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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Uthrlyn Menace
Thread: Uthrlyn Menace

Hired Hero
posted October 30, 2004 02:18 AM

Uthrlyn Menace

'Ello all, I'm kind of new, so forgive me for mistakes I make during this RPG.Yes, I am Making and RPG, Maybe I hould have gotten some more experiance yes but I havnt really found any RPG to fit my likings so I figured, [Lets Create One!]


Uthrlyn Menace

[I'll be constantly improving this]

This is a glimpse of Eavere. A sub-continent of my own design, completely origianal. Now, you may be wondering [How can I RP in some enviroment wich I've never seen and know nothing about?] Well, to help you with the second part of Your thought, I'll go into a brief description of the places you witness.

-Land of the Humans, Velli is split into 7 differant Provinces. (see map) Refer to normal mythology/D&D descriptions for the nature of the Humans that dwell there.

~ElvenForest~ Unknown, even to locals of Eavere. place of Elves.

~Dwarglyn~ Land of Dwarves, not much is Known about this place either, Dwarves consider it sacriligious to alow any other race to step upon the tops of their terraced mountains. Very Pious people.

~Plateau of WIzards~ a dark place under perpetual shround of clouds, constantly storming. One great Plateau. All over landscape various pillars of pure rock rise randomly. There is what seems to be a floating castle about the very center of the Plat. (only viewable from some mountains) No man ha gone more than 5 miles into it and survived. Presumed that wizards reside their by the fact that many years agom the wizards of all races packed up and left for the plat.

~Qullm~Land of Gnomes. No humans live their, and the land is rather desolate, beacause all of the Gnomes live underground.

~Uthrlyn Grisht~ Impassible mountain regions separate the "Unknown Land of Foggy" (literal dwarven translation) An entrirely ifeeant world may lie there.

**[Note]. SInce many of you probably wont, and you are advised not to, be a citezen of Eavere, Uthrlyn Grisht will be a great excuse for where you came from, but make it inventive people. IF you want to be a Native, somehow put your charecter in the dark about most of Eavere, you dont want to look like you know what your talking about and make someplace up, (thats for me) because it would go against my plot for the story.[/note]**


Aliright Kiddies (could not resist) when I write my entire post in italics and put "ADM:"i am acting As Dungeon Master (lol, I'll would be describing scenes or whats goin on) and when I type normaly Ill be in my charecter

**I take a solemn pledge not to Godmode, but sometime using the landscape I will guide where the party will go (only just a general direction)**


I will start by describing my charecter
Name: Thio Vlin
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Weight: 195lbs.
Race: Human
        Discription: [Head] Long silky scarlet hair, with a small beard of the same hue.  A long crooked nose and normal sized lips. Deep green eyes, with a large brow, wich casts his eyes in shadows sometimes.[Body] Rather tall and slimly muscular, his arms and legs are long. He has  rather large feet that trip him up sometimes as well.
        Garb: [Travel]

          [Battle Gear]


Ok, I'll push us off.

Thio Vlin is sitting on a bench in a small square in the City of Hillner, playing a game of chance with a stranger. He roles the die again, and loses yet another round.
"'Ell? I told ye I did, this ones unlucky, bet you'll do better next time eh?" the little man said in heavy slang. The man attempts to take Thios money, lying on the bench.
"Not so fast!" Thio barks as he reaches down for his money "I think you cheated me!"The little man looks around nervously and then suddenly pull out a bag of what appears to be sand and sprays it all over Thio. With sufficiant distraction, the con takes the gold.
     After a second, Thio can see again and races after the theive who so "craftily" beguiled him. He crosses a coblestone road and does not see the oncoming explosion.
In a flash the cobbles on the cobblestone street erupt of the pavement and people are sent flying, and a building*(a pub Thio happened to like) collapsed. The force of the explosion was such that Thio was thrown back aproxamatly 10 feet, and is caught in a tree. He stayed there for a second, and then the branch began to slope and a curse escapes his mouth, and he fall into the ground in a crumpled heap.
    Looking up and seeing stars, Thio sees a gloved hand reach down to help him.

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Legendary Hero
posted October 30, 2004 09:12 AM

i'll join. however i must warn you that RPG's tend to not work too well if you have the story plotted out already.

heres my character:
Name: Kilmo
Gender: Male
Age: unknown
Weight: 250stone (dwarven measurement)
Race: Dwarf
Discription: Long red hair, big sharp teeth. Very strong and muscular, stubby. His background is unknown, he does not remember much of his past, but he grew up in the Dwarglyn, and he now has a house in Blil, Ism. He travels alot, and is a very fierce warrior. He has the innate ability to channel flames, although how he acquired this he is yet to find out. Very, very rude and obnoxious, cares little for anyone except himself.

Kilmo on a quest:

Kilmo in a battle:

John says to live above hell.

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Hired Hero
posted October 30, 2004 02:29 PM
Edited By: ThioVlin on 30 Oct 2004

OoC:The story isnt plotted out, theres just a few things that I know when and where they should happen,, if they should happen at all. Ok, Titanium,[Kilmo] maybe now you can figure out where yur introduced (you could be the person whos hand reached down to help me) or you could come in later.Comeon guys, we need some more Rp'ers!Also, Titan' in my story, dwarves dont live under the mountains, they terraced them and live on top of them. The gnomes are the ones who live underground. Im going to have fun with themL

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Legendary Hero
posted November 03, 2004 12:58 PM
Edited By: TitaniumAlloy on 3 Nov 2004

"Another mead 'ere." Kilmo grunted as the tavern wench passed him by. He took another sip from his mug and reaslised he was being ignored.
"I said another mead, NOW! Not when yer bloody feel like it! Ooban Tesh!"Kilmo smashed his fist on the table, causing the table to shake and a half empty glass to tip over.
"Alright, alright, I'm coming~! Short folk these days..."The lady muttered, bringing the obnoxios runt his drink. She was quite pretty, her looks didn't suit her occupation.

"Now be off with ye."Kilmo said snatching the drink as she clapped it town on the table. The room was low rooved, and only revealed by dim light. Skulling down his 8th mead he eyed the other patrons. Just the usual. There was a short and pale man who sits up front, moping over his widow. A beggar elf (a rare site indeed) who sells her body to lonely men, fetching a rightful high price. A group of dark cloaked figures who gathered around in a dark corner discussing Lord-Knows-What. And then there was Kilmo. This bunch was not the rowdiest of tavern-dwellers, but they never charmed the owner too much. Kilmo threw two brass coins on the table and got up to leave out into the slums. It was getting dark already, but Kilmo was not in a rush to get anywhere. He had no place to go.

Suddenly, caught wondering what to do next, a knife flew past his face and a veil of thick smoke drifted down around him from the rooftop behind him, rendering him sightless. The sound of three bandits dropped down around him, and the sound of drawing swords rung in his ears. Although this was not the first time Kilmo had been mugged, he was taken by surprise and panicked, tripping over himself he dropped his hand axe. Totally unprepared the smoke drifted away to unmask three strong men armed with swords and clubs, obviously just bandits fighting together to earn some gold.

'Who do they think they are ambushing me?!'After frantic searching as the attackers grew closer, Kilmo spotted the life saver- a glowing lantern on the wall of the Horse's Cup Tavern. Kilmo's eyes began to glow and he drew his hands in the air. The flame from the lantern grew in his hands, and he threw a large fireball at the cultists before they could grasp what was happening. They were blown back into a side alley and Kilmo used this time to escape.

Ooban ichadimash, Kilmo cursed those damned thieving fools. But once again, his ever cunning wit saved the day. Kilmo suspected that somehow they would have killed each other in mutiny anyway.
John says to live above hell.

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Hired Hero
posted November 05, 2004 12:00 AM

Thio takes the gloved hand and is pulled up. Then a whistle of something large falling through the air and a thud of a rock hitting the ground, drew his attention away from the hand. There was a sizzling stone, right where his head would have been.
  Thio turned around and began to say thanks, when he realized "There is no one there!" There wasnt time to ponder; another explosion had just been let off in another part of the city! As Thio gazed on stupidly, he saw a dwarf racing out of a dark aley, and noticed his and where sizzling, right before a he beheld a great bolder heading straight for the Dwarf!
 As if time had slowed, Thio raised his arms without knowing what he was doing. He screamed something incomprehensible and suddenly from his hands, a disturbance in the air flickered into view, and the odd disterbance headed toward the flying bolder like a wave. There was a bird in the way, but it suddenly fell out of the air. (it was later found with its entire body crushed) The wave broke like a tide on the boulder.
 A sort of sonic boom accured, and a wave of energy came out like a nuclear explosion. Then the noise came, and almost ruptured Thios ears. By the time the noise passed, the rock had been split into a myriad of small pebbles, wich proceded to rain on the dwarfs head, doing not much harm.
  Then Thio felt exhausted, and fell back to the ground, thinking "I didnt stay on my feet very long,"
This time though, he had enough energy to pull himslef up again.

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Adventuring Hero
Old Soul young body
posted November 05, 2004 12:24 AM
Edited By: deathshadow on 4 Nov 2004

May i join?  
Name: Nynaeve
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Weight: 120 lbs
Race: Human
Discription: Unnatural Purple hair, thin but muscular, tanned face from living in the mountains. Of the barbarian caln oumaya.  Strongest female warrior of the clan, horrible at magic. Prefers to fight with a halberd or a longsword.  Is the daughter of the Chieftan's bodyguard, who died when Nynaeve was 9.  Thought of by many as scary and emotionless, but is not if you can get through to her.

Sorry, I don't know how to make those picture things, so, yeah.

Nynaeve fought air as she trained with her longsword.  The air bit at her exposed face and arms, but she was trained through this.  Moving into step for the next formation she punctured snow with her heavy boots.  As she twisted and puncured the air with a move taught to her by her father, she caught the slightest glimpse of her mother walking onto the large snowy cliff.  
"Nynaeve, dinner will be ready soon, you will be needed tonight so you can make your speech as the new Chieftan's bodyguard," Nynaeve's mother shifted to look at her daughter. "You've grown so much over the years, I'm proud I can call you my daughter," This was high praise for a barbarian race.  And inside, Nynaeve was glowing with joy at this, but outside she showed no emotion, making her seem like a statue that could breathe.  
As she walked back to the village, she thought once again of her father, then stopped her train of thought abruptly so she would not show emotion.  Tonight was her night, best not mess it up.  
Adjusting her belt and sword, she sat at the long dining hall table.  Tonight the village celebrated her with a feast of roast boar and quail eggs, a rare bird egg for the village and thought of as a treat.  She ate with practiced neatness as she reviewed the speech in her head.  
With trained ears better than most humans, she heard the muffled trot of horses as they pounded through the snow.  Then she heard the bell of the watchtower signaling everyone to evacuate as soon as possible.  She had only heard the bell once, before the rebuilding of the village.  People had come in on horseback and burned the village down, as well as killed her father.  
This was emergency. Suddenly everyone in the dining hall was up and running to the path that lead to the back trail down the mountain.  She ran too.  She ran, blind with grief and rage at the memory of her father's death.  She ran swiftly down the mountain, and away from her people into the woods where she finally collapsed from exaustion from her grief and her run.

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Hired Hero
posted November 05, 2004 12:59 AM

ooc: erm, name where u are [near] on the map plz, and think of a way to come to hilner,that basicaly where the party meets.

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Adventuring Hero
Old Soul young body
posted November 05, 2004 05:13 AM

erm, may i create mountains in northern pwin or ta?  it may help... 0:-)

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