts and regular Elves that would be w/the Knights. Just an idea.
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case
OOC UPDATE: these elves are the evil kind. the beasts were never hunted for food, sorry for the misunderstanding, but the "beasts" refer to forest dwelling monsters, and NOW, also refers to the sentient beings who also inhabit the trees and forests.
theyre not BAD, but just opposed to being forced into the forests, or anywhere for that matter.
John says to live above hell.
Name: Black Head
Gender: ?
Race: Dragon
Subrace: ?
Main Alignment: Evil
Psychical Appearance: Pretty small but very fast flying
Skills: Fire Breath (is this count as a special ability or is it included if choose dragon?)
Fighting Style: Fast speed. Usually fights while flying
because isn't so strong at land.
Items: none
Background: This dragon has very dark black head and is well known for its flying abilities but not as so strong land fighter.
Please notice me if I forgot something.
I am new to this and I may need help.
OOC UPDATE: I removed the pre defined goals, as they now dont seem necessary.
Undead Lord, thanks thats great! but i would like people to supply pics w/ their characters and chapters (when we come to that), but i have heaps that suit the story and characters so IM me if you want ____________
John says to live above hell.