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Heroes Community > Tournament of Honor > Thread: Suggestion: To report Honor level when reporting a win or loss
Thread: Suggestion: To report Honor level when reporting a win or loss This thread is 3 pages long: 1 2 3 · «PREV

Known Hero
posted August 02, 2001 07:02 PM

Things sound good to me Ves.  I think in time it will prove a good tool for people to use and hopefully all will have 100% honor ratings too.....that would be a great thing I would think.  Additionally a couple spats or negatives on a record of a truly honorable person is not going to matter as they continue to play.

As for people making honor ratings without finishing a game that will not be happenning.  Only administrators might actually do this after a dispute maybe, which is a completely different situation.

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Famous Hero
posted August 02, 2001 08:03 PM

to me...

it just seems like it wont work, because everyone has their own ideal of honor... for example, some consider hit and run dishonorable. would someone who does it deserve a low honor rating?

I admit I dont like hit and run, but on another hand it is part of the game...so cant label them as dishonorable can we?

I like how the current honor medal system is...a group of established players choose some, and just from that you can get a good idea.

I just wouldnt trust a system where anyone can determine your honor rating esp if the person for fun thinks u should get a low rating for that game...so many things can happen

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Known Hero
Computer Puppet
posted August 02, 2001 08:51 PM


Dealing with droppers and such..i think you should report em...almost like a win..you put your name and theres..(better hope you got it before they dropped!) and you check the box labeled Booted/Dropped or whatever..and due to bad connections and such..you would need alot of these to lower your honor percentage...
"I Don't Cheat, I Just Interview Incase The Relationship Doesn't Work Out."

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Known Hero
posted August 03, 2001 06:23 AM

jb's a snob

Hehehe, I think it will be a usefull tool, the beauty of it is that the numbers in the end will average out in a truthfull way. It is the beauty of statistics that with enough of a sample pool the accurracy goes up. So even if you are worried about somebody else dropping your HS,( Honor Stats ),don't be. the more you play the more a true picture of your honor or lack there of will appear.In other words, the best way to get an accurate picture of how honorable you actually are is to leave it up to others! The best part of this is that the peeps who play the most will have the most accurate HS. This will mean more to new players as generally it's the peeps who play the most who are highest in rank and worth the most points for advancement. Therefore they would be the ones you would most like to know if they honorable or not! HEHEHE, such as my old buddie JB!!

P.S. I would really be interested in seeing the actual perception of how honorable many of the top players are as graded by there peers

P.P.S. Sorry, don't beleive in ended my posts with stupid quotes!! Seems a bit snobish and slavish to a silly fashion if you ask me

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Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted August 03, 2001 07:16 AM
Edited By: vesuvius on 1 Sep 2001

think dynamically

Remember, that if a player tends to be honorable, they will be up there in the 70+, its going to happen even if there are a few bad experiences.  This rating system will simply show some of the more poor playing types, thats pretty much what I see it for.  If a player is 'high honor' or 'very honorable' to me its just as good.

JB's quote "for example, some consider hit and run dishonorable. would someone who does it deserve a low honor rating? "
Well, im sure players will still have things in their zone room titles like 'no h&r, no diplomacy etc' or whatever will be an issue in homm4.  Usually these players play others of similar interest.  If a conflict occurs on a rule issue, TOH has no rules, so its their problem, and if there is a 'dishonorable' click, who cares, its -4%, and if the player plays often, chances are if they are generally honorable that -4% is an isolated and irrelevant problem.

Also, remember not to put this rating system here into too much of a big issue, its only one entry on a player search/info, it isnt THAT significant.

But I must say, this was one of the most innovative ideas from a TOH player I've had that will come to be a good part of TOH.


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