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Heroes Community > Tournament of Honor > Thread: Funniest Dang Heroes game ever played!
Thread: Funniest Dang Heroes game ever played!

Known Hero
Have fantasies, will travel...
posted August 13, 2001 12:31 AM

Funniest Dang Heroes game ever played!

My opponent (who shall remain nameless) challenged me to a random large map game in Heroes Encounters for points. He is a lev 1 and the level difference gives him 60,000 gold to buy troops or take into the game. He took 60,000 gold. Suspecting this was the point, I bought 500 Gremlins to start with. Well gold isnt everything! We both draw the Tower and with all that gold he decides to go for Giants in week 1 by skipping the Tavern build. He has a secondary hero to pick up resources anyway and he can see a Sawmill and 4 piles of wood. It looks like he will make it on day 4 but his secondary goes in a different direction from the Sawmill for some reason and the computer Alamar attacks his main and he is forced to surrender. He has no wood, spent it all, his secondary cant get to all that wood by day 7 and his Main will disappear from the non existant Tavern on Day 1. Remember, in this tourney if you lose your main.... you lose the game. So he says..... "Can you send me some wood"
The Gods have brought us together... I can't imagine why.

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Known Hero
Shadow Ruler
posted August 13, 2001 12:41 AM


His idea was not that bad, but his luck was. And has all storys, also this has a point, build a tavern has soon has you can, unless you have one near your castle.

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Hired Hero
posted August 13, 2001 12:49 AM

So, did you give him any wood?


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Adventuring Hero
posted August 13, 2001 01:24 AM

wood is damn expensive :)

i would have offered 4 wood saying that is all u can spare, and cuz it is so scarce is gonna cost 40000 gold

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Known Hero
Have fantasies, will travel...
posted August 13, 2001 01:50 AM


Tam, I really wanted to give him the wood but.... just think how bad I wood have felt if he had made Giants in week 1 with plenty of gold to actually buy them!

Good idea about charging 40,000 for the wood, I wish I wood have thought of it!
The Gods have brought us together... I can't imagine why.

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Hired Hero
posted August 13, 2001 03:02 AM

LOL, yeah, that could´ve been a bummer.-) Though not, as you say, if you´d have gotten all the gold - would´ve been funny to see just HOW much he really wanted that wood.

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Tavern Dweller
posted August 16, 2001 01:55 AM

The Funniest game i have ever played lemme remember there several but the funniest was when i played a guy don't remember the map he has a super hero some like 30 to all and i have a gurnison ( spec basilta ) with 30 atack 10 def 10 spell and 10 knol he got diplo and joined a lot aaaa i remember the map now hg and i played like s*** well like i allways play and he atacked me and stoped one movent shortof my caslte i had no money and no recources to but the army and i asked him to give me money and resources to buy the army and i kicked his A$$

® by Alex

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Famous Hero
posted August 16, 2001 04:30 AM

The funniest game I played was when I played on fulcrum.
I played with Kyre and when I got to his castle he barely had some troops bought. So I sent him 20 of every resource and 40000 gold and after 4 days he bought, upgraded  the army , and finally fought.

"You sound like zsa who only plays the game on forums" - Russ

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Known Hero
posted August 16, 2001 04:32 AM

and Zsa who won ????
If we ever will time travel in the future . Why haven't people from the future visited us yet

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Famous Hero
posted September 04, 2001 10:47 AM
Edited By: haile73 on 4 Sep 2001

Here's one funny game I remember, against TDWTDW... in the middle of the game he asked for a 10 minute break. I asked why and he said "have to drive daughter to swimming.. thought wife would do it". LOL
I agreed and when he was gone, I frequently typed something like "are u there?", just to pass the time... suddenly there was a reply "Yeah, I'm there, but I'm not my father".. so I chatted some time with TDWTDW's son, who seems to share his father's addiction for the game
I tried my best to get some secrets out of him ("you don't want to tell me where your father's main hero is right now?"), but this boy just didn't do it ("No!")
Anyway, it was some of the games with a human touch - and great fun!

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Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted September 04, 2001 12:04 PM

Here's one funny game I remember, against TDWTDW... in the middle of the game he asked for a 10 minute break. I asked why and he said "have to drive daughter to swimming.. thought wife would do it". LOL
I agreed and when he was gone, I frequently typed something like "are u there?", just to pass the time... suddenly there was a reply "Yeah, I'm there, but I'm not my father".. so I chatted some time with TDWTDW's son, who seems to share his father's addiction for the game
I tried my best to get some secrets out of him ("you don't want to tell me where your father's main hero is right now?"), but this boy just didn't do it ("No!")
Anyway, it was some of the games with a human touch - and great fun!


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Known Hero
Lord of Black Magic
posted September 04, 2001 08:26 PM

Here is one more funny game. I prepared to start last attack (was attacking his last town). My oponent knew that i would win (my hero was much stronger than his) so he just said: "Are you chicken? Everyone can beat oponent with his strongest hero. Why dont you give your army to your weakest hero and than attack me?"

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Known Hero
Young Warrior
posted September 06, 2001 01:22 PM

My funniest game was when opponent came with only back dragons and i had black orb.  I had full army.  Need less to say i had more health will all units 2 survie the arrmagedon, and his poor black dragons didnt sorry.
¤¤¤ Attila ¤¤¤

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Famous Hero
I am a mean person shame on me
posted November 06, 2001 04:47 PM

funny game fast game

Funniest and stupidist thing i ever did in a heroes game happened in my game against moppy. I was all pumped up during the loading screen getting ready for 2min turns. I was extremely tired having just woken up 1 min ago was all geared up then .... I couldn't move my hero just click on my town ( i was clicking furiously swearing my arse off.. I told moppy my dilema and thought the timer was comin so i dropped without thinking much... moppy comes back to the zone and says... Um.. you know.... you CANT move your heroes during MY TURN. I couldn't stop laughing for about 20 min

ps to all those hardcore gamer please wake up first before you play.

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Legendary Hero
posted November 06, 2001 04:51 PM

hahahah kewl story!
I can just picture u sitting there all sleepdrunk!
If you want to realize your dreams >>> you have to wake up!@

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Famous Hero
posted November 06, 2001 11:55 PM

Hehee Mad.
Id like to play u in that mood
Funniest game I had, was one of the 2 times I played BM, was pretty drunk when I started the game, prolly why I agreed to play BM. But after a few turns I started sobering up. Imagine the hangovers slowly creeping over u, while ur stomach refuses to coorperate with ur brain.
Well did the only thing I knew, scoured through my apartment for some more liqour, untill I finally stumbled across some Strega.
For those of u who dont know what that is, well it looks like urine, and it tastes like urine, only good thing to say about it, is that it contains 38% alcohol.
Pretty drunk again, I managed to finish the game, and even won it, by some odd stroke of luck.
Geewauw, who said BM


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Famous Hero
posted November 07, 2001 10:00 AM

Deadly serious

Combo artifacts are pure cheese but if I can assemble one I will unless there is a rule against it.

Vs Morrolan he drew Thant/Necro and I drew Conflux.

I could not get a good hero so I settled on Solmyr.

I know some will say Solmyr rocks but I don't like him much on an X-Large map which this one was. Random by the way, strong monsters.

On day 1 I noticed the dead mans boots and into week 4 I noticed the Cowl guarded by some dragons.

Needless to say I found the 3rd piece but one problem;

No necro!!!

I hired dismissed...traded in all my resources...did not buy creatures for over a week and FINALLY got one.

I was beginning to wonder if maybe the other necros that he did not buy were hidden in prisons somewhere.

Anyway it was a cheesey win but ironic nonetheless for Thant to be done in by his own cloak.



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Known Hero
posted December 22, 2001 07:48 PM

Maybe not the Funniest game

But it made me laugh

I was playing my opponent on Hourglass3.  This is the 4th time I played this person(no names) in about 2-3 weeks. And the first 3 times he got beat fairly badly We played no rules and seemed to like walking around with just his lvl 7. I killed him 2 games in a row where he never got to move in the final fight. So I am hoping he will do better a fourth time. Anyways thats just background info.

So it is Week 2 Day7 on hg3, on his turn he asks for a reload. I asked what happenned. He said the Mighties got good morale and killed something they werent suspose to. I say sure, I dont want the game to end like this. We reload. He asks for me to wait to before ending my turn. As he said 'I got a big turn and need to play my move out'. I said cool, and watched as 4 minutes went by, before he said he was ready for it, lmao. 10 minutes into his turn again he asks for reload. Actually he said 'gg', I said the same thing? 'Yep' he said. I found this very amusing. So we reload again. So now on his third try in the same fight. I am really hoping he can do it. Because each time he played this turn out it took 10 minutes and 3-4 minutes preparing for it. I get the active message again, and this time he didnt say much. I believe it was to the effect of "**** ****** ******* ****** ****", rofl. I will give my opponent this, he doesnt give up easily. LOL.

There's one of the more funny recent games.
I remember one of older games that my Old man thought to be very funny.
This goes way back. Before either of us was in ToH. We had the computers set up on opposite ends in the same room. And had our chairs back-to-back when we played over the LAN. We were playing some horriblily small stock map. I cant remember the name. I had seen where to find the grail and where he was located. I swooped in when I saw his home town deserted, was day 5 or 6. Hehe, Pops wasnt too happy about that. I believe his words were "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM???". I had a very good laugh, I loved torturing the old guy back then  One of my scouts dug up the grail. I had to contain my joy when I found it, or my opponent might notice something was up. Day 7 now and I couldnt get the grail to my hometown before the end of the turn, as I was too busy trying to find his main hero and troops. There was no sign of them. It looked safe so I put the grail, on day7, into his castle. I ended my turn and started to figure out how to get my new troops out to me. Then out of no where came his my troops and hero. My reaction to losing the castle was a little less controlled then when I found the grail. I believe my exact words were "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!". This was followed by my dad laughing his butt off for the next 2 days!! He was quite pleased to find 3 behemoths and a grail structure in his home town. Argh, whoever said "He who laughs last, laughs best" was damn right.

He still loves to till this story, hehe. I suspose I can understand why. Alot of times I have wanted to see my opponent's face or reaction when something very unexpected happens.

7 more hours to kill untill I go see LoTR........

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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted December 22, 2001 09:47 PM

What was relly fuuny was what i did when i first started playing in encounters, i was facing a nameless opponent & i had 10 sultans & 20 gogs & i went against a hoard of hell hounds.
Well i did not know that you can rehire your main hero & as craig says once you lose your hero thats it. well thats what happened & luckily the game got cancelled so i did not lose lol otherwise i would of lost

Dreaming of a Better World

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